Title: Faith, Finance
1Investing and Saving
Making it work for you
2Personal Finance Workshops
- Budgeting and Debt Reduction
- Saving and Investing
- Personal Financial Management
- Stewardship
- Charitable Giving
3Our mission today
- Rent vs own
- Growing my money
- Types of funds
- Where to go for help
The wise man saves for the future but the foolish
man spends whatever he gets. Proverbs 2120
4Define terms
- Savings
- Investments
- Trading
5Savings, Investments, Trading
Interest Rent
Capital Gains Buy/Own
Usually guaranteed interest and time period
Risk and volatility
This graphic is conceptual only
6Risk Tolerance
Picture Source http//images.google.ca/imgres?img
7Volatility vs. Risk
- What is YOUR comfort with risk?
- Select investments you will feel comfortable with
- Stops pulling out of existing investments
- Properly plan based on your individual comfort
and needs - Allows you to sleep at night
8Income Tax Treatment
- What is my
- effective tax rate?
- marginal tax rate?
- Are all investments taxed the same?
- Interest
- Capital gains
- Capital losses
9Income tax advantaged strategies
- Spousal RSP
- New home buyer
- What is Compound interest?
- Rule of 72
- 72 divided by interest rate earned
11Rule of 72
- Assume age 21 and you save 1,000 per year
Age Interest at 6
Age Interest at 9
21 1,000
21 1,000
33 2,000
29 2,000
45 4,000
37 4,000
57 8,000
45 8,000
69 16,000
53 16,000
61 32,000
69 64,000
12Investment Funds
- Compare investment funds vs interest payments
TSE 300 Index Avg rate 10-12
GIC 5 yr interest Avg rate 7-8
This graphic is conceptual only
Compare to present GIC avg 4-5, TSX avg 10-12
13What is an investment fund?
- Define
- History
- Prospectus
14Dollar Cost Averaging
Option 1 1,000 _at_ 10 per unit 100 units
Option 2 invest 100 per month over a 10 month
This graphic is conceptual only
15Do not put all your eggs in one basket
16Diversification vs Diffusion
This graphic is conceptual only
17Types of products and funds
- Interest
- GICs
- Annuities
- Bonds
- Funds
- Income
- Balanced
- Equity
18Fund Managers
19Mutual Funds / Segregated Funds
- Provided by
- Guarantees
- Your estate
- Creditor protection
- Beneficiary
- Costs..
- Loads
- Front end
- Back end / DSC
- No load
- Management Fees
- Stay Invested Dont panic
- The Power of Compounding/Rule of 72
- Dollar Cost Averaging Invest regularly and Do
not time the market
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but
a wise man is he who listens to counsel
Proverbs 1215
22Want to go deeper?
- To review or start your plan
- consider FaithLife Financial
- Go Green - www.faithlifefinancial.ca
- download financial tools
- view seminars
- calculators
- great financial articles