Title: IST Information Day Athens-Thessaloniki, 13-14 December 2004
1IST Information DayAthens-Thessaloniki, 13-14
December 2004
The Revised IST Workprogramme. Context and
vision Dr Erastos Filos Work programme
co-ordinationDirectorate Miniaturisation,
Embedded Systems, Societal Applications
2 Presentation outline
- The Lisbon context European policies to support
innovation - The IST work programme 2005-06 update calls 4
5 - Towards the 7th Framework Programme for research
3In a competitive race to knowledgeEurope is
doing well
New PhDs in science engineering 2001(per 1000
populationaged 25-34)
In bracketsave. annual growth rate () between
4In a competitive race to knowledgeEurope lags
Investment in RD 1995, 1998 2001
5In a competitive race to knowledgeCan Europe
keep up momentum ?
Evolution of share of world publications
byEU-15, US and Japan
6The ultimate goalMore innovation
towards online Europe
Deployment promotion
towards a single market for research
Lisbon 2000
Broadband access,e-business, e-government,
security, e-health, ...
European Research Area, Eureka, COST, natl RD
EU Largest knowledge-basedeconomy by 2010
EU-15 citizens 370 million GDP 8,500
bn EU-25 citizens 445 million GDP 8,860 bn
towards innovativeEurope
Entrepreneurship, competition rules,standards,
IPR protection,
7Innovation is a complex process
8Innovation how ?
- Create an innovation-friendly environment
- Facilitate free flow of knowledge
- IPR protection, networking, idea factories,
- Regulate wisely
- Competition rules, standards, less red tape,
access to finance - Promote entrepreneurship
- Training, Adademia/industry partnerships
- Boost RD investment
- Raise investment commitment of European industry
- Increase EU governments RD spending
- Double Community RD budget
- Facilitate mix of investment instruments
- Eg RD deployment
9The eEurope initiative
eEurope 2002 ActionPlan
Objective to get Europe on-line
Objective New EU Member States Candidate
Countries on-line
eEurope 2003 Action Plan
Objective e-services on secure broadband
eEurope 2005 Action Plan
. . .
Lisbon Agenda 2010
Mid-term review ofLisbon
10eEurope achievements
- Internet penetration in European homes has
doubled - 90 of companies schools connected
- Internet access prices fell
- Broadband connectivity rising
- Telecom framework in place
- eCommerce legal framework in place
- Europe has worlds fastest research backbone
network GÉANT - Security framework in place (ENISA)
- A large amount of public services now on-line
- New Member States are catching up fast
11The EU Framework Programme for research
FP evolution in last 20 years
- growing, but only 4 of public RDspending in
EU activities require
- Collaboration cross-disciplinary approach (FP
Priorities 2/3) - Consensus partnership (industry/academia)
Integrated Projects
Focused RD
12FP6 content budget
- Focusing Integrating Community Research
- Life sciences, genomics, biotech 2,255 M
- IST (100 M Géant/GRID) 3,625 M
- Nanotechnologies, knowledge-based materials, new
processes 1,300 M - Aeronautics and space 1,075 M
- Food quality safety 685 M
- Sustainable development, ... 2,120 M
- Citizens governance 225 M
- ST needs, SMEs, INCO 1,300 M
- JRC non-nuclear research 760 M
- Structuring ERA
- Research innovation 290 M
- Human resources 1,580 M
- Research infrastructures(200 M Géant/GRID) 655
M - Science society 80 M
- Strengthening ERA foundations
- Support to co-ordination 270 M
- Support to policy developmt 50 M
- Nuclear Research (mainly fusion) 1,230 M
17,500 M
13Information Society Technologies (IST) Priority
themes in FP6
Communications, Computing Software
Components Microsystems
14Who is involved in IST
- Attractive RD
- High subscription
- Industrial focus
- Multi-stakeholder collaboration
- Pan-European
- Large small companies academic research
15IST research achievements
50 of totaltop-10 revenuesin 2003 by 6 EU
- Digital mobilecommunications
- Affordable broadband technology
- GÉANT - the world-leading research network
- User-friendly home platform solutions
- Security technologies
- Major European electronics clusters
16IST From FP5 to FP6
- After two calls
- 2500 proposals received
- 400 projects supported with 6500 participations
- Increased size of projects
- average budget 3 times larger (1.6-gt4.3 M)
- 3 times more partners per projects on average
Funding per instrument,Calls 1 2
Average numberof participants
Average project funding
17IST work programme 2005-2006
Call 4end Nov04 mid Mar051,120 M
