Differentiation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Carroll Independent School District s mini-guide to The information in this booklet is used with permission of Carol Tomlinson, Ed.D. compiled by – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Differentiation

Carroll Independent School Districts
mini-guide to
The information in this booklet is used with
permission of Carol Tomlinson, Ed.D.
compiled by Nancy Rindone, Ed.D. Director of
Staff Development 2003-2004
Carroll Independent School District Vision WE
envision an individualized and personalized
education for each student. Mission WE are
committed to those actions that bring about an
individualized and personalized education that
challenges each student. Philosophical
Underpinnings The Board of Trustees believes it
is important to encourage, support, and assist
each student in his or her academic development.
Where ability is concerned, equality consists of
providing equally well for all kinds and levels
of individual differences. That students differ
may be inconvenient, but it is inescapable.
Adapting to that diversity is the inevitable
price of productivity, high standards, and
fairness to students. In recognition of the
diverse needs of students, we support
differentiation and acceleration appropriate to
student needs as determined through assessment.
By "individualized" education, we mean those
teaching practices that provide a basis for
assessing where the student is relative to a unit
of instruction, deliver instruction in a
differentiated manner so as to appropriately
remediate, enrich, and/or accelerate, while
holding standards at grade level for all
students. By "personalized" education, we mean
those classroom and school practices that
recognize the uniqueness of each student learner
and thus provide for adequate tutorial and
guidance and counseling suited to develop the
whole person in mind, body, and spirit. By
"challenging" education, we mean those practices
that stretch all learners to become all they can
be academically, learning optimally (or to their
full potential) in language arts, mathematics,
social studies, and science in particular, and in
all subject matter generally. AE(LOCAL)
CISD Timeline for Differentiation
  • 03-04 Understand Practice
  • 1. a common language of CISD curriculum and
  • 2. a deep understanding of CISD curriculum
  • 3. some practice of low-prep/high-prep D.I.
    Strategies in classrooms
  • 4. some classroom observation of D.I. Lessons
  • 5. collect/reflect on district/school/classroom
  • 04-05 Understand Practice (See cycle of
    strategies, 1-5, above.)
  • Summer 05 Policy Development (e.g.,
    preassessment for units of instruction,
    district-level benchmark assessments,
    Instructional Management Systems, staff
    development, classroom observations, teacher
    evaluation, grading reporting, parent
    involvement, etc.)
  • 05-06 Formally implement Differentiated
    Instruction in CISD Classrooms

CISD Benchmark for Teacher Practice of
Differentiated Instruction
One approach to becoming comfortable with
differentiation in a way that doesnt overtake
your life is to Year One select a few
low-prep strategies youre comfortable with
select one high-prep strategy per unit or
semester to add to your repertoire Year Two
hone the strategies from Year One add one or
two more low and high prep strategies Year Three
after In the above cumulative way, you can
work your way to a highly differentiated
classroom in four or five years, without feeling
absolutely frenzied along the way. Source
Tomlinson, How to Differentiate Instruction in
Mixed-Ability Classrooms, ASCD, 2nd Ed., 2001,
pp. 33-34. Page 34 cites Low-Prep
Differentiation High Prep Differentiation

Differentiation of Instruction
Concept Map
is a teachers response to learners needs
guided by general principles of differentiation,
such as
teachers students collaborating in learning
clarity of learning goals
ongoing assessment adjustment
respectful tasks
flexible grouping
Teachers can differentiate
according to
learning profile
Some Principles of a Differentiated Classroom
  • The teacher is clear about what matters in
    subject matter.
  • The teacher understands, appreciates, and builds
    upon student differences.
  • Assessment and instruction are inseparable.
  • The teacher adjusts content, process, and product
    in response to students readiness, interests,
    and learning profile.
  • All students participate in respectful work.
  • Students and teachers are collaborators in
  • Goals of a differentiated classroom are maximum
    growth and individual success.
  • Flexibility is the hallmark of a differentiated

