Title: Cremation%20at%20Parker%20Mortuary
1Cremation at Parker Mortuary
2Why do we want a crematory
- Cremation has grown from .5 of our volume in
1983 to a current volume of 41 - We are paying out more to a 3rd Party crematory
than it costs to finance our own - We need to provide our clientele what they desire
3Problems with 3rd Party Operators
- Abuses by some out-of-state crematories have
been in the media - California more than one body cremated in the
same chamber at the same time - California Texas -- Families receiving cremated
remains proven not to be those of their loved one - Georgia Disreputable operator failed to cremate
more than 130 bodies - Returned to the funeral homes a box of chat,
rather than cremains - Bodies were found in and around an adjoining lake
on his property
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5N.F.D.A. issued a warning
- As a result of abuses, The National Funeral
Directors Association has publicly warned funeral
homes - To exercise due diligence in dealing with 3rd
Party crematories - Due to unprofessional conduct and liability
- Include unannounced inspections with
6Parker Mortuarys Preference
- To personally supervise every step of the
cremation process - To assure our families that everything is done in
a trustworthy, respectful and proper manner
7Why must our crematorybe on-site?
- We already have a 45 x 100 substantially
constructed warehouse - Our casket supplier opened a Mt. Vernon warehouse
- We no longer inventory caskets in the warehouse
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15Why on-site?
- Our warehouse shelters (4) funeral vehicles, yard
equipment and office supplies - 2/3 of our existing warehouse is already vacant
allowing more than sufficient space for - The crematory unit and supplies
- A new 12x12x7 refrigeration facility
16How does an on-site crematory benefit our
families and the community?
- Each cremation can be monitored by our own staff
through every step of the process - We have staff on-site 24/7 for security against
foul play - Our 12x12 refrigeration facility will protect
public health - Allows families time to make decisions about
- Viewing
- Cremation
- Immediate burial
17Some families preferbeing present at a cremation
- Either for religious reasons
- For peace of mind knowing their loved one is
cared for properly - A feeling that they want to go every step of the
way with their loved one (similar to a family
choosing to stay for a grave closing) - Admittedly a rare occurrence
- Requested by perhaps 12 of our past families
- However those families do deserve our best
18Families Present(continued)
- We can accommodate such requests more easily and
suitably on-site. - Sending them to an industrial park surrounded by
manufacturing plants and commercial warehouses on
a gravel road is not our best - Locating a crematory in a rural county area
- Gives the impression cremation is wrong or
unhealthy - This isnt the case. Cremation is a very clean
and sanitary process.
19Meierhoffer Funeral Home Crematory
5005 Frederick BlvdSaint Joseph, MO 64506
- The crematory has an attractively decorated and
comfortably integrated family viewing area, where
family members may witness as well as participate
in the cremation process. - Family members may participate by actuating the
cremation process from controls located in the
viewing room. This option is particularly
important for persons of certain faiths.
Meierhoffer Funeral Home and Crematory has and
always will strive to accommodate the needs of
all faiths as their customs dictate.
20Why on-site?-Utilities-
- It took 3 ½ weeks for us to determine MO Gas
Energy could provide sufficient flow and pressure
even at 15th Joplin - The more rural a location, the more unlikely
sufficient supply could be provided
21Why on-site (continued)
- We would have the added expense of purchasing
land - Erect or purchase a substantial building
- To protect the loved ones, in whom we have been
entrusted, against foul play - To protect our substantial investment in
equipment against criminal break-in and storms
22Why on-site (continued)
- We would have to transport each individual to the
location - Significant inconvenience and expense
- Increases possibility of contagious exposure
- We would have to commit significant man-hours to
oversee the process and could never do our job of
security and protection justice
23Where are crematoriesnormally located?
- In the 4 states of Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas
and Kansas - There are 82 operating crematories
- 82 (67) are inside incorporated city limits
- 16 (13) are in unincorporated township limits
- And 2 operate inside the Mark Twain National
24Where are crematories?
- 84 (69) are located within 500 ft. of a
residence, some within 50 ft. - Many funeral homes and cemeteries locate their
crematories inside their main public building - Of 35 Missouri crematories alone, 63 (22) had
them in their main building - Several others just across the street
- 3 had 2 operating cremation units and 2 others
had 3 units operating
25Ozark Memorial
26Chappel Crematory
27On-Site (continued)
- If any part of the process caused odor or a
public health hazard - Why would they place them in their main building
where people - Conduct funeral arrangements
- Attend viewings or visitations
- Attend services
- Further, why in the world would Parker Mortuary
do that? We would not.