Call 5May 05 mid Sept 05638 M
IST Websitehttp//www.cordis.lu/ist/
18Boosting RDThe 3 objective
- Create attractive framework for innovation
- Sufficient high-quality human resources
- A strong public research base with links to
industry - Entrepreneurship for through RD
- Effective adaptation use of IPR systems
- Research- innovation-friendly regulation
favourablefiscal conditions - A competitive environment supportive
competition rules - Supportive financial markets for high-tech
innovation - Effective use of public financing for RD
- Direct support measures
- Fiscal incentives
- Guarantee mechanisms
- Public support for risk capital
- Improving the overall mix of instruments
Raise RDinvestment to 3 of GDPby 2010
Communication COM (2003)226 final, 4 June 2003
Investing in Research. An Action Plan for Europe
19Proposed elements of future RD (FP7)
- Collaborative research
- continuation of FP6
- European technological initiatives
- private-public partnerships aiming at world
leadership in certain RD domains - Basic research
- competition of individualresearchers/teams
- Making Europe more attractive to best researchers
- Researcher mobility schemes
- Research infrastructures
- Research networking infrastructures
- ERA Improving co-ordination of national
research programmes
- Security research
- Space research
Doubling EU resources for research
COM(2004)101 final of 10 Feb 2004 Policy
challenges and budgetary means of the Enlarged
Union 2007-2013
Communication COM(2004)353 final, 16 June 2004
Science Technology the key to Europes future
20European Technology PlatformsTechnological or
- Providing the means to foster effective
public-private partnerships - between the research community, industry,
financial institutions, users policy-makers - to mobilise the research and innovation effort
and facilitate the emergence of lead markets in
Communication COM (2003)226 final, 4 June 2003
Investing in Research. An Action Plan for Europe
21Example 1Nanoelectronics Platform
- Identified
- Need to contribute to a European nanoelectronics
strategy with a vision 2020 - Need to establish a roadmap broader than the
existing ITRS - Need to make recommendations to policy
1st High-Level Meeting June 2003
Define a Strategic Research Agenda
Goal set To establish a long-term vision for
nanoelectronics in Europe
identify major challenges, objectives,
stakeholders, resources, implementation paths,
timetables, socioeconomic impact ethical issues
Nanoelectronics Vision 2020http//www.cordis.lu/i
22Example 2Embedded Systems Platform
- Embedding intelligence everywhere
- consumer electronics, mobile devices, automotive,
avionics, telecoms, manufacturing automation,
medical devices, ... - Drivers
- Miniaturisation and anywhere/anything
connectivity - Convergence and consumerisation
- What is at stake for Europe
- Huge growth potential
- EU industry currently in leading position
- Industry under huge competitive pressure
- Complexity becomes unmanageable
- Difficult technological challenges
- Skills gap
- EU research landscape fragmented
ARTEMIS Platformhttp//www.cordis.lu/ist/director
23eSafetyObjectives achievements
- Objective
- To accelerate the development, deployment and use
of new technologies for increasing road safety in
Europe - Launched 25 April 2002
- eSafety High-Level Meeting
- A joint industry-public sector initiative
- e.g. European Commission, EU Member State
governments, industry - Complementary to other measures
24ICT a driver of productivity
Investments in ICTcontribute half of
Europes productivity gains
- More research in ICT
- Build critical mass at European level avoid
duplication of effort - Reinforce Europes strengths to achieve
industrial and technological leaderships - Adopt a systems approach
- To support multidisciplinarity
- To leverage multi-stakeholder synergies
- Focus on medium to long-term objectives
ICT in FP7 strategy paper online
25Towards Innovation 2010
26Research policy to address Europes challenges
- Improve innovationculture/promote legal
regulatory framework - Invest in RD(3 objective)
- Engage in intl co-operation for win/win
- Globalisation ?
- Outsourcing ?
- Brain drain ?
- Skills gap ?
27For further information
- Web
- Information Society Technologies (IST)
- http//www.cordis.lu/ist
- Information Society Policy
- http//europa.eu.int/information_society/index_en
.htm - Future Research Policy (FP7)
- http//europa.eu.int/comm/research/future/index_e
n.html - E-mail
- erastos.filos_at_cec.eu.int