Data Analysis, Interpretation, and Presentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Data Analysis, Interpretation, and Presentation


1. Identifying recurring patterns and themes. Emergent from data, dependent on observation framework if used. Patterns in Quantitative can be find identified by ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Data Analysis, Interpretation, and Presentation

Data Analysis, Interpretation, and Presentation
  • Devin Spivey
  • Asmae Mesbahi El Aouame
  • Rahul Potghan

  • Difference between qualitative and quantitative
    data and analysis.
  • Analyze data gathered from questionnaires.
  • Analyze data gathered from interviews.
  • Analyze data gathered from observation studies.
  • Software packages for data analysis.
  • Pitfalls in data analysis, interpretation, and
  • Presenting your findings.

Qualitative and quantitative
  • Quantitative numbers, translated into numbers.
  • Qualitative difficult to express in numerical
    terms in a sensible fashion.
  • Be careful in translating qualitative
    data into quantitative data.

Types of Data
Simple quantitative analysis
  • Simple quantitative analysis techniques
  • Percentages for standardizing data (compare
    large sets of data).
  • Averages
  • Mean commonly understood average.
  • Median middle value of the data.
  • Mode most commonly occurring number.
  • Initial Analysis finding averages, outliers,
    depict any patterns from the graphical
    representation of data on a spreadsheet.

Initial analysis example data gathering
  • Evaluation study of an e-commerce website
    identify transactions difficulties faced by
  • Data gathering methods
  • Questionnaires.
  • Observation of a controlled task.
  • data logging.

Initial analysis example Visualization of data
Initial analysis example Visualization of data
  • Outlier
  • Removed from the larger data set since it
    distorts the general patterns.
  • Interesting case for further analysis.

  • The data in the table represents the time taken
    by a group of users to select and buy an item
    from an online shopping website.

  • Further investigation
  • The values for users N(24) and S(26) are higher
    than the others.
  • Trends
  • - Users at the beginning of the testing time
    performed faster than those towards the end of
    the testing.
  • - O is at the end of the testing but
    performed well.

How question design affects data analysis
Comparing two products 2 Phone designs
Initial analysis from data logs (1)
  • Research question investigate how effective
    Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games
    (MMORPGs) are at encouraging interactivity
    between users.
  • Data data logs and video recordings of players
    interactions in SWG.
  • Ethnography study to identify the locations
    heavily used by players.

Initial analysis from data logs (2)
Simple Qualitative Analysis
  • Qualitative analysis expresses the nature of
    elements and is represented as themes, patterns,
  • Qualitative data difficult to measure sensibly
    as numbers.e.g. counting number of words to
    measure dissatisfaction
  • .

  • -The first step is to gain an overall impression
    of the data and start looking for patterns.-
    Next comes more detailed work using structured
    frameworks or theories to support the
    investigation.- Patterns may relate to a
    variety of aspects. e.g. behavior, user groups,
    places or situations where certain events happen.

  • In terms of structure- Unstructured Not
    directed by a script. Rich but not replicable.
    e.g. video material. - Structured Tightly
    scripted. Replicable but may lack richness. e.g.
    questionnaire. - Semi-structured Guided by a
    script but interesting issues can be explored in
    more depth. Provides a good balance between
    richness and replicability.e.g. interviews.

  • When Should I Use Qualitative Vs. Quantitative
  • http//

Three types of qualitative analysis
  • 1. Identifying recurring patterns and
    themes2. Categorizing data3. Analyzing
    critical incidents

1. Identifying recurring patterns and themes
1. Identifying recurring patterns and themes
  • Emergent from data, dependent on observation
    framework if used
  • Patterns in Quantitative can be find identified
    by graphical representation but for Qualitative,
    requires researcher to be immersed in data
  • Studying the data
  • Focusing on the study goals
  • Keeping clear records of the analysis as it
    progresses and close description of themes or
    patterns that are emerging.
  • e.g. Box 8.4, Themes in European culture.

2. Categorizing data
  • Can be at a high level of detail such as
    identifying stories or themes OR at a fine level
    of detail in which each word, phrase or gesture
    is analyzed.
  • Most challenging aspects 1. Determining
    meaningful categories that are orthogonal (do not
    overlap each other in any way).2. Deciding on
    the appropriate granularity for the categories
    (word, phrase, sentence, or paragraph level).
  • The categorization scheme used must be reliable
    so that the analysis can be replicated!
  • - Categorization scheme may be emergent or

3. Looking for critical incidents
  • It is a flexible set of principles that emerged
    from work carried out in the United States Army
    Air Forces where the goal was to identify the
    critical requirements of good and bad
    performance by pilots.
  • Two basic principles1. Reporting facts
    regarding behavior is preferable to the
    collection of interpretations, ratings and
    opinions based on general impressions.2.
    Reporting should be limited to those behaviors
    which make a significant contribution to the
  • Helps to focus in on key event
  • e.g. Box 8.5, analyzing video material

Tools to support data analysis
  • Qualitative data analysis tools
  • Categorization and theme-based analysis
  • N6 can be used to search a body of text to
    identify categories or words for content analysis
  • N6 is used to handle large set of data.
  • Quantitative analysis of text-based
  • data- Focuses on the number of
  • occurrences of words or words with
  • Similar meanings.

