Title: Setting Up A Ning Site
1Setting Up A Ning Site
- Joshua Fenton
- IAWP Tech Liaison
- May 5, 2009
- What Is It?
- Ning is a social networking site akin to Facebook
and Myspace.
- Benefits
- Facilitates communication among members
- Manageable for the classroom experience
- Students already have the experience necessary to
begin use immediately.
3Creating An Account
- Visit the Ning homepage at
- http//www.ning.com/
- to sign up
4Include the Necessary Information
5You Will Arrive at Your Profile Home Page
6Click on the Edit Your Profile Link
7Here you can upload a new profile photo, limit
access to your profile, or add additional
8At your home page, you can create a new social
network site.
9Name Your Site and Address
10Your Ning Site Will Be Set Up
Quickly Add Features
Quickly Add Features
Quickly Add Features
Quickly Add Features
11The main way to change your site is through the
Manage tab.
12The Manage Tab Allows Easy Access to Customize
Your Ning
Add and Delete Features for Your Site
Edit the Details about your Site
Change Membership Questions and Accessibility
13Changing Features is Easy! Just Drag and Drop
them into your layout.
14Use a Predesigned Theme or Create Your Own
15Invite Members Individually or from Your Address
16Online Members Can Chat With Each Other
To chat with online members, simply click the up
17This will open a chat box.
18You can easily add HTML code to Text Boxes
19First, Edit the Feature.
20Next, Add Your Text and Code
Add Your HTML Code. To add a link, follow this
pattern lta hrefhttp// gt
Add Your Text
Add Your Text
Add Your Text
Add Your Text
This will be the address of the link
End Your Code with the Name of the Link NAME OF
Dont Forget to Save!
21You Can Also Add RSS Feeds Easily
Just Click Edit
22You Will Need the URL for the RSS Feed
23Just Look for the RSS symbol from Web Pages You
24When You Click on the RSS Icon, You will be sent
to the RSS Adress.
Copy the RSS address
25RSS Feeds Will Directly Upload To Your Ning Site
26If You Need Further Assistance, Look for the
Help Link at the Bottom of the Page.
27Ning Help is Also Easy to Navigate