Title: The 4MAT Process
1The 4MAT Process
- Teacher Action Research
- Project Proposal
- Heather Suehiro
2The Challenges
Multiple Intelligences
- Verbal / Linguistic
- Logical / Mathematical
- Visual / Spatial
- Body / Kinesthetic
- Musical / Rhythmic
- Interpersonal
- Intrapersonal
- Existential
- Naturalist
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3The Challenges
Learning Preferences
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reproductions to be made without written consent
of the publisher. For more information visit
4The Challenges
How the Brain Learns
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Learning, Inc. Wauconda, IL. No copies or
reproductions to be made without written consent
of the publisher. For more information visit
5The Challenges
Teaching Perspectives
- Traditional
- Experiential
- Behavioral
- Constructivist
- Structure of the Disciplines
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6The Essential Question
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of the publisher. For more information visit
- Open-ended framework
- Adaptable to all learner levels
- Addresses learner diversity
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of the publisher. For more information visit
8The 4MAT System
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9This material used with permission from About
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10Plan of Action
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11Method of Action
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- Summer 2004 - Planning and Developing Lesson and
Unit Plans, Conduct Research - Fall 2004 - Implementation, Reflection
- Spring 2005 - Analyzing Collected Data,
Build Plan B - Summer 2005 - Finalize Plan B
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Learning, Inc. Wauconda, IL. No copies or
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13Literature Review
- Bucko, R. (2000). Brain Basics Cognitive
psychology and its implications for education.
Educational Psychology, 88-93. - Gardner, H. (1993). Frames of mind The theory of
multiple intelligences. New York Basic Books. - Gibbs, J. (2001). Tribes a new way of learning
and being together. Windsor, CA Center Source
Systems, LLC. - Kolb, D. (1983). Experiential learning
Experience as the source of learning and
development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall. - McCarthy, B. (2000). About teaching 4MAT in the
classroom. Wauconda, IL About Learning,
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14Thank You!
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