Research Topics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Research Topics


Research Topics & Initial Mapping PLM Focus Areas GIT Activities PLM Center of Excellence Georgia Institute of Technology – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Research Topics

Research Topics Initial Mapping PLM Focus
Areas ? GIT Activities
February 5, 2004
  • PLM Center of Excellence
  • http//
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Document Contacts

Sample GIT PLM-Related Activities
Composable Simulations
Design-Analysis Integration
Standards for Systems Engineering
Lean Principles
Strategic Design
Virtual Factories
Robust Design Simulation
Aircraft Lifecycle Support
Product Family Design
Factory Information Systems
Collaborative Visualization Environments
Change Mgt. in Product Model Databases
Source IBM PLM definition slide at PDES Inc.
Board Mtg. 2003-11
Engineering Knowledge Representation
Collaborative Design Optimization
Design-Supply ChainProcess Integration
PLM Focus Areas Addressing Top Industry Pain
Source IBM slides at PDES Inc. Board Mtg. 2003-11
Mapping PLM Focus Areas ? GIT Activities - p1
(and related faculty)
  • Product Innovation Management
  • Strategic design (Mistree)
  • IPPD and PLM integration (Schrage, Hart)
  • Marketing strategies over the product life-cycle
  • Component, Platform and Asset Commonality
  • Product family design (Rosen, Mistree)
  • Design repositories (Paredis, Eastman )
  • Domain-oriented product access and management
  • Lean principles (Schrage)
  • Adoption and continued use of products and
    technologies (Malhotra)
  • Extended Enterprise Product Change Management
  • Course Interactive Computer Graphics and
    Computer-Aided Design (Fulton, Sitaraman, Dennis)
  • Course Intro to PLM (Schrage, Hart)
  • Engineering knowledge representation info.
    systems (Peak, Fulton)
  • Change management in product model databases

Mapping PLM Focus Areas ? GIT Activities - p2
  • Virtual Product Introduction
  • Course Design and Engineering Database
    Management (Fulton, Eastman, Peak)
  • Course Modeling and Simulation in Design
    (Paredis, Peak)
  • Design-analysis integration (Peak)
  • Standards for systems engineering (Peak, Paredis)
  • Decision-based design (Mistree, Allen)
  • Designing open processes (Mistree)
  • Composable simulations (Paredis)
  • Virtual factories (McGinnis, Bodner)
  • Factory information Systems (Dugenske)
  • Robust design simulation (Mavris)
  • Collaborative visualization environments (Mavris)
  • Collaborative design optimization (Olds and
  • Visualization and human computer interaction

Mapping PLM Focus Areas ? GIT Activities - p3
  • Service after Sales
  • Aircraft lifecycle support (Schrage)
  • Manage Operations Systems
  • Course Aerospace Systems Engineering (Schrage)
  • Domain specific parametric tool specification and
    procurement (Eastman)
  • Integrating design chain processes with supply
    chain processes (Mistree)
  • Standards-based engineering frameworks (Peak)

Quad Charts for Sample Research Topics
  • PLM Center of Excellence
  • http//
  • Georgia Institute of Technology

Next-Gen. PLM with Fine-Grained Interoperability
Customer Needs /Acquisitions

Abstraction Level

Systems Engineering
Model interfacesAssociativities among
domain-specific models system-level models

Fine-grained models Information objects
Parametric relations

Development Process
Human Interaction

After Bajaj, Peak, Waterbury 2003-09
Models of varied abstractions and domains
Hierarchic Market Space Definition and Exploration
  • Student Christopher Williams Faculty
    Farrokh Mistree, Janet K. Allen

Contributions Benefits
  • Sequencing modes of managing product variety
  • How can a designer synthesize multiple modes of
    managing product variety in order to realize a
    customized product?
  • How does the designer select which mode to use
    first? What sequence will provide the most
    affordable coverage of the market space at a high
  • Dealing with non-uniform demand
  • How does the arrangement of the hierarchy change
    as demand is non-uniform?
  • Can this question be answered without using
    varying sized constructs?
  • Will this affect the sequencing of the modes of
    managing product variety?
  • Provision of manufacturing firms an efficient
    (through rigorous and systematic methodology)
    foundation for realizing customized products,
    thus enhancing the responsiveness of
    manufacturing organizations to changes in the
    market or demands for customization.

