Title: The Race Equality Duty
1The Race Equality Duty
- - Reflections and Lessons
- Lawrence Inquiry loss of faith in the system
- Public authorities rebuild trust, demonstrate
fairness - Government commitment plan it out of the public
sector - Race relations Act as amended the legislative
response - Opportunity to factor equality into modernisation
of public services
- A General Duty
- What it requires
- Listed public authoritiesshall have due regard
to the need to - Eliminate unlawful racial discrimination
- Promote equality of opportunity
- Promote good race relations
- What it Involves
- Proactive approach mainstreaming
- Key principles
- Obligatory relevance proportionality
complementary - Series of specific duties steps to achieving
the General Duty
- Specific Duties
- Specific duties for main public bodies
- Prepare and publish a Race Equality Scheme
- List functions and policies relevant to race
- Set out arrangements to monitor
- Set out arrangement to assess and consult on
proposed policies - Publish results
- Ensure public access to information and services
- Train staff
- Monitor employment practices
- Varied set of specific duties for education
institutions and schools - Overall a framework for performance management
of race equality
5Experience So Far
- Specific duties enforceable in England and Wales
May 2002 and Scotland Nov 2002 - CRE commissioned evaluation of year 1 in England
and Wales and in-house evaluation in Scotland - Similar findings across both studies
- Benefits identified in Schneider Ross study
included - Increased awareness in policy-making and service
delivery - Increased ability to develop good employment
practices - Increased ability to design and target policies
and services - 70 felt the duty to date has produced positive
6Experience So Far
- 3 groups of respondents the best the
reasonable and those lagging behind. - Barriers to progress identified in Schneider Ross
included - Resource allocation (approx. 60)
- Moving it into the mainstream (approx 60)
- Establishing it as a priority (45)
- Establishing ownership (38)
- Establishing leadership (19)
- Whilst barriers are real, not insurmountable.
7Modernisation and the Race Duty
- Public service modernisation provides context for
a new conversation on race equality performance - New opportunities mainstream race into core
business - New challenges light touch regulation fewer
targets evidence base, etc. - Shared objective - improving public sector
performance - CRE adapted its strategy to
- Take account of opportunities and prompt
discussion of some of the challenges
8Modernisation and the Race Duty
- Some Key Elements of Modernisation
- Focus on outcomes
- Use of targets to drive performance
- Monitored by independent inspections
- Recognition of excellence matched by
interventions - Reliance on evidence base
- Devolution within overall national parameters
- Diversity of providers
9Modernisation and the Race Duty
Choice Services User need focus
Best Practice
Sustained Improvement
Rewards Assistance Consequences
1. High Standards
Modernisation Of Public Services
Modernisation Of Public Services
Accountability through Inspection
Tough targets Outcomes
Devolved Responsibility
Evidence Based policy
Flexibility, Diversity Incentives in work
Comparative Performance Data
10Progressing the Race Duty
- Opportunities created by modernisation of CRE
Work - Shifting the Language
- Terms of the debate has shifted
- Starting point is public services agenda
- Partnership
- To deliver mutual objectives
- Protected by independence backed by compliance
11Progressing the Race Duty CRE Approach
- Outcomes focus measurement of performance
- Work with Inspectorates
- Supporting good practice
- Working through strategic partners
- Strategic monitoring and enforcement.
- Reflect devolution in our approach
- Modernising funding of local organisations
12Progressing the Race DutyCREs Approach
Work with Government via RES
Work with RECS, TUs, etc
Strategic Enforcement
Surveying Performance reporting
1. Codes and Guidance
Delivery of Race Equality in the Public Sector
CRE Approach
Working With Strategic Agencies
Performance Guides Outcome Guides
Inspecting For Race Equality
Securing Performance Measures Data
Good Practice Networks
13Progressing the Race Duty
- The Challenges Encountered
- Reductions in targets when trying to get race
included - Sometimes lack of evidence base on race on the
problem and what works - Lack of 11 support to struggling agencies
- Perceived focus of race equality duty on process
what required to do, rather than on delivery of
outcomes - Lack of clarity on what is expected on 3rd strand
good race relations - Challenges posed by outsourcing
- Climate of resistance to regulation
- Benefits v burdens
- Challenges in identifying failure and limited
enforcement powers - Public bodies pulled in different ways on
equality agenda by different strands lack of
joined-up approach
14Lessons for the FutureWhat We Might Do Better
- Real benefit in having cross strand duty
- Common and strand specific elements
- Some variable geometry of responsibilities
- Shift focus onto demonstrating what bodies
deliver, not just what they do - Achievements not arrangements
- Provide flexibility of routes to results
- Invest across the strands in defining what
constitutes the end states for equality and good
relations define outcomes - Frame duties to clarify requirements and
facilitate enforcement - Overall appeal
- Innovative equality duty a route map to achieving
appropriate services and successful diverse
society - Balancing the triangle of equality, difference
and cohesion
15The Race Equality Duty