Acceleration aka Accelerated Instruction  1
that which refers to educational strategies which
provide opportunities for students to more
rapidly achieve educational goalsCISD Board
Policy AE (LOCAL) (Participation per Board
Policy based on individually identified needs
and is designed on a case-by-case basis per
approval of Assistant Superintendent for
Curriculum Instruction Examples per Board
Policy grade skipping, dual enrollment, early
graduation, curriculum compacting, telescoping
curriculum, elective system, subject matter
acceleration, individually paced instruction,
distance learning  2 that which provides for
rapid achievement of educational goals and can
be within a grade level curriculum (teacher
decision) or across grade level curricula
(collaborative decision per CISD Board Policy AE
(LOCAL))   Agendas a strategy for
differentiating instruction that provides for a
personalized list of tasks that a particular
student must complete in a specified time as
developed by the teacher to last two to three
weeks (usually students can determine the order
in which they will complete the agenda during a
particular time in the day set aside as agenda
time) Anchoring activity a strategy for
differentiating instruction that provides for
meaningful ongoing activities to which students
automatically move when they have completed an
assigned task can occur throughout a unit, a
six-weeks period, or longer Assessment  1
collecting data to better understand the current
knowledge (facts), understandings (principles and
concepts), and skills of students 2
collecting data to better understand the
readiness (prior mastery of knowledge/understandi
ngs/skills), interests (a students curiosity or
passion what hooks learners in wanting to
know, understand, or do more), and learning
profiles (preferred learning styles or
intelligences) of students  3 an ongoing means
of understanding how to better modify tomorrows
instruction (Tomlinson)   4 an inseparable part
of instruction Authentic Assessment collecting
data to better understand the collective
abilities of a student by presenting real-world
challenges that require the application of
relevant knowledge, understandings, and skills
Challenging work assignments or tasks that are
slightly beyond the students comfort zone, i.e.,
zone of proximal development Choice Boards a
strategy for differentiating instruction that
provides for changing assignments which are
placed in permanent pockets of the board the
teachers asks a student to select from a
particular row of the board, thus targeting
work toward student need and at the same time
allowing for student choice Compacting 1 a
strategy for differentiating instruction that
provides a three-step process which (a) assesses
what a student knows about material to be
studied and what the student still needs to
master, (b) plans for learning what is not known
and excuses student from what is known, and (c)
plans for freed-up time to be spent in enriched
or accelerated study  2 the student is given
reduced amounts of introductory activities,
drill, review, and so on such that the time saved
may be used to move faster through the
curriculumCISD Board Policy AE (LOCAL)  3 also
a strategy for accelerated instruction to be
determined on a case-by-case basisCISD Board
Policy AE (LOCAL)   Complex instruction a
strategy for differentiating instruction that
deals with the sorts of academic ranges that
frequently exist in classrooms that are
academically, culturally, and linguistically
heterogeneous (Cohen, 1994) complex instruction
tasks a) require students to work together in
small groups, b) are designed to draw upon the
intellectual strengths of each student in the
group, c) are open ended, d) are intrinsically
interesting to students, e) are uncertain, f)
involve real objects, g) provide materials and
instructions in multiple languages (if needed),
h) integrate reading and writing in ways that
make them an important means to accomplishing a
desirable goal, i) draw upon multiple
intelligences in a real-world way, j) use
multimedia, k) require many different talents in
order to be completed adequately (An effective
complex instruction task does not have a single
right answer, does not reflect low-level
thinking, does not involve simple memorization of
routine learning.) Content 1 what a student
should know, understand, and be able to do as a
result of a given unit of instruction, subject,
or course  2 in differentiating instruction, the
teacher selects levels of content after
diagnosing student readiness  
  • Cubing 1 a strategy for differentiating
    instruction that is based on student readiness
    (prior mastery of knowledge, understandings, and
    skills) and interest (what hooks the student
    in wanting to know, understand, or do more)  2
    each six-sided cube carries instructions like
    DescribeWhat is it? / CompareWhat is similar
    to and different from? / AssociateWhat does
    it make you think of? / AnalyzeHow did it
    come about? / Apply itHow is it used?  What
    might resolve this issue? / Argue for or
    against. ( Possible Uses   a. introduce new
    concepts, b. build interest in a new concept, c.
    informally assess students, d. help students see
    relevance of a concept, e. review concepts, and
    f. help students think creatively about
  • Differentiation aka Differentiated Instruction 
    1 that which recognizes a common body of
    knowledge and skills for students to master
    equity, but takes varying routes for each
    student to gain mastery of the intended
    curriculum in an optimal manner excellenceCISD
    Board Policy AE (LOCAL)  2 that which plans and
    carries out varied approaches to content (what
    students learn), process (how students learn),
    and product (how students demonstrate what
    theyve learned) in anticipation of and response
    to student differences in readiness (prior
    mastery of knowledge, understandings, and
    skills), interest (a students curiosity or
    passion what hooks learners in wanting to
    know, understand, or do more), and learning
    profile (how the student prefers to learn)  3 a
    teaching philosophy and mindset that has a
    teacher acting responsively to a learners
    needs, i.e., meeting the student where he/she
    enters the classroom  
  • Enrichment providing instructional materials
    and activities as an extension of the regular
    classroom material
  • Entry points a strategy for addressing varied
    intelligence profiles (Gardner, 1991,1993) a
    student may explore a given topic through as many
    as five avenues or entry points, such as a)
    narrational presenting a story or narrative
    about the topic or concept in question, b)
    logical-quantitative using numbers or
    deductive/scientific approaches to the topic or
    question, c) foundational examining the
    philosophy and vocabulary that undergird the
    topic or concept, d) aesthetic focusing on the
    sensory features of the topic or concept, and e)
    experiential using a hands-on approach where the
    student deals directly with materials that
    represent the topic or concept

