Title: Methodological Issues in Mixed Methods Data
1Methodological Issues in Mixed Methods Data The
Use of Qualitative and Quantitative Data in
Health Services Research. Susan Zickmund,
PhD Director, Qualitative Research Core CHERP, VA
Pittsburgh Division of General Internal
Medicine University of Pittsburgh susan.zickmund_at_v
2Goal for the Cyber Seminar
- Briefly describe the ABCs of qualitative
research. - Provide an introductory guide to mixed methods
designs. - Suggest practical ideas on how to best
transform qualitative themes into numerical
information and then to integrate that into a
final analysis plan.
3Organization of the Seminar
- Traditional qualitative description, data types,
methods, sample size, recruitment, coding. - Mixed methods traditional designs, an
Integrated Mixed Methods approach (with
methods, sample size, recruitment, coding), and
conclude with examples of integrated mixed
statistical models.
4Traditional Qualitative Approach
5Description of Qualitative
- The focus is on the participants subjective
viewpoints. - Words/images are the primary data elements.
- The approach is inductive.
- Theory development may be a main outcome of the
6Central Characteristics
- Having an iterative /open ended approach to the
data. - Observations or coding schemes emerge directly
from the text. - The researcher strives to avoid bias when
interpreting the data.
7Classic Components
- Types of data, qualitative methods, determining
sample size, recruitment, and coding
8- Data Types
- Interviews/Focus Groups.
- Observational.
9Interviews / Focus Groups
Interviews Allow in-depth discussion with one
participant effective for sensitive topics
interviewer controls the discussion. Focus Group
Allows participants to interact group dynamics
provide unique insight moderator has less
control over discussion with one participant.
- A complex situation where a researcher would
need to observe what is occurring in order to
best understand the situation. - Example Hand washing study.
- Participants may have reasons for
dishonesty. - The activity is open and observable.
11Qualitative Methodologies
- Important to have one to guide data collection
and analysis. - Types include
- Grounded Theory.
- Ethnography.
12Grounded Theory
- Most prominent method in medicine.
- Uses constant comparisons between cases.
- Can change recruitment goals based on previous
findings. - The goal is an emerging theory.
- Method of anthropologists.
- Involves field notes goal to observe and
understand a culture.
- Effective for an unique or unknown cultural
dimension of medicine. - Requires a research question best fitted for
this method.
14Sample Size
- Uses thematic saturation idea that once no
new themes arise, data collection is complete. - Minimum sample size for saturation is around
15-20. - Maximum sample size is any size interfering
with case oriented thrust of qualitative
research (60-100).
15Recruitment Purposeful Sampling
- The goal of recruitment is to purposefully
section special cases. - It does not seek generalizability.
- Types of sampling used include
- Extreme / maximum variation.
- Snowball sampling.
16- Coding Philosophies
- Single investigator.
- Research team approach.
- Independent coders.
17Mixed Methods Approach
18Mixed Methods Terminology
- Multiple types of qualitative data or using
experts with different academic backgrounds
(triangulation). - Newer Integrating qualitative and quantitative
data collection together.
19The Qualitative-Quantitative Divide
- To some, qualitative is seen as incommensurate
with empirical data. - Thus, there is a need to conduct the qualitative
study in a mixed methods design so as to best
overcome this divide.
20Mixed Methods Designs
Time and emphasis (in CAPS).
- qual ? QUANT
- qual preliminary
- quant ? QUAL
- quant preliminary
- QUANT ? qual
- qual follow-up
- QUAL ? quant
- quant follow-up
21Mixed Methods Designs
A smaller qualitative study designed to provide
data for a larger quantitative one (often survey
- qual ? QUANT
- qual preliminary
- quant ? QUAL
- quant preliminary
- QUANT ? qual
- qual follow-up
- QUAL ? quant
- quant follow-up
22Mixed Methods Designs
A small quantitative study that is the set- up
for the major qualitative study to follow.
- qual ? QUANT
- qual preliminary
- quant ? QUAL
- quant preliminary
- QUANT ? qual
- qual follow-up
- QUAL ? quant
- quant follow-up
23Mixed Methods Designs
A major quantitative study that uses qualitative
data to gain insight into its findings.
