Title: Soft%20Biometrics%20at%20CUBS
1Soft Biometrics at CUBS
- Venu Govindaraju
- CUBS, University at Buffalo
- govind_at_buffalo.edu
- www.cubs.buffalo.edu
- Traits of biometrics
- Universality
- Distinctiveness
- Permanence
- Collectability
- Acceptability
- Present perfect?
- No biometric is truly universal. It is estimated
that 2-4 of the population have unusable
fingerprints - Each biometric has a lower bound for errors
(constraint of algorithm individuality) - Individual biometrics need to be augmented by
other biometrics (multi-modal) or traits (soft
3Soft Biometrics
- Definition1
- Soft biometric traits are those characteristics
that provide some information about the
individual but are not distinctive enough to
sufficiently differentiate any two individuals
- Soft Biometrics
- Not very distinctive
- Can be used to augment regular biometrics
- Not typically used during verification/identificat
ion - More intuitive than strong biometrics
1 A. K. Jain, S. Dass, K. Nandakumar, Soft
Biometrics for Personal Identification, SPIE
Defense and Security Symposium 2003
4Soft Biometrics Examples
- Other classification
- Continuous Age, Height, Weight etc.
- Discrete Gender, Eye Color, Ethnicity etc.
- Heckathorn3 have shown that a combination of
personal attributes can be used to identify the
individual reliably - Binning and Indexing
- Hardening primary biometric
- Speech Recognition
- Can be used to tune individual biometrics
- Socially aware computing (call centers)?
6Extracting Soft Biometric Traits
- Devices
- Color video
- Stereo images
- Challenges
- Controlled vs Uncontrolled environment
- Pose variations
- Illumination variation
- Complex backgrounds
- Feature selection and extraction
- Features used in traditional biometrics do not
encode soft biometric traits - Decision systems (soft thresholds)
7Problems in Representation
Fuzzy class boundaries
Purely statistical features
8Soft Biometrics Research at CUBS
- Speech
- Gender Identification
- Accent Identification
- Face
- Face Catalog Semantic Face Retrieval
- Gender Classification
- Skin
- Skin spectroscopy
9Soft Biometric Traits in Speech
- Gender
- There exists a difference in the pitch period
between genders - This difference is fundamental in the
discrimination between males and females - Accent1
- Temporal features onset time, closure/voicing/wor
d duration - Prosodic/Intonation slope patterns
- Formant frequencies
- Age
- The average power measurement and speech rate
are used as indicators for measurement of
agedness in a speaker
1A Study of Temporal Features and Frequency
characteristics in American English Foreign
Accent L.M. Arslan, J.H.L. Hansen , Journal of
the Acoustical society of America, July 1997
10Uses of Soft Biometrics in Speech
Soft Biometrics for binning
Primary Biometric
Soft Biometric(s)
Soft Biometrics for improving accuracy
11Loose Gender Classification (PITCH)
- 3 Methods
- Fast Fourier Transform
- Linear Predictive Analysis
- Cepstral Analysis
- Data
- 75 files
- Males -41, Females -34
Male Low Male Medium Male High Female Low
Female Medium Female High 132Hz
156Hz 171Hz 205Hz
230Hz 287Hz
12Definition of Accent (linguistics)
- An accent is the perceived peculiarities of
pronunciation and intonation of a speaker or
group of speakers - A foreign accent is defined in a way that the
phonology of the spoken language is modified by
the phonology of another language, more familiar
to the speaker - 3 major language groups
- American
- Chinese
- Indian
13Proposed Approach for Accent
- First identify the accent markers
- Determine the effect of gender and
co-articulation - Initially develop a text dependent model
- Accumulate evidence over time
- Features
- formants
- phoneme duration
- instantaneous (mel)cepstral slopes
- HMMs
14Accent Markers
- A look at various non-native pronunciations of
English - CHINESE
- r read sometimes as l or w
- v read as w
- th read as d
- n and l often confused
- Often drop articles like the and a
- Use of the rhotic r
- Use of rolling l
- Fast speech tempo with choppy syllables
- Rhythmic variation of pitch
Websters Revised Unabridged
Dictionary Definition of non-native
pronunciations of English wordIQ.com
American - Indian -
American - Indian -
American - Indian -
18Soft Biometrics for Law Enforcement
Novel Forensic System
19Law Enforcement Application Face Catalog
- User can select some facial feature to describe.
- System will prompt the user after each query
with the best feature for the next query.
20Related Work
- Identikit 1 composes faces by putting together
transparencies of facial features. - Evofit 2, automate the process of identikits.
- Phanthomas 3 face composition using elastic
graph matching. - CAFIIRIS 4 and Photobook 5 use PCA for face
composition and matching. - But general description of users are semantic!
- V. Bruce, Recognizing Faces, Faces as Patterns,
pp. 37-58, Lawrence Earlbaum Associates, 1988 - Frowd, C.D., Hancock, P.J.B., Carson, D.
(2004). EvoFIT A Holistic, Evolutionary Facial
Imaging Technique for Creating Composites, ACM
TAP, Vol. 1 (1) - Phantomas Elaborate Face Recognition .Product
description http//www.global-security-solutions.
com/FaceRecognition.htm - J. K. Wu, Y. H. Ang, P. C. Lam, S. K. Moorthy, A.