Equalizer  1 a guide for planning
differentiated lessons similar to using the
equalizer buttons on a stereo or CD player as the
teacher takes into account various student needs
regarding structure, pace, complexity, cognitive
level, etc.  (See Tomlinson, C.A.  How to
Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability
Classrooms, 2 nd Ed., 2001, ASCD, p. 47.)  2
Foundational to Transformational / Concrete
to Abstract / Simple to Complex / Single
Facet to Multiple Facets / Small Leap to Great
Leap / More Structured to More Open / Less
Independence to Greater Independence / Slow to
Quick (See Tomlinson above.)   Flexible
grouping a strategy for differentiating
instruction that provides for students to be a
part of many different groups based on the match
of the task to student readiness, interest, or
learning profile Formative Assessment
(Keeping Track Checking Up or Can You Hear
Me Now?) 1 a process of accumulating
information about a students progress throughout
a unit of instruction to help make mid-course
corrections that will improve the students
knowledge, understandings, and/or skills (i.e.,
achievement levels) 2 allows teachers to
depict a students life as a learner, provide
early warning signals and regular feedback
(e.g., formative test, peer evaluation, 3-minute
pause, observation, talkaround, questioning, exit
card, portfolio check, quiz, journal entry,
self-evaluation, etc.) 4MAT a complex approach
that focuses teacher response to student learning
profile based on several personality and learning
inventories which hypothesize that students have
one of four learning preferences by which
teachers plan and deliver instruction for a given
unit (i.e., Type 1 Innovative Learnersprimarily
interested in personal meaning / Type 2 Analytic
Learnersprimarily interested in acquiring facts
in order to deepen their understanding of
concepts and processes / Type 3 Common Sense
Learnersprimarily interested in how things work
they want to get in and try it / Type 4
Dynamic Learnersprimarily interested in
self-directed discovery) Group investigation
this approach places students in the active role
of solving problems. The teacher presents
students with a complex problem. Students must
seek additional information, define the problem,
locate and appropriately use valid resources,
make decisions about solutions, pose a solution,
communicate that solutions to others, and assess
the solutions effectiveness. This strategy
offers an opportunity to address readiness,
interest, and learning profile.
High-Level Questioning a strategy for
differentiating instruction that provides for
presentation of questions which draw on advanced
levels of information, requires leaps of
understanding, and challenges the thinking of all
students ( Guidelines   a. require all learners
to think at high levels, b. require students to
defend answers, c. use open-ended questions, d.
use Blooms Taxonomy to create various levels of
questions, and e. differentiate questions as
appropriate, keeping sight of the need for all
learners to be questioned at high levels)
  Independent Study/Independent Project  1 a
strategy for differentiating instruction that
provides for a process by which student and
teacher identify problems or topics of interest
to the student with an agreed upon method of
investigation ( Guidelines  a. builds on
student interest, b. satisfies curiosity, c.
requires planning and research at advanced
levels, d. encourages independence, e. highly
motivating, f. allows in-depth work on topics,
and g. provides opportunities for students to
work with complex and abstract ideas)  2 a
process by which the student will demonstrate
his/her ability to apply knowledge (facts),
understandings (concepts and principles), and
skills relative to a topic or problem
  Interest a students curiosity or passion
Learning Centers/Stations a strategy for
differentiating instruction that provides for
centers or stations or collections of
materials that learners use to explore topics or
practice skills (tasks can be adjusted to
readiness, interest, or learning profile).
Centers can be stations or collections of
materials learners use to explore topics or
