Title: Nuclear Energy The Future and Needed Research and Development
1Nuclear Energy The Future and Needed Research
and Development
- Wichita State University Physics Colloquium on
Energy Physics - October 28, 2009
- W. Mark Nutt
- Senior Nuclear Engineer
- Group Lead Waste Management Systems Analysis
- Nuclear Engineering Division
- Argonne National Laboratory
Work sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Nuclear Energy, Science Technology
- Introduction
- Nuclear Power 101
- Role of Nuclear Power in a Sustainable Energy
Future - Nuclear Fuel Cycle Options and Advanced Concepts
- Nuclear Energy and Advanced Fuel Cycles
Research Needs
- Nuclear physics was discovered in the late
1800s and advanced through the mid 1900s - Necessary to acknowledge the role of basic
physics played that resulted in nuclear energy - Rutherford, Chadwick, Geiger, the Curies,
Einstein, Fermi, and many others - Nuclear energy RD has transitioned from
discovery to more of applied or engineering
however, the basic sciences still play a very
important role - The physics discoveries made today will lead to
future technologies - And the physics colloquium talks 100 years from
4Nuclear Power 101
5Nuclear Power 101
In a nuclear reactor, the chain reaction occurs
within uranium fuel pellets sleeved in metal
tubes. These fuel rods are bundled together into
fuel assemblies and arranged to form the
reactor core.
6Nuclear Power 101
- Control rods made of neutron absorbing material
are inserted in the reactor core to control the
chain reaction - Withdrawing CR increases the chain reaction
inserting the rods reduces the chain reaction - Water flowing over the assemblies of fuel rods
carries away the heat from fission reactions - This heat generates steam used to power a turbine
generator and make electricity
Note The fuel cladding, steel pressure vessel,
steel containment shell, and reinforced concrete
containment structure provide multiple layers of
defense against accidental radiation release
7Nuclear Power 101 (Actually, 301 or better yet
501, 601, .)
- Neutron Transport Equation How a Reactor Works
8Role of Nuclear Power in a Sustainable Energy
9Energy System Challenges Future Demand
2100 40-50 TW 2050 25-30 TW
Energy Gap 14 TW by 2050 33 TW by 2100
10 TW 10,000 1 GW power plants 1 new power
plant/day for 27 years
10Energy System Challenges Environmental Impacts
11 A Sustainable Energy System
- There is no single solution to the complex set of
issues facing the energy system. - The serious issues we face require attention from
everyone policymakers, scientists and
engineers, energy industry, and the public. - The requirements are a diverse set of energy
sources coupled with more efficient homes,
buildings, and vehicles and energy conservation.
These solutions require parallel development of
new energy technologies
12Nuclear Share of Electricity Generation (2004)
7 Westar Energy, 50 Illinois, 70 Chicagoland
13Planned Expansion of Nuclear Power
14We anticipate expanded use of nuclear energy in
the US and worldwide
- Extended lifetime and optimized operation of
existing plants - Deployment by US industry of new plants
- Closure of fuel cycle to improve waste management
- Strengthened international safeguards regime
- Sustainable generation of electricity, hydrogen
and other energy products
15U.S. Technology Development for Fuel Cycle
ClosureWhy and Why NOW
- There is a rapidly expanding global demand for
nuclear power - Without some global regime to manage this
expansion many more Iranian situations will
likely appear - A global regime is forming up with Russia,
France, Japan and China having both the will and
the means to participate - The United States, through GNEP, envisioned a
specific global regime model, but we must
persevere to truly impact its execution - Unless the United States implements the domestic
aspects of fuel cycle technology we will suffer
significant consequences in our energy security,
industrial competitiveness and national security - The United States must act decisively and quickly
to implement new energy technology and fuel cycle
approach or face the real possibility of having
no influence over the future global expansion of
nuclear energy - There are potential repository benefits for
domestic application, but the international need
for a secure fuel cycle paradigm is compelling.
16Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Advanced Concepts
17Once Through Nuclear Fuel Cycle
- The U.S. and most other countries utilize a Once
Through Nuclear Fuel Cycle - Current LWR once-through fuel cycle uses lt 1 of
the energy value of the uranium - Even for domestic generation alone, a lot of LWR
spent fuel will be generated if nuclear power is
18Closed Nuclear Fuel Cycles
- Some countries (France, Japan) utilize limited
- Most are pursuing continuous recycle alternatives
(25-50 years future)
Without Enriched Uranium
Enriched Uranium
19Generations of Nuclear Reactors
Generation IV
Generation III
Generation III
Generation II
Future Generation Designs
Evolutionary Designs
Advanced LWRs
Commercial Power Reactors
Technology Goals
- Safe
- Sustainable
- Economical
- Proliferation Resistant
- Physically secure
Gen I
Gen II
Gen IV
20Generation IV Reactor Systems
21Generation IV Reactor Systems
22Examples of Generation IV Reactor Systems
Pool type SFR
Very High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (VHTR)
Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor (SFR)
23Advanced Aqueous Recycling
- UREX Separation of U and Tc from spentfuel
- UREX Separation of U, Tc, I, Pu/Np, Cs/Sr and
Am/Cm from spent fuel - TRUEX Separation of transuranicsfrom spent
fuel - CSSX Separation of Cs and Sr removalfrom tank
24Advanced Pyrochemical Recycling
- Technologies developed include electrolytic
reduction uraniumelectrorefining, liquid
cadmium cathode, U/TRU electrolysis,
pyro-contactors, and pressureless
consolidation. - Demonstrated on EBR-II spent nuclear fuel
25Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycle - Waste Management
- Waste management is an important factor in
developing and implementing an advanced closed
nuclear fuel cycle - The waste management system is broader than
disposal (processing, storage, transportation,
disposal) - Deep geologic disposal will still be required
- Disposal of low level and intermediate level
(GTCC) wastes will be required - Volumes potentially larger than once-through
- An advanced closed nuclear fuel cycle would allow
for a re-optimization of the back-end of the
current once-through fuel cycle, taking advantage
of - Minor actinide separation/transmutation
- Heat producing fission product (Cs/Sr) management
(i.e., decay storage) - Decisions must consider this entire system
- Regulatory, economic, risk/safety, environmental,
other considerations
26Nuclear Energy and Advanced Fuel Cycles -
Research Needs
27Nuclear Energy RD Overview
Technology Maturation Deployment
Applied Research
Discovery Research Use-inspired Basic
- Basic research for fundamental new understanding
(i.e., science grand challenges) on materials or
systems that may be only peripherally connected
or even unconnected to todays problems in energy
technologies - Development of new tools, techniques, and
facilities, including those for advanced modeling
and computation
- Basic research for fundamental new understanding,
with the goal of addressing short-term
showstoppers on real-world applications in the
energy technologies
- Research with the goal of meeting technical
milestones, with emphasis on the development,
performance, cost reduction, and durability of
materials and components or on efficient
processes - Proof of technology concepts
- Scale-up research
- At-scale demonstration
- Cost reduction
- Prototyping
- Manufacturing RD
- Deployment support
Office of Science BES
Applied Energy Offices EERE, NE, FE, TD, EM, RW,
Goal new knowledge / understanding Mandate
open-ended Focus phenomena Metric knowledge
Goal practical targets Mandate restricted to
target Focus performance Metric milestone
28Nuclear Energy RD Overview
- Basic Research Needs to Assure a Secure Energy
Future - BESAC Workshop, October 21-25, 2002
- The foundation workshop that set the model for
the focused workshops that follow. - Basic Research Needs for the Hydrogen Economy
- BES Workshop, May 13-15, 2003
- Nanoscience Research for Energy Needs
- BES and the National Nanotechnology Initiative,
- March 16-18, 2004
- Basic Research Needs for Solar Energy Utilization
- BES Workshop, April 18-21, 2005
- Advanced Computational Materials Science
Application to Fusion and Generation IV Fission
Reactors - BES, ASCR, FES, and NE Workshop, March 31-April
2, 2004 - The Path to Sustainable Nuclear Energy Basic
and Applied Research Opportunities for Advanced
Fuel Cycles - BES, NP, and ASCR Workshop, September 2005
29Nuclear Energy RD
BES Workshop Basic Research Needs for Advanced
Nuclear Energy Systems
- Highlighted Areas focused on new, emerging, and
scientifically challenging areas with potential
for significant impact on the effective
utilization of nuclear energy - Materials under extreme conditions
- Chemistry under extreme conditions
- Separations science
- Advanced actinide fuels, including inert matrix
fuels - Actinide-containing waste forms
- Predictive modeling and simulation advanced
materials, systems, and processes - Crosscutting and grand challenge science themes
30Nuclear Energy RD
