Title: Goals for Understanding the RISC Model
1The Re-Inventing Schools Model
2 K What do you already Know about
the RISC Model?WWhat do you Want to Know?L
What did you Learn?
3 Things we will teach you
- What is the RISC Model?
- What is a Shared Vision?
- What is Systemic Leadership?
- Why a Standards-Based System?
- What does a SBS look like?
- What does Continuous Improvement look like?
- What are some cool tools and processes that I can
take back to help improve our
4The Ground Rules
- Logistics (Safety, Restroom, Breaks etc.)
- Network with others
- Awareness and understanding of the RISC Model
- Identify your current status on the RISC
Continuum- Continuous Improvement - Begin and end on time
- Open Communication
- Have Fun with cool tools and processes!
5How committed are you to being here?
- A tool that provides a quick assessment on how
people feel about an issue - Use sticky notes with no names to be more
authentic - Determine what we want to measure (How committed
are folks to being here?) - Discuss how this can set the tone for the
training (moral purpose, burning issues etc.)
Adapted from Langford Learning International
6A tool that gives us honest real time feedback
The Parking Lot
- Plus
- Delta
- Questions ?
- BreakThrough Moment - Ideas - Aha!
Adapted from Langford Learning International
7What are the characteristics of high performing
Affinity Chart
8Overview of the RISC Model
- Shared Vision
- Leadership
- Standards-Based Design
- Continuous Improvement
9Student Performance Results
- What you will see
- Four year trends based on 3rd, 6th, and 8th grade
Benchmark Exams and High School Graduation
Qualifying Exams - District level data is an aggregate of all the
aforementioned state exams - Highlights from 4 organizations implementing the
RISC Model
10Chugach School District All scores are
National Percentile
CAT Testing
Total Reading
Total Language
Total Math
Total Spelling
11Bering Strait Schools
12Lake and Peninsula School District
13Lake and Peninsula SD Graduate Follow-up Surveys
14How Does RISC Measure Up?
15RISC Model Overview
RISC Video
16What is a Shared Vision?
- Gathering the input of all stakeholders in
helping all children reach their dreams - Series of meeting and processes to hear
everyones voice, so there will be unconditional
support for the vision - This should happen at the district, school, and
classroom level
17Learning EvolutionSystemic School Reform
- Awareness
- Knowledge
- 1st Implementation
- Routine
- Refinement
- Replication
Adapted from CBAM
18 Use the RISC Stakeholder Self-Assessment tool
to score yourself on Shared Vision and determine
what steps you need to take to move forward.
- Clarify the task
- Reflect individually
- Impact on your system
- Share with your partner
19The ultimate goal of change is when people see
themselves as shareholders with a stake in the
success of the system as whole
Michael Fullan
20Why is a Shared Vision important?
5 Whys Tool
- Used when you want to find moral purpose
- Brings deeper understanding of why something is
or is not important
Adapted from Langford Learning International
21Chugach Profile 1994
Getting it started
- REAA school district which covers 22,000 square
miles - Unemployment 52.3
- Poverty level 75.7
- 90 of our students could not read at grade level
- One college graduate in 20 years
- 50 teacher attrition rate
22Obstacles of High Achievement 1994
- Unhealthy Family/Community
- Student Apathy
- Lack of Parental Involvement
- Lack of Meaningful Curriculum
- Specific Needs of Students
- Funding
- No Site Plan
- Poor Professional Development
- Teacher Burnout
23RISC Comprehensive Vision
24A show of courage by any person encourages
John C. Maxwell
25Four Important Questions
- 1. According to current test scores how are our
students doing? - 2. What happens to our students once they leave
our K-12 system? - 3. What will students need to know in the 21st
century? - 4. If needed, how do we change our current system
to meet the needs of all students?
26 Create a shared vision.What skills do our
students need for the 21st century?
- Clarify the task
- Reflect individually
- Impact on your system
- Share with your partner
27Fortune 500 Input(In order of Importance)
- Teamwork
- Problem Solving
- Interpersonal Skills
- Oral Communications
- Listening
- Personal/Career Development
- Creative Thinking
- Leadership
- Goal Setting/Motivation
- Writing
- Organizational Effectiveness
- Computation
- Reading
28Sample Shared Vision Focus Areas
- Academic Skills
- Individual student needs
- Character development
- Career development
- Technology Skills
- Accountability
29In regards to Shared Vision what did you learn
that can help your organization?
30Leadership How do I grow it- make it
systemic?(define, teach to all, measure and
- Shared Vision
- Leadership
- Standards-Based Design
- Continuous Improvement
31What are the characteristics of an effective
Affinity Chart
32Leadership for Incremental Change
- Emphasize relationships
- Establish strong lines of communication
- Be an advocate for the school
- Provide resources
- Maintain visibility
- Protect teachers from distractions
- Look for and celebrate successes
Robert Marzano
33Leadership for Second Order Change
- Shake up the status quo
- Expect some things to seem worse
- Propose new ideas
- Operate from strong beliefs
- Tolerate ambiguity and dissent
- Talk research and theory
- Create explicit goals for change
- Define success in terms of goals
Robert Marzano
34Assess yourself using the RISC Stakeholder
self-assessment tool.What are your strengths and
OFIs as a leader?
- Clarify the task
- Reflect individually
- Impact on your system
- Share with your partner
RISC Video
36Using the RISC Leadership Chart, turn to a
neighbor and find alignment with the Affinity
37I want to assure you, everyone here is a leader!
38In regards to Leadership what did you learn that
can help your organization?Meet with your 600