  • To develop formal, mathematically correct, and
    rigorous principles for designing product
    architectures that facilitate the production of
    customized products.
  • Determine an optimal arrangement of product
    variety techniques that link all points in the
    market space in order to satisfy any customer
    demand so that cost is minimized.

Resources, Status, Publications, etc.
  • Constructal Theory
  • The hierarchic structures (tree networks) that we
    observe in natural and artificial systems are the
    fingerprint of the minimization of flow
    resistance between a finite volume and one point.
  • An access problem can be solved through the
    optimization of the shape of the smallest,
    inner-most space elements and the hierarchic
    assembly of these elements into larger
    constructs until covering the entire geometric
  • The abstraction of a space of customization as a
    geometric space in need of access optimization,
    allows a designer to effectively develop a
    product architecture for customized products.

  • SRL Knowledge Base
  • X-DPR, iSIGHT, Matlab, Concurrent Versioning
    System (CVS)
  • Nearing completion of MS Research
  • Adaptation to the development of a process family
  • Consideration of non-uniform demand, risk and

Williams, C. B., Panchal, J., Rosen, D. W., 2003,
A General Decision-Making Method for the Rapid
Manufacturing of Customized Parts, accepted by
the 23rd Conference on Computers and Information
in Engineering, ASME, September 2-6, Chicago,
Illinois. Carone, M. J., Williams, C.B., Allen,
J. K., and Mistree, F., 2003, An Application of
Constructal Theory in the Multi-Objective Design
of Product Platforms, accepted by the 15th
International Conference on Design Theory and
Methodology, ASME, September 2-6, Chicago,
Illinois. Hernandez, G., Williams, C. B., Allen,
J.K., Mistree, F., Design of Platforms for
Customizable Products as a Problem of Access in a
Geometric Space, Journal of Mechanical Design,
Submitted. Hernandez, G., Allen, J.K., and
Mistree, F. 2002, Design of Hierarchic Platforms
for Customizable Products, ASME Design
Automation Conference, Montreal, Canada,
DETC2002/DAC-34095. Hernandez, Gabriel, 2001,
Platform Design for Customizable Products as a
Problem of Access in a Geometric Space, Ph.D.
Dissertation, George W. Woodruff School of
Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, GA.
Strategic Design
  • Student Matthew Chamberlain
    Faculty Farrokh Mistree
  • Contributions Benefits
  • Scholarship
  • Effective tools for creating representations of
    n-dimensional market spaces and design
  • Systematic approaches for designing families of
    products that can evolve and accommodate change
    and innovation and a systematic tool for choosing
    between multiple available approaches
  • Methods for forecasting and characterizing the
    impact of innovation on a feasible space in a
    manner meaningful to the design process
  • Industry
  • Computing, information, and decision frameworks
    for coordinating distributed decision makers
    carrying out strategic design
  • Methods for linking market and design capability
    forecasts to design decisions and plans for
    product portfolios
  • Objectives
  • To establish a method for allowing distributed
    designers to collaborate on the design of
    products while taking into account
  • Changes in market trends
  • Changes in the capabilities of existing
  • New or evolving technologies
  • To develop a number of new techniques that would
    be parts of a strategic design method, including
  • N-dimensional market visualization techniques
  • Innovation modeling and early technology impact
    forecasting methods
  • To develop a plan for coordinating the many
    disparate methods that would make up strategic
    design as well as a logic for choosing between
    different modes of managing product variety
  • Tasks
  • Strategic product planning techniques for
    forecasting dynamic requirements and
    technological capabilities and for assessing the
    potential impact of innovation on complex
    products and processes.
  • Product variety design techniques for leveraging
    and adapting existing products.
  • Decision support techniques that are formal,
    rigorous, and flexible, and account for
  • Coordination mechanisms for multiple agents in
    product development activities
  • Flexible computing and information
    infrastructures for effective distributed design
  • Resources
  • One student.
  • Publications
  • Seepersad, C. C., F. S. Cowan, M. K. Chamberlain
    and F. Mistree, 2002, "Strategic Design
    Leveraging and Innovation for a Changing
    Marketplace," Engineering Design Conference,
    King's College, London, pp. 3-20.
  • Chamberlain, M. K., 2002, A Step Towards
    Web-Based Strategic Design, MS Thesis, G.W.
    Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering,
    Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.
  • Background
  • Strategic Design is a comprehensive approach for
    designing products and processes that efficiently
    and effectively accommodate
  • changing markets and associated customer
  • technological innovations
  • In a collaborative, distributed environment