- qual ? QUANT
- qual preliminary
- quant ? QUAL
- quant preliminary
- QUANT ? qual
- qual follow-up
- QUAL ? quant
- quant follow-up
24Mixed Methods Designs
A major qualitative study that uses a follow-up
quantitative study at the end.
- qual ? QUANT
- qual preliminary
- quant ? QUAL
- quant preliminary
- QUANT ? qual
- qual follow-up
- QUAL ? quant
- quant follow-up
25Rarely Integrated at Analytic Level
- These studies are sequential.
- Participants infrequently complete all portions
of the data. - These cases do not lend themselves readily to
analytic integration.
26Simultaneous Design
Where qualitative and quantitative methods
reinforce simultaneously.
- qual ? QUANT
- qual preliminary
- quant ? QUAL
- quant preliminary
- QUANT ? qual
- qual follow-up
- performed _at_ same time
27Simultaneous Gold Standard
- Quantitative (demographics, surveys, clinical)
and qualitative data is collected from all
participants. - Analysis plan integrates the quantitative /
qualitative data together. - Few examples, but is the best method for fully
interpreting data in an empirical study.
28Integrating Mixed Methods (IMM) Overview
- Provide practical approach to
- Research design.
- Analytic strategies that best
- facilitate integrating qualitative
- data into empirical studies.
29Data Type, Qualitative Methodology
- The data type used would be dictated by the
research question and may not differ. - One qualitative method that lends itself well is
the quasi-statistical method by Crabtree and
Miller, a methodological approach developed for
health research. - Doing Qualitative Research, 1992.
30Sample Size and Recruitment
- Sample size, rather than using thematic
saturation, would be determined by sample size
calculation. - Recruitment, rather than using purposeful
sampling, would be consistent with clinical
research, using inclusion/exclusion criteria. - Goal is generalizability.
31Codebook Construction
- Use well-defined methods
- Inclusion/exclusion criteria for codes.
- Sample 20-100 of cases for the codebook
construction. - Audit trail, time/date stamping.
- Goal is transparency of method.
32Coding Philosophy
- Independent coders (two).
- Agreement model to adjudicate differences (need
final master file). - Inter-coder kappa statistic to measure
reliability. - Goal is reliability.
33Interpreting Kappa Statistics
- 0.00 poor
- 0.01-0.20 slight
- 0.21-0.40 fair
- 0.41-0.61 moderate
- 0.61-0.80 substantial
- 0.81-1.00 almost perfect
- Rule of thumb shoot for 0.70 and above
34Data Transformation
- Convert thematic analysis into present / absent
(0, 1). - Convert thematic analysis into Likert scales.
35Computer Data Management
- Software programs (Atlas.ti, Nudist) allow for
computerized management of - Interview/focus group files.
- Codebooks.
- Codes.
- Enables a level of textual complexity not
possible with notes alone.
36 Computer Data Management
37Computerized Data Output
- Atlas includes the ability to output data to
tables and spreadsheets (Excel, SPSS). - Atlas uses 0/1 for presence and absence of codes
(Likert scales require adaptation).
38Computerized Data Output
- Useful for master files for integration with
other data, and facilitates intercoder
reliability files.
39IMM Summary
- Simultaneous mixed methods, where the data is
collected from all participants. - Sample size calculation over saturation.
- Recruitment generalizability over purposive
sampling. - Transparency of codebook/coding methods.
- Intercoder reliability kappa statistics.
- Computerized management spreadsheets.
40Examples of Using Qualitative Data in Statistical
- Qualitative data as a predictor variable.
- Qualitative data as an outcome variable.
41Patient Narrative Study
The impact of chronic disease on cancer patients'
self conception
IMM Simultaneous mixed methods design 1 hour
semi-structured interview, survey data,
demographics, clinical data.
42Qualitative Interview
- View of Self Code
- As you go through this experience, have you
begun to think about yourself differently? - Prompts used to guide beyond yes/no.
43Additional Quantitative Data
- Mortality data (current).
- Charleston Comorbidity data.
- Cancer Staging (time of interview).
