Long Beach Unified School District - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Long Beach Unified School District


Long Beach Unified School District Creating an Induction Program embedded with current district, state, and national initiatives – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Long Beach Unified School District

Long Beach Unified School District
  • Creating an Induction Program embedded with
    current district, state, and national initiatives

From Pre-Service to Induction
Creating an Induction Program with embedded focus
areas in
  • California Standards for the Teaching Profession
  • California Induction Standards
  • Academic Content Standards/CCSS
  • STEM
  • Linked Learning
  • Common Core State Standards
  • Transitional Kindergarten
  • Next Generation Science Standards

The LBUSD Induction Experience3 major components
that work together
Formative Assessment
Professional Development
LBUSD Participant Journey
  Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June
Year 1 Formative Assessment Cycle       Module A Context for Teaching (CFT)   Module B Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice   Module B Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice   Module B Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice   Module B Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice IIP Inquiry 1 development     Module C Inquiry 1 Pedagogy   Module C Inquiry 1 Pedagogy   Module C Inquiry 1 Pedagogy   Module D Summary of Teaching Practice
Year 1 Formative Assessment Cycle       Module A Context for Teaching (CFT)   Module B Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice   Module B Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice   Module B Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice   Module B Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice   Module A CFT Revisited   Module C Inquiry 1 Pedagogy   Module C Inquiry 1 Pedagogy   Module C Inquiry 1 Pedagogy   Module D Summary of Teaching Practice
Year 1 Meetings PD Moodle Portfolios Observations Conferences - Year 1 Orientation -Classroom visits - CFT docs - CSTP Assessment                   Support Seminar Moodle Fall PD Night     Cohort Mtg Portfolio Check   11 Pre/Post conference/ observation Moodle                  Support Seminar Moodle         Cohort Mtg Portfolio Check    Support Seminar Moodle Winter PD Night             Support Seminar Moodle Spring PD Night             Support Seminar Moodle         Cohort Mtg Portfolio Check   11 Pre/Post conference/ observations Moodle                 Support Seminar Moodle Self Assessment Toolbox   PT/SP Results Day   Portfolio Check
Year 2 Formative Assessment Cycle IIP Inquiry 2 development       Model C Inquiry 2 Equity/English Learners   Model C Inquiry 2 Equity/English Learners   Model C Inquiry 2 Equity/English Learners   Model C Inquiry 2 Equity/English Learners IIP Inquiry 3 development       Model C Inquiry 3 Special Populations   Model C Inquiry 3 Special Populations   Model C Inquiry 3 Special Populations   Module D Summary Of Teaching Practice
Year 2 Formative Assessment Cycle   Module A CFT   Model C Inquiry 2 Equity/English Learners   Model C Inquiry 2 Equity/English Learners   Model C Inquiry 2 Equity/English Learners   Model C Inquiry 2 Equity/English Learners   Module A CFT Revisited   Model C Inquiry 3 Special Populations   Model C Inquiry 3 Special Populations   Model C Inquiry 3 Special Populations   Module D Summary Of Teaching Practice
Yr. 2 Meetings PD Moodle Portfolios Observations Conferences - Year 2 Orientation -Initial Classroom visits - CFT docs - CSTP Assessment            Support Seminar Moodle Fall PD Night     Support Seminar Moodle       11 Pre/Post conference/ observations Moodle Cohort Mtg Portfolio Check    Support Seminar Moodle Winter PD Night     Support Seminar Moodle Spring PD Night     Support Seminar Moodle       11 Pre/Post conference/ observations Moodle           Support Seminar Moodle Self Assessment Toolbox PT/SP Colloquium/ Exit Interview/Portfolio Check
Support Model
  • Full-time release Support Providers (SP)
  • Each SP brings a unique area of expertise to the
  • Monthly Collaborative SP Meetings with
    Coordinator for SP professional development
  • Additional opportunities available for specific
    professional development needs
  • SP supports 20 beginning teachers

