Title: Web Service Discovery and Selection: Pragmatic Approaches
1Web Service Discovery and SelectionPragmatic
- Natallia Kokash
- PhD student, XX cycle
Tutor Vincenzo DAndrea Adviser Marco Aiello
2DSSOC people
- Marco Aiello ltaiellom_at_dit.unitn.itgt
- Fabio Casati ltcasati_at_dit.unitn.itgt
- Vincenzo DAndrea ltvincenzo.dandrea_at_unitn.itgt
- Maurizio Marchese ltmaurizio.marchese_at_unitn.itgt
- Ganna Frankova ltfrankova_at_dit.unitn.itgt 3d year
- Natallia Kokash kokash_at_dit.unitn.it 3d year
- GR ltgr_at_dit.unitn.itgt 3d year
- Alexander Ivanyukovich lta.ivanyukovich_at_dit.unitn.i
tgt 4th year - Alexander Lazovik ltlazovik_at_dit.unitn.itgt 5th
- Web Service Composition
- Distributed Systems
- Web Service Discovery
- Quality of Service (Security)
- Intellectual Property and Licensing
- Discovery of web services
- Structural interface matching
- Hybrid methods
- Behavioral interface matching
- QoS Issues
- Web service selection algorithms
- Risk evaluation
- Recommendation systems as a tool for web service
5Web Services
- A Web service is
- a software system
- identified by a URI,
- whose public interfaces and bindings are defined
and described using XML. - Its definition can be discovered by other
software systems. - These systems may then interact with the Web
service in a manner prescribed by its definition,
using XML based messages conveyed by internet
protocols. - Web Services Architecture, W3C Working Draft 14
November 2002, from http//www.w3.org/TR/ws-arch/
on 5th March 2002
6SOA and Web Services
Service Description
Service Behavior Descriptions
Service Interface Descriptions
Service Quality
Service-oriented application
7Web Services Discovery
- Matching meeting the functionality required by
a user with specifications of existing services - Generic (heuristics, domain-independent
ontologies) - Personal (preferences, specific functions and
patterns for comparing requests and existing
services) - Community (domain-specific ontologies)
- Selection choosing a service with the best
quality among those able to satisfy the users
8Thesis objectives
- It is difficult for a user to write a correct
request. - Automated semantic matching is not feasible.
- Users are in different conditions.
- QoS characteristics are constantly changing.
- Collective user experience can be used to improve
service selection. - Domain specific quality factors should be
involved in service selection.
9Service Description
- Web Service Description Language (WSDL)
- Identity unique identity of the interface
- Input/Output the meaning of input and output
parameters - Faults specify the abstract message format for
any error messages that may be output as the
result of the operation - Types declare data types used in the interface
(XML Schema) - Documentation natural language service
description and usage guide
10Semantic Web Services (1)
- Managing End-To-End OpeRations (METEOR-S)
- Semantic Web Services Framework (SWSF)
- Web Service Modelling Ontology (WSMO)
- Ontology Web Language for Services (OWL-S)
- Preconditions a set of semantic statements that
are required to be true before an operation can
be successfully invoked - Effects a set of semantic statements that must
be true after an operation completes execution
after being invoked. - Restrictions a set of assumptions about the
environment that must be true - Quality of Service non-functional parameters
such as response time, execution cost, capacity,
Service Profile
Service Grounding
Service Model
What does the service do?
How is it accessed?
How does it work?
- Does not provide context identification
- Does not describe objects used by the service but
not provided by the client - Does not describe what service does
12Semantic Web Services (2)
- The semantics of services operations are
directly added to WSDL files - Easy to deploy and use
- Does not support full features of OWL-S process
13Motivating example
14WS Matching Algorithm
- Requirements
- Matched advertisements are returned in sorted
order, according to their degree of match - For each element a matching confidence is known
(easy to see where problems may occur) - Tries to catch semantics
15Web Service Interface Matching
16WS Matching Algorithm
- http//dit.unitn.it/kokash/sources
Meta- data
- Tokenization
- sequences of more than one uppercase letters
- sequences of an uppercase letter and following
lowercase letters - sequences between two non-word symbols
- Example tnsGetDNSInfoByWebAddressResponse ?
