Title: Roy Holt
1Summary and Outlook
- Roy Holt
- 23 May 2008
- With apologies for being incomplete
2EIC White Papers 2007 an astounding year
- The Electron Ion Collider (EIC) White Paper
- The GPD/DVCS White Paper
- Position Paper eA Physics at an Electron Ion
Collider - The eRHIC machine Accelerator Position Paper
- ELIC Zeroth Order Design Report
- Available at
- NSAC LRP2007 home page
- Rutgers Town Meeting page
- http//www.bnl.gov/eic
3The EIC Working Group
- 17C. Aidala, 28E. Aschenauer, 10J. Annand, 1J.
Arrington, 26R. Averbeck, 3M. Baker, 26K. Boyle,
28W. Brooks, 28A. Bruell, 19A. Caldwell, 28J.P.
Chen, 2R. Choudhury, 10E. Christy, 8B. Cole, 4D.
De Florian, 3R. Debbe, 26,24-1A. Deshpande, 18K.
Dow, 26A. Drees, 3J. Dunlop, 2D. Dutta, 7F.
Ellinghaus, 28R. Ent, 18R. Fatemi, 18W. Franklin,
28D. Gaskell, 16G. Garvey, 12,24-1M.
Grosse-Perdekamp, 1K. Hafidi, 18D. Hasell, 26T.
Hemmick, 1R. Holt, 8E. Hughes, 22C. Hyde-Wright,
5G. Igo, 14K. Imai, 10D. Ireland, 26B. Jacak,
15P. Jacobs, 28M. Jones, 10R. Kaiser, 17D.
Kawall, 11C. Keppel, 7E. Kinney, 18M. Kohl, 9H.
Kowalski, 17K. Kumar, 2V. Kumar, 21G. Kyle, 13J.
Lajoie, 16M. Leitch, 27A. Levy, 27J.
Lichtenstadt, 10K. Livingstone, 20W. Lorenzon,
145. Matis, 12N. Makins, 6G. Mallot, 18M. Miller,
18R. Milner, 2A. Mohanty, 3D. Morrison, 26Y.
Ning, 15G. Odyniec, 13C. Ogilvie, 2L. Pant, 26V.
Pantuyev, 21S. Pate, 26P. Paul, 12J.-C. Peng,
18R. Redwine, 1P. Reimer, 15H.-G. Ritter, 10G.
Rosner, 25A. Sandacz, 7J. Seele, 12R. Seidl,
10B. Seitz, 2P. Shukla, 15E. Sichtermann, 18F.
Simon, 3P. Sorensen, 3P. Steinberg, 24M.
Stratmann, 22M. Strikman, 18B. Surrow, 18E.
Tsentalovich, 11V. Tvaskis, 3T. Ullrich, 3R.
Venugopalan, 3W. Vogelsang, 28C. Weiss, 15H.
Wieman,15N. Xu,3Z. Xu, 8W. Zajc. - 1Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL
2Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India
3Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
4University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
5University of California, Los Angeles, CA
6CERN, Geneva, Switzerland 7University of
Colorado, Boulder,CO 8Columbia University, New
York, NY 9DESY, Hamburg, Germany 10University
of Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom 11Hampton
University, Hampton, VA 12University of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL 13Iowa State
University, Ames, IA 14University of Kyoto,
Japan 15Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Berkeley, CA 16Los Alamos National Laboratory,
Los Alamos, NM 17University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, MA 18MIT, Cambridge, MA 19Max Planck
Institüt für Physik, Munich, Germany
20University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 21New
Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 22Old
Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23Penn State
University, PA 24RIKEN, Wako, Japan
24-1RIKEN-BNL Research Center, BNL, Upton, NY
25Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw,
Poland 26SUNY, Stony Brook, NY 27Tel Aviv
University, Israel 28Thomas Jefferson National
Accelerator Facility, Newport News, VA - -95 Scientists, 28 Institutions, 9 countries
Contact People
4NSAC 2007 Long Range Plan
- An Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) with polarized
beams has been embraced by the U.S. nuclear
science community as embodying the vision for
reaching the next QCD frontier. EIC would
provide unique capabilities for the study of QCD
well beyond those available at existing
facilities worldwide and complementary to those
planned for the next generation of accelerators
in Europe and Asia. In support of this new
direction - We recommend the allocation of resources to
develop accelerator and detector technology
necessary to lay the foundation for a polarized
Electron Ion Collider. The EIC would explore the
new QCD frontier of strong color fields in nuclei
and precisely image the gluons in the proton.
The EIC will explore the most compelling issues
in nuclear science and technology.
- Profound issues in nuclear physics
- Structure of visible matter
- Role of gluons in hadronic matter
- Fundamental symmetries
- New facilities on the horizon
- Concluding statement
6Explore the structure of visible matter
- What is the internal landscape of the hadron?
