Empirical Research on Software Analysis and Design with UML - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Empirical Research on Software Analysis and Design with UML


http://techrepublic.com.com ... og dyktigere m lgruppe, men vi har bare info. ... Har dette med kunnskapsrike brukere i Paper 1, dette er jo ogs p standen i ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Empirical Research on Software Analysis and Design with UML

Empirical Research on Software Analysis and
Design with UML
  • Bente Anda
  • Research scientist, Simula Research Laboratory
  • Associate professor II, IFI
  • 6.11.2007

  • Software analysis and design using UML is
  • taught in software engineering courses,
  • advocated as a means to ensure quality in
    software development projects, and
  • frequently used in some form in software
    development projects.

Advocates of Methods and Tools
  • claim benefits, examples
  • UML-based model-driven development tools like
    xxx speeds up development, testing, debugging and
    documentation of embedded designs.
  • Model-driven development methods using UML have
    already demonstrated their potential for radical
    improvements in the quality of software and the
    productivity of development.
  • http//techrepublic.com.com/
  • Developers who understand UML can communicate
    precisely and effectively with one another about
    the structures of object oriented systems,
    minimizing the chances of misunderstandings.  New
    developers to a team who understand UML can
    quickly grasp the structure of a software
    application when UML analysis and design
    documentation is available for it.  UML helps to
    standardize your software development process and
    make it easier for new developers trained in UML
    to come up to speed with your application's
  • http//www.mblmsoftware.com/UMLatMBLM.aspx

Empirical Research on UML
  • Current situation
  • Relatively few empirical studies on UML-based
    development have been reported.
  • Consequently, it is difficult to summarize such
    studies or to do a meta-analysis to provide
    strong empirical evidence of the effects of the
  • It is also difficult to identify studies that are
    relevant for a specific project context.
  • There are, however, individual studies that may
    provide good advice.
  • Ideal situation
  • Sufficient empirical evidence to, given a
    specific project, be able to make decisions about
    how to best use UML-based development
  • to satisfy project goals, for example regarding
    quality and time, and
  • according to project constraints, for example
    project members qualifications and turn over.
  • ? Many more empirical studies are needed in this

Content of (rest of) Lecture
  • Empirical evidence on
  • how UML is used in industry (2 surveys),
  • how to best use UML in software projects
  • Describing use cases (experiment)
  • effects of UML
  • The impact of UML documentation on software
    maintenance (A series of experiments some
    results from a case study)
  • Learning goal(s)
  • Understand how different aspects of the use of
    UML in software development can be investigated,
  • understand the kinds of evidence-based decisions
    that can be made about UML-based development.

  • Read through the two survey papers, and answer
    the following
  • How are the studies similar and how do they
    differ (regarding method and results)?
  • Can you find any possible explanations for
    different results?

How is UML used in Industry? 1
  • Dobing, B. and Parsons, J. How UML is used.
    Communications of the ACM, 49(5)109113, 2006.
  • Research questions
  • To what extent are the UML components used and
    for what purposes?
  • Do differences in the levels of use and the
    reasons for these differences reflect the
    complexity of the language?
  • How successful is UML in facilitating
    communication within software development teams?
  • A web based survey with questions based on
    literature on UML and interviews with UML users.
  • The survey attracted 182 responses from analysts
    using UML. The respondents were members of the
    OMG and their contacts.
  • They had been involved in an average of 27
    projects (6.2 using UML), over an average 15-year
    career (4.7 using UML).
  • The median "typical" UML project had a budget of
    around 1,000,000 and 6.5 person-years, and
    required about 50,000 lines of code.

How is UML used in Industry? 2
  • Grossman, M., Aronson, J.E. and McCarthy, R.V.
    Does UML make the grade? Insights from the
    software development community. Information and
    Software Technology, 47(6)383-397, 2005.
  • Research questions
  • Do individuals who use UML perceive it to be
  • Does UML provide a task-technology fit to
    individuals who utilize it?
  • What are the characteristics that affect UML use?
  • A web based survey with 32 questions based on a
    framework for understanding use of technology,
    the Task-Technology Fit Model
  • A database with 1507 e-mail addresses of UML
    users was established by accessing online
    newsgroups, user groups, conference web sites and
  • The survey was sent to those e-mail addresses,
    150 UML users responded, 19 responses were
    incomplete ? 131 responses.
  • The respondents
  • were located worldwide, although most were from
    the US.
  • 57 had more than 6 years experience with OO
    technology, 5 had one year or less, but over 50
    had completed less than five projects in UML
  • They were managers, systems analysts and software
  • 21,4 of project over 1000 000 (the high end),
    and 16 less than 30000 (the low end)