BES Workshop Basic Research Needs for Advanced
Nuclear Energy Systems Scientific Grand
- Resolving the f-Electron Challenge to Master the
Chemistry and Physics of Actinides and
Actinide-Bearing Materials - The scientific grand challenge is to develop a
robust theoretical foundation for the treatment
of actinides and actinide-containing systems - Developing a First-Principles, Multiscale
Description of Material Properties in Complex
Materials Under Extreme Conditions - The scientific grand challenge is to develop an
unified, predictive multiscale theory that
couples all relevant time and length scales in
microstructure evolution and phase stability - Understanding and Designing New Molecular Systems
to Gain Unprecedented Control of Chemical
Selectivity During Processing - The scientific grand challenge is to create new
separation agents that are endowed not only with
unprecedented capabilities to perform separations
but also with the abilities to survive and even
thrive under intense radiation and other extreme
31Nuclear Energy RD
BES Workshop Basic Research Needs for Advanced
Nuclear Energy Systems Priority Research
- Nanoscale Design of Materials and Interfaces that
Radically Extend Performance Limits in Extreme
Radiation Environments - Physics and Chemistry of Actinide-Bearing
Materials and the f-Electron Challenge - Microstructure and Property Stability under
Extreme Conditions - Mastering Actinide and Fission Product Chemistry
under All Chemical Conditions - Exploiting Organization to Achieve Selectivity at
Multiple Length Scales - Adaptive Material-Environment Interfaces for
Extreme Chemical Conditions - Fundamental Effects of Radiation and Radiolysis
in Chemical Processes - Fundamental Thermodynamic and Kinetic Processes
in Complex Multi-Component Systems for Fuel
Fabrication and Performance - Predictive Multiscale Modeling of Materials and
Chemical Phenomena in Multi-Component Systems
under Extreme Conditions
32Nuclear Energy RD
BES Workshop Basic Research Needs for Advanced
Nuclear Energy Systems Crosscutting Research
- Tailored Nanostructures for Radiation-Resistant
Functional and Structural Materials - Solution and Solid State Chemistry of 4f- and 5f-
Electron Systems - Physics and Chemistry at Interfaces and in
Confined Environments - Physical and Chemical Complexity in
Multi-Component Systems - Also Underpinning Themes
- Strongly coupled experimental and computational
studies - Real-time experiments and enabling analytical
tools - Reinvigoration of the nuclear science and
technology expertise in the United States - Establishing new paradigms for handling
radioactive materials in research - Maintaining an eye to non-proliferation
33Nuclear Energy RD
BES Workshop Basic Research Needs for Advanced
Nuclear Energy Systems
34RD on Innovative Fast Reactor Technologies
- Renewed focus of RD work on long-term
innovations - Advanced Modeling and Simulation
- Improved nuclear data
- System performance and eventually design
optimization - Advanced Materials
- Compact configurations and reduced commodities
- Improved reliability
- Advanced Energy Conversion Systems
- High efficiency alternatives (e.g., CO2 or gas
Brayton) - Compact design and/or improved reliability
- Safety Research
- Emphasis on prevention of severe accidents
- Development of licensing approach and framework
for fast reactors
35RD Needs for Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor
- Primary Issues that may Inhibit SFR Introduction
- Perception of higher capital costs
- Unique concerns related to liquid metal coolant
- Innovative Design Features for Cost Reduction
- Configuration simplifications
- Improved inspection and maintenance equipment
- Advanced energy conversion systems
- Advanced structural materials
- Reactor Safety Demonstration
- Assurance of passive safety behavior
- Licensing consideration of severe accidents
- Closed Fuel Cycle Demonstration
- Fuel behavior
- Remote fabrication of recycle fuels
- Low loss rates in separations and recycle fuel
36Examples of Innovative Fast ReactorTechnologies
and Design Features
- The Following Innovative Technologies and Design
Features are being Evaluated for Inclusion in an
advanced SFR - Metal Fuel
- Inherent Passive Safety
- Single rotatable plug with pantograph fuel
handling machine - Seismic Isolation System
- Electromagnetic primary pump
- Supercritical CO2 Brayton Cycle
- Pyroprocessing
- Favorable Passive Behavior for Off-Normal
Transients - Benign response to severe accidents such as
unprotected loss of flow, loss of heat sink, and
transient overpower
37RD Needs For Aqueous Separations
- Improved Dissolution Methods to Limit Residue
- Recovery of iodine from off-gas
- Simplified Process for Solvent Extraction of
Transuranics - Very high recovery for all elements
- Improvements in separation of lanthanides at high
efficiency - Refinement of Product Conversion
- Solidification of uranium, transuranic, Cs/Sr,
and Tc product streams - Plant and Process Design Innovations
- Optimized configurations
- Operator training response to upset conditions
- Process and safeguards instrumentation
