Title: National EMS Research Agenda Recommendation 8
1National EMS Research AgendaRecommendation 8
- The IRB Administrator Perspective
- Marti Benedict RN,BSN,CIP
- State University of New York
- Upstate Medical University
- Syracuse, New York
2The Institutional Review Board (IRB)
An administrative body established to protect the
rights and welfare of human research subjects
recruited to participate in research activities
conducted under the auspices of the institution.
3IRB Composition
Must have at least five members with varying
backgrounds to promote complete and adequate
review of research activities commonly conducted
by the institution.
- 1 member whose primary concerns are in scientific
areas. - 1 member whose primary concerns are in
nonscientific. areas.? - 1 member who is not otherwise affiliated with the
4IRB Membership at Upstate
- 1 pediatric hematologist
- 1 Medicine/ID specialist
- 1 Medicine/GI specialist
- 1 Radiologist
- 1 Radiation/Oncologist
- 1 Adult Oncologist
- 1 OB/GYN Critical Care
- 1 Orthopedist
- 2 Psychologists (Adult Child)
- 1 Pathologist
- 1 anesthesiologist
- 1 Cell Biologist
- 1 community rep. ?
- 1 hospital administrator
- 1 Bio-Statistician
- 2 Geneticists (alternate)
- 1 Nurse Researcher
- 1 IRB Administrator
- 1 Internist Pharmacist
- 1 Neurosurgeon
5The Public Access Defibrillation Trial (PAD)
- This is an out-of-hospital trial to investigate
whether defibrillation by non-medical volunteers
will significantly increase survival in out of
hospital cardiac arrest by reducing the time from
collapse to defibrillation. - 40 sites selected and volunteers recruited.
- Sites randomized to Control Group (volunteers
trained to access 911 and perform CPR) or
Intervention Group (volunteers trained to access
911, perform CPR and use an automated external
defibrillator (AED).
6IRB Decision Matrix
Subject selection Inclusion/exclusion Recruitment
Risk/Benefit Analysis Experimental
Design Qualifications of PI
J. Cooper, Albany Medical Center
7The Public Access Defibrillation Trial
- Study design is appropriate
- Risk to subjects (including volunteers) is
acceptable and minimized by volunteer
training/testing procedures, establishment of a
DSMB and adverse event reporting procedures - Eligibility criteria appropriate
- Acceptable for children to participate (subpart
D) - Consent documents appropriate and clearly
written - Outline for community notification is
8 allows research on life-threatening conditions
for which available treatments are unproven or
unsatisfactory and where it is not possible to
obtain informed consent.? applies to research
involving children
Emergency Research Consent Waiver Effective
November 1,1996 Harmonization of DHHS and FDA
Regs. A single standard for emergency medicine
9Emergency Research Consent Waiver (1)
Conditional upon documented findings by a duly
constituted Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- The Regulation (21 CFR 50.24) requires that a
licensed physician not otherwise involved with
the study, concur with the approval. - The physician may be an IRB member or a
consultant to the IRB.
10Emergency Research Consent Waiver (2)Required
IRB Findings
- The Research is Subject to FDA Regulations.
- If so, must be carried out under an
investigational new drug application (IND) or an
investigational device exemption (IDE). The IND
or IDE application must clearly identify that the
research study will include subjects unable to
provide consent. - OR
- The Research is Not Subject to FDA Regulations
11The Public Access Defibrillation Trial
- The Research is Subject to FDA Regulations.
- IDE issued by the FDA
12Emergency Research Consent Waiver (3)Required
IRB Findings
- The human subjects are in a life-threatening
situation. - Obtaining informed consent is not feasible.
- Participation in the research holds out the
prospect of direct benefit to the subjects. - The research could not practicably be carried out
without the waiver. - The proposed research protocol defines the length
of the potential therapeutic window based on
scientific evidence and the investigator has
committed to attempting to contact a legally
authorized representative for each subject within
that window of time and, if feasible, obtain
consent. - IRB has reviewed and approved informed consent
procedures and an informed consent document.
These procedures and the informed consent
document are to be used with subjects or their
legally authorized representatives in situations
where use of such procedures and documents is
feasible. - Additional protections of the rights and welfare
of the subjects will be provided, including, at
least - Community consultation, public disclosure (before
and after the study), establishment of a data
monitoring committee, subject/representative
notification and consent.
13The Public Access Defibrillation Trial
- That all provisions (21 CFR 50.24) for the
emergency research consent waiverhave been met.
14The Public Access Defibrillation Trial
(PAD)Community Notification Procedures
- Media
- TV
- Newspaper
- Information Sessions Public Information Posters
- At each of the 40 sites
- Community Committee
- Meets quarterly
- Includes representatives from the county health
department, American Heart Assoc., Red Cross,
local EMS agencies, and private citizens.
15How to make your life easier (1)
Establish a Working Relationship with your IRB
- The Chairperson
- The Administrator
- The IRB Staff
16How to make your life easier (2)
Know the Federal Regulations the Local
IRB-Institutional Policies
- Federal Guidelines are the Minimum
- Educate the IRB
- Volunteer to serve on the IRB (If you cant beat
them, join them).
Emergency Medicine Research Issues in the
National Arena
- Present concerns at the National Level
- OHRP/FDA Regional Workshops
- MCWIRB The Institutional Review Board -
Discussion and News Forum (on-line)
- Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research
(PRIMR) - http//www.primr.org/
- Applied Research Ethics National Association
(ARENA) - http//www.arena.org/
- FDA Information Sheets
- http//www.fda.gov/oc/ohrt/irbs/default.htm
- Office for Human Research Protections(OHRP)
- http//ohrp.osophs.dhhs.gov/
- http//www.irbforum.org/