Results 1
Results 2
  • Main objective for using UML Usage of
  • Use of UML in organization

  • Paper 1
  • UML may be too complex for many developers and
  • Avoid collaboration (communication) diagrams in
    the first UML projects
  • Statechart (state machine) diagrams are very
    useful for their intended purpose but often not
  • Focusing on a smaller set of components may be a
    good strategy in the early stages of learning
    UML, and may reduce the cost of ensuring
    consistency across different components.
  • Quite high client/user involvement in developing
    and reviewing UML components, but more attention
    may be needed on how clients/users can be
    involved in the use of UML beyond Use case
  • Those with the most UML experience reported their
    that projects used more components, suggesting
    that usage levels might increase as practitioners
    gain experience.
  • Paper 2
  • Did not really manage to answer the research
    questions, maybe beacuse the UML -users do not
    yet have a good understanding of how this
    technology fits the tasks they are trying to

Sammenligning av artiklene
  • Metode
  • Utvikling av spørreskjemaer
  • Paper 1 har basert spørsmÃ¥lene sine pÃ¥ generelle
    påstander om UML
  • Paper 2 har basert spørsmÃ¥lene pÃ¥ et spesifikt
    rammeverk, task-technology fit.
  • Respondenter
  • Paper 1 gikk ut til en relativt snever mÃ¥lgruppe,
    medlemmer av OMG og deres kontakter, men vi vet
    ingenting om response-rate.
  • Paper 2 gikk bredt ut til UML newsgrupper, UML
    relaterte konferanser m.m, men fikk relativt få
  • Resultater
  • Paper 1 svarer pÃ¥ sine forskningsspørsmÃ¥l og gir
    ganske presise svar
  • lettere Ã¥ fÃ¥ svar nÃ¥r spørsmÃ¥l er basert pÃ¥
    generelle påstander
  • kanskje en snevrere og dyktigere mÃ¥lgruppe, men
    vi har bare info. om gjennomsnittlig erfaring med
    UML, og vi vet heller ikke noe om respons rate
  • Paper 2 ser ikke ut til Ã¥ konkludere pÃ¥
    forskningsspørsmålene,og de tar heller ikke opp
    hvilke oppgaver UML skal være egnet til, dvs.
    hvilken task teknologien skal passe til
  • Bruk av UML er ganske lik for de mest brukte UML
    komponentene som use cases, class diagrams og
    sequence diagrams, mens activity diagrams, state
    chart (state machine) diagrams and collaboration
    (communication diagrams) brukes sjeldnere i Paper
  • Har dette med kunnskapsrike brukere i Paper 1,
    dette er jo også påstanden i Paper 1 når det
    gjelder bruk
  • PÃ¥ den annen side Paper 1 fant at UML var for
    komplekst, men Paper 2 fant egentlig ikke det

How to best Describe Use Cases
  • Motivation
  • Use cases are used for capturing and describing
    functional requirements.
  • Use cases are used in the development process,
    for example in planning, design and test, and as
    a means of communication among stakeholders in
    development projects.
  • An example of a guideline on use case modelling
    in a major Scandinavian telecommunication
  • The use case specification document must be
    interpreted in the same way by whoever reads it
  • It is important that use cases are described in
    such a way that they support the development
    process and promote a good understanding of the
    requirements among stakeholders.
  • But, how can guidelines for description be used
    to achieve such quality?
  • Anda, B., Sjøberg, D. and Jørgensen, M. Quality
    and Understandability of Use Case Models,
    ECOOP 2001-15th European Conference on
    Object-Oriented Programming, pp.402-428, 2001.

Use Case Modelling
  • A use case model describes a system's intended
    functions and its environment. It has two parts
  • A diagram that provides an overview of actors and
    use cases, and their interactions.
  • An actor represents a role that the user can play
    with regard to the system.
  • A use case represents an interaction between an
    actor and the system.
  • The use case descriptions detail the requirements
    by documenting the flow of events between the
    actors and the system.