Design Process, Information, and Knowledge
Management in Distributed, Collaborative Design
Student Jitesh H. Panchal
Faculty Farrokh Mistree, Janet K. Allen
Contributions Benefits
  • Means for improvement of design processes
  • Systematic method for configuring design chains
  • Design knowledge reuse in an organization
  • Tools for modeling and reconfiguring design
  • A new dimension to the design information
    management and reuse
  • Development of
  • A method for Integrated Design of Products and
    Design Processes
  • Computational model of design processes in the
    form of a design equation
  • Quantitative metrics for openness of products
    and processes
  • Method for synthesizing design processes
  • Application to design of materials

Collaboration Needed
Design Equation K T (I)
2 PhD Students Student 1 Development of method
for Integrated Design of Products and Design
Processes Student 2 Application of the method to
design of materials
Decision Based Design Decision Support Problem
(DSP) Technique
1 B. A. Bras, "Designing Design Processes for
Decision-Based Concurrent Engineering," presented
at CERC's First Workshop on Product Development,
Process Modeling and Characterization,
Morgantown, West-Virginia, 1992. 2 F. Mistree,
W. F. Smith, B. Bras, J. K. Allen, and D. Muster,
"Decision-Based Design A Contemporary Paradigm
for Ship Design," in Transactions, Society of
Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, vol. 98.
Jersey City, New Jersey, 1990, pp. 565-597. 3
D. Muster and F. Mistree, "The Decision Support
Problem Technique in Engineering Design,"
International Journal of Applied Engineering
Education, vol. 4, pp. 23-33, 1988.
A Decision Support Framework (DSF) for
Distributed Collaborative Design and Manufacture
  • Student Marco Gero Fernández Faculty
    Farrokh Mistree and Janet K. Allen

Contributions Benefits
  • Develop and commercialize a Decision Support
    Framework (DSF) for Distributed Collaborative
    Design and Manufacture (DCDM), where decision
    support refers to the cumulative means of
    modeling, structuring, and negotiation solutions
    to decisions and any of their interactions.
  • Provide a consistent mechanism for supporting
    designers in their capacity as decision-makers.
    The fundamental goals are to (1) manage the
    design process, (2) facilitate the collaboration
    of stakeholders, and (3) effectively share
  • Effectively structure design processes and
    properly reflect decision critical information
    and any dependencies.

  • Emphasis is placed on development of theory,
    creation of domain independent constructs for
    characterizing and modeling decisions, and
    formalization of interactions among distributed
    design agents via digital interfaces
  • Development of logic for design process
    reconfiguration and investigation of strategic
    decision-making/resource allocation
  • Facilitation of strategic decision-making from a
    systems perspective and enhancement of design
    process reconfiguration with regard to
    flexibility, efficiency, and effectiveness.
  • Enablement of companies to trace errors to their
    origins within a given design chain and allow for
    remediation through dynamic design modification
    and/or process reconfiguration

  • This research will expand upon a substantial
    knowledge base in Decision Based Design, design
    theory, and decision theory that has evolved in
    the Systems Realization Laboratory (SRL) since
    its establishment in 1992.
  • It is the nature and types of decisions,
    implemented that determine the progress of a
  • Decisions in all stages of engineering design
    depend on scientific, factual information as well
    as empirical, experience-based knowledge,
    designer preferences, and uncertainty.
  • There is a need to propagate decision-critical,
    up-to-date information alongside design knowledge
    for both sequential and concurrent design tasks,
    particularly for dependent and interdependent
    decisions that cannot be made in isolation.

Resources, Status, Publications, etc.
  • SRL Knowledge Base
  • X-DPR, iSIGHT, Web Board, Concurrent Versioning
    System (CVS)
  • Completion of MS Research, Development of
    Decision Constructs and Information Model
    required for DSF
  • Active consideration/infusion of Risk and
    Uncertainty into decision-making

Fundamental Assertions
  • Fernández, M.G., D.W. Rosen, J.K. Allen, and F.
    Mistree (2002). A Decision Support Framework for
    Distributed Collaborative Design and
    Manufacture. 9th AIAA/ISSMO Symposium on
    Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization,
    Atlanta, GA, AIAA-4881.
  • Others available upon request.