practice skills. Teachers can adjust learning
center tasks for readiness levels or learning
styles of different students. Learning
Contracts a strategy for differentiating
instruction that provides for an agreement
between student and teacher which can take many
forms obligating the student to the performance
of work according to agreed-upon specifications,
i.e. , what will be learned, how it will be
learned, amount of time for learning, and how the
work will be evaluated Learning profile a
students preferred manner for working or
learning Multiple Intelligences  1 different
ways to demonstrate intellectual ability as
conceived by researcher Howard Gardner
(Visual/Spatial Verbal/Linguistic
Logical/Mathematical Bodily/Kinesthetic
Musical/Rhythmic Interpersonal Intrapersonal
Naturalist)   2 means by which teachers address
interest and learning profile of students  
Orbitals a strategy for differentiating
instruction that provides for independent
investigations that revolve around some facet of
curriculum, generally of three to six weeks in
duration Portfolios collections of student
work which help students set appropriate learning
goals and evaluate their growth (also help
teachers and parents reflect on student growth
over time focus on readiness, interests, and
learning profile) Preassessment (Finding
Out)  any method, strategy, or process used to
determine a students current level of readiness
(prior mastery of knowledge, understandings, and
skills) or interest (what hooks the student in
wanting to know, understand, or do more) which
allows the teacher to meet students "where they
are" (Examples  pre-test, inventory, KWL,
checklist, observation, self-evaluation,
questioning, etc.)   Process in
differentiating instruction, the opportunity for
students to make sense of the content a teacher
selects activities based on student readiness,
interest, and/or learning profile (An effective
activity has a clearly defined instructional
purpose, focuses on one key understanding, causes
students to use a key skill or to work with key
ideas, ensures that students will have to
understand the idea, helps students relate new
understandings and skills to previous ones, and
matches the students level of readiness.) Produc
t in differentiating instruction, how students
demonstrate what theyve learned RAFT
assignments a strategy for differentiating
instruction that helps students understand an
audience of fellow writers, students, citizens,
characters, etc. RAFT, an acronym that stands
for Role (of the writer), Audience, Format, and
Topic (Example Role battery Audience loose
wire Format a newspaper article Topic man
has shocking experience)
Readiness 1 in differentiating instruction,
ascertaining the students prior mastery of
knowledge (facts), understandings (concepts and
principles), and skills relative to a unit of
instruction, subject, or course  2 how well a
students knowledge, understandings, and skills
match a topic or task   Respectful tasks
those that are interesting and engaging for every
learner and which provide equal access to
essential knowledge, understandings, and skills
neither boring nor frustrating Scaffolding a
strategy for differentiating instruction that
provides the support needed for a student to
succeed in challenging work planning student
work and presenting materials from simple to
complex in such a way as to build student mastery
and, thus, confidence Summative Assessment
(Making Sure) a means to determine a
students mastery of knowledge (facts),
understandings (concepts and principles), and
skills used for the purpose of a final grade,
decision, or report that causes teachers to align
formative and preassessments with the end in
mind (Examples unit test, benchmark test,
performance task, product/exhibit, demonstration,
portfolio review, etc.) Tiered instruction a
strategy for differentiating instruction that
provides for the use of varied levels of
activities to ensure that students explore ideas
at a level that builds on their prior knowledge
and prompts continued growth.
Flexible Grouping Options
  • By . . .
  • Readiness
  • Interest
  • Learning profile

