Title: Chapter Five
1Foreign Exchange Determination
- Chapter Five
- Eiteman, Stonehill, and Moffett
2Forecasting (fundamental analysis)
- fundamental analysis
- Theoretical analysis
- Purchasing power parity
- balance of payments
- Cash flow analysis
- monetary fiscal policies
- Stock analysis
- regulatory policies
- Trade policies
- political risk
3Theoretical analysis
- Purchasing power parity
- Assuming efficient markets
- Real world prices converge
- Measurement problems
- Market baskets used to measure inflation are not
consistent - Fisher effect
- Interest rate parity
4Parity conditions
Purchasing Power Parity
Fisher effect
International Fisher effect
Interest rate parity
Unbiased predictor
5Parity conditions
- For parity to hold
- efficient market conditions needed
- Thick markets
- many buyers, many sellers
- Perfect information
- Low or no market frictions
- Transactions costs
- Taxes, tariffs
- May be most useful pointing to the existence of
frictions in the market
6Balance of payments
- Cash flow analysis
- Current acct, capital acct, financial acct,
reserve acct - Relative demands and supplies of dollars in the
exchange markets - Function of real cash flows to pay for
- Trade in goods, services, transfers
- FDI, investment in real assets
- Portfolio investment, investment in financial
- Changes in supply and demand for money
- BOP tracks the foreign exchange as a medium of
exchange (flow) - Store of wealth (stock)
- Demand for dollars to hold
- Moderates BOP influences
- China holding dollar assets
- Other currencies are substitutes
- Moving from dollar reserves to euro reserves
8Central Bank affects on liquidity
- cash currency
- directly supplied by CB
- checking accounts debit cards
- money multiplier determined
- CB directly affects the multiplier
- reserve requirements
- capital requirements
- credit cards
- availability of credit indirectly affected by CB
9Factors affecting money exchange rates
- economic growth
- economic growth increases demand for base
- inflation
- CB controls the supply of base money
- interest rates
- CB controls the bank rate directly
- CB influences term structure of interest rates
indirectly - political risk
10Economic Growth
- Growth increases the demand for money
- demand for money curve shifts up
- Assume CB keeps money supply constant
- no change in the vertical supply curve
- the value of money increases
- prices and value of money inversely related
- domestically - deflation
- internationally - exchange rate appreciation
11Money Supply
- Central Bank increases supply of money
- supply curve shifts out
- Assuming no change in demand for money
- the demand for money curve remains stationary
- the value of money decreases
- prices and value of money inversely related
- domestically - inflation
- internationally - exchange rate depreciation
12Asset market
- Bonds, stocks, currencies are close substitutes
- Changes in demand for financial assets (other
than money) - Portfolio diversification
- South American investors
- Saudia Arabian investors
- Capital flight
- Seeking efficient markets
- Properly priced financial assets
13Term Structure of Interest Rates
New term structure of interest rates after CB
increases bank rate
Term to maturity
14Shift in Term Structure of Interest Rates
- Central bank changes the bank rate
- only rate directly controlled by CB
- least risky rate in the economy
- no default risk
- little interest rate risk - overnight funds rate
- other rates will ratchet up relative to risk
- default - ability to pay
- interest rate risk - relative to term to
15Jump Shift in Term Structure
Jump in term structure after a large change in
political risk
Term to maturity
16Jump Shift in Term Structure
- Small change in power structure
- new rules
- some increase in uncertainty about future
- small discrete change in market risk premium
- Large change in power structure
- systemic change in the economy
- large increase in uncertainty about future
- large discrete change in market risk premium
17Political risk (anticipated)
- Fiscal policies
- taxes, expenditures
- deficit and debt policies
- Monetary policies
- relative inflation, interest rates
- exchange rate (foreign reserves, intervention
- Regulatory policies
- trade restrictions
- capital controls
18Political risk (unanticipated)
- Political risk
- probability of change in government
- probability of change in direction
- external threats
- crime
- war
- Differences between markets
- official markets
- unofficial markets (grey black markets)
19Technical Analysis
- technical analysis
- Time series analysis
- trends
- correlation
20Political Risk
- party in power makes the rules
- distribution of income and wealth
- tax law
- transfers
- regulatory environment
- increase or decrease frims costs of doing
business - change of party in power
- change in the rules
- for example PQ in power in Québec
21Capital Asset Pricing System
iM the market rate increases as the
market becomes more risky
iM - irf the market risk premium also increases
?I measure of risk increases with
market volatility
22Unsterilized Intervention
- gold
- silver
- cd denominated t-bills
- foreign currency denominated t-bills
- cash
- currency
- chartered bank reserves held at the Bank of
Bof C buys US dollars as an asset
Canadian dollar liability increases
23Domestic Affects of an Unsterilzed Intervention
- Base money increases by amount of purchase
- pressure exerted on prices to increase
- inflation in the economy
- Canadian goods cost more in cd
24Foreign Affects of anUnsterlized Intervention
- short run
- exchange rate is not allowed to adjust
- long run
- higher Canadian inflation
- US goods cost relatively less to Canadians
- Canadian goods cost relatively more to US
consumers - exchange rate remains relatively constant
25Sterlized Intervention
- gold
- silver
- cd denominated t-bills
- foreign currency denominated t-bills
- cash
- currency
- chartered bank reserves held at the Bank of
Bof C buys US dollars as an asset
No increase in B of C liabilities
B of C sells equal value in other assets
26Domestic Affects of an Sterilzed Intervention
- Base money remains constant
- prices remain constant
27Foreign Affects of anSterlized Intervention
- short run
- exchange rate is not allowed to adjust
- long run
- pressure remains on exchange rate to depreciate
- BOT deficit remains
- eventually the cd price of the usd will increase
28BOT (Current Account) Deficit
- currency depreciation
- higher prices for imports
- lower prices for exports
- protectionism
- tariffs, quotas, import restrictions
- capital controls
- restrict foreign ownership
- exchange market intervention
29Covered Interest Arbitrage
- Borrow 100,000 cd _at_ 6.75
- Buy 66,339.39 usd spot at 1.5074
- Lend 66,339.39 for one year _at_ 7.75
- Buy 107,585.59 cd forward _at_ 1.5051
- collect loan of 71,480.69 usd
- take delivery of forward contract
- pay off loan of 106,750 cd
- riskless return of 835.59 cd