Title: Initiatives of gender budgeting in Lithuania
1Initiatives of gender budgeting in Lithuania
- Indre Mackeviciute
- Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman
2Implementation of the gender equality principle
- Law on Equal Opportunities of Women and Men
(1998) - Gender equality machinery
- Parliamentary level
- Governmental level
- Office of Equal Opportunities Ombudsman
3Gender budgeting initiatives in Lithuania
1. Assess the impact of government expenditures and revenues on the economic and social position of men and women, boys and girls / -
2. Develop strategies that will bring about a gender sensitive allocation of resources / -
41. Methodology for Impact Assessment of Draft
Decisions (2003)
- Requirement to assess the impact of decision to
equal opportunities of women and men in the
employment market - Lack of specific gender indicators
- Lack of assessment of results in the form of
outputs and outcomes
52. Active measures
- National Programme on Equal Opportunities of
Women and Men for 2003-2004 - Other national programmes
- Projects
6National Programme on Equal Opportunities Of
Women and Men for 2003-2004
- Purpose
- Setting equal opportunities of women and men in
practise - Action Plan
- Coordinating institution
- Inter-Ministerial Commission of Equal
Opportunities of Women and Men - Ministry of Social Protection and Labour
- Areas covered
- employment, education, politics and
decision-making, human rights, violence against
and trafficking in women, health, environmental
7Budget of the Program
- 727 thousand Litas (approx. 211 thousand EUR) for
the years 2003-2004 - approx. 0,0013 of the GDP
- Allocated to the ministries from the state
budget, other sources
8Other national programs
- National Action Plan for the Promotion and
Protection of Human Rights in the Republic of
Lithuania - National Action Plan on Reducing Social Exclusion
and Increasing Social Inclusion for 2004-2006 - Program of the Republic of Lithuania for
Increasing Employment in 2001-2004 - National Action Plan on Employment
9Gender equality in local administrations
- The project financed by SIDA and Open Lithuania
Foundation in Lithuania - 2 pilot municipalities in Lithuania
- Coordinator
- Sweden SALA IDA
- Lithuania Office of the Equal Opportunities
103R method
3R method 1. Representation 2. Resources 3. Realia
Representation - Who ? Decision-makers Personnel, managers Users
Resources What? Time Room Money
Realia Terms? Norms and values
113R researches done by the Siauliai municipality
- The performance evaluation of civil servants in
Siauliai municipality - Advice provided by the employees of
administration of Siauliai municipality regarding
matters of child care - Resources provided to the clients in the field of
social services - Opportunities of women and men to get equal
resources of health care in the municipality of
123R investigations done by Palanga municipality
- Impact of smoking prevention program on boys and
girls - Collecting statistical data in Klaipeda district
13Gender equality is a guarantee of womens career
in education, science and decision-making
- Financed by UNESCO
- Seminars on gender budgeting to county
representatives (civil servants)
14(No Transcript)