In-person Individualized Support
  • Since our Support Providers are teachers on
    special assignment (TOSA), they are able to visit
    classrooms during the school day. They arrange
    opportunities with the PT to
  • Observe classroom practice
  • Discuss formative assessment documents/activities
  • Provide confidential one-on-one support

Support Seminars
  • Monthly small group meetings with support
    provider as facilitator. Content includes
  • Instructional strategies and best practices
  • Formative assessment activities
  • District Priorities CCSS, STEM, Linked Learning,
    TK, Differentiation

Peer Support
All Induction events include opportunities for
peer support and collaboration.
Peer Support and collaboration is of equal
importance in the Induction Program!
Online Discussion Forums
  • Support Providers are responsible for
    facilitating online discussion forums twice
    monthly. This communication tool is
  • Data-driven
  • Content/subject related
  • collaborative
  • Differentiated
  • Self-reflective

Quick Write
  • How does your support provider model compare in
    your district?

Professional Development
  • PT has opportunities to participate in various
    types of PD throughout the Induction experience.
  • PD trainings/seminars
  • Book/article Studies
  • Online discussion threads through Moodle
  • Video/webinar opportunities
  • Teacher observation/co-teaching/demonstration
  • All PD is designed to meet the Induction
    Requirements and district focus areas which
  • California Standards for the Teaching Profession
  • Induction Standards (Pedagogy, Equity, English
    Learners, Advanced Learners, and student with
  • Connections to the academic content standards of
    the PT assignment
  • District PD Focus Areas Essential Elements of
    Effective Instruction, CCSS, STEM, Linked
    Learning, special populations lesson design

All Cohort Meetings
  • At key moments throughout the Induction
    experience, the program coordinator holds All
    cohort Meetings to touch base with participants.
    Topics include
  • Business Upcoming dates, events, requirements,
  • Training Large scale introductory professional
  • Support Opportunities for peer collaboration

PD Nights
  • Three times a year, the Induction Program hosts
    PD Nights for Induction Participants. The PT
    chooses sessions based on their research topic,
    areas of interest, and/or areas for growth.
  • The sessions are created based on data collected
    through analysis of
  • PT Surveys
  • PT Inquiry topics
  • Classroom observations
  • Induction Standards
  • Current district priorities

