Title: High School Cohort 1
1Exploring the Possibilities
Rigor Relevance Relationships Reflection
2Day at a Glance
830 Welcome Opener (Key concepts- Yr. 1)
900 Where have we beenWhere are we going?
Sampling 1000 Break 1015 Overview of CBAM-
SoC- Practice 1200 Lunch 1230 Stages of
Concern Interventions 115 Logistics and Team
Planning Time 220 Closure
3 If the School Board Decreed
1. Partner with someone from another team.
2. Together (and without looking at the
answers) complete the quiz.
3. Check your answers and discuss.
4Where we have been
Your School
39 AEA 267 High Schools
Why Change?
5Where we have been
Teacher Practices In Assessment Instruction
6Our thinking
If teachers understand how the brain receives,
processes, stores and retrieves information, and
if they understand the basics of human motivation
theory, then they will design and facilitate
learning opportunities for students in ways that
are compatible with how the brain learns
resulting in higher levels of learning as well
as long-term retention of that learning.
7Our thinking
If teachers understand how the brain learns, and
the basics of human motivation theory, then they
will orchestrate an environment of collaboration
between and among themselves and students. A
collaborative environment allows for healthy
relationships that are fundamental to meeting
each students basic psychological needs.
(Belonging, Worth, Freedom, Fun)
8Our thinking
If teachers understand the power of reflection as
a strategy for achieving higher levels of
learning and long-term retention, then they will
equip each student with skills necessary for
becoming a self-directed learner.
9Quit giving students permission to forget!
10Authentic Performance for Students with
without Disabilities in Classes with Low and
High Scoring Authentic Assignments 4 Schools,
Grades 9-12, 32 Teachers, 4 Academic Subjects
Student Authentic Performance
Lowest Scoring Classes Highest Scoring Classes
S w Disabilities
Students w/o Disabilities
Source King, Schroeder, Chaswszczewski, 2001
11Where we are now
12Where are we now?
Professional Development for increasing Rigor and
TLQD Teaching and Learning in Quadrant D
13TLQD Timeline
Rigorous and Relevant Classroom Conversations
More RRCC and Assignments and Rigorous and
Relevant Interdisciplinary Tasks and Assessments
08-09 09-10
14TLQD Timeline
K-12 Professional Development in TLQD- evaluating
10-11 11-12
15What supports will be provided?
Sustained Professional Development
Partner Schools
Collaboration in District at PD
Structure Changes
K-12 System Transformation
16Whats in it for teachers?
Collaboration with Other Teachers
Narrowing of Curriculum Broadening of
Instructional Assessment Strategies
Increasing Student Engagement Decreasing Student
Apathy Discipline Problems
17Whats in it for teachers?
Focusing Professional Development not
Fragmenting Professional Development
Is applicable to ALL students, ALL content
areas, and ALL grades
18Discuss with your team
- What have you heard so far that you like?
- What questions do you have?
19The R4 Essential Question
- Does your educational program offer the
appropriate levels of rigor, relevance,
relationships, and reflection needed, so that
each student graduates from high school
successfully prepared for continued learning in
the 21st century?
20How Will We Know When We are There?
90 of students participate in 2 or more
extracurricular activities all 4 years of HS
90 of students participate in service-learning
100 of students graduate
90 of students demonstrate academic readiness
for post-secondary work and learning
90 of students take the recommended college core
Your School
21The role of the leadership team
- to understand why change is needed
- to make the case for change in-district with
teachers, parents, students, school board and
community - to continue the above AND
- to monitor implementation of TLQD
- to remove barriers
CBAM Key Concepts
23Whole Group Score Marshalltown
24Whole Group Score CF, CL, MT
25Is it time for a break?
26CBAM Overview
- Study the questions on your colored ½
sheet - Watch the DVD segment
- Jot down answers as you watch
- Meet with another (same color) to compare
answers - Return to school team- Read and answer all
27Stages of Concern
- Watch the DVD segment
- Individually jot down at least 5
- Use Round Robin process to share...
