Title: Oscillation physics at the Neutrino Factory
1Oscillation physics at the Neutrino Factory
- Contribution of this working group to the ECFA
Neutrino Factory Yellow Report
Mario Campanelli-Geneva
2The context
- This working group, like others, has been
established under a two-year mandate from ECFA to
establish the feasibility and the impact of a
Neutrino Factory as a future machine for CERN. A
large consensus emerged among the groups that the
results of the study should result in a
publication as CERN yellow report, as already
happened for - Perspective study of muon storage rings at CERN
- CERN 99-02
- ECFA 99-197
- This work contained three parts
- Step 1 Neutrino Factory
- Step 2 Higgs Factory
- Step 3 High-energy frontier
3The old yellow report
- Looked with present eyes, the 99 YR (written
before NuFact 99 in Lyon!) looks really
outdated. The Neutrino Factory section was 30
pages long, including oscillation-and non
oscillation physics. - In the oscillation section, very few topics are
presented, there is no serious analysis of matter
effects nor CP violation (only general
asymmetries given), no study of SuperBeams etc. - Since then, we had 4 NuFact conferences, and
hundreds of papers on this topic, a good fraction
of them originated in the context of this working
group. - All this work had to be summarized and collected
to show the existence of a very active community
in the field
4Other working groups
We know that many physics studies can benefit
from a Neutrino Factory several working groups
were created to work around specific topics.
- Almost all other groups have completed their
studies - The Study of a Eutopean Neutrino Factory at CERN
(still a draft) http//nicewww.cern.ch/molat/neut
rino/nf103.pdf CERN Nufact note 103 - Physics with Low-Energy Muons at a Neutrino
Factory Complex J. Aysto et al, hep-ph/0109217
http//xxx.lanl.gov/pdf/hep-ph/0109217 - High intensity neutrino physics Physics at the
front-end of a neutrino factory a quantitative
appraisal M. Mangano et al, CERN-TH/2001-131,
hep-ph/0105155 - http//arXiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0105155
- Kaon physics with a high-intensity proton driver
G. Buchalla et al, hep-ph/0107046
http//arXiv.org/ps/hep-ph/0107046 - Physics Opportunities at mumu- Higgs Factories
C. Blochinger et al, hep-ph/0202199
5What about us?
- The work on this document started after Easter,
putting together work done by various people. A
first draft was ready and announced before
NuFact02, then new ideas coming from that
conference were also included.
Three weeks ago, a final draft was circulated,
with call for comments and authors
We want to close the paper by today! I.e., I will
send it to hep-ph after this meeting!
6Main goals of the document
- Serve as reference point for neutrino oscillation
formulae in our region of interest - Provide updated experimental results and
theoretical models for neutrino oscillations - Illustrate potentialities and limits of
SuperBeams, with emphasis on updated SPL-gtFrejus
option - Describe machine aspects and physics of
BetaBeams, and Beta-SuperBeam combination - Assess the critical points of the Neutrino
Factory machine from the point of view of the
physics - Treat in a logical and complete way the physics
capabilities of the Neutrino Factory, with
emphasis on oscillation studies performed in this
7Organization of the document
- Introduction
- Theory (oscillations and beyond), present
experimental results - Neutrino beams from pion decay
- Beta-beams
- Neutrino Factory
- Conclusions
J.Ellis, A.deGouvea, M.Lola
M.Campanelli, JJ. Gomez, M.Velasco
M.Mezzetto, M.Campanelli, M.Fechner
P.Zucchelli, M.Mezzetto D.Casper
A.Cervera, M.Bonesini, S.Navas, P.Migliozzi
M.Campanelli, M.Laveder
Thanks to JJ. Gomez and J.Ellis for careful
Authorlist has been open not only to those who
provided a written contribution, but also to all
members of the working group
- The paper has been developed in a public area
- /afs/cern.ch/user/m/mcampan/public/tex/yrep
- with final files main.ps and main.pdf
- Also accessible from
- http//www.cern.ch/campanel
- Finally, we have a document summarizing the work
done in the last years about the main physics
motivations to build a Neutrino Factory - It ended up being a collection of studies about a
large spectrum of new neutrino experiments,
including a detailed discussion of Super- and
Beta- Beams - Many thanks to all who made this work possible
with their contributions, comments etc.
- I hope this effort will help in making our case
stronger, show the vitality of the community, and
improve the understanding of the importance of
this machine