Fall PD Night Menu of Options
400 520pm 530 700pm
Title Interactive Writing (Audience TK, K, 1st) Summary of Seminar Teachers will learn the process of interactive writing as an effective writing strategy for emerging writers. Teacher examples and video will be shared during the presentation. Intended Audience TK, K, 1st Title Using Open Court Skills and Strategies (Audience K-5) Summary of Seminar Teachers will learn how to navigate the Open Court materials and how to apply the skills and strategies into reading fluency and comprehension instruction.
Title Elementary Classroom Management Strategies (Audience K-5) Summary of Seminar Participants will learn creative management strategies to use with elementary students. Strategies from Rick Morris and Fred Jones will be highlighted in the session. Title Discipline without Stress, Punishments, and Rewards (Audience 6-12) Summary of Seminar Participants will explore Marvin Marshalls philosophies on classroom management. The books contents discuss levels of responsibility in young people and how to use this concept to eliminate discipline problems in the classroom. If your cohort received this book at the beginning of the year, bring it with you to the session.
Title SDAIE strategies for English Learners(Audience K-12) Summary of Seminar Teachers will learn how to determine appropriate SDAIE strategies to utilize in the classroom. Teachers will walk away with instructional strategies ready to implement the next day!\ Title Academic Vocabulary (Audience K-12) Summary of Seminar Learn specific techniques to utilize academic vocabulary instruction in your classroom. Especially beneficial in teaching English learners.
Title Common Core Overview (Audience K-12) Summary of Seminar Teachers will be introduced to an introduction to the Common Core State Standards and how LBUSD will be implementing the CCSS into the classroom. Title Differentiated Objectives with an RTI focus (Audience K-12) Summary of Seminar Participants will review the components of 5-part instructional objectives and utilize task analysis in order to plan for differentiated lessons.
Title Powerpoint and Beyond Supplementing Technology in the Secondary Classroom (Audience 6-12) Summary of Seminar Infusing active participation and Linked Learning into the curriculum along with powerpoint presentations. Title Culturally Relevant Technology (Audience K-5) Summary of Seminar See how elementary teachers are using culturally relevant technologies in the classroom to enhance instruction, engage students, and differentiate instruction. Student work samples and digital samples will be presented. Learn how to integrate technology in the one computer classroom.
Title Elementary STEM Concepts(Audience K-5) Summary of Seminar Learn more about STEM education in this interactive session in which elementary teachers will be introduced to specific ideas on how to incorporate STEM concepts into the elementary classroom. Title Secondary STEM Concepts (Audience 6-12) Summary of Seminar Learn more about STEM education in this interactive session in which secondary teachers will be introduced to specific ideas on how to incorporate STEM concepts into the secondary classroom.
Winter PD Night Menu of Options
Quad D Rigor/Relevance Participants will understand the relationship between rigor and relevance in the classroom utilizing the Quad D theories and classroom application. Depth and Complexity Participants will learn about the GATE depth and complexity icons and application for classroom practice.
Math Strategies Grades 4-8 Learn to use a variety of active participation strategies in a secondary classroom. Secondary math lessons will be used as a model of how to incorporate these strategies. Horizontal Lesson Planning Participants will understand the components and process for the 10-step horizontal lesson plan template utilized in LBUSD.
Differentiation Grouping Strategies Participants will learn several flexible grouping configurations for effective differentiation in the classroom. Differentiation Next Steps Explore differentiation strategies for the classroom to include using assessment to identify areas for differentiation, skill and curriculum compacting and using opportunities to differentiate based on readiness, interest, learner profile, learning environment/affect.
Response to Intervention (RTI) Room 3 Participants will learn about the tiered structure for student intervention and the importance of providing interventions in the least restrictive environment. Blending/Phonemic Awareness Room 3 Participants will learn how to utilize the OCR Sound/Spelling Cards as a resource for both reading and writing. Phonemic Awareness techniques and Blending strategies to help support K-2 students in learning to decode unfamiliar words. Some strategies that will be taught are sound-by -sound, whole word, syllable, vowel first sentence blending.
Cross Curricular Planning for the STEM Classroom Participants will explore thematic ideas for integrating all curricular components to increase student engagement. Common Core Text Dependent Questions Participants will learn how to utilize a close read and create text dependent questions for classroom use. Close reads and text dependent questions are key elements in the shift to the Common Core State Standards.
Elementary Science Lessons An expert district science teacher will show elementary teachers how to creatively incorporate science into their lesson plans.   Engineering is Elementary Learn more about STEM education in this interactive session in which elementary teachers will be introduced to specific lessons on how to incorporate engineering concepts into the elementary classroom.
App-lying Technology in the Classroom Participants will utilize their personal smart phones to discover and analyze apps to be used in planning and/or delivering instruction. Simple Engaging Projects with iPods, Digital Cameras, Green Screen with iMovie Participants will learn how to create/integrate iMovie Movie Trailers into their curriculum to create simple, educational student projects. This is a hands-on workshop where participants will learn how to use iMovie and digital video cameras. Bring your iPod Nano and cameras. Instructor will also have cameras for participants. 
Spring PD Night Menu of Options
CCSS Reading Writing Grounded in Evidence from Text Participants will learn how to utilize their textbooks to facilitate the use of text dependent questions and discussions. Presenter Shelley Gustafson Audience Secondary Elementary PE Participants will learn new strategies to bring PE to life. PE standards will be discussed as well as what equipment is needed to fulfill PE requirements. Audience K - 5