Flexible Grouping Options
  • By . . .
  • Group Make Up (student similarities or
    dissimilarities, size, variance)
  • By . . .
  • Teacher choice
  • Student choice
  • Random

Some Ideas for Differentiating Instruction
  • Varied texts by reading level
  • Varied supplementary materials by reading level
  • Varied scaffolding (reading, writing, research,
  • Flexible time use
  • Learning contracts
  • Varied graphic organizers
  • Compacting
  • Tiered or scaffolded assessment
  • Small-group instruction
  • Homework options
  • Topic (i.e., photography, poetry, life science,
    mathematics, etc.)
  • Model of Expression (i.e., oral, written,
    designed/built, artistic, abstract, community
    service, etc.)
  • Group orientation (i.e., independent, group,
  • Cognitive style (i.e., whole-to-part/part-to-whole
    , concrete/abstract, oral/visual, etc.)

Four Steps to Better Lessons Step One HOOK How
am I going to make the task appealing inviting
and intriguing to my students? Step Two
FOCUS Does the task absolutely and with no
ambiguity call on students to grapple with one or
more of the key understandings and skills of the
unit? Step Three RATCHET Is the task crafted
at very high levels of thought and production for
the students who will perform it? Are you
confident it will stretch them in use of
information, critical and creative thinking,
reflection on their thinking, skill and accuracy,
research, insight, or other areas valuable in
this effort? Step Four TIGHTEN Are the
directions written in such a way that the
students cannot take the low road or the easy
way out with their work? Are they written to
direct students to the high road of the quest
for quality in work and thought?
4 Steps to Better Lessons
  • Beliefs on which differentiation is based
  • Students who are the same age differ in their
    readiness to learn, their interests, their styles
    of learning, their experiences, and their life
  • Differences in students are significant enough to
    make a major impact on what students need to
    learn, the pace at which they need to learn it,
    and the support they need from teachers and
    others to learn it well.
  • Students will learn best when supportive adults
    push them slightly beyond where they can work
    without assistance.
  • Students will learn best when they can make a
    connection between the curriculum and their
    interests and life experiences.
  • Students will learn best when learning
    opportunities are natural.
  • Students are more effective learners when
    classrooms and schools create a sense of
    community in which students feel significant and
  • The central job of schools is to maximize the
    capacity of each student.
  • (Source Reconcilable Differences
    Standards-Based Teaching and Differentiation, by
    C. Tomlinson, September 2000, Educational
    Leadership, 58(1), pp. 6-11)

  • Low prep differentiation
  • Choices of books
  • Homework options
  • Use of reading buddies
  • Varied journal prompts
  • Orbitals
  • Varied pacing with anchor options
  • Student-teacher goal setting
  • Work alone/together
  • Whole-to-part explanations
  • Flexible seating
  • Varied computer programs
  • Design-A-day
  • Varied supplementary materials
  • Options for varied modes of expression
  • Varying scaffolding on same organizer
  • Lets Make a Deal projects
  • Computer mentors
  • Think-pair-share by readiness, interests,
    learning profile
  • High prep differentiation
  • Tiered activities and labs
  • Tiered products
  • Independent studies
  • Multiple texts
  • Alternative assessments
  • Learning contracts
  • 4-MAT
  • Multiple-intelligence options
  • Compacting
  • Spelling by readiness
  • Entry points
  • Varying organizers
  • Lectures coupled with graphic organizers
  • Community mentorships
  • Interest groups
  • Tiered centers
  • Interest centers
  • Personal agendas

