Title: Effective Strategies to Increase School Completion: Using the Guidebook
1Effective Strategies to Increase School
CompletionUsing the Guidebook
Suzanne Rice Centre for Post-compulsory Education
and Lifelong Learning University of Melbourne
- Phase 1 Research leading to Discussion Paper,
focus groups, then Report
Positive response but, How can we do this?
Phase 2 Back to 10 successful schools to ask the
same question
Development of Guidebook for Schools
Centre for Post-compulsory Education and Lifelong
33. Teachers and teaching
Establish a process for change
Assess current position
Set goals
Select strategies
Plan implementation
Implement strategies
Evaluate impact
Centre for Post-compulsory Education and Lifelong
4- Establishing a process for change
- Identify a group of people who will be
responsible for guiding change and overseeing
implementation. - Establish agenda.
Centre for Post-compulsory Education and Lifelong
52. Assessing the schools current position
- List of data sources that may be useful
- Pro forma to document whats in place
- Checklist of strategies
Identifying student needs to be able to select
- Surveys Staff and student surveys (Toolbox 1)
- Focus groups How and with whom, sample focus
group questions (Toolbox 1)
Centre for Post-compulsory Education and Lifelong
6Staff survey excerpt
Centre for Post-compulsory Education and Lifelong
7- 3. Setting goals
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Clear
- By 2010, the real student retention rate from
Years 7 -12 will have reached X percent.
Centre for Post-compulsory Education and Lifelong
84. Selecting strategies
Centre for Post-compulsory Education and Lifelong
95. Planning implementation
- Strategies to be used
- Are you going to combine
- strategies? If so, how?
- Resources required
- Staff responsible
- Timeline
- Evaluation
Centre for Post-compulsory Education and Lifelong
10Bringing people on board
Case studies
Centre for Post-compulsory Education and Lifelong
117. Evaluating
- Revisit goals
- Sources of data schools
- may need to consider
- May also wish to use some of the initial
- survey and focus group instruments, conduct
- again 12-24 months later and compare
- results
Centre for Post-compulsory Education and Lifelong
12Tools to help you
- Advice from schools
- Who can help?
- Other resources Listed
- by strategy
- Student mapping tool
Centre for Post-compulsory Education and Lifelong
13- Change is slow! All this began at least ten
years ago, weve built on initiatives
Everything has evolved over time, weve tried
things that havent worked, we then either tweak
it or get rid of it. Be prepared to try, be
prepared to admit something doesnt work.
Centre for Post-compulsory Education and Lifelong