Many Guidelines Which ones to Choose?
  • There are many different, sometimes
    contradictory, recommendations and guidelines on
    use case modelling.
  • To our knowledge only one set of guidelines had
    previously been empirically evaluated1,2.
  • Typical alternatives
  • Minor guidelines Simple guidelines that only
    give support on how to identify actors and use
  • Template guidelines3 Guidelines on the content
    of the description of each use case
  • Style guidelines1 Guidelines on how to document
    the flow of events in each use case
  • 1Ben Achour, C., Rolland, C., Maiden, N. and
    Souveyet, C. Guiding use case authoring results
    from an empirical study, 4th IEEE International
    Symposium on Requirements Engineering, Limerick,
    7-11 June, 1999.
  • 2Cox, K. and Phalp, K. Replicating the CREWS use
    case authoring guidelines experiment, Empirical
    Software Engineering Journal, 5(3)245-268, 2000.
  • 3Cockburn, A. Writing Effective Use Cases.
    Addison-Wesley, 2000.

The Experiment
  • We conducted a large experiment on the effects of
    the three different sets of guidelines on use
    case modelling as part of a project in a course
    in software engineering.
  • Use case modelling was taught in lectures in the
  • The 139 students in the course were divided into
    31 project groups. One of the tasks in the
    project was to make use case models for a system
    to be developed.
  • The three different sets of guidelines were
    taught to different project groups in seminars.
  • The project groups were organized in pairs each
    project group was customer for one system while
    they were development team for another.
  • System A A system for publishing questionnaires
    on the internet for an opinion poll company.
  • System B A system for swapping duties between
    nurses for a hospital.

Customer team
Development team
Template Guidelines
  • A template for documenting use cases
  • Name
  • Actors
  • Trigger
  • Prerequisites
  • Post-conditions
  • Normal flow of events
  • Variations
  • Associations
  • A template for documenting actors
  • Name
  • Description
  • Examples

Style Guidelines
  • SG1 Write the UC normal course as a list of
    discrete actions in the form ltactiongtltaction
  • SG2 Use the sequential ordering of action
    descriptions to indicate strict sequence between
    actions. Variations should be written in a
    separate section.
  • SG3 Iterations and concurrent actions can be
    expressed in the same section of the UC, whereas
    alternative actions should be written in a
    different section.
  • SG4 Be consistent in your use of terminology.
  • SG5 Use present tense and active voice when
    describing actions.
  • SG6 Avoid use of negations, adverbs and modal
    verbs in the description of an action.
  • Content
  • CG1 ltagentgtltactiongtltagentgt
  • CG2 ltagentgtltactiongtltobjectgtltprepositional
  • CG3 If ltalternative assumptiongt then ltlist
    of action descriptionsgt
  • CG4 Repeat until ltrepetiton conditongtltlist of
    action descriptionsgt
  • CG5 ltaction 1gt while ltaction 2gt

The Guidelines were Evaluated According to
  • How they affected the understanding of the
    requirements both among the developers and the
    customers (readers) by comparing the scores on
    correct answers to a set of questions about
  • Examples of Questions for System B
  • Who has access to the system and how do they log
  • How is the roster made and updated, and who is
    responsible for it?
  • What possibilities are there in the system to
    look at rosters and who has access to different
  • How they contributed to other quality properties
    of the use case models.
  • Actors the correct actors were identified.
  • Use cases the correct use cases were
  • Content the description of each use case
    contained the information required by all the
    sets of guidelines.
  • Level of detail the descriptions of each event
    were at an appropriate level of detail.
  • Realism the flow of events was realistic, that
    is, the events follow a logical and complete
    sequence, and it is clearly stated where
    variations can occur.
  • Consistency the use of terminology was
  • How useful they were considered by the
    participants in the experiment.

Assessment of Understandability
  • There was a statistically significant difference
    in the score on correct answers between the
    customers who had read use case models
    constructed using either the Template or Style
    guidelines compared with those who had used the
    Minor guidelines.
  • There were no statistically significant
    differences between the guidelines when we
    compared the scores of the developers on the
    questions about functionality in the use case
    models they had constructed themselves.

Assessment of Quality
  • The use case models constructed using the
    Template guidelines obtained the highest score
    on the different properties of quality.
  • The Minor guidelines did worst.
  • In addition, the template guidelines were found
    most useful (based on questions about

Results on Guidelines
  • Indication that guidelines based on templates
    result in use case models that are easier to
    understand for the readers than are the other
  • Indication that the guidelines based on templates
    result in better use case models regarding also
    other quality attributes.
  • The Style guidelines appear to improve some of
    the quality attributes. It may therefore be
    beneficial to combine template guidelines with
    style guidelines.
  • But, the effects of using use case guidelines
    depends on
  • The domain knowledge of the project participants,
  • their experience with use case modelling,
  • their abilities to write unambiguous texts, and
  • the turn-over of the project members.