Low-Prep/High-Prep Differentiation
Lesson Plan Checklist for DifferentiationPage 1
of 3
  • Use this checklist by selecting one or more areas
    of planning each week or month (not all six) on
    which to focus.
  • 1. Im clear on what I want the student to
  • know (facts, information)
  • understand (principles, generalizations, ideas)
  • be able to do as a result of this learning
  • 2. In deciding content, Ive thought about and
  • alternate sources/resources
  • varied support systems (reading buddies, tapes,
    digests, direct instruction groups, organizers,
  • varied pacing plans
  • 3. Ive pre-assessed student readiness to
  • make appropriate content and/or activity
  • get a picture of understanding and skill vs.
    facts only
  • focus the lesson squarely on what students should
    know, understand, and be able to do

  • 6. When creating assignments for differentiated
    products, Ive made certain they
  • vary along a continuum of Blooms taxonomy based
    on student readiness
  • require all students to use key concepts,
    generalizations, ideas, and skills to solve
    problems, extend understandings, and/or create
    meaningful products
  • maximize student choice within parameters
    necessary to demonstrate essential understandings
    and skills
  • include a core of clear and appropriately
    challenging expectations for the content of the
    product (what understandings and skills it must
    demonstrate, what resources, must be used)
    processes involved in production (planning,
    goal-setting, time line use, process log,
    self-evaluation, drafts, etc.) and production
    requirements for the product (rubric for criteria
    and levels of quality)
  • provide for formative evaluation and modification
    of the product
  • provide for summative evaluation by teacher,
    student, peers and/or others
  • involve and inform parents as appropriate

Lesson Plan Checklist for DifferentiationPage 3
of 3
  • 5. As I create differentiated activities, Ive
    made certain
  • all of them call for high-level thinking
  • all appear about equally interesting to my
  • if readiness based, they vary along a continuum
    of Blooms taxonomy
  • if interest based, students have choices about
    how to apply skills and understandings or how to
    express them
  • varied modes of learning opportunities
    accommodate varied learning profiles
  • each activity is squarely focused on one, or a
    very few, key concepts and/or generalizations
  • student choice is maximized within my parameters
    needed for focus and growth
  • appropriate skills have been integrated into the
    activity requirements
  • expectations for high-quality task completion are
    clear for all students

Lesson Plan Checklist for DifferentiationPage 2
of 3
Checklist for Observing Differentiated Instruction
Observation Checklist
  • There is evidence that the CISD curriculum is
    being taught.
  • I can identify the specific unit of instruction
    being addressed in this lesson.
  • There is evidence that a diagnosis of student
    needs has taken place
  • Per readiness
  • Per interests
  • Per learning profile
  • I see flexible grouping at work in this lesson.
  • If not, does whole-group instruction seem to be
    the most optimal method available for teaching
    this particular content?
  • I should return throughout this week to monitor
    employment of flexible grouping.
  • I see the provision of respectful tasks for
    students (i.e., those that neither bore nor over
    tax the learner.
  • I see evidence of ongoing monitoring of how the
    lesson is going.
  • I see evidence that the lesson or unit has been,
    or is to be adjusted, based on the teachers
    monitoring of student mastery of knowledge
    (facts), understandings (concepts, principles,
    generalizations), and/or skills.
  • If not, I should engage the teacher in dialogue
    about this at some point and/or return for such
    evidence in the near future.

