Title: Problem Solving 6 GUIs and Event Handling
1Problem Solving 6 GUIs and Event Handling
- ICS-201 Introduction to Computing II
- Semester 071
2Constructing a GUI
- Consider the following problem
- Construct a GUI as follows
- The purpose of the GUI is to calculate the body
mass index (BMI) of a person. The formula to
calculate the BMI is - BMI weight(in kg)/height2 (in metres)
3Solution Components in the GUI
- Here we find that the GUI has the following
components - The layout of the components is Flow Layout
Text fields
4Solution Code for the GUI
- import java.awt.
- import java.awt.event.
- import javax.swing.
- public class BMICalc extends JFrame implements
ActionListener -
- private JTextField wtt, htt
- private JButton convert
- private JLabel wtl, htl, rsll
- public BMICalc()
- super("Body Mass Index Calculator")
- setSize(500, 70)
- Container cp getContentPane()
- cp.setLayout(new FlowLayout())
5Solution Code for the GUI (contd)
- wtt new
JTextField(5) - htt new JTextField(5)
- wtl new JLabel("Weight (kg)")
- htl new JLabel("Height (m)")
- rsll new JLabel("Your BMI is")
- convert new JButton("Calculate")
- cp.add(wtl)
- cp.add(wtt)
- cp.add(htl)
- cp.add(htt)
- cp.add(convert)
- cp.add(rsll)
- convert.addActionListener(this)
- show()
6Solution Action Listener
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
- double weight Double.parseDouble(wtt.getText()
) - double height Double.parseDouble(htt.getText()
) - double bmi weight/(heightheight)
- double bmirounded ((int) (bmi1000))/1000.0
- rsll.setText("Your BMI is " bmirounded)
- wtt.setText("")
- htt.setText("")
- public static void main(String args)
- new BMICalc()
7Problem Using Layout Managers
- Construct a GUI that divides a frame into
appropriate areas as shown in the following GUI.
Use Border and Grid Layouts.
- Solution in attached zip file. Note in the
solution that
Border Layout
Grid Layout
Flow Layout
9Problem Drawing Shapes
- Write a program that constructs the following
figure along with associated labels.
public class PieChart extends Frame public
PieChart() super("Simple Pie Chart
Drawing") setSize(300, 300) setResizable(fal
se) show() public void paint(Graphics
g) Graphics2D g2 (Graphics2D)
g g2.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.ITALIC,
12)) Arc2D.Double slice1 new
Arc2D.Double(50, 50, 150, 150, 0, 90,
2) g2.setColor(Color.red) g2.draw(slice1)
g2.fill(slice1) g2.drawString("25 Revenue",
170, 60)
11Solution contd.
Arc2D.Double slice2 new Arc2D.Double(50,
50, 150, 150, 90, 45, 2) g2.setColor(Color.blue
) g2.draw(slice2) g2.fill(slice2) g2.drawStri
ng("12.5 Sales", 40, 50) Arc2D.Double
slice3 new Arc2D.Double(50, 50, 150, 150,
135, 135, 2) g2.setColor(Color.magenta)
g2.draw(slice3) g2.fill(slice3) g2.drawString(
"37.5 Profits", 30, 220) Arc2D.Double
slice4 new Arc2D.Double(50, 50, 150, 150,
270, 90, 2) g2.setColor(Color.green)
g2.draw(slice4) g2.fill(slice4) g2.drawString(
"25 Expenditures", 180, 200) public
static void main(String args) PieChart p
new PieChart()