Title: Hardness amplification proofs require majority
1Hardness amplification proofs require majority
- Emanuele Viola
- Columbia University
- Work also done at Harvard and IAS
- Joint work with
- Ronen Shaltiel
- University of Haifa
- May 2008
2Circuit lower bounds
- Success with restricted circuits
- Furst Saxe Sipser, Ajtai, Yao, Hastad,
Razborov, Smolensky, - TheoremRazborov 87 Majority ? AC0Å
- Majority(x) 1 Û å xi gt x/2
- AC0Å Å parity \/ or
- /\ and
- Ø not
constant depth
Input x
3Natural proofs barrier
- Little progress for general circuit models
- Natural Proofs Razborov Rudich Naor
Reingold - Standard techniques cannot prove lower bounds
for - circuit classes that can compute Majority
- We have lower bounds for AC0Å
- because Majority ? AC0Å
4Average-case hardness
- Definition f 0,1n 0,1 (1/2 - e)-hard for
class C - for every M Î C Prxf(x) ? M(x) ³ 1/2 - e
- E.g. C general circuits of size nlog n, AC0Å,
- Strong average-case hardness 1/2 e 1/2
1/nw(1) - Need for cryptography
- pseudorandom generators Nisan
Wigderson, - lower bounds Hajnal Maass Pudlak
Szegedy Turan,
5Hardness amplificationY,GL,L,BF,BFL,BFNW,I,GNW,
- Usually black-box, i.e. code-theoretic
- Enc(f) Encoding of (truth-table of) f
- Proof of correctness decoding algorithm in C
- Results hold when C general circuits
Hardness amplification against C
f ? C (lower bound)
Enc(f) (1/2 - e)-hard for C (average-case hardne
6The problem we study
- Known hardness amplifications fail
- against any class C for which have lower bounds
- ConjectureV. 04 Black-box hardness
amplification - against class C Þ Majority Î C
Open f (1/2 - 1/n)-hard for AC0Å ?
Have f ? AC0Å
Hardness amplification against AC0Å
7Our results
- TheoremThis work Black-box (non-adaptive)
- (1/2 - e)-hardness amplification against class C
Þ - (i) C Î C computes majority on 1/e bits
- (ii) C Î C makes ³ n/e2 queries
- Generalizes to d (1/2 - e)-hardness
amplification - Both tight (i) Impagliazzo, Goldwasser
Gutfreund Healy Kaufman Rothblum (ii)
Impagliazzo, Klivans Servedio
8Our results Razborov Rudich Naor Reingold
Lose-lose reach of standard techniques
Power of C
Cannot prove lower bounds RR NR
Cannot prove hardness amplification this work
You can only amplify the hardness you dont know
9Other consequences of our results
- Boolean vs. non-Boolean hardness amplification
- Enc(f)(x) Î 0,1 requires majority
- Enc(f)(x) Î 0,1t does not
Impagliazzo Jaiswal Kabanets
Wigderson - Loss in circuit size Lower bound for size s
- Þ (1/2 - e)-hard for size s?e2/n
- Decoding is more difficult than encoding
- Encoding Parity (Å)
- Decoding Majority
- Overview and our results
- Formal statement of our results
- Proof
11Black-box hardness amplification
- In short " f " h Enc(f) Þ C Î C Ch f
- Rationale f ? C Þ Enc(f) (1/2 - e)-hard for C
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 ? 1
0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 ? 0
h (1/2 e errors)
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 ? 0
queries (non-adaptive)
Ch(x) f(x)
12Our results
M Î C computes majority on 1/e bits
Black-box non-adaptive (1/2 - e)-hardness