tns, get, dns, info, by, web, address,
response. - Word stemming
- Stopwords removing
17Structural Matching
Maximum weight bipartite matching Kuhns
Hungarian method (polynomial time) Define overall
similarity score Query type similarity or
18Lexical Matching
Vector-Space Model (VSM) tf-idf
- semantic matching of word pairs
- semantic matching of sentences
Seco, N., Veale, T., Hayes, J. An intrinsic
information content metric for semantic
similarity in WordNet, ECAI, 2004, pp. 1089-1090
19Experimental Results (Test 1)
10 40 15 45
20Experimental Results (Test1)
Average precision
Processing time
21Experimental Results (Test2)
- 371 web services
- 68 groups
22Related Work
- Sajjanhar04 Sajjanhar, A., Hou, J., Zhang, Y.
Algorithm for Web Services Matching, APWeb,
2004, pp. 665670. - Bruno 05 Bruno, M., Canfora, G. et al. An
Approach to support Web Service Classification
and Annotation, IEEE International Conference on
e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service, 2005. - Corella06 Corella, M.A., Castells, P.
Semi-automatic semantic-based web service
classification, International Conference on
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and
Engineering Systems, 2006. - Dong04 Dong, X.L. et al. Similarity Search
for Web Services, VLDB, 2004. - Platzer05 Platzer, C. Dustdar, S. A vector
space search engine for Web services,
Proceedings of IEEE European Conference on Web
services (ECOWS), 2005. - Stroulia05 Stroulia, E., Wang, Y. Structural
and Semantic Matching for Accessing Web Service
Similarity, International Journal of Cooperative
Information Systems, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2005, pp.
407-437. - Wu05 Wu, J., Wu, Z. Similarity-based Web
Service Matchmaking, IEEE International
Conference on Services Computing, 2005, pp.
287-294. - Zhuang05 Zhuang, Z., Mitra, Pr., Jaiswal, A.
Corpus-based Web Services Matchmaking, AAAI,
2005. - Verma05 Verma, K., Sivashanmugam, K., et al.
Meteors wsdi A scalable p2p infrastructure of
registries for semantic publication and discovery
of web services. Journal of Information
Technology and Management. Special Issue on
Universal Global Integration, Vol. 6, No.1, 2005,
pp. 17-39.
23Hybrid algorithms
24Hybrid algorithms Experimental results
25Future work
- Hybrid algorithms
- Rocha, C. et al. A Hybrid Approach for
Searching in the Semantic Web, International
World Wide Web Conference, 2004, pp. 374-383) - Castells, P., Fernandez, M., Vallet, D. An
Adaptation of the Vector-Space Model for
Ontology-Based Information Retrieval, IEEE
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
2007, to appear. - Empirical evaluation of different algorithms
using a similar collection of web services
26Related work
- Syeda-Mahmood, T., Shah, G., et al. Searching
service repositories by combining semantic and
ontological matching, International Conference
on Web Services, 2005, pp. 13-20. - (1) The domain-independent relationships are
derived using an English thesaurus (2) The
domain-specific ontological similarity is derived
by inferencing the semantic annotations
associated with web service descriptions. - better relevancy results can be obtained for
service matches from a large repository, than
could be obtained using any one cue alone. - Klusch, M. Fries, B., Sycara, K. Automated
Semantic Web Service Discovery with OWLS-MX,
AAMAS, 2006. - under certain constraints logic based only
approaches to OWLS service I/O matching can be
significantly outperformed by hybrid ones.
27Composition Patterns
- Sequence
- Loop
- AND split followed by AND join.
