Title: The Stock Market and Stock Prices
1The Stock Market and Stock Prices
- Reading Siklos Chapter 14
- Basics of Stock Markets
- Explaining Stock Price Behaviour
- Efficient Markets Fundamentalists
- Stock Market Volatility
- The Home-bias in Stock Purchases
- International Stock Price Linkages
Note that many stocks do not pay dividends.
Buyers of the stock expect that the firm will pay
dividends some day.
4Computing the Price of Common Stock
- Basic Principle of Finance
- Value of Investment Present Value of Future
Cash Flows - One-Period Valuation Model
5Exercise 1
- Intel Share Price
- 12 return is required on equity
- 16 cent dividend to be paid next year.
- 10 share price forecasted for next year
6Generalized Dividend Valuation Model
- Since last term of the equation is small,
Equation 2 can be written as
7Theory of Rational Expectations
- Rational expectation (RE) expectation that is
optimal forecast (best prediction of future)
using all available information i.e., RE ? - Xe Xof
- 2 reasons an expectation may not be rational
- 1. Not best prediction
- 2. Not using available information
8- Rational expectation, although optimal
prediction, may not be accurate - Rational expectations makes sense because it is
costly not to have optimal forecast - Implications
- 1. Change in way variable moves, changes the way
expectations are formed - 2. Forecast errors on average 0 and are not
predictable (i.e. forecasters do not make
persistent mistakes and they learn from previous
mistakes immediately)
9Theories of Stock Price Determination
- Efficient Markets Hypothesis an application of
rational expectations theory. - Expectations about stock prices will be identical
to optimal forecast using all available
information. - Three forms (vary based on definition of all
available information) - weak form, semi-strong form, strong form
11Efficient Markets HypothesisWeak form
Investors have an information set on which
expectations of future stock prices are formed
E(Pt1 Pt, Pt-1,)Pt
If the past history of stock prices is known then
E(Pt1) Pt so that Pt1PtUt giving rise to
the random walk of stock prices
12The Random Walk of Stock Prices
13The Random Walk of Stock Prices
14Efficient Markets Hypothesis (contd)
- Semi-strong form expands the Information set to
include other fundamental macroeconomic variables
such as interest rates, inflation, money
growth,.) - The strong form would incorporate private or
insider information. This would most severely
limit the profitable opportunities from changes
in stock price behaviour
15Interest Rates and Stock Prices
R? P?
LF 2
Stock Price
16Efficient Markets Hypothesis
- Pt1 Pt C
- Pt
- Pet1 Pt C
- RETe
- Pt
- Rational Expectations implies
- Pet1 Poft1 ? RETe RETof (1)
- Market equilibrium
- RETe RET (2)
- Put (1) and (2) together Efficient Markets
Hypothesis - RETof RET
17- Why the Efficient Markets Hypothesis makes sense
- If RETof gt RET ? Pt ?, RETof ?
- If RETof lt RET ? Pt ?, RETof ?
- until RETof RET
- 1. All unexploited profit opportunities
eliminated - 2. Efficient Market holds even if there are
uninformed, irrational participants in the market
18Evidence on Efficient Markets Hypothesis
- Favorable Evidence
- 1. Investment analysts and mutual funds dont
beat the market - 2. Stock prices reflect publicly available
information anticipated announcements dont
affect stock price - 3. Stock prices and exchange rates close to
random walk -
- 4. Technical analysis does not outperform market
19- Unfavorable Evidence
- 1. Small-firm effect small firms have abnormally
high returns - 2. January effect high returns in January
- 3. Market overreaction
- 4. Excessive volatility
- 5. Mean reversion
- 6. New information is not always immediately
incorporated into stock prices - Overview
- Reasonable starting point but not whole story
20Implications for Investing
- 1. Published reports of financial analysts not
very valuable - 2. Should be skeptical of hot tips
- 3. Stock prices may fall on good news
- 4. Prescription for investor
- 1. Shouldnt try to outguess market
- 2. Therefore, buy and hold
- 3. Diversify with no-load mutual fund
21A Different but Compatible ViewThe
Fundamentalist Approach
- Related to Gordon Growth Model
- Stock prices should reflect expectations about
the flow of future dividends - Assume that dividends reflect profits of the firm
- Assume a constant opportunity cost of holding
money, R. - Assume a constant growth rate of dividends, g
- Assume that dividends paid out forever
22Gordon Growth Model
- Assuming dividend growth is constant, Equation 3
can be written as - Assuming the growth rate is less than the
required return on equity, Equation 4 can be
written as
23Exercise 2
- Intel Share Price
- 12 return is required on equity
- 16 cent was last dividend paid.
- 10 dividend growth rate expected.
24The Fundamentalist Approach
- Assumption the required return on equity, ke,
is equal to the market interest rate, R. - Rewriting equation (5),
25Anomalies and Other features of stock price
- Volatility and its Measurement
- Price-Earnings Ratio
- January other calendar effects
- Bubbles (South Sea, Mississippi, Tulipmania)
- International Linkages
26What Causes Noise in Stock Markets
Case 1 Market dominated by Informed Traders
Noisy Traders
Inf. Traders
Noisy Traders
Informed Traders
Case 2 Market dominated by Uninformed traders
27Stock Market Volume
28International Stock Price Behaviour
- Stock market behaviour is governed by the
efficient markets hypothesis which comes in the
weak, semi-strong and strong forms - The Fundamentalist approach explains the
determination of stock prices according to the
flow of dividends generated by a stock - Stock price behaviour is also subject to a number
of anomalies and there are a number of other
interesting aspects about stock prices