amplification against C
" f, h Enc(f) C Î C Ch f
y 1/e
- Overview and our results
- Formal statement of our results
- Proof
- Recall Theorem Black-box (non-adaptive)
- (1/2 - e)-hardness amplification against class C
Þ - (i) C Î C computes majority on 1/e bits
- (ii) C Î C makes q ³ n/e2 queries
- We show hypot. Þ C Î C tells Noise 1/2 from 1/2
e - (D) PrC(N1/2,,N1/2)1 - PrC(N1/2-e,,N1/2-e)
1 gt0.1 - (i) Ü (D) manipulations Ack Madhu Sudan
- (ii) Ü (D) tigthness of Chernoff bound
15Warm-up uniform reduction
- Want non-uniform reductions (" f,h C)
- For every f ,h PryEnc(f)(y) ? h(y) lt 1/2-e
- there is circuit C Î C Ch(x) f(x) " x
- Warm-up uniform reductions ( C " f,h )
- There is circuit C Î C
- For every f, h PryEnc(f)(y) ? h(y) lt 1/2-e
- Ch(x) f(x) " x
16Proof in uniform case
- Random F 0,1k 0,1, X Î 0,1k
- Consider C(X) with oracle access to Enc(F)(y) Å
H(y) - H(y) N1/2 Þ CEnc(F) Å H(X) CH(X) ? F(X)
w.h.p. - C has no information about F
- H(y) N1/2-e Þ CEnc(F) Å H(X) F(X) always
- Enc(F) Å H is (1/2-e)-close to Enc(F)
- To tell z Noise 1/2 from z Noise 1/2 e, z
q -
- Run C(X) answer i-th query yi with Enc(F)(yi) Å
17Proof outline in non-uniform case
- Non-uniform C depends on F and H (" f,h C)
- Proof outline
- 1) Fix C to C that works for many f,h
- Condition F F C, H H C
- 2) Information-theoretic lemma
- There is good set G Í 0,1n s.t. if all yi
Î G - Enc(F) Å H (y1,,yq) Enc(F) Å H
(y1,,yq) - Can argue as for uniform case if all yi Î G
- 3) Deal with queries yi not in G
18Fixing C
- Random F 0,1k 0,1, H (x) N1/2 - e
- Enc(F)ÅH is (1/2-e)-close to Enc(F). We have
("f,hC) - With probability 1 over F,H there is C Î C
- C Enc(F) Å H (x) F(x) " x
- Þ there is C Î C with probability 1/C over
F,H - C Enc(F) Å H (x) F(x) " x
- Note C all circuits of size poly(k), 1/C
19The information-theoretic lemma
- Lemma
- Let V1,,Vt i.i.d., V1,,Vt V1,,Vt E
- E noticeable Þ there is large good set G Í t
- for every i1,,iq Î G (Vi1,,Viq)
(Vi1,,Viq) - Proof E noticeable Þ H(V1,,Vt) large
- Þ H(Vi V1,,Vi -1) large for many i
(Î G) - Closeness(Vi1,,Viq),(Vi1,,Viq) ³
H(Vi1,,Viq) - ³ H(Viq V1,,Viq -1) H(Vi1 V1
,,Vi1-1) large -
Q.e.d. - Also in Edmonds Rudich Impagliazzo Sgall, Raz
20Applying the lemma
- Vx H(x) Noise 1/2-e
- E H C Enc(F) Å H(x) F(x) " x, PrE
³ 1/C -
- H H E
- C Enc(F) Å H (x) C Enc(F) Å H (x)
- All queries in G Þ proof for uniform case goes
0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 ? 0
q queries
21Handling bad queries
- Problem C(x) may query bad y Î 0,1n not in G
- Idea Fix bad query. Queries either in G or fixed
Þ - proof for uniform case goes thru
- Delicate argument
- Fixing bad query H(y) creates new bad queries
- Instead, fix heavy queries asked by C(x) for
many xs - OK because new bad queries are light, affect few
- This work Black-box (non-adaptive)
- hardness amplification against C Þ Majority Î C
- Reach of standard techniques
- This work Razborov Rudich Naor
Reingold - Can amplify hardness Û cannot prove lower
bound -
- Open problems
- Adaptivity? (OK in special cases V.,
Gutfreund Rothblum) - 1/3-pseudorandom construction Þ majority?