  • I see that the teacher is using one or more of
    the following (list not inclusive)
  • Low-Prep Differentiation Strategies
  • Choice of books
  • Homework options
  • Use of reading buddies
  • Varied journal prompts
  • Orbitals
  • Varied pacing w/anchor options
  • Student-teacher goal setting
  • Work alone/together
  • Whole-to-part explanations
  • Flexible seating
  • Varied computer programs
  • Design-A-Day
  • Varied supplementary materials
  • Varying scaffolding on same organizer
  • Lets Make a Deal projects
  • Computer mentors
  • Think-pair-share by readiness, interest, learning
  • Open-ended activities
  • High-Prep Differentiation Strategies
  • Tiered activities, labs, or products
  • RAFT assignments
  • Independent study/projects
  • Multiple texts
  • Alternative assessments
  • Learning contracts
  • 4MAT
  • Multiple-intelligence options
  • Compacting
  • Entry points
  • Varying organizers
  • Literature circles
  • Personal agendas
  • Stations
  • Group investigation
  • Choice boards
  • Simulations
  • Problem-based learning

  • Traditional Classroom
  • Student differences are masked or acted upon when
  • Assessment is most common at the end of learning
    to see who got it.
  • A relatively narrow sense of intelligence
  • A single definition of excellence exists.
  • Student interest is infrequently tapped.
  • Relatively few learning profile options are taken
    into account.
  • Whole class instruction dominates.
  • Coverage of texts and/or curriculum guides drives
  • Mastery of facts and skills-out-of-context are
    the focus of learning.
  • Differentiated Classroom
  • Student differences are studied as a basis for
  • Assessment is on-going and diagnostic to
    understand how to make instruction more
    responsive to learner need.
  • Focus on multiple forms of intelligences is
  • Excellence is defined in large measure by
    individual growth from a starting point.
  • Students are frequently guided in making
    interest-based learning choices.
  • Many learning profile options are provided.
  • Many instructional arrangements are used.
  • Student readiness, interest, and learning profile
    shape instruction.
  • Use of essential skills to make sense
    of/understand key concepts and principles is the
    focus of learning.

A Comparison
Classroom Instruction Arrangements
Whole Class Activities
Pre-assessment (readiness/interest)
Wrap-up of explorations
Introduction of concepts
Small Group Activities (pairs, triads, quads)
Directed reading
Teaching skills
Range of Activities in a Differentiated Classroom
Individualized Activities
Practice apply skills
Interest centers
Independent study
Student-Teacher Conferences
Tailoring planning
  • Association for Supervision and Curriculum
    Development (2001). At work in the
    differentiated classroom. (video staff
    development set, Leslie Kiernan, Producer).
  • Association for Supervision and Curriculum
    Development (2002). A visit to a differentiated
    classroom. (video staff development set, Leslie
    Kiernan, Producer).
  • Association for Supervision and Curriculum
    Development (1997). Differentiating instruction.
    Alexandria, VA Authors. (video staff
    development set, Leslie Kiernan, Producer).
  • Bateman, B. (1993). Learning disabilities The
    changing landscape. Journal of Learning
    Disabilities, 25(1), 29-36.
  • Brimijoin, K., Marquissee, E. Tomlinson,C.
    (2003), February). Using data to differentiate
    instruction. Educational Leadership 60(5),
  • Cohen, E., Benton, J. (1988). Making groupwork
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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mrs. Robin Snyder, President
Mrs. Becky Miltenberger, Vice-President Mrs.
Darla Reed, Secretary Mr. Dale Crane Mrs.
Deborah Frazier Mr. Steve Lakin Mrs. Erin
Mathews, Ph.D., Superintendent Jan Morgan,
Ph.D., Asst. Superintendent for Curriculum
Instruction James R. Schiele, Asst.
Superintendent for Operations Budget
Management Harry Ingalls, Chief Technology
Officer Derek Citty, Ed.D., Chief Personnel
Officer Diane Frost, Ph.D., Executive Director
for Instructional Services Julie Thannum,
Director of Communications   PRINCIPALS Daniel
Presley, Ed.D., Carroll Senior High School Robin
Ryan, Carroll High School Brad Hunt, Carroll
Middle School Jerry Hollingsworth, Dawson Middle
School Sarah Jane Wright, Durham Intermediate
School Mark Terry, Eubanks Intermediate
School Stacy Wagnon, Carroll Elementary
School Elizabeth L. McIlvain, Ed.D., Durham
Elementary School Jane Cousins, Johnson
Elementary School Andra Barton, Old Union
Elementary School Meryl Babcock, Rockenbaugh
Elementary School
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