App-lying Technology in the Classroom Participants will utilize smart devices to discover and analyze apps to be used in planning and/or delivering instruction. If you have a smart device, bring it! Presenter Sharon Schreiber Audience K-12 College and Career Readiness through Project Based Instruction Participants learn a dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges. Authentic industry theme-based experiences require students to integrate academic and technical content, as well as 21st Century skills, while creating high-quality, authentic products and presentations. Ronnie Evans Carrie Wiley Audience Secondary
Assessment Participants will learn how both formative and summative assessments are used to guide instruction and meet the diverse needs of learners. The five keys of quality assessment will also be introduced as a means to evaluate and develop quality classroom assessment. Presenter Corinne Blackmore Audience K-12 Math Talk and the Common Core Participants will learn about the Common Core Math shifts and look at the standards across the grade levels. The purpose of Talk Moves will be discussed along with strategies for student conversations with the content areas. Presenter Kyoko Weber-Sickler Audience K-12
Cross Curricular Planning for the STEM Classroom Participants will explore thematic ideas for integrating all curricular components to increase student engagement. Presenter Kristal Cheek Audience K-5 Writing Differentiated Lessons Participants will learn how to utilize Kaplans differentiation formula to modify core curriculum to make it more appropriate for advanced learners. Presenter Pam Lovett Audience K-12
Common Core Text Dependent Quest. Part 2 Participants will learn about the types of text dependent questions and how to utilize the BAP text dependent questions and plan for a text dependent lesson. Presenter Teresa Suzuki Audience 3-8 Common Core Text Dependent Questions Part 2 Participants will learn about types of text dependent questions and how to utilize the BAP text dependent questions and plan for a text dependent lesson. Presenter Teresa Suzuki Audience K -2
STEM in the TK, K and Grade 1 Classroom Use your current curriculum resources to develop integrated Science, Technology, Engineering and Math in the TK, K-1 classroom. Presenter Kris Damon Audience TK, K Gr. 1   Elementary Science Lessons An expert district Science teacher will show elementary teachers how to creatively incorporate Science into their lesson plans. Presenter Debbie Drab Audience 2 - 6
Inquiry FACT Document Support Participants will have an opportunity to work with BTSA support providers on their portfolio contents and FACT documents. Please bring your portfolio and any electronic documents on a flash drive that youd like to explore. You will have access in the computer lab to work on them during this session. Presenter Support Providers Audience K 12   Digital Tools for Assessment Learn to use digital tools to create formative and summative assessments to align with the Common Core and collect data on student behavior Presenter Vanitha Chandrasekhar Audience K-12
STEM Online Discussion Forum Sample Task
Task 1 STEM education is an approach to
teaching and learning that integrates the content
and skills of science, technology, engineering
and mathematics. Take time to investigate at
least 3 of the following internet resources.
Please post highlights from each of the 3
resources that you chose to investigate. Also,
describe how you plan to incorporate something
that you researched into an upcoming lesson that
you will teach. (If the links below do not
hyperlink, cut and paste into your internet web
browser.)      Science Kids http//www.scienceki
ds.co.nz/      Kids Math Games
http//www.kidsmathgamesonline.com/      Science
is Fun Home Experiments http//scifun.chem.wisc.e
du/homeexpts/homeexpts.html      The Comic Book
Periodic Table of the Elements
African Americans in the Sciences
     Educational Songs http//www.kidsknowit.com
Linked Learning Online Discussion Forum Sample
In October, we had guest speakers Liz Turner and
Ronnie Evans speak about integrating Linked
Learning into our curriculum. In that meeting,
we discussed the Student Outcome Chart for each
Small Learning Community (SLC). For your
reference, all of the SLC/Pathway Programs in
Long Beach Unified are organized by industry
sector on the district Linked Learning page. The
Student Outcome Charts that each SLC/Pathway
Program has developed states what students should
know and be able to do upon completing the course
sequence for that program. These outcomes reflect
proficiencies above and beyond the academic
content standards that are required by the
district, state, and federal government.
(paraphrased from LBUSD Linked Learning
informational page) Task 1 Review your notes
from the 10/22/12 meeting on Integrating Linked
Learning. Task 2 Go to the district Linked
Learning page and locate one of the student
outcome charts that best fit what you are
currently teaching. http//www.lbschools.net/Main_
You do not have to choose one from the site
where you teach now. Review the Student Outcome
Chart of your choice and note which one you chose
on your response. Task 3 Introduce your chart
and attach a copy to your response. Share the
Vision and Mission of the SLC. Explain the
components of your chart and how your current
teaching practice can support the outcomes
desired for the students.
CCSS Online Discussion Forum Sample Task
Thanks to everyone for attending Tuesday nights
Professional Development workshops. In this
forum, you will discuss PD and its impact on your
teaching as well as explore the Common Core State
Standards (CCSS). Task 1 Think about the
classes you recently took at our PD Night on
11/13.  Summarize at least three key
understandings you gained and how you will apply
them to your teaching practice. What impact does
this have on your EL students in particular?
Task 2 There has been a recent explosion of
resources centered around the CCSS.  From books
to online resources and smart phone apps,
teachers are being inundated with advertising and
promises of a curriculum that offers all the
answers to our common core needs.  Choose a CCSS
resource to research, explore and
evaluate.  Describe what the resource provides or
is designed (or promised) to do, and evaluate it
based on how it will be helpful to teachers and
students in implementing the standards, classroom
application, ease of use, cost, and overall
Year One Results Day
Year 1 candidates end their first year of the
Induction experience with a culminating activity.
Participants collaborate within small groups to
share reflective thoughts and artifacts related
to their inquiry experience.
Colloquium Collaboration Activity
  • Year 2 candidates participate in an
    end-of-program culminating activity to celebrate
    and reflect upon their Induction experience. All
    stakeholders are invited to attend
  • Executive Staff
  • Site Administrators
  • Support Providers
  • Induction Advisory Committee