28Community Benefit?
- Control contagious disease (with which we
frequently deal) - Each time someone with contagion is moved
- Risk is increased
- This is why our new refrigeration unit will be in
the same on-site building
29Community Benefit
- M.F.D.A. Disaster Preparedness
- 2 of our staff have participated in training
- Equipment and personnel are inventoried by the
team statewide - Teams have attended the Hyatt collapse in K.C.,
Hardin Cemetery Flood and Katrina - A temporary morgue site
- Is one of the 1st steps in a multiple-death
30Disaster Preparedness
- Our warehouse would be a perfect temporary morgue
site - Including crematory
- Refrigeration
- Family and media interviews could be accommodated
in our main facility
31Supply and Demand
- Any time free trade is restricted, prices
increase - It will be left to 2 existing crematories to keep
up with increasing demand - Joplin families would be the ultimate looser
- Forced to pay possibly higher prices
- Without benefit of competition holding prices in
32Who regulates crematories?
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Missouri Department of Natural Resources
- Missouri State Board of Funeral Directors and
Board of Embalmers Funeral Directors3605
Missouri BoulevardP.O. Box 423Jefferson City,
MO 65102-0423
33U.S. - E.P.A.
- Mandated in the Clean Air Act the E.P.A.
conducted extensive testing - At a Bronx, NY crematory in 1999
- To determine if crematories merited further
regulation and inclusion under their category of
other solid waste incinerators
- Tested for
- Visible emissions
- Particulate matter
- Carbon Monoxide
- Nitrogen Oxides
- Sulfur Dioxide
- Dioxins and Furans
- At 3 operating temperatures
35E.P.A. Test Results
36Visible Emissions
- Averaged 1.91 for the highest 6-Min. Opacity
- EPA Rule for Limiting Visible Emissions (40 Code
of Regulations Part 49 Section 124) is 20 - In independent tests, our Therm-Tec unit operated
at 0
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39Particulate Matter
- Averaged .08 Lb. per Hour
- Which equates to 1.6 Lbs. per ton
- (Parker Mortuary would have to operate our
crematory for 1 year and 8 months to produce 1
ton) - The E.P.A. Limit for Other Solid Waste
Incinerators is 4.7 Lbs. per ton
40Particulate Matter
- A typical high-volume crematory emits less than ½
as many particulates as - A Fast Food Restaurant
- A residential fireplace produces 6 times more
particulates than that of a high-volume crematory - High-volume is 260 - 8-Hr. Days per year or 1300
cases per year - Parker Mortuary will produce 204 cases per year
operating at 15.7 the amount of high-volume
41Carbon Monoxide
- Averaged 1.6 Parts per million _at_ 7 oxygen
- The typical state limit is 100 Parts per million
- A residential fireplace emits 58 times more
carbon monoxide
43Diesel Trucks
- A diesel truck emits 366 times more carbon
monoxide - (by the waythis is an E.P.A. photo)
44Nitrogen Oxide
- Averaged .39 Lb per Hour
- A restaurant grill averages .48 Lb per hour
45Sulfur Dioxide
- Averaged .07 Lb. per hour
- Which equates to 1.4 Lb. per Ton
- The EPA regulation on OSWI is 2.5 Lb. per Ton
46Dioxins and Furans
- Averaged 110.5 Nanograms per Minute
- Low compared to OSWI
- The measurement unit (nanogram) is one-billionth
of a gram - The E.P.A. says exposure also comes from
- Burning household trash, a fireplace
- And even Forest Fires
47Results were based on constant operation
- The average crematory operates 3 hours per day
- At current volume, Parker Mortuarys crematory
will operate at an average of 1 hour per day
48E.P.A.s response
- Immediately after the test, crematories were
dropped from low priority to very low
priority - Testing proved that crematories operate so far
below allowable limits for commercial/industrial
incinerators, they require no further regulations
49E.P.A. Final Rule
- On December 16, 2005, E.P.A. entered its final
rule into the Federal Register, 40 CFR Vol. 70
No. 241 Page 74881 Rules and Regulations Human
crematories are not solid waste combustion units
and are not a subcategory of OSWI for regulation - The tests proved that even if included as OSWI,
crematories already far exceed the requirements
imposed on higher-volume commercial/industrial/mun
icipal units
50A Typical Other Solid Waste Incinerator
regulated by E.P.A.
51What about Mercury?
- E.P.A. determined that all U.S. crematories
combined (based on 1999 cremation rates) produce
238 Lbs. of mercury emissions - Updating to current cremation rates yields an
average of 0.15 Lbs. per crematory per year - What does this mean.?