Digital Clay for Shape Input and Display
15 Students Faculty Wayne Book, Mark Allen,
Imme Ebert-Uphoff, Ari Glezer, David
Rosen, Jarek Rossignac
Contributions Benefits
  • Develop an interactive, 3-D haptic computer
    input/output device. Specifically, the device
    will enable
  • Shape input through a sculpting interaction
  • Shape display of a computer model (e.g. CAD
  • Stiffness (feel) display of shapes with various
    material properties.
  • Demonstrate the digital clay device on a variety
    of mechanical and architectural shape design
    applications, distributed collaboration, and
    dynamic simulations.
  • Define state-of-the-art in haptics (force-based)
    computer interaction.
  • Greatly impact distributed collaboration when
    shape must be communicated.
  • Potentially, impact the ability for visually
    impaired people to interact with computers.
  • Significantly impact technology in hydraulics,
    controls, kinematics, manufacturing, and
    human-computer interface areas.

Supported by 5 year NSF grant.
Collaboration Needed
  • 1 student to develop digital clay prototypes and
    test them in mechanical design applications.
  • Materials and supplies to construct digital clay
  • Hydraulics will be used for actuation and
  • A formable skin will comprises the bulk and shape
    of the clay device. The skin will have
    inflatable bladders to enable the skin to change
    shape and to sense user forces.
  • Stereolithography used to fabricate skin and clay
  • MEMS technologies will be utilized to fabricate
    array of pressure sensors and valves in device
  • Human-computer interface studies will determine
    appropriate methods of interaction with clay

  • Bosscher, P. and Ebert-Uphoff, I., Digital Clay
    Architecture Designs for Shape-Generating
    Mechanisms, IEEE Robotics and Automation
    Conference, 2003.
  • Rosen, D.W., Nguyen, A., and Wang, H., On the
    Geometry of Low Degree-of-Freedom Digital Clay
    Human-Computer Interface Devices, Proceedings
    ASME CIE Conference, paper DETC2003-48295,
    Chicago, Sept. 2-6, 2003.
  • Zhu, H. and Book, W.J. Control Concepts for
    Digital Clay, 7th Annual International Symposium
    on Robot Control SyRoCo 2003, Sept. 1-3, 2003,
    Wroclaw, Poland.

Constrained Objects A Knowledge Representation
for Design, Analysis, and Systems Engineering
  • Students Manas Bajaj, Injoong Kim, Greg Mocko
    Faculty Russell Peak

Contributions Benefits
Chip Package Stress Analysis Template
  • Develop better methods of capturing engineering
    knowledge that
  • Are independent of vendor-specific CAD/CAE/SE
  • Support both easy-to-use human-sensible views
    and robust computer-sensible formulations in
    a unified manner
  • Handle a diversity of product domains,
    simulation disciplines, solution methods, and
    leverage disparate vendor tools
  • Apply these capabilities in a variety of
    sponsor-relevant test scenarios
  • Proposed candidates are templates and custom
    capabilities for design, analysis, and
    systems engineering
  • To Scholarship
  • Develop richer understanding of modeling
    (including idealizations and multiple levels of
    abstraction) and representation methods
  • To Industry
  • Better designs via increased analysis intensity
  • Increased automation and model consistency
  • Increased modularity and reusability
  • Increased corporate memory via better knowledge

Constrained Object (COB) Formulations
Approach Status
Collaboration Needed
  • Approach
  • Extend and apply the constrained object (COB)
    representation and related methodology based on
    positive results to date
  • Expand within international efforts like the OMG
    UML for Systems Engineering work to broaden
    applicability and impact
  • Status
  • Current generation capabilities have been
    successfully demonstrated in diverse environments
    (circuit boards, electronic chip packages,
    airframes) with sponsors including NASA, Rockwell
    Collins, Shinko (a major supplier to Intel), and
  • Templates for chip package thermal analysis are
    in production usage at Shinko with over 75
    reduction in modeling effort (deformation/stress
    templates are soon to follow)
  • Support for 1-3 students depending on project
  • Sponsor involvement to provide domain knowledge
    and facilitate pilot usage

COB-based Airframe Analysis Template
  • Additional Information
  • 1. http//
  • 2. Response to OMG UML for Systems Engineering
  • 3. Characterizing Fine-Grained Associativity
    Gaps A Preliminary Study of CAD-E Model

Composable Simulations Model Archiving and Reuse
for Systems Design
  • Students Rich Malak, Tarun Rathnam, Steve Rekuc
    Faculty Chris Paredis