Quick Write
  • How do meet the needs and interests of your
    participating teachers through professional
    development in your district?

Formative Assessment
  • LBUSD utilizes the Formative Assessment System
    for California Teachers (FACT). The FACT system
    includes components in
  • Context for Teaching PT analyzes the classroom
    and students by looking at information for
    student profiles, site and district resources,
    and the community
  • Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice PT
    self-assesses his/her own teaching by using the
    CSTP Continuum and reflecting on professional
    strengths and areas of growth with their SP
  • Inquiry PT chooses areas of focus for three
    separate action research projects that span the
    2-year induction program. The Inquiry topics
    relate to the Induction Standards and the PT
    designs corresponding units of study in which to
    implement the research.
  • Summary of Teaching Practice PT and SP reflect
    upon instructional practices in the areas of the
    CSTP, Induction Standards, and academic content
    standards in order to determine next steps.

(No Transcript)
Incorporating STEM, CCSS, and Linked Learning
into Formative Assessment
C-1 Individual Induction Plan With additional focus areas included to address STEM and Linked Learning C-1 Individual Induction Plan With additional focus areas included to address STEM and Linked Learning C-1 Individual Induction Plan With additional focus areas included to address STEM and Linked Learning C-1 Individual Induction Plan With additional focus areas included to address STEM and Linked Learning C-1 Individual Induction Plan With additional focus areas included to address STEM and Linked Learning C-1 Individual Induction Plan With additional focus areas included to address STEM and Linked Learning C-1 Individual Induction Plan With additional focus areas included to address STEM and Linked Learning C-1 Individual Induction Plan With additional focus areas included to address STEM and Linked Learning C-1 Individual Induction Plan With additional focus areas included to address STEM and Linked Learning C-1 Individual Induction Plan With additional focus areas included to address STEM and Linked Learning
Participating Teacher       Support Provider             District/ School       Grade/Content            
FOCUS OF THE INQUIRY Determining what I need to know and be able to do FOCUS OF THE INQUIRY Determining what I need to know and be able to do FOCUS OF THE INQUIRY Determining what I need to know and be able to do FOCUS OF THE INQUIRY Determining what I need to know and be able to do FOCUS OF THE INQUIRY Determining what I need to know and be able to do FOCUS OF THE INQUIRY Determining what I need to know and be able to do FOCUS OF THE INQUIRY Determining what I need to know and be able to do FOCUS OF THE INQUIRY Determining what I need to know and be able to do FOCUS OF THE INQUIRY Determining what I need to know and be able to do FOCUS OF THE INQUIRY Determining what I need to know and be able to do
?Induction Program Standards Addressed Pedagogy (5) Universal Access for All Learners (6) English Learners (6a) Special Populations (6b) ?Induction Program Standards Addressed Pedagogy (5) Universal Access for All Learners (6) English Learners (6a) Special Populations (6b) ?Induction Program Standards Addressed Pedagogy (5) Universal Access for All Learners (6) English Learners (6a) Special Populations (6b) ?Induction Program Standards Addressed Pedagogy (5) Universal Access for All Learners (6) English Learners (6a) Special Populations (6b) ?Induction Program Standards Addressed Pedagogy (5) Universal Access for All Learners (6) English Learners (6a) Special Populations (6b) ?Induction Program Standards Addressed Pedagogy (5) Universal Access for All Learners (6) English Learners (6a) Special Populations (6b) ?Induction Program Standards Addressed Pedagogy (5) Universal Access for All Learners (6) English Learners (6a) Special Populations (6b) ?Induction Program Standards Addressed Pedagogy (5) Universal Access for All Learners (6) English Learners (6a) Special Populations (6b) ?Induction Program Standards Addressed Pedagogy (5) Universal Access for All Learners (6) English Learners (6a) Special Populations (6b) PLAN
1. Based on findings from the various self-assessment tools (CSTP Continuum and E2.5, E2.6, E2.6a, or E.26b), list ideas for an area of focus       1. Based on findings from the various self-assessment tools (CSTP Continuum and E2.5, E2.6, E2.6a, or E.26b), list ideas for an area of focus       1. Based on findings from the various self-assessment tools (CSTP Continuum and E2.5, E2.6, E2.6a, or E.26b), list ideas for an area of focus       1. Based on findings from the various self-assessment tools (CSTP Continuum and E2.5, E2.6, E2.6a, or E.26b), list ideas for an area of focus       2. Narrow your list in question 1 and develop a focus question for this inquiry.       2. Narrow your list in question 1 and develop a focus question for this inquiry.       2. Narrow your list in question 1 and develop a focus question for this inquiry.       2. Narrow your list in question 1 and develop a focus question for this inquiry.       2. Narrow your list in question 1 and develop a focus question for this inquiry.       PLAN