- AND split followed by a m-out-of-n join
- XOR split followed by a XOR join
- OR split followed by OR join
- OR split followed by a m-out-of-n join
29Behavioral Interface matching
- How to obtain a (composite) service, if there is
no direct match for a request in current service
registry? - Behavioral interface - interfaces that capture
ordering constraints between interactions. - BPEL4WS Business Process Execution Language for
Web services
30Interface transformation
- Robert J. Hall and Andrea Zisman, Behavioral
Models as Service Descriptions, ICSOC, 2004. - Dumas, M., Spork, M., Wang, K. Algebra and
Visual Notation for Service Interface
Adaptation, 4th International Conference on
Business Process Management (BPM), 2006. - Benatallah, B., Hacid, M-S., Leger, A., Rey, K.,
Toumani, F. On automating Web services
discovery, VLDB Journal, N 14, 2005, pp. 8496. - Lang, Q.A., Su, St. Y.W "AND/OR Graph and
Search Algorithm for Discovering Composite Web
Services", International Journal of Web Services
Research, 2(4), 46-64, 2005.
32Web Services Discovery
- Matching meeting the functionality required by
a user with specifications of existing services - Generic (heuristics, domain-independent
ontologies) - Personal (preferences, specific comparison
functions) - Community (domain-specific ontologies)
- Selection choosing a service with the best
quality among those able to satisfy the users
33QoS Issues
- How to define QoS?
- complexity of run-time QoS information
- dependencies among different QoS parameters
- How to specify user preferences?
- How to match user requirements with existing
services in terms of QoS? - How to perform ranking of similar services w.r.t.
to user preferences? - How to predict QoS factors under certain
environmental conditions. - dependencies among different QoS parameters
- relations with contextual factors
- The same questions for composite web services
34QoS characteristics
- Multidimensionality
- Different QoS driven web service selection
algorithms - Subjectivity
- dependence on context, consumer, etc.
- QoS run-time monitoring and analysis on user side
is required.
35QoS parameters
36Linear programming approachZeng et al. 2004
- Linear combination of
- price
- duration
- reputation
- success rate
- availability
where Wj are user preferences
37Some questions
- Scaling
- Availability - 100
- 0 0
- 100 1
- Response time
- 0 1
- timeout - 0
- Objective function
- Linear combination - ?
- Can we rely on the preferences defined by a user?
- Which service is better
- Cheap but not reliable,
- Reliable but expensive?
- A service failed but the task should be
accomplished - Structure of a redundant composition graph
38New WS selection algorithm
- Notation
- c composition
- q(si) quality parameter (response time,
execution cost) - p(si) probability of success
- qmax resource limit
- Time vs. cost
- The basic approach is to take the less important
parameter as objective function provided that the
most important criterion meets some requirements.
39Experimental results
- Goal Translate a document from Belarusian to
Turkish - Available web services
- Belarusian English (b-e)
- Belarusian German (b-g)
- German Turkish (g-t)
- English Turkish (e-t)
- German English (g-e)
- WS compositions that can satisfy the users goal
- Belarussian English Turkish
- Belarussian German Turkish
- Belarussian German English Turkish
42Risk management
- Requires assessment of inherently uncertain
events and circumstances - Two dimensions
- how likely the uncertainty is to occur
(probability) - what the effect would be if it happened (impact)
- Example
- Movie titleRainmaker, formatDVD,
languagesItalian, English - Convert DVD to AVI languageEnglish
- SimpleDivX converter time2 hours, language
Italian - Impact on time 2 hours are lost
43Failure risk
- Failure risk considers the probability that
some fault will occur and the resulting impact of
this fault on the composite service
where is the probability of the service
Loss function defines the cost of service
failure (money, time, resources)
- Service failures
- Service changes
- Violations of Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
- Absence of alternative solutions (penalties)
45Failure risk example
46Related Work
- Zeng 2004 Zeng, L., Benatallah, B., et al.
QoS-aware Middleware for Web Services
Composition, IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 5, 2004, pp. 311327. - Ardagna 2005 Ardagna, D., Pernici, B. Global
and Local QoS Constraints Guarantee in Web
Service Selection, IEEE International Conference
on Web Services, 2005, pp. 805806. - Yu 2005 Yu, T., Lin, K.J. Service Selection
Algorithms for Composing Complex Services with
Multiple QoS Constraints, International
Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, 2005,
pp. 130143. - Claro 2005 Claro, D., Albers, P., Hao, J-K.
