Title: Supersymmetric%20Particle%20Reconstructions%20at%20CMS
1Supersymmetric Particle Reconstructions at CMS
- Massimiliano Chiorboli
- INFN Catania
2- Up to a couple of years ago, most of attention
devoted to inclusive studies - I started working in the Physics group on
sparticle reconstruction - Sbottom, squark ad gluino mass peaks in 3 mSUGRA
3Decay Chains
- ? 2 high pt isolated leptons OS
- (leptons e,m)
- ? 2 high pt non-b jets
- missing Et
- ? 2 high pt isolated leptons OS
- (leptons e,m)
- ? 2 high pt b jets
- missing Et
SM bkg tt, Zjet, Wjet, ZZ, WW, ZW, QCD jets
4Generation and Simulation
- SUSY events generated with ISAJET 7.51 PYTHIA
6.158 - SM bkg events (tt, Zjet, Wjet, ZZ, WW, ZW, QCD
jets) generated with PYTHIA 6.158 - Detector simulated with CMSJET 4.801
5Benchmark Points
Proposed Post-LEP Benchmarks for Supersymmetry,
M. Battaglia et al. (hep-ph/0106204)
- Rather low m0 and m1/2 values in order to have
high SUSY cross section - Three different tan b values (tan b 10, 20, 35)
since BR(c20 ? ll- c10) depends on tan b
6Reconstruction Method
At the end-point
- ?2 isolated leptons, pTgt15 GeV, hlt2.4
- ? 2 b-jets, pTgt20 GeV, hlt2.4
- assuming M(c10) known
- Selecting events in edge
- Combining the c20 obtained from the two leptons
with the most energetic b-jet in the event
7Reconstruction Method
Once the sbottom (or the squark) is reconstructed
- SM bkg can be reduced cutting on ETmiss
- The main problem is combinatorial
8Results _at_ Point B
sSUSY 57.77 pb
Sbottom Chain Sbottom Chain Sbottom Chain Sbottom Chain Squark Chain Squark Chain Squark Chain Squark Chain
10 fb-1 60 fb-1 300 fb-1 10 fb-1 60 fb-1 300 fb-1
M(sbottom) 5007 5024 4972 M(squark) 53610 5322 5361
s(sbottom) 425 414 363 s(squark) 609 361 311
M(gluino) 5947 5924 5913 M(gluino) 5927 5952 5902
s(gluino) 427 463 393 s(gluino) 755 592 592
Result of the fit
Result of the fit
- Squark mass peaks can be reconstructed in the
first few weeks (resolution 12) - Sbottom and gluino in the first year (resolution
68) - Two independent gluino mass measurements
- The resolution can be improved with larger
statistics (56 at 300 fb-1)
Generated values
Generated value
9Results _at_ Point G
- With respect to the Point B
- Lower total SUSY cross section (8.25 pb)
- Lower BRs of useful decays
- Higher BRs of competitive decays
- Lower BR of the last decay
10Results _at_ Point G
Sbottom Chain Sbottom Chain
300 fb-1
M(sbottom) 72026
s(sbottom) 8118
M(gluino) 85140
s(gluino) 13043
Squark Chain Squark Chain
300 fb-1
M(squark) 7749
s(squark) 849
M(gluino) 85311
s(gluino) 12611
300 fb-1
11Point I
- The tau channel is the main one also in the other
points - Tau-pair edge is not as sharp as in the e and m
case, but could help to cover points in which the
reconstruction is problematic - It could be exploited in regions with too low
leptonic BR
Neutralino BRs Neutralino BRs Neutralino BRs Neutralino BRs
BR(c20?ll) 16.44 2.26 0.25
BR(c20?tt) 83.22 75.88 98.13
- Supersymmetric Spectroscopy has been attempted
- CMS will be capable to reconstruct sparticles
with favourable parameters - Point B
- squark in the first few weeks (1 fb-1)
- sbottom and gluino in the first year (10 fb-1)
- Point G
- squark, sbottom and gluino with 300 fb-1
- Point I
- no recontruction possible with the lepton
channel, but it could be useful to investigate
other decay chains (e.g. c?tt) - CMS Note in preparation
13Future perspectives
- What can be done
- Re-run the analysis in full simulation
- Try to look fo other sparticles in the same
points - stop
- non-strongly interacting sparticles
- Investigate other decay channels
- c?tt at Point I (high tan b points)
- Explore reconstruction capability at different