2a. Now, think about STEM. You must include at least one component of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) research within your inquiry project. What elements of STEM will you include in your research based on your focus question?       2a. Now, think about STEM. You must include at least one component of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) research within your inquiry project. What elements of STEM will you include in your research based on your focus question?       2a. Now, think about STEM. You must include at least one component of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) research within your inquiry project. What elements of STEM will you include in your research based on your focus question?       2a. Now, think about STEM. You must include at least one component of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) research within your inquiry project. What elements of STEM will you include in your research based on your focus question?       2b. Next, think about Linked Learning. You must include at least one component of research based on making connections to college and career readiness within your inquiry project. What elements of Linked Learning will you include in your research based on your focus question?       2b. Next, think about Linked Learning. You must include at least one component of research based on making connections to college and career readiness within your inquiry project. What elements of Linked Learning will you include in your research based on your focus question?       2b. Next, think about Linked Learning. You must include at least one component of research based on making connections to college and career readiness within your inquiry project. What elements of Linked Learning will you include in your research based on your focus question?       2b. Next, think about Linked Learning. You must include at least one component of research based on making connections to college and career readiness within your inquiry project. What elements of Linked Learning will you include in your research based on your focus question?       2b. Next, think about Linked Learning. You must include at least one component of research based on making connections to college and career readiness within your inquiry project. What elements of Linked Learning will you include in your research based on your focus question?       PLAN
3. Which CSTP element(s) will be addressed?       3. Which CSTP element(s) will be addressed?       3. Which CSTP element(s) will be addressed?       3. Which CSTP element(s) will be addressed?       4. What are the anticipated, measurable outcomes for student learning?       4. What are the anticipated, measurable outcomes for student learning?       4. What are the anticipated, measurable outcomes for student learning?       4. What are the anticipated, measurable outcomes for student learning?       4. What are the anticipated, measurable outcomes for student learning?       PLAN
Incorporating STEM, CCSS, and Linked Learning
into Formative Assessment
Lesson Series Planning Template (C-2)   Lesson Series Planning Template (C-2)  
DIRECTIONS With your support provider, discuss and record information to ensure all essential components for instruction are considered when designing your lesson series. DIRECTIONS With your support provider, discuss and record information to ensure all essential components for instruction are considered when designing your lesson series.
Participating Teacher       Support Provider      
Content Area      Grade/Period       Beginning Date       Ending Date       Anticipated number of lessons in series      
1. Copy the academic content standard(s) being addressed in this lesson series. 2. Task Analysis Write a long-term objective for your lesson series. Make a list of everything the students will need to know and be able to do in order to master the objectives in the lesson series. Then, put that list in the order in which you will teach these skills/concepts (worksheet on last page).
Additional ideas to think about How will students be helped to connect the content to real life applications?       Additional ideas to think about How will the learning goals be communicated to the students? Families?  
3. Describe the entry-level assessment that will be used to measure the learning objective in the content area. 3. Describe the entry-level assessment that will be used to measure the learning objective in the content area.
What method/criteria (e.g., scoring guides, rubrics, etc.) will be used to interpret the results of the entry-level assessment? What method/criteria (e.g., scoring guides, rubrics, etc.) will be used to interpret the results of the entry-level assessment?
4. Describe the summative assessment that will be used to measure the learning objective in the content area. 4. Describe the summative assessment that will be used to measure the learning objective in the content area.
What method/criteria (e.g., scoring guides, rubrics, etc.) will be used to interpret the results of the summative assessment? What method/criteria (e.g., scoring guides, rubrics, etc.) will be used to interpret the results of the summative assessment?
5. Based on the entry-level assessment, what knowledge, vocabulary, and/or skills are needed to ensure student learning during this lesson series? 6. Based on the entry-level assessment results, what progress-monitoring assessments will be used during this lesson series?
7. How might key understandings from the Action Plan (IIP, Cells 5-8) be applied to this lesson series? 8. What supplemental materials will be needed for this lesson series?
C-2 Lesson Series Template (pg 2)
7. How might key understandings from the Action Plan (IIP, Cells 5-8) be applied to this lesson series? 8. What supplemental materials will be needed for this lesson series?