- Benchmark Spatial, spin, flavor and gluonic
structure - What is the nature of the nuclear force that
binds protons and neutrons into nuclei? - Frontier QCD properties of nuclear force
- Mysteries QCD effects in nuclei
If, in some cataclysm, all of scientific
knowledge were to be destroyed, and only one
sentence passed on to the next generation, what
statement would contain the most information in
the fewest words? I believe it is the atomic
hypothesis, that all things are made of atoms --
little particles that move around in perpetual
motion, attracting each other when they are a
little distance apart, but repelling upon being
squeezed into one another. In that one sentence,
there is an enormous amount of information about
the world, if just a little imagination and
thinking are applied. - R. Feynman
7 Explore the structure of the nucleon
- Parton distribution functions
- Longitudinal and transverse spin distribution
functions - Generalized parton distributions
- Transverse momentum distributions
A. Thomas E. Kinney F. Yuan, D. Hasch, J.
Negele A. Sidorov R. Sassot e-p working group
Lattice -gt quantitative predictions
8Explore the structure of the nucleon (continued)
Light quark structure chiral properties
Neutron structure function JLab C. Keppel et al
Spectator forward tagging to minimize deuteron
structure similar requirements as exclusive,
DVCS, diffraction T. Horn, D. Hasch, M. Derrick,
C. Hyde
Charge symmetry? A. Thomas
9Explore the structure of the nucleon (continued)
strange quark distributions
A. Thomas Strange quark distribution - HERMES
J. Owens more kinematic reach -gt EIC What
about charm quark distribution?
A. Deshpande
Data on same time scale as disconnected diagrams
in lattice calculations.
10Generalized Parton Distributions
D. Hasch
11GPDs provide a 2D spatial image as a function of
Consider Dirac GPD H(x,t)
eg, choose r meson sensitive to non-singlet or
C. Weiss
12 Generalized Parton Distributions
D. Hasch
Well documented case, Progress on detector
constraints - C. Hyde
Luminosity hungry Positrons useful
13EIC Kinematic Reach
D. Hasch
14Explore the structure of the nucleon
(continued) Transverse Momentum Distributions
- H. Avakian Welcome to the exciting world of 3D
parton distributions. - Transversity, Sivers, pretzelosity, Boer Mulders,
- A. Bachetta EIC, a precision machine for TMDs
- Proof of principle - R. Seidl - measure
transversity, Collins fragmentation function,
determine tensor charge
Prohudin - DIS 2008
15QCD and the Origin of Mass
- 99 of the protons mass/energy is due to the
self-generating gluon field - Higgs mechanism has almost no role.
- The similarity of mass between the proton and
neutron arises from the fact that the gluon
dynamics are the same - Quarks contribute almost nothing.
16Explore gluon-dominated matter
- What is the role of gluons and gluon
self-interactions in nucleons and nuclei?
NSAC-2007 - Gluon dominance in the proton
- Gluon distribution G(x,Q2)
- Scaling violation in F2 dF2/dlnQ2
- FL as G(x,Q2)
- inelastic vector meson production (e.g. J/?)
- diffractive vector meson production G(x,Q2)2
H. Kowaski, M. Derrick
EIC most precise measure of gluon densities
17Recent progress direct FL measurements from HERA
T. Ullrich
EIC an FL factory
18The Gluon Contribution to the Proton Spin
Projected data on Dg/g with an EIC, via g p ?
D0 X K- p
Advantage measurements directly at fixed Q2 10
GeV2 scale!
19Explore gluon-dominated matter
- What is the role of gluons and gluon
self-interactions in nucleons and nuclei?
NSAC-2007 - The nucleus as a gluon amplifier
At high gluon density, gluon recombination should
compete with gluon splitting ? density saturation.
Color glass condensate
Oomph factor stands up under scrutiny. Nuclei
greatly extend x reach xEIC xHERA/18 for
10100 GeV, Au
T. Ullrich, R. Venugopalan, e-A Working Group
20Explore the transition from partons to hadrons
- What governs the transition of quarks and gluons
in pions and nucleons? NSAC-2007 - Fragmentation and parton energy loss
- The nucleus as a femto-meter stick
X.-N. Wang
Nuclear SIDIS Suppression of high-pT hadrons
analogous but weaker than at RHIC Clean
measurement in cold nuclear matter
Energy transfer in lab rest frame EIC 10 lt n lt
1600 GeV HERMES 2-25 GeV EIC can measure
heavy flavor energy loss
21Explore the low energy precision frontier
Preliminary - EIC
The task of the physicist is to see through the
appearances down to the underlying, very simple,
symmetric reality. - S. Weinberg
- What are the unseen forces present at the dawn of
the Universe but have disappeared from view as
the universe evolved? precision electroweak
experiments sin2qW , - Questions for the Universe, Quantum Universe,
HEPAP, 2004 NSAC Long Range Plan, 2007
Relatively high x -gt charge symmetry violation?
The LHC is driving global interest in low energy
tests of the Standard Model.
22What new facilities are essential to this quest?