(proliferation resistance) - Advanced analytical methods for rapid
quantitative analysis - Detection of materials diversion
38RD Needs for Pyrochemical Processing
- Simulation of electrochemical systems, including
actinide elements in molten salt media - Improved thermodynamic properties data for
transuranics halides and lanthanide elements for
process optimization - Innovative designs to improve performance
- Transuranics recovery from salt by electrolysis
- Continuous recovery of uranium and transuranics
products - Other innovative process improvements
- Efficient method for electrolyte salt cleanup and
recycling - Increased removal efficiency of lanthanide
fission products - Increased decontamination of the uranium product
39RD Needs for Fuels
- Fuel is a fundamental part of the reactor and
is the first line of defense - Fuel types include inert matrix, metal, oxide,
and nitride and RD needs vary according to type
also, whether fuel used in a thermal or fast
reactor will lead to some variation in required
RD - In general, RD needs include
- Fuel fabrication technologies, in particular,
remotely - Thermodynamic, thermal, and mechanical properties
- High transuranic fuel performance, e.g., Am
volatility, thermal conductivity, increase in He
production - Fuel/cladding interactions, in particular, fuels
with higher transuranic content - Irradiation performance, in particular, nitride
fuels - Safety-related performance e.g., failure
thresholds and consequences - Fuel qualification and licensing and validation
of fuel performance codes
40RD Needs For Waste Form Development
- Waste Form Production
- Iodine waste form
- Technetium waste form
- Cladding hulls
- Cesium/strontium storage form
- Physical form, purity (non-TRU)
- Storage methods (for 300-year decay period)
- Transuranic storage forms
- Interim storage may be required to allow for
readiness of fuel fabrication methods or
transmutation capability - Residual fission products waste form
- High-level waste, for geologic repository
41A Science-Based Engineering Approach to
Understanding Waste Form and Repository
- An integrated science and technology program to
provide technical options systems analyses,
experiments, modeling and simulation - Identify the controlling mechanisms and processes
for different waste form materials in a range of
geochemical environments at different spatial and
temporal scales - Applied in a general manner to provide a
scientifically-defensible basis for waste form
development, qualification, and future repository
system analyses
42A Science-Based Engineering Approach to
Understanding Waste Form and Repository
Performance (cont.)
- Future Directions
- Development of advanced, more durable, tailored
waste forms - Development of advanced geologic disposal
concepts in a range of geologic settings and
geochemical environments - Enhanced understanding of geologic repository
performance - Systems optimization of repository designs
- Systems-level optimization of advanced fuel
43Back Up
44Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR)
- High Temperature Applications
- Direct gas Brayton cycle
- System Configuration
- TRISO fuel particles
- Low Power Density
- Prismatic or Pebble Bed
45Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor (SFR)
- Fuel Cycle Applications
- Actinide Management
- System Configuration
- Metal Alloy or Oxide Fuel
- Pool or Loop Configuration
- High Power Density
46Fast Reactor Experience
- U.S. Experience
- First usable nuclear electricity was generated by
a fast reactor EBR-I in 1951 - EBR-II (20 MWe) was operated at Idaho site from
1963 to 1994 - Closed fuel cycle demo
- Passive safety tests
- Fast Flux Test Facility (400 MWt) operated from
1980 to 1992
- International Experience
- BN-600 power reactor since 1980 at 75 capacity
factor - Operating test reactors PHENIX (France), BOR-60
(Russia), JOYO (Japan) - Most recent construction was MONJU (280 MWe) in
Sodium-cooled fast reactor technology has been
47Potential Benefits of Closed Fuel CycleWaste
- With the processing of spent fuel to remove the
elements responsible for the decay heat that
cause temperature limits to be reached, large
gains in utilization of repository space are
possible - Only considers thermal performance, not dose rate
- Pu, Am, Cs, Sr, Cm are the dominant elements
- The recovered elements must be treated
- Recycling of Pu, Am, Cm for transmutation
and/or fission - Irradiation in reactors
48Potential Benefits of Closed Fuel CycleUranium
Supply and Economics
- A closed fuel cycle can effectively multiply
uranium resources by several factors of 10 - Current known uranium resources are sufficient
for nuclear energy production for several
decades, but there are other considerations - Energy independence is a factor because much of
the uranium resources are non-U.S. - The additional costs of a closed fuel cycle are
high enough that uranium supply and demand cannot
be the sole economic driver for a closed fuel
cycle. - This will be the case for several decades the
tipping point could be as soon as 2050.