D. Narasimhalu, Facial Image Retrieval,
Identification, and Inference System - A. Pentland, R. Picard, S. Sclaroff, Photobook
tools for content based manipulation of image
databases, Proc. SPIE Storage and Retrieval for
Image and Video Databases II, vol. 2185
21Face Catalog System Overview
Semantic Face Retrieval System
Input Image
Face Detection
Meta Database
Lip Location and parameterization
Face Image Database
Semantic Description
Eye Location
Parameterization of other Features
Sorted Images
Query Sub-System
Prompting Sub-System
22Enrollment Sub-System
- Face Detection.
- Lips and eye detection.
- Locate and parameterize other features.
23Query Sub-System
- Pruning images based on descriptions given?
- What if user makes a mistake in one of the
description. - Ranking images based on their probability of
being the required person is a better idea. - Bayesian learning can be used to update
probability of each face being the required one. - Prompting users the feature with highest entropy
at each step.
24Example Query
Query Spectacles Yes
Query Spectacles Yes Mustache Yes
Query Spectacles Yes Mustache Yes
Nose Big
Probabilities of Faces
- Results of Enrollment Sub-system (Database of 150
images) - Results of Query (25 users, 125 test cases)
26Gender Classification in Images
- Gender classification
- Identifying male or female from facial image
- Existing approaches
- Geometric feature based 1-2
- Appearance feature based (raw data feature or PCA
classifier) 3 - Approaches using other features, e.g., wrinkle
and skin color 4
1 A. Burton, V. Bruce and N. Dench, Whats the
difference between men and women? Evidence from
facial measurements, Perception, vol. 22,
pp.153-176, 1993. 2R. Brunelli and T. Poggio,
Hyperbf network for gender classification,
DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pp. 311-314,
1992. 3B.A. Golomb, D.T. Lawrence, T.J.
Sejnowski, Sexnet A Neural Network Identifies
Sex from Human Faces, Advances in Neural
Information Processing Systems3, R.P Lippmann,
J.E. Moody, D.S. Touretzky, eds. Pp. 572-577,
1991. 4 J. Hayashi, M. Yasumoto, H. Ito, H.
Koshimizu, Age and gender estimation based on
wrinkle texture and color of facial images,,
Proceedings of 16th International Conference on
Pattern Recognition, vol. 1, pp. 405 - 408, 11-15
Aug. 2002
27Gabor Feature based gender classification system
28Facial image Normalization
- Mapping feature points to fixed positions
- Feature points
- Centers of two pupils
- Tip of the nose
- Normalized image
- 64 by 64
- Convert from color to grayscale by averaging RGB
29Gabor feature
- Gabor filter and Gabor wavelet B.S. Manjunath,
et al, PAMI, 1996
Gabor Filter
Fourier Transform of g(x, y)
Gabor Wavelet
30Gabor feature (cont.)
- Redundancy reduction B.S. Manjunath, et al,
PAMI, 1996 - Let and denote the lowest and highest
frequencies of interest - are determined by
31Gabor feature (cont.)
- Characteristics of Gabor wavelet
- A powerful tool to capture changes of signals
- Selective on certain frequency and orientation by
setting parameters m, n - Gabor feature for gender classification
- Gabor WT at 4 scalses, 4 orientations (m 0, ..,
3 n 0, , 3) - Each output image of Gabor WT (64 by 64) is
divided into non-overlapping blocks of the size
2m2 by 2m2 (m the scale number). - Average of magnitudes in each block as a feature
- Total number of features
32Gabor feature (cont.)
- Features
- 1360-dimensional training and testing vectors fed
into SVM classifier - Classifier
- SVM with Gaussian RBF kernel 6 (B. Moghaddam,
et al, PAMI 2002) - Adjust ? to minimize error rate
- 1360 features from Gabor WT (in 4 scales, 4
orientations) of 6464 input image - Training and testing vectors (of 1360 dimensions)
normalized into unit vectors
34Experimental Results
- Dataset AR face database A.M. Martinez and R.
Benavente, The AR face database, CVC Tech.
Report 24, 1998 - Overall 3265 frontal facial images including 136
Caucasian people (768 by 576, color) - Training 2246 samples including 91 individuals
- Testing 1019 samples including 45 individuals
- Test 1
- 393 regular samples. Accuracy 96.2
- Test 2
- 626 irregular samples (occluded by dark
sun-glasses or masks) Accuracy 92.7
Method Accuracy of test 1 Accuracy of test 2
Gabor feature SVM with Gaussian RBF kernel 96.2 92.7
Raw data feature SVM with Gaussian RBF kernel 94.7 89.8
35Skin Spectroscopy
- Measures the composition of the skin using
IR(Deep tissue biometric) - Based on spectroscopy
- Fool proof against fake fingers (Can detect
liveness) - Can be easily integrated into solid state devices
- Immune to surface degradations
- Currently implemented by only one Vendor
(Lumidigm Inc)
Skin composition
36Chromophores in skin
- Melanin
- Absorbs light at all wavelengths
- Absorbance decreases with increase in wavelength
- Hemoglobin
- Strongest absorption bands in 405 430 nm and
- 540 580 nm.
- Lowest absorption beyond 620 nm
- Can be used for liveness testing
- Collagen, Keratin, Carotene
37Spectra of Melanin and Hemoglobin
38Sample Skin Spectrum
39Sample skin spectrum (contd.)
40Sample skin spectrum (contd.)
41Results so far
- Soft classification based on skin color
- Melanin index used as indicator of skin color
- Spectral difference noticed between different
skin locations on the same individual
42Thank You
- ssc5_at_cedar.buffalo.edu