Title: Week 9, Lecture 1
1 Week 9, Lecture 1 Databases IntroductionDesign
- application software (like word processing and
spreadsheet software) - designed to maintain databases (collections of
A Database is
- a collection of information stored in an
organized form on a computer
3What can we do with a database?
- Store data
- Ask questions (query)
- Update
- Keep track of dependencies
- Present information (reports)
- Restrict access to data (who can see it or change
4Disadvantages of NOT using a database
- Data Redundancy (wasted data)
- Data inconsistency (different copies of the same
data might not agree) - Data Isolation (data may be held in different
files in different formats)
5Database Management System (DBMS)
- is a program or system of programs that can
manipulate data in a large collection of files - redundant information is stored in common fields
- different users see different points of view
- may be interactive
6Relational Database
- A database is relational when files are related
to each other, such as this Student ID field in
the Student file.
If a change is made in one file, all files are
updated immediately.
7Files, Records
- A database is a collection of one or more
database files
A file is a collection of related information
8Records, Fields
A record is the information relating to one
person, product, or event
A field is a discrete chunk of information in a
9Microsoft Access
Menu Bar
Database Window
Object Buttons
10What is a Table?
- Used to store data about a particular subject
- A table consists of rows (records) and columns
(fields) - Each field has a data type
- Each record has a unique key
11Creating a New Table
12Table Wizard Screen
13Defining a Table
- List
- the names of all of the fields
- the data type for each field
- the length where appropriate
- any other constraints (PROPERTIES)
- default values
- Validation rules and text
14Table Design View
Primary Key
Field Names
Data Type
Field Properties
- Text, memo (sentences), number, date/time,
currency, autonumber (computer assigns unique
number to each new record), Yes/No (box which if
tickedyes), OLE object ( link to object like
picture, document), Hyperlink (link to web
pages), lookup wizard ( choose from a list of
16Text and Memo
- Text
- Short text
- Up to 255 characters
- Default 50
- Memo
- Lengthy text
- Up to 64,000 characters
17Numbers - Field Size
18Numbers - Format
- Remember the difference between representation
and presentation in spreadsheets?
19Numbers Decimal Places
- AutoThe number of decimal places is determined
by the format - User setDisplays the number specified
- Can generate three types of number
- Sequential
- Random
- Replication
- When do we use Autonumber?
- Autonumber cant be deleted or changed
22Properties of fields
- Based on data type chosen, certain properties for
the field should be set, - focus on controlling input into the fields
- Field size, format, decimal places, input mask,
caption, default value, validation rule,
validation text, required, indexed - Validation rule a rule that controls the data
input into a field (start telno with a 9) - Validation text a message that is displayed when
there is an error in data input (please start the
telno with a 9)
23Default value
- Automatically fill in a certain value for this
field in new records you add to the table - Automatic default for numbers is zero.
- Distinguish between zero and Null !!
24Validation Rule ValidationText
- Validation RuleSet controls over the values that
this field can have - Validation TextThe error message that is printed
out if an error value is put in the field
25Examples of Validation Rules
26Required and Indexed
- RequiredThe field MUST contain a valid entry
- Indexes speed up searching
- (Hint index a field that is going to be used in
a query or in a relationship to join two tables) - Three options
- No
- Yes (Duplicates OK)
- Yes (No duplicates)
- Keys are automatically indexed
- Tables need keys
- A key in a table is unique
- A Primary Key is a field or combination of fields
in a table used to identify a record - Multiple field primary keys are possible
- Lecture Theatre bookings Date/time, Room
- If you dont have a key slower to search, may
be misleading
28Defining Primary key
- From created fields in design view, select one
that is to be used a primary key and press key
button. - If no primary key what can be done?
- Create a new field to use as PK
- Choose 2 or more fields that together make a
primary key (unique combinations for each new
29 Designing a Table
- Defining a tableTable ? New?Design View (here
you specify the fields and the properties of each
field in the table). - Field namedatatypeDescription
- Datatype controls the what kind of data can be
put into the field - Add properties and select Primary Key