52What about Mercury?(continued)
- If you could capture 100 of the mercury from a
crematory producing 400 cases per year for one
full year (which, of course, you cant) - The total captured would be smaller than a
household sugar cube - Parker Mortuarys rate would be ½ as much
53In contrast
- The 1 concern to the E.P.A. is mercury from
power plants (as mercury is found in coal)
54United Kingdom Study
- The cremation rate there is over 70
- Tests were conducted at a crematory in operation
for 40 years, conducting over 112,000 cremations - Soil Samples in close proximity showed
- 7 times lower than that allowed for food
production - 100 times lower than that allowed for childrens
55United Kingdom Study(continued)
- Hair samples of crematory employees were analyzed
for mercury and averaged - The results were over 3 times less than the
tolerable level - An average North American crematory operates at
20 of these production levels.
56Mercury where does it come from?
- In cremation, it is Silver Amalgam tooth fillings
- At one time, they represented 90 of fillings
used - Within the past 10 years, it has declined by 38
and is expected to diminish further as dentists
now employ composites - which more closely match
tooth color
57Silver Amalgam fillings
vs. Composite fillings
- White fillings look much better than the old
'silver' fillings and restore the natural
appearance of the tooth. - White fillings require less removal of tooth
structure, so less drilling is required. - White fillings bond to the tooth and restore most
of the original strength of the tooth, reducing
the likelihood of future breakage. - Teeth restored with white fillings are usually
less sensitive to hot and cold than teeth
restored with amalgam. - White fillings are mercury-free. Mercury is a
major ingredient in older amalgam fillings.
58Will Parker Mortuary remove fillings?
- No.
- It would be unethical
- It would be devastating to the family were
serving - It would be considered mutilation, which is
deservedly a criminal offense - It is not necessary and is not proposed by any
governing agency
59Harmful Implants and Radionucleotides
- Pacemakers (after specific authorization from the
next of kin) must be removed - Some older model batteries pose a threat of
explosion - Radiation producing implants (used in Cancer
treatment) must also be removed with family
permission and passed on to our bio-hazardous
waste (OSHA mandated) disposer. Our current
disposer is Steri-Cycle
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- Most cremation authorizations ask the next of kin
to certify the deceased has not been treated
with any radionucleotides - Parker Mortuarys authorization also will.
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63What about the MissouriDepartment of Natural
- We will apply for a permit-by-rule with MO DNR
as soon as local zoning is approved - MO DNR regulates crematories in the current 10
CSR (Code of State Regulations) 10-6 page 41 as
64MO DNR continued
- Any crematoryused solely for the cremation of
human remainsand operates in compliance with the
following conditions is permitted under this
rule - A)materialslimited to noninfectiousoperator
shall minimize the amount of packagingnot used
to dispose of other non-biological medical
wastessharps, rubber globes, i.v. bags, tubing
65MO DNR (continued)
- B) Manufacturers rated capacity (burn rate)
shall be 200 Lbs./hour or less - (Most crematories operate at ½ that)
- C) The incinerator shall be a dual-chamber design
- (All crematories are)
- D) Burners shall be located in each
chambernecessary to maintain minimum temperature - (All crematories do)
66Why dont we have a DNR permit yet? Well first
things first.
- If local zoning fails to allow a crematory
installation - The MO DNR will not issue a permit
- I called Richard Barnes in the S.W. Regional DNR
office (Springfield) and Chia-Wei Young in the
Air Program of the DNR in Jefferson City - Neither knew of any current crematory
manufacturer whose specifications were below
state regulation - The Jefferson City office confirmed that the MO
DNR has never refused a permit for a crematory.
67What about the Missouri State Board of Funeral
Directors and Embalmers?
- We will apply for an amended Funeral
Establishment License adding crematory operation - Upon delivery and curing of the unit, a State
Board Examiner will personally inspect the unit
and the building
68State Board (continued)
- A recording circular graph will record each time
the unit is started, stopped, and the
temperatures from start to finish. A cremation
log must also be kept. These must be available to
the examiner at all times. - The crematory will be subject bi-annually to
unannounced on-premise examination by the State
Board - All Missouri funeral homes and crematories have
these inspections to verify suitable and safe
69The Cremation Process Is
- Safe
- Clean
- Sanitary
- Well Regulated and Agency Supervised
- Dont be fooled by alarmist scare-tactics
- Look at the facts and please allow us to better
serve our community
70Thank you from all of us at
Nowhere a finer service . . . Nowhere a fairer