9. How will students use technology to advance their learning? What technology will be used to enhance instruction? 10. To ensure student engagement and opportunities to check for understanding, what active participation strategies will you use in your lessons?

11. Differentiation What instructional strategies will be used in this lesson series to meet the needs of all learners? 11. Differentiation What instructional strategies will be used in this lesson series to meet the needs of all learners?
12. What accommodations or modifications are required during this lesson series for students on an IEP, 504 or other learning plan? (Consider students in addition to your focus students) 13. List the strategies you will incorporate to meet the needs of your English Learners (i.e. language objectives, opportunities for receptive and productive language skills, attention to long-term ELLs).

14. How will you incorporate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) concepts into this unit of study? 14. How will you incorporate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) concepts into this unit of study?
15. How will you incorporate project-based instruction that links to real-world application into this unit of study? (LINKED LEARNING)   16. How have the Common Core standards impacted your plan for instruction? In what ways can you incorporate CCSS into your unit of study?
  • Has your Induction program found the need alter
    your formative assessment system documents with
    the roll out of Common Core?
  • Yes, a lot of changes have been/will be
  • Yes, a few changes will be necessary.
  • No changes, they continue to work well.
  • We dont have an adopted formative assessment
    system in our district/state.

We are so grateful for the support from
  • CSU Chancellors Office
  • S.D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation
  • James Irvine Foundation
  • David and Lucille Packard Foundation
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