The Impact of UML Documentation on Software
  • Motivation
  • Model-driven development is often perceived as
  • Software maintenance is costly and is often
    performed by individuals who were not involved in
    the original design of the system
  • Good documentation is therefore important, and
  • modeling is seen as one way to handle the
    complexity of software
  • Can the use of UML documentation make a
    practically significant difference, that would
    justify the costs, to software maintenance?
  • Arisholm, E., Briand, L.C., Hove, S.E. and
    Labiche, Y. The Impact of UML Documentation on
    Software Maintenance An Experimental Evaluation,
    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 32(6)
    365381, 2006.

How can UML documentation make a difference?
  • By reducing the costs related to code changes,
    which are
  • Time to complete change tasks
  • Functional correctness of changes
  • The quality of the changes design
  • Compared to a baseline situation where the
    developers have
  • source code with comments to define the most
    complex methods and variables, and
  • a high-level textual description of the system
    objectives and functionality.

Two Experiments
  • In Oslo
  • Subjects 22 3rd year students who were paid for
    their participation
  • The students were divided in two groups of 11
    students based on credits in computer science
    (less and more than 30 credits)
  • The students of each group were assigned randomly
    to use UML or to not use UML
  • Duration 8 hours on one day
  • Tool Tau - UML
  • In Ottawa
  • Subjects 76 4th year students who did this as a
    compulsory part of a course (therefore they
    should all have the same learning experience).
  • The students were divided in two groups of 38
    students based on grades in previous course on
    UML (above or below B-)
  • The students in both groups did some tasks with
    UML and some without.
  • Duration 5 laboratory sessions of 3 hours, the
    first one used for preparation,
  • Tool Visio
  • Two systems were used
  • ATM machine
  • Vending machine for drinks
  • The UML documentation consisted of a use case
    diagram, sequence diagrams for each use case and
    a class diagram.

Conduct of the Experiment
  • For each subject and each task time to perform
    the task excluding (T) and including (T) diagram
    modifications was recorded.
  • The resulting solutions were assessed according
  • Functional correctness (C), in the Oslo
    experiment graded on a six point scale to
    indicate the amount of work required to fix
    deviations from the prescribed functionality, and
    in the Ottawa experiment measured as the number
    of passed test cases.
  • design quality (Q), quantifying to what extent a
    complies with the expected changes in the design.
  • In the Oslo experiment post-experiment interviews
    and feedback during the experiment was used to
  • how UML was used, and
  • the subjects perceptions of the costs and
    benefits of using it, as well as
  • how the subjects worked, and
  • what types of problems the subjects experienced
    on the different tasks.

  • Oslo Ottawa
  • The use of UML did not lead to improvements of
    time spent, except for the most complex task,
    task 6.
  • Functional correctness was improved, especially
    for the most complex task
  • Design quality was improved only for the most
    complex task

BestWeb A follow-up study with Professional
Software Developers
  • 20 senior consultants implemented the same five
    well-specified maintenance tasks on a
    medium-sized, real and non-trivial web-based
  • They were divided into two (equal-sized) groups
    one group worked within a UML environment and one
    worked in a traditional (non-UML) environment.
  • Each consultant spent between 1 and 2 weeks
    implementing the tasks.
  • The results confirm the results of the
  • The subjects in the UML group had on average a
    54 increase in the functional correctness of
  • a 7 overall improvement in design quality,
    though a much larger improvement was observed on
    the first change task (56),
  • at the expense of a 14 increase in development
    time caused by the overhead of updating the UML

The ABB Case Study
  • Described in the lecture 25/9.
  • Interviews and questionnaires were used to
    identify costs and benefits of introducing UML in
    a large safety-critical project.
  • Benefits were identified regarding design and
    documentation (the developers didnt have
    experience with maintaining software with the use
    of UML).
  • Design was improved because
  • of a greater focus on design than had been the
    case previously,
  • more people realized the importance of designing
    before coding, and
  • it was beneficial to have a design framework
    available before coding starts. In particular,
    the interviewees considered that the use of
    sequence diagrams forced them to design
  • Some found that there was not sufficient support
    in the method for combining top-down and
    bottom-up development, something which was
    necessary when many building blocks were already
    available in the form of hardware components or
    legacy code.
  • Documentation was improved because
  • the documents had a more unified structured with
    respect to content, and
  • more software developers could learn UML than
    learn to express themselves well in English. In
    addition, several of the interviewees emphasized
    that the developers found it more fun to make
    diagrams than to write textual documentation
    hence, they produced a more comprehensive set of
    analysis and design documents.
  • The UML documents were, however, also often very
    large and therefore difficult to use.
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