Title: PR-05002:
- Dipangkar Dutta
- TUNL/Duke University
Hall A Collaboration Experiment
Dipangkar Dutta, Haiyan Gao and Roy Holt
- Introduction
- Motivation
- Proposed Experiment
- Projected Results
- Summary
- Oscillatory Scaling
- Nuclear Filtering/ Color Transparency
- Only three different Linac energies
Map out the transition from the quark and gluon
degrees of freedom of QCD to the Nucleon-meson
degrees of freedom.
What is the Energy/Momentum Threshold for the
4The Constituent Quark Counting Rule
Exclusive two body reactions (AB ?CD) at large
momentum transfers should scale as
s c.m. energy sq.
n of constituent fields
- First derived based on dimensional analysis
(Brodsky, Farrar,.) - Confirmed within short distance pQCD framework
(Brodsky, LePage) - Recently, derived from anti-de Sitter/Conformal
Field Theory correspondence or string/gauge
duality ( Polchinski, Strassler ..)
Many exclusive processes exhibit global scaling
behavior such as
Recent JLab data (E94104) on photo-pion
production show scaling behavior at large C.M
. angles.
quark counting rule predicts
L. Y. Zhu et al., PRL 91, 022003 (2003)
6Hadron Helicity Conservation
Short distance pQCD predicts helicity
conservation in exclusive two-body processes
- Based on quark helicity conservation, neglecting
quark orbital angular momentum. - Experimental data tends not to agree with HHC.
7Quark Counting Rule vs HHC
- Global scaling behavior has been observed
- But experimental data do not support HHC.
- Short-distance physics may not be the full
- Detailed investigation of the agreement with
quark counting rule - is necessary.
8Oscillations are Not Unique to p-p Scattering
9Oscillatory Scaling Behavior
The large spin correlation and oscillations in
the scaled cross-section explained as
- Resonance state production near the charm
- threshold (Brodsky, Schmidt , .).
- restricted locality'' of quark-hadron duality
results - in oscillations (Zhao Close).
- Interference between short distance (Born) and
long - distance (Landshoff) amplitudes, (Ralston
Pire and - Carlson, Myhrer, .)
10Born vs Independent ScatteringAmplitude in p-p
11The Latest Idea to Explain Oscillatory Scaling
12Generalized Counting Rule pp Elastic Scattering
Using their Generalized Counting Rule Ji et al.
predict the s dependence of the helicity
flipping amplitudes in pp elastic scattering as
D.Dutta and H. Gao, hep-ph/0411267
13How About Photo Reactions?
- Lacks two hadrons in the initial state, but
Landshoff terms can contribute at sub-leading
order. - - can also contribute due to
fluctuations to a vector-meson. - Oscillations can be due to final state
interactions. - Similar oscillations predicted in deuteron
- Hints of oscillation seen in pion-photoproductio
Are oscillations a general feature of QCD ?
14What Happens to Oscillations in the Nuclear
Nuclear filtering effect predicts that they are
filtered out in the nuclear medium. One
explaination for the BNL A(p ,2p) data
However, Brodsky and de Teramond explain the same
data in terms of excitation of charm resonance
15Nuclear Filtering with Photo-pions
- Large oscillations in photo-pion transparency
predicted by - Jain, Kundu and Ralston PRD 65, 094027 (2002).
- Amplitude depends on an additional nuclear
phase. - Can be tested with photo-pion production from
16The Complementary Color Transparency Phenomena
CT refers to the vanishing of the h-N interaction
for h produced in exclusive processes at high Q
- Nuclear filtering uses the medium actively to
suppress the long-distance amplitude. - In CT the large momentum transfer selects the
short distance amplitude which is then free to
propagate through the passive medium. - The onset of CT is expected to be sooner on
lighter nuclei, while nuclear filtering effect
is bigger in heavier nuclei
There is no unambiguous, model independent,
evidence for CT in qqq systems.
17Recent Transparency Data
- Small size is more probable in 2 quark system
such as pions. Onset - of CT expected at lower Q in qq system.
- Photo-pion production data from E94104 show CT
like behavior.
D.Dutta et al., PRC 68, 021001R (2003)
18Proposed Experiment
- 50 muA CW beam on 6 copper radiator
- LH2, LD2, He4 targets and 2 solid C target
- HRS-L for pi detection (for LH2 target)
- HRS-R for pi- and HRS-L for proton detection
- (for LD2, He-4 and Carbon targets)
- Gas Cerenkov detector for e/pi separation
- combination of aerogels A1 and A2 for p/pi
- separation.
19Proposed Experiment
- just two body kinematics
- for LD2, He4 and C target we need
- momentum and angle of both proton and
- pion to reconstruct the photon energy.
- The technique has been well established in
- experiment E94-104 in Hall-A .
Reconstructed photon energy spectrum for
from E94-104
20Proposed Experiment
- Same technique as E94104, use 100 MeV
- window.
- Transparency will be extracted using
Simulated photon energy spectrum for
21Rates and Backgrounds
- The H,D,He4 rates determined from observed
E94-104 rates. - The Carbon rates were obtained by comparing He-4
rates from E94-104 to - Monte Carlo simulations of He and carbon and
an estimate of the relative - transparency of carbon.
- Singles rates and e/pi ratios all estimated from
observed E94-104 rates.
22Beam Time Request
Need 7 different energies but with just 3
different linac energies
23Projected Results
- Studying the details of the agreement with quark
counting rule is crucial to understand the exact
mechanism behind the onset of scaling in
exclusive processes. - These studies are also important to learn about
the contribution of helicity non-conserving
amplitudes and quark orbital angular momentum. - E94104 data show hints of oscillations about the
scaling behavior. - A fine scan of the scaling region for photo-pion
production is needed to confirm and quantify
these oscillations. - This can be performed with 7 different energies
(3 linac energies) - The photo-pion transparency for Carbon can be
used to test the nuclear filtering effect. While
the same on Helium-4 can help look for CT. - The E94104 data on Helium-4 show hints of CT
like behavior.