49Proliferation is a Concern for Nuclear Fuel Cycle
- Few countries operate full suite of front- and
back-end fuel cycle facilities - Mining, conversion, enrichment, fabrication,
storage, reprocessing, disposal - Commercial enrichment facilities operated in
United States, France, Russia, United Kingdom,
Netherlands, Germany, Japan, China, and Pakistan - Gas centrifuges (and gaseous diffusion) are
mostly used for enrichment, with research on
advanced systems based on laser isotope
separation - Recently, surplus weapons materials (highly
enriched uranium) diluted for making low
enriched uranium materials for operating
reactors - Commercial spent fuel separation facilities
operational in few countries - E.g., France, Britain, Russia, and Japan
- Facilities are employed for plutonium separation
for making MOX fuels - Advanced fuel cycle strategies and technologies
planned to safeguard facilities and prevent
spread of material and technologies, thus,
strengthennon-proliferation regime
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Source World Nuclear Organization
50Fast and Thermal Reactor Energy Spectra
- In LWR, most fissions occur in the 0.1 eV thermal
peak - In SFR, moderation is avoided no thermal
51Fuel Cycle Implications
- The physics distinctions facilitate different
fuel cycle strategies - Thermal reactors are typically configured for
once-through (open) fuel cycle - They can operate on low enriched uranium (LEU)
- They require an external fissile feed (neutron
balance) - Higher actinides must be managed to allow recycle
- Separation of higher elements still a disposal
issue - Extended cooling time for curium decay
- Fast reactors are typically intended for closed
fuel cycle with uranium conversion and resource
extension - Higher actinide generation is suppressed
- Neutron balance is favorable for recycled TRU
- No external fissile material is required
- Can enhance U-238 conversion for traditional
breeding - Can limit U-238 conversion for burning
52Fast Spectrum Physics Distinctions
- Combination of increased fission/absorption and
increased number of neutrons/fission yields more
excess neutrons from Pu-239 - Enables breeding of fissile material
- In a fast spectrum, U-238 capture is more
prominent - Higher enrichment (TRU/HM) is required (next
viewgraph) - Enhances internal conversion
- Reduced parasitic capture and improved neutron
balance - Allows the use of conventional stainless steel
structures - Slow loss of reactivity with burnup
- Less fission product capture and more internal
conversion - The lower absorption cross section of all
materials leads to a much longer neutron
diffusion length (10-20 cm, as compared to 2 cm
in LWR) - Neutron leakage is increased (gt20 in typical
designs) - Reflector effects are more important
- Heterogeneity effects are relatively unimportant
53Impact of Energy Spectrumon Enrichment and
Depletion Behavior
- Generation-IV fast systems have similar
characteristics - One-group XS are significantly reduced in fast
system - However, U-238 capture is much more prominent
(low P239f/U238c) - A much higher enrichment is required to achieve
criticality - The parasitic capture cross section of fission
products and conventional structures is much
higher in a thermal spectrum (next viewgraph)
54Neutron Balance
- Conversion ratio defined as ratio of TRU
production/TRU destruction - Slightly different than traditional breeding
ratio with fissile focus
55Safety Implications of Fast Reactor Design
- Superior thermophysical properties of liquid
metals allow - Operation at high power density and high fuel
volume fraction - Low pressure operation with significant margin to
boiling - The fast neutron spectrum leads to long neutron
path lengths - Neutron leakage is enhanced, 25 at moderate
sizes - Reactivity effect impacts the reactor as a whole,
not locally - High leakage fraction implies that the fast
reactor reactivity is sensitive to minor
geometric changes - As temperature increases and materials expand, a
net negative reactivity feedback is inherently
introduced - Favorable inherent feedback in sodium-cooled fast
reactors (SFR) have been demonstrated - EBR-2 and FFTF tests for double fault accidents
- Safety codes developed and validated to model the
coupled physics, thermal, structural reactivity
feedback effects