  • CAQDAS Networking Project, based at the
    University of Surrey (http//
  • support theory-building through the visualization
    of relationships between variables that have been
    coded in the data.
  • CAQDAS is useful
  • Grounded Theory
  • Qualitative Content Analysis
  • Ethnography

  • SPSS is Statistical Package for the Social
  • It is used by market researchers, health
    researchers, survey companies, government,
    education researchers, marketing organizations
    and others
  • Statistical packages, e.g. SPSS
  • You can access, manage, and analyze enormous
    amounts of data with SPSS.
  • SPSS offers statistical test for frequency
    distributions, rank correlations, regression
    analysis, and cluster analysis

Observer Video-Pro
  • The Observer Video-Pro is a system for
    collecting, managing, analyzing, and presenting
    observational data.
  • It integrates The Observer software with time
    code and multimedia hardware components.

Observer Video-Pro
  • The software allows the user to summarize
    research findings in numerical, graphical, or
    multimedia format
  • http//

Theoretical Frameworks for Qualitative Analysis
  • Structuring the analysis of qualitative data
    around a theoretical framework can lead to
    additional insights that go beyond the results
    found from the simple techniques introduced
  • Three frameworks are discussed in this section
    Grounded theory, Distributed Cognition, and
    Activity theory.

Grounded Theory
  • Grounded theory aims to develop theories from
    systematic analysis and interpretation of
    empirical data, i.e. the theory is grounded in
    the data.
  • A grounded theory is developed through
    alternating data collection and data analysis
  • Data is first collected and analyzed to identify
    categories, then that analysis leads to the need
    for further data collection, which is analyzed,
    and more data is then collected.
  • Data collection is driven by the emerging theory.
  • Approach continues until no further insights
    emerge and the theory is well developed.

Grounded Theory
  • Analysis is mainly to setup Categories.
  • Category identification and definition is
    achieved by coding the data, i.e. marking the
    data up according to the emerging categories.
  • Coding has three aspects
  • Open coding the process through which
    categories are discovered in the data.
  • Axial coding the process of systematically
    fleshing out categories and relating them to
    their subcategories.
  • Selective coding the process of refining and
    integrating categories to form a larger
    theoretical scheme. Categories are organized
    around one central category that forms the
    backbone of the theory.

Grounded Theory
  • Researchers are encouraged to draw on their own
    theoretical backgrounds to help inform the study,
    as long as they are alert to the possibility of
    unintentional bias.
  • Emphasizes the important role of empirical data
    in the derivation of theory.

Distributed Cognition
  • The people, environment and artifacts are
    regarded as one cognitive system
  • Focuses on information propagation and
  • A distributed cognition analysis results in an
    event-driven description which emphasizes
    information and its propagation through the
    cognitive system under study.

Distributed Cognition
  • It is recommended to have a deep understanding of
    the domain under study. Even taking steps to
    learn the trade under study. This could take
    more time than a research team has available.
  • Alternatively, it is possible to spend a few
    weeks immersed in the culture and setting of a
    specific domain to become familiar with it.

Distributed Cognition
  • The framework can reveal where information is
    being distorted resulting in poor communication
    or inefficiency.
  • The framework can show when different
    technologies and the representations displayed
    via them are effective at mediating certain work
    activities and how well they are coordinated.

Activity Theory
  • Activity theory (AT) is a product of Soviet
    psychology that explains human behavior in terms
    of our practical activity with the world.
  • AT provides a framework that focuses analysis
    around the concept of an activity and helps to
    identify tensions between the different elements
    of the system.

Activity Theory
  • AT outlines two key models
  • A model that outlines what constitutes an
  • A model that outlines the mediating role of
  • AT models activities in a hierarchical way.
  • Activity Provides a minimum meaningful
    context for understanding the individual actions.
  • Actions behavior that is characterized by
    conscious planning.
  • Operations routinized behaviors that require
    little conscious attention.

Activity Theory
  • Activity is motivated.
  • Actions are to accomplish a goal.
  • Actions involve operations.

Activity Theory
  • AT models artifacts in two ways
  • Physical
  • Abstract
  • Physical artifacts have physical properties that
    cause humans to respond to them as direct objects
    to be acted upon. The object usually embody a
    set of social practices.
  • A spoon
  • Abstract artifacts follow the idea of
    mediation. A fundamental characteristic of
    human development is the change from a direct
    mode of acting to one that is mediated by
    something else.
  • A set of rules or symbols

Presenting Your Findings
  • Only make claims that your data supports.
  • The best method for presenting your finding
    depends on the audience, the purpose of the
    study, and the data gathering and analysis
    techniques used.
  • Graphical representations (numbers, tables,
    graphs, etc.) may be appropriate for presenting
    your findings.
  • Other techniques are
  • Rigorous notations
  • Using stories
  • Summarizing your findings

Rigorous Notations
  • UML is an example of rigorous notation because it
    uses notations that have clear syntax and

Using Stories
  • Used as a basis for constructing scenarios.
  • May be employed in three ways
  • Stories told by the participants
  • Stories about the participants
  • Stories constructed from smaller anecdotes or
    repeated patterns that are found in the data.

Summarizing the findings
  • Summarizing the data by presenting the headline
    findings, overviews, and detailed content list.
  • Numbers and statistical values can be very
    valuable in a summary.
  • If you found 800 out of 1000 users preferred
    design A over design B. This statement would be a
    quick indication of your findings.

Summarizing the findings
  • Activity
  • Consider each of the findings below and the
    associated summary statement about it.
  • What is correct or incorrect about each findings

  • The kind of data analysis that can be done
    depends on the data gathering techniques used.
  • Qualitative and quantitative data may be
    collected from any of the main data gathering
    techniques interviews, questionnaires, and
  • Quantitative data analysis for interaction design
    usually involves calculating percentages and
  • There are three different kinds of averages
    mean, mode and median.

  • Graphical representations of quantitative data
    help in identifying patterns, outliers, and the
    overall view of the data.
  • Qualitative data analysis may be framed by
    theories. Three such theories are grounded
    theory, activity theory, and distributed
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