Selecting Web Services for Optimal Composition,
Proceedings of the ICWS 2005 Second International
Workshop on Semantic and Dynamic Web Processes,
2005, pp. 32-45. - Canfora 2006 Canfora, G., di Penta, M.,
Esposito, R., Villani, M.-L. QoS-Aware
Replanning of Composite Web Services,
Proceedings of the International Conference on
Web Services, 2005. - Martin-Diaz 2005 Martin-Diaz, O., Ruize-Cortes,
A., Duran, A., Muller, C. An Approach to
Temporal-Aware Procurement of Web Services,
International Conference on Service-Oriented
Computing, 2005, pp. 170184. - Bonatti 2005 Bonatti, P.A., Paola Festa, P.,
On Optimal Service Selection, Proceedings of
the 14th international conference on World Wide
Web, 2005, pp. 530-538. - Lin 2005 Lin, M., Xie, J., Guo, H., Wang, H.
Solving QoS-driven Web Service Dynamic
Composition as Fuzzy Constraint Satisfaction,
IEEE International Conference on e-Technology,
e-Commerce and e-Service, 2005, pp. 9-14. - Gao 2006 Gao, A., Yang, D., Tang, Sh., Zhang,
M. QoS-driven Web Service Composition with
Inter Service Conflicts, APWeb 8th Asia-Pacific
Web Conference, 2006, pp. 121 132.
47Quality of Service Issues
- Multidimensionality
- QoS driven WS selection algorithms
- Subjectivity
- dependence on context, consumer, etc.
- QoS run-time monitoring and analysis on user side
is required.
48How to define QoS parameters?
- Advertised by providers
- Simple (popular)
- Providers may not advertise QoS information
- Providers are not able to predict QoS in a
neutral manner - Providers are interested in overstating the real
QoS - Providers do not intend to revise constantly
advertised QoS - Not effective and trust-aware.
- Monitored on the client side
- active monitoring and/or explicit user feedback
(ratings) - high computational overheads
- Evaluated by a third party
- specialized unbiased agency
- tests web services and publishes QoS data
- expensive and static
- Hybrid
49QoS Sources
50Recommendation Systems (RS)
- Examples
- Movies (MovieLens),
- Music (JUKEBOX),
- Books (Amazon),
- Hotels, resorts and vacations (TripAdvisor)
- Types
- Content-based Filtering
- Collaborative Filtering
- Hybrid
51Content-based Filtering
- Recommendations are based on information on the
content of items rather than on other users
opinions - A buys books on economics
- B is not interested in computer science
- Use machine learning/text mining algorithms to
create user profiles about user preferences from
examples based on a description of content
52Content-based Filtering
- Problems
- Requires content that can be transformed into a
list of features - Users tastes must be represented as a function
of these features - Unable to exploit quality judgments of other
53Collaborative Filtering
- Users explicitly assign ratings to items
- Predict rating of a user U for an item I
- Find users similar to U (neighbors)
- Calculate rating of user U to item I as weighted
sum of ratings given by neighbors to item I
54Collaborative Filtering
- Problems
- Cannot recommend new items (first-rater problem)
- Random Choose item randomly with equal
probabilities - Content analysis Apply previously described
approach if cannot find similar users - Filterbots (programs simulating users)
Constantly do searches and rate items using some
primitive algorithms - Cannot match new users they have rated nothing
(cold start problem) - Provide average ratings
- User agents collect implicit ratings
- Put users in categories
- Select items for users to rate
55From recommendations to decision making
- Define a problem
- Return ticket from Trento to Lecce
- Identify alternatives
- By train
- price 100, duration 26 hours, personal
comfort high - By plain (Venezia Brindisi)
- price 250, duration 14 hours, personal
comfort low - Make the choice
- Train
- Explain the decision
- It is much cheaper
56Implicit Culture
- Provide actors with suggestions based on
behavioural patterns extracted from history of
actions - Community has knowledge specific to the
environment community culture - Encourage a newcomer to behave according to
community culture - http//www.dit.unitn.it/implicit
57Implicit Culture Definitions
- Action something that can be done
- Agent (actor) somebody or something performing
an action - Object something that passively participate in
the action - Situation a state of the world faced by the
agent. Includes a set of objects and a set of
possible actions - Culture a usual behavior of the group of agents
- Group G group of agents which behaviour is
observed - Group G' group of agents who require
recommendations - Implicit Culture relation situations in which
agents of the group G behave similarly to agents
of the group G' - System for Implicit Culture Support (SICS) a
system which tries to establish IC relation
58System for Implicit Culture Support
Produce a theory about common user behavior
Produce recommendation about action
Stores information about actions
59SICS Architecture
- The IC-Service is implemented in java and uses
some libraries - Can be used in an application in a number of
ways - As a java library
- As an EJB component in J2EE environment
- As a web service
- Observations are stored in XML files or in
60Composer Inductive Module
Exploits the observations and the theory in order
to suggest actions in a given situation.
