Title: Physics%20with%20a%20very%20long%20neutrino%20factory%20baseline
1Physics with a very long neutrino factory baseline
- IDS Meeting
- March 30, 2007Walter Winter
- Universität Würzburg
(mainly based onGandhi, Winter Physics with
a very long neutrino factory baseline, Phys.
Rev. D75 (2007) 053002, hep-ph/0612158)
- Introduction Magic baseline
- Open questions
- A more realistic density model
- Answers e.g. which detector locations?
- More physics applications
- Matter density measurement
- q13 precision measurement
- Octant degeneracy
- MSW effect sensitivity
- Physics case for a very long baseline
3Appearance channels nm ne
Expansion in small sin 2q13 and a
(Cervera et al. 2000 Freund, Huber, Lindner,
2000 Akhmedov et al, 2004)
- Information q13, dCP, mass hierarchy (via A)
4Idea of the Magic baseline
- IdeaYellow term 0 independent of E,
oscillation parameters
- Purpose Clean measurement of q13 and mass
hierarchy - No dependence on E, osc. parameters
- Drawback No dCP measurement at magic baseline
- combine with shorter baseline, such as L3 000 km
5Magic baseline Quantified
- Use two-baseline space (L1,L2) with (25kt, 25kt)
and compute q13 reach including correlations and
Animation in q13-dCP-space
(3s red measure for risk in this case Dm212)
(Huber, Winter, 2003)
6Open questions
- Which density forcondition ?Not
exactly known from geophysics! - Is the constant density approximation sufficient?
- Is the expansion in a and q13 accurate enough?
- What happens if my preferred detector location is
not exactly on the magic baseline? - Is there a preferred detector site from
Matter density uncertainties in 3D models
5 (http//cfauvcs5.harvard.edu/lana/rem/mapvi
7A more realistic density profile model
- PREM profile approximated by 7 profile steps
between L6000 km and 9000 km Profile7 - Efficient for computation
- More realistic for model
- Dashed Often used baseline-averaged density
(Gandhi, Winter, 2006)
8Constant reference density rRef
- Idea Find constant dens. which best matches
Profile7 rRef - Method Minimize total Dc2 from all channels
between Profile7 and rRef (simulate Profile7
and fit rRef for same osc. Params) - Least contribution of profile effect to
statistical analysis
(Gandhi, Winter, 2006)
9Constant reference density
- rRef Mean density?Answer 5 offReason
long constant density layer dominates - Parameter dependence (q13, d) strongest for
small q13, but there c2 function shallow(last
(see e.g. Akhmedov, 2000)
(Gandhi, Winter, 2006)
10How we address the main questions
- What if the detector location is off the MB?
- Show sensitivity as a function of baseline
- Unknown matter density (geophysics)What if rRef
wrong by 5? - Show results for 0.95 rRef and 1.05 rRef
- Profile effects How well does a constant density
simulate the matter density profile?Is the
actual sensitivity better or worse? - Show results for Profile7 and rRef
11q13 sensitivity
(Gandhi, Winter, 2006)
- Strong impact for one baseline only
- Exact detector location not so important for
combination with shorter baseline (L 7000
9000 km)
12CP violation measurement
(Gandhi, Winter, 2006)
- Very long baseline clearly helps
- Optimal L 7700 km - 500 km
- Very long baseline helps for L 7000 km to 9000
km, but small absolute impact - Profile effect enhances perform.
- No clear preference of a very long baseline
(poor statistics dominated)
13Consequences for detector locations
- Mass hier. L 6000 - 9000 km good for sin22q13
gt 10-4 - Choose, e.g., L 7000 9000 km
14Some answers
- Magic baseline is a very accurate description for
one baseline only - Very long baselines between 7000 km and 9000 km
OK if second detector at shorter L - In this case, little impact from profile effects
and poor geophysics information - Mean density is not a good choice for a constant
reference density - Use rRef further on, which reproduces profile
very well - Profile effects improve absolute sensitivity
somewhat compared to constant density
15Further applications of avery long neutrino
factory baseline
16Matter density measurement
- Idea Treat r as yet another oscillation
parameter to be measured marginalize oscillation
parameters! - Comes for free from very long baseline!?
- Two different models
- Measure rRef
- Measure rLM (lower mantle density)
Lower mantle density
(Winter, 2005 Minakata, Uchinami, 2006
Gandhi, Winter, 2006)
17Matter density Geophysical use?
- ExamplePlume hypothesis
- A precisionmeasurement ltlt 1could
discriminatedifferent geophysicalmodels - Possible selectorof detectorlocations?
(Courtillot et al., 2003 see talk from B.
Romanowicz, Neutrino geophysics 2005)
18Results for one-parameter measurement
- Assume that only one parameter measured
- For large q13, lt 1 precision at 3s
- Indep. confirmed byMinakata, Uchinami(for one
(Gandhi, Winter, 2006)
19A more sophisticated model
- Assume that upper mantle density (rUM)only known
with certain precision
(Gandhi, Winter, 2006)
20Reduction of matter density uncertainty
(dashed 2, solid 5 matter density uncertainty)
- Use of very long baseline reduces the impact of
matter density uncertainties as well - No need for extra geophysics effort if two
baselines used
(Huber, Lindner, Rolinec, Winter, 2006)
21q13 precision measurement
(Gandhi, Winter, 2006)
- Bands dependence on d (worst case, median, best
22Resolving the q23 degeneracy
(Gandhi, Winter, 2006)
- 4000 km alone Problems with degs for
intermediate q13 - 7200 km alone No sensitivity for small q13
- 4000 km 7200 km Good for all q13
23MSW effect sensitivity for q130
- Null result if solar effectsneglected
- But solar termNote thati.e., effect
increases with baseline!
(Freund et al, 1999)
(Winter, 2004)
24Physics case for a very long NF baseline
- Reduced impact of matter density uncertainty
- Better CP violation performance
- Precise matter density measurement
- Helps for the q23 measurement
- Helps for octant degeneracy resolution
- Improves q13 precision measurement
- Guaranteed mass hierarchy sensitivity
- Correlation and degeneracy resolution
- Improved precision measurement of dCP
- Information on the matter density
(see Gandhi, Winter, 2006)
- Maximized q13 and mass hier. sens. reach
- Correlation and degeneracy resolution
- Improved precision measurement of dCP
- MSW effect sensitivity
- Potentially future mass hier. sensitivity
- Magic baseline description holds for all
practical applications, but use rRef instead of
mean density - Two baseline setup rather insensitive to very
long baseline length (but VL baseline clearly
helps) - Geophysics spin-off may prefer specific detector
locations needs more investigation - Physics case for very long baseline no matter how
big q13 is (if neutrino factory is built)