- Demographics (self report).
- Sickness Impact Profile (sub-scales).
- Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale
(Anxiety/Depression scores).
44Distribution of Answers
- Data available on 825 participants for
- View of Self code
- Better View 22.5
- Unchanged View 49.8
- Worse View 27.6
45Example of Better View of Self
- I'm back to realizing that I do have an internal
strength that it will take me wherever I need to
go in this journey. And it will be a good
journey, whatever the end outcome is.
46Example of Worse View of Self
- I am not the person that I was (cries). Just to
grasp the concept that at a young age you're
disabled, just like overnight, is very hard to
swallow. That's a very hard thing to tell
someone Too bad, your life is ruined, you just
better learn to go on. And at 37, you're
thinking Oh my gosh, I just had a baby.Â
47Univariate Results for Predictors of Mortality
- View of Self lt0.001
- Age lt0.001
- Employed 0.001
- gt High School education 0.007
- Cancer staging lt0.001
- Sickness Impact Profile
- Ambulation 0.017
- Appetite 0.004
- Physical Sub-scales 0.011
48Final Multivariable Model for Predictors of
- Variables p-value
- View of self 0.080
- Age lt0.001
- Cancer Stage lt0.001
- SIP-Appetite 0.005
- SIP-Ambulation 0.008
49Racial Disparities QI Project
- Racial Disparities in Satisfaction with VA Care
- Zickmund SL, Burkitt KH, Rodriguez KL, Switzer
GE, Stone RA, Shea JA, Gao S, Bayliss N, Meiksin
R, McClenney LM, Powell CT, Newsome ES, Allen R,
Fine MJ. - Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion,
VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System and Philadelphia
VA Medical Center VA Center for Minority
Veterans (CMV) VHA Office of the Assistant
Deputy Undersecretary for Health
- The 2008 VHA Hospital Report Card revealed racial
disparities in veteran satisfaction with VA
health care. - CHERP and the Center for Minority Veterans were
commissioned to identify reasons for the
disparity between African Americans and whites.
- To determine whether racial differences in
satisfaction existed in overall, outpatient, and
inpatient VA care. - To describe racial differences in satisfaction in
eight domains of health care quality.
- Multi-site QI of 30 white/30 African American
veterans (20 per site). - Telephone interviews with Likert scale and
open-ended questions. - Demographic data collected.
53Qualitative Methods
- Interviews were coded by 2 coders using an
iteratively developed codebook. - Intercoder reliability statistic was
Kappa0.99. - Coded themes were then aggregated within the 8
health care domains, with a distinction between
satisfied and dissatisfied.
548 Health Care Quality Domains
- Trust in provider
- Pain management
- Feelings of respect
- Access to medical care
- Communication with providers
- Coordination of care
- Involvement of family and friends.
- Role of race
55Domain Access to Care
- One of the things thats a concern for me
individually right now is that Im trying to get
a primary care doctor now, and thats like,
wellI havent had one, and Ive been attending
the VA off and on for six, seven years.
56Domain Role of Race
- Veteran A lot of times, they, especially people
of color and black, Hispanics, Latino, et cetera
like that, they the providers have a tendency
to act like were lying, or you want to get high,
or youre tryingyou know, its almostyouve got
to either act out or cry or some kind of way to
validate - Q That youre really in pain.
- Veteran Yes, yes.
57Statistical Analysis of Qualitative Data
- 1. Using Chi Square statistics on codes.
58(No Transcript)
59Statistical Analysis of Qualitative Data
- Using statistical modeling.
- Item response theory approach (the Rasch
model). - Fit random intercept logistic models were used
to assess the differences between African
American and white veterans accounting for domain
and dissatisfaction/satisfaction themes.
60(No Transcript)
- Mixed methods allow the richness of qualitative
themes to be used along with quantitative data. - Sequential designs facilitate combining
qualitative and quantitative work, but do so in a
segmented way. - IMM approach enables the integration of the
qualitative data at the level of the statistical
Susan Zickmund, PhD Director, Qualitative
Research Core CHERP, VA Pittsburgh susan.zickmund_at_
va.gov 412-954-5259