- Craft 3 questions
28Stages of Concern
0 Awareness/ Unconcerned
- little or no concern about or involvement with
the innovation
29Stages of Concern
1 Informational
- a general awareness of the innovation and
interest in learning more detail about it
30Stages of Concern
2 Personal
uncertainty about the demands of the
innovation, his/her adequacy to meet those
demands, and his/her role with the innovation
31Stages of Concern
3 Management
Attention is focused on the processes and tasks
of using the innovation and the best use of
information resources. Issues are related to
efficiency organizing, managing,
scheduling, and time.
32Stages of Concern
4 Consequence
Attention is focused on the impact of the
innovation on students, as well as outcomes for
students including performance and competencies.
33Stages of Concern
5 Collaboration
Attention is focused on coordination and
cooperation with others regarding use of the
34Stages of Concern
6 Refocusing
Attention is focused on the exploration of more
universal benefits from the innovation, including
the possibility of changes or replacement with a
more powerful alternative.
35Brainstorm what are some other uses for CBAM in
your school?
36Answer the questionnaire from your perspective
as a teacher or principal (not as a leadership
team member)
The Innovation Instructing and Assessing
with High Levels of Rigor and Relevance
37The Stages of Concern Questionnaire
The Innovation Instructing Assessing with
High Levels of Rigor Relevance
This statement is very true of me at this time.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
This statement is somewhat true of me now.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
This statement is not at all true of me now.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
This statement seems irrelevant to me.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
38Hand Score your Questionnaire using the Quick
Scoring Device
39Individually identify your two highest
concerns Compare to others at your
table Discuss similarities differences
40Hypothesized Development SoC
41Hypothesized Development of SoC
42Hypothesized Development of SoC
43Hypothesized Development of SoC
44Time for lunch!
45Key Concept
Change is a highly personal experience.
46Open-Ended Questions
Identifying and addressing the needs of
individuals so that they can continue on with the
change process
47Distribution of SoC for Increasing the Levels of
Rigor and Relevance in Instructional Activities
N233/726 (44)
48Key Concept
Change is best understood in operational terms.
49Scoring Open-Ended Statements
- 1. Scoring Examples
- 2. Individually, read the next five open-ended
statements, scoring each one (0-6) - 3. Share/ Discuss scoring- large group
50Scoring Open-Ended Statements
- Individually, continue reading each concern
statement and score it 0-6 (s 6-25) - Share individual scores (Every 5)
- Come to consensus on the scores
51Determining Interventions
52Key Concept
Change is accomplished by individuals.
53Open-Ended Question for the Fall Semester TLQD Day
What concerns you about using the strategy
Rigorous and Relevant Classroom Conversations?
54Key Concept
The focus of facilitated change should be on
individuals, innovations, and the context
55Dont jump to conclusions!
56Logistics for TLQD
What needs to be done to prepare staff members
for TLQD?
Team Planning Time
Please provide us with individual feedback
regarding todays workshop..
58(No Transcript)
59Whole Group Score Cedar Falls
60Whole Group Score Clear Lake
61Day at a Glance
830 Welcome Opener (Key concepts- Yr. 1)
900 Where have we beenWhere are we going?
and Sampling 1000 Break 1015 Overview of
CBAM- SoC- Practice 1200 Lunch 1230 Stages
of Concern Interventions 115 Logistics for
TLQD 140 Team Planning Time 210 Closure
62Interpretation of SoC Data
Interpretations are not final truths
Interpretations can be done with individual or
group data
Group data is less sensitive to individual
Percentile figures are not absolute instead they
are relative to the other stage scores for that
63What might this profile indicate?
64What might this profile indicate?
65What might this profile indicate?
66What might this profile indicate?
67Key Concept
Change involves developmental growth.
68Key Concept
Change is a process, not an event