Title: Qualitative Interviewing Approaches and practical issues
1Qualitative Interviewing Approaches and practical
- 05/02/2008
- Marta Trzebiatowska
2Lecture outline
- Qualitative vs. quantitative interviews
- What is distinctive about qualitative
interviewing? - Implications for interview design
- Categories
- How to prepare for an interview
- Sampling/choosing your interviewees
- Group interviews (focus groups)
- Interview schedule and setting up an interview
- Conduct during an interview
- Truth and validity
- Recording and transcribing
- Bryman (2004), Ch15 and Ch 16
3Qualitative vs. quantitative
- Qualitative interviews
- Unstructured/semi-structured
- Schedule flexible
- Speaking off-topic as desirable
- Rich and detailed answers desirable
- Quantitative interviews
- Structured
- Schedule rigid
- Speaking off-topic as an obstacle
- Brief and easily coded answers desirable
4What is distinctive about qualitative
- Intense listening
- A systematic effort to hear data
- Respect for your interviewees
- In-depth exploration of the topic
- Openness to new understandings and meanings
- A great adventure (Rubin and Rubin, 1995)
5How do qualitative interviews differ from
- The researcher has a goal
- Interviews are a research tool
- Interviews are recorded
- More depth than an ordinary conversation
(probing, listening without interrupting) - The data are analysed and shared through
publications - With strangers and acquaintances
6Implications for interview design
- 1. Finding out detailed information about how
your interviewees understood what they saw, heard
and experienced - It helps to understand what they think and ground
it in the context of their experience (nuance,
detail, evidence)
7Implications for interview design
- 2. Awareness of our relationship with the
interview partner - How do they perceive us?
- How do these perceptions affect what they reveal?
- Obligation on both sides
8Implications for interview design
- 3. Qualitative interviews are personal!
- Who you are and how you deal with the interview
situation matters - Your reactions (verbal, facial expressions,
gestures) will determine the interviewees
reactions mutually reinforcing
- Unstructured interviews
- Semi-structured interviews
- Topical oral histories
- Life (hi)stories
- Evaluation interviews
- Focus group interviews
10Life (hi)stories
- Focus on the experience of the individual and
what they felt as they passed through different
stages of life - A window on social change
11What do we consider when preparing for a life
story interview?
- a sketch of the stages or phases of your life
- a sense of the pivotal events in your life
- key themes around work, love and play
- conflicts
- key people
- the artefacts of your life
- your changing body and the places in has been
- spiritual quests coherence and contradiction in
your life - a chart of how you have seen yourself at
different stages of your life who are you now,
how have you changed? - life secrets you cannot tell (Plummer, 2001 123)
12Group interviews/focus groups
- A focus group
- A group interview
- Centred on a specific topic
- Co-ordinated by a moderator/facilitator
- To generate qualitative data by capitalising on
the interaction within the group setting
13When to use focus groups?
- When developing guidelines for future research
- The purpose of the research is to uncover factors
relating to complex behaviour - When looking for ideas emerging from the group
14Preparing for qualitative interviewing
- Whats the problem? What do I want to know?
- Start from a broader theme, then narrow it down
- The topic will be modified by what the
interviewee says - Is your topic appropriate for qualitative
15Research topic
- You must be interested in the issues and the
topic must be grounded in the lives of your
interviewees - Ideas for qualitative interviewing come from
everywhere - Curiosity or political commitment may motivate you
- Representative not always possible
- Depends on the topic you may wish to interview
individuals who have the kind of knowledge you
are interested in (purposive sampling) - Snowball sampling
- Theoretical sampling (interviewing until you
reach data saturation and letting your theory
guide your choice of interviewees) - or interviewing whoever you can get hold of!
(convenience sampling)
17Interview schedule
- An outline of questions/ a script is a good idea
- Main questions
- Follow-up questions
- Probes
- Open-ended or closed questions?
18Interview schedule an example
- Ideas about child-rearing
- How would you described a good child as opposed
to a bad child? - How do you think they become good or bad
children? - When your children grow up, what kind of
qualities would you like to see in him or her? - Do you see yourself as a good and competent
mother? - Do you think people hold mothers responsible for
how their children turn out? - (From The Cultural Contradictions of
Motherhood, Hays, 1996, Yale University Press)
19Setting up an interview
- Either pre-arrange it or seize the moment and
interview someone on the spot - A letter/a phone-call/face-to-face
- Explain what an interview implies, questions,
what happens to data, interviewees rights
- How many interviews overall?
- How many interviews in one day?
- Interviewing is exhausting physically and
emotionally - Intense listening requires prolonged
concentration - No more than 3 a day
- Between 45 mins and 2 hrs each
- If possible let your interviewee choose the
setting - Whose territory?
- Physical space as important as symbolic
positioning of the interview in the lives of your
participants - Food, drink
22Conduct during an interview
- How to begin?
- How to ask questions?
- Pussyfooting around the informants avoiding
confrontation - Probing What do you mean by that?
- Devils advocate seeking out confrontation
- Leading questions suggesting an answer
- Do you think the media affects the way you feel
about your body? WRONG! - Are men more religious than women? WRONG!
- How are female bodies portrayed in the media?
BETTER - How do men/women practise religion? BETTER
24Truth and validity
- Interviewees wish to tell it like it is
- Problematic
- Many interviewees believe in objectivity
- doing poststructuralism with your informants,
i.e. deconstructing the dominant discourses with
them f.ex. - What do you think about the way eating
disorders are perceived by the majority of
people? Do you agree/disagree with these
perceptions/opinions? -
25Recording interviews
- Notes
- Tape/digital recorder
- Video-recording
- Most people agree but some may not and they
usually have a good reason.
26Transcription and Translation a Linguistic and
Ethnographic Task
- Transcription do it ASAP
- A laborious process
- Ethnographic translation interpreting,
constructing, converting observations into words - Linguistic translation collecting and
presenting data in more than one language