V. Ptitsy V. Litvinenko Polarization M. Bai E.
Tsentalovich D. Barber W. Lorenzon
R. Milner
G. Krafft Crab cavities M. Masuzawa
Cooling S. Derbenev V. Litvinenko F. Wang
- We recommend the allocation of resources to
develop accelerator and detector technology
necessary to lay the foundation for a polarized
Electron-Ion Collider. - NSAC LRP 2007
23Nanofabricated Superconducting RF Composites
M. Pellin, J. Elam, J. Moore, J. Norem, T.
Proslier, R. Rimmer, J. Zasadzinski (ANL, IIT,
- Many of the failure modes of SCRF structures can
be traced to defects in the Nb surface. - Atomic Layer Deposition is a chemical process
capable of coating large and arbitrary shapes. - Vortices in superconductors move in AC fields
RF losses - Vortices are not stable in thin layers
- Began tests of coated cavities at JLab
- Prospects excellent for achieving gt50 MV/m
24An application of our technology
Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute
online in 2010
Cynthia Keppel Scientific and Technical Director
25World Community in 2015 and Beyond
- Three new major facilities investigating nuclear
physics at hadronic level (QCD) GSI, J-PARC
and 12-GeV JLab - Two new facilities that explore nuclei at the
partonic level RHIC with upgrades and LHC - Two new proposed facilities that can take our
field to the next level EIC, Project X (FNAL) - Petascale computing facilities are imminent,
Exascale is on the way. - Outstanding opportunities for the future
26The International Picture
- NuPECC activities
- EIC study group approved at the meeting in
Bucharest on 10/27/2007 with G. Rosner, chair - Charge is to produce a report outlining
- The science possibilities
- The interest among European groups
- Possible links with proposals outside Europe
- Glasgow meeting in Fall 2008.
27The International Picture (continued)
- OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development) Global Science Forum - Nuclear Physics Working Group- report on optimal
evolution of Nuclear Physics at an international
level during the next 10-15 years - Membership 14 countries
- Two projects may be Global due to size
F. Willeke, S. Chattopadhyay
28Columbus vision
Look! Purple mountains! Spacious skies! Fruited
plains! Is someone writing this down? -
adapted from G. Larson
- Yes! white papers, NSAC LRP 2007, but we
- need an even more compelling case by next NP LRP
29Concluding Statement
- EIC research can penetrate some of the most
profound mysteries and questions of 21st century
physics. - Technology is improving at an astounding rate
- Accelerator design, cavity improvement, energy
recovery, - crab cavities, cooling, polarization,
polarimetry, detectors, - petascale computing,
- There are interesting new opportunities
worldwide. The next 10 years will be even more
exciting than the last 10 years. - We must put forward a most compelling case for
the EIC on the time scale of the next LRP.
- Fourth EIC workshop has been a resounding
success. - Clear and substantial progress was demonstrated
since the last EIC workshop. -
- Essential to lay the foundation for the next Long
Range Planning Exercise. - must develop a clear path forward.
- Next Workshop - Berkeley - December 11-13,
2008 - Peter Jacobs
31Many thanks to
- Steering Committee
- Abhay Deshpande, Stony Brook, RBRC
(Co-Chair/Contact person) - Rolf Ent, Jlab
- Charles Hyde, ODU/UBP, France
- Peter Jacobs, LBL
- Richard Milner, MIT (Co-Chair/Contact person)
- Thomas Ulrich, BNL
- Raju Venugopalan, BNL
- Antje Bruell, Jlab
- Werner Vogelsang, BNL
- Working Groups and Convenors
- ep Physics
- Antje Bruell, JLAB
- Ernst Sichterman, LBL
- Werner Vogelsang, BNL
- Christian Weiss, JLAB
- eA Physics
- Vadim Guzey, JLAB
- Dave Morrison, BNL
- Thomas Ullrich, BNL
- Raju Venugopalan, BNL
- Detector
- Elke Aschenauer, JLAB
- Edward Kinney, Colorado
- Bernd Surrow, MIT
- Electron Beam Polarimetry
- Wolfgang Lorenzon, Michigan
- International Advisory Committee
- Jochen Bartels (DESY)
- Allen Caldwell (MPI, Munich)
- Albert De Roeck (CERN)
- Walter Henning (ANL)
- Dave Hertzog (UIUC)
- Xiangdong Ji (U. Maryland)
- Robert Klanner (U. Hamburg)
- Katsunobu Oide (KEK)
- Naohito Saito (KEK)
- Uli Wienands (SLAC)
32Many thanks to
- Workshop Organizing Committee
- Alberto Accardi - Hampton/JLab
- Andrei Afanasev - Hampton/JLab
- Eric Christy - Hampton
- Abhay Deshpande - Stony Brook/RBRC
- Rolf Ent - JLab/Hampton
- Cynthia Keppel - Hampton/JLab
- Lia Merminga - JLab
- Richard Milner - MIT
- Thomas Roser - BNL