Contributions Benefits
  • Develop integrated representations for
    multi-disciplinary products and their
    corresponding behavioral models
  • Develop algorithms for reusing and composing
    simulation models of individual components into
    models for entire systems
  • Characterize the validity and accuracy of
    simulation models at multiple levels of
  • Support the seamless transition between models at
    multiple levels of abstraction while progressing
    through the design process
  • To Scholarship
  • Develop understanding of the relationship between
    configuration of components and configuration of
    simulation models
  • Create ontology for ports (locations of intended
    interaction) and artifacts
  • Develop understanding of validity and accuracy of
    models to enable reuse
  • To Industry
  • Faster and broader exploration of design space
  • Capture history of design exploration and
  • Save resources by reusing validated simulation

Approach Status
Collaboration Needed
  • Approach
  • Semantically rich product representations in OWL
    (Web Ontology Language) combined with
    object-oriented simulation models in Modelica
  • Define and populate a repository of components
    and models to demonstrate reuse and composition
  • Investigate the compatibility, composability, and
    accuracy of models and model configurations.
  • Status
  • We have demonstrated the concept of composable
    simulations for satellite systems (with
    Lockheed-Martin) and for transportation systems
    (with Bombardier).
  • We have implemented an initial software
    prototype, COINSIDE Composition in Simulation
    and Design.
  • Support for 1-2 students depending on scope of
  • Engineering support to provide application domain
    knowledge for example study.

COINSIDE framework Composition in Simulation and
Additional Info C.J.J. Paredis, A.
Diaz-Calderon, R. Sinha, and P.K. Khosla,
"Composable Models for Simulation-Based Design",
Engineering with Computers. Vol. 17, pp. 112-128,
2001. (http//
Composition of port-based objectsallows for
automatic composition of thecorresponding
simulation andCAD models
Supply Chain Design and Analysis Testbed
Students Jin-Young Choi, Nan Li Faculty
Leon McGinnis
Contributions Benefits
  • Develop distributed simulation testbed for
    analyzing global supply chains, including
    factories, warehouses, transportation
  • Use the distributed simulation testbed to
    investigate alternative designs, planning
    methods, and supply chain management methods
  • To Scholarship
  • Testbed for evaluating proposed supply chain
    planning/management methods
  • To Industry
  • Tools that permit collaboration between supply
    chain partners to analyze/design the supply chain
    without revealing proprietary data

Approach Status
Collaboration Needed
  • Approach
  • Use HLA to support distributed simulation, using
    legacy models where necessary
  • Develop general purpose simulation models for
    warehouses and transportation
  • Develop supply chain manager models
  • Status
  • First generation distributed simulation
    demonstrated, using factory models at SimTech,
    and warehouse and transportation models at
    Georgia Tech
  • Ongoing development of generic warehouse,
    transportation and supply chain manager models
  • Demonstration case study
  • Development and evaluation of specific supply
    chain planning and/or management methods
  • Integrating existing legacy models to permit
    supply chain analysis

Additional Info This project has been conducted
in collaboration with SimTech, the Singapore
Institute for Manufacturing Technology
High Fidelity Factory Modeling
Students 5 PhD students Faculty L.
McGinnis, C. Zhou, S. Reveliotis
  • Develop a new generation of factory modeling
    tools that
  • Support high fidelity description of factory
    resources and operations
  • Are based on concepts that map one-to-one with
    factory entities
  • Enable abstraction to support more aggregate
    models and analyses
  • Demonstrate new tools in semiconductor wafer fabs
  • To Scholarship
  • Comprehensive reference model for semiconductor
    fabrication operations
  • Testbed for exploring alternative factory
    designs, alternative scheduling and control
  • To Industry
  • Testbed for evaluating proposed factory designs
    or factory planning and control strategies

Approach Status
Collaboration Needed
  • Approach
  • Object oriented
  • Separation of process and control
  • Explicit material handling
  • Java, HLA
  • Status
  • Third generation toolkit
  • Currently testing against Sematech 300mm model
  • Demonstration case studies of specific fabs
  • Evaluation of through-stocker versus
    point-to-point AMHS
  • Linking factory operations models with real
    factory control software to create a virtual

Additional Info http//
l/research/hifive.php For interim status report,
presentations, and demonstrations
GIT Contacts Departments
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