Analyzes the stored observations and applies data
mining techniques to find a theory about the
community culture
61IC for Web Service Selection
- How to select a web service with high quality
suitable for your problem? - History-based selection
- Quality of Service Quality of Experience
62Observation of web service invocations
- Actors
- Applications (application name, user name,
location) - Users (user name, location)
- Objects
- Operation (operation name, web service name,
category) - Inputs/Outputs (parameter name, parameter value)
- Requests (operation names, input/output
parameters, category) - Actions
- Bind (timestamp, web service),
- Invoke (timestamp, operation, input),
- Get response (timestamp, operation, output,
response time), - Raise exception (timestamp, operation, exception
type, input), - Provide feedback (report about contract
violations, domain-specific QoS parameters), - Submit query (request, preferences)
63Example of the theory rules
- Observations
- submit(A, newRequest(categorycurrency))
- invoke(A, http//www.webserviceX.NET/
CurrencyConvertor conversionRate) - Theory rules
- submit(_U _Q ) ? invoke (_Y, (category
extract(category, _Q))) ) - Request
- submit(newClient newRequest(categorycurrency)
64Future work
- Empirical evaluation
- Customizable similarity evaluation
- Other mining algorithms
- Enrich SICS with semantic matching
- Hierarchy of actions, objects, attributes, etc.
65Related work
- Blanzieri01 Blanzieri, E., Giorgini, P., Massa,
P., Recla, S. Implicit culture for multi-agent
interaction support, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on
Cooperative Information Systems, 2001, pp. 27-39. - Maximilien04 Maximilien, E.M., Singh, M.P. A
framework and ontology for dynamic web services
selection. IEEE Internet Computing 8(5) (2004)
84-93 - Manikrao05 Manikrao, U. Sh., Prabhakar, T.V.
Dynamic Selection of Web Services with
Recommendation System, International Conference
on Next Generation Web Services Practices
(NWeSP'05), 2005, pp. 117-121.
66Further information
- Kokash, N. "A Comparison of Web Service
Interface Similarity Measures", Proceedings of
STAIRS'06, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 2006,
pp. 220--231, full paper. Extended version
Technical Report No DIT-06-025, April 2006,
University of Trento, Italy. - Kokash, N., Van den Heuvel, W.-J., D'Andrea, V.
"Leveraging Web Services Discovery with
Customizable Hybrid Matching", Proceedings of
ICSOC, Chicago, December 2006, short paper, to
appear. Extended version Technical Report No
DIT-06-042, July 2006, University of Trento,
Italy. - Kokash, N. "A Service Selection Model to Improve
Composition Reliability", International Workshop
on AI for Service Composition, in conjunction
with ECAI'06, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 2006,
pp. 9--14, full paper. - Birukou, A., Blanzieri, E., D'Andrea, V.,
Giorgini, P., Kokash, N., Modena, A.
"IC-Service A Service-Oriented Approach to the
Development of Recommendation Systems", The ACM
Symposium on Applied Computing, Special Track on
Web Technologies (WT), March 2007, to appear.
Technical Report No DIT-06-044, July 2006,
University of Trento, Italy. - http//dit.unitn.it/kokash/