Title: Satisfiability and State-Transition Systems: An AI Perspective
1Satisfiability and State-Transition Systems An
AI Perspective
- Henry Kautz
- University of Washington
- Both the AI and CADE/CAV communities have long
been concerned with reasoning about
state-transition systems - AI Planning
- CADE/CAV Hardware and software verification
- Recently propositional satisfiability testing has
turned out to be surprisingly powerful tool - Planning SATPLAN (Kautz Selman)
- Verification Bounded model checking (Clarke),
Debugging relational specifications (Jackson)
3Shift in KRR
- Traditional approach specialized languages /
specialized reasoning algorithms - New direction
- Compile combinatorial reasoning problems into a
common propositional form (SAT) - Apply new, highly efficient general search
SAT Encoding
Combinatorial Task
SAT Solver
- Rapid evolution of fast solvers
- 1990 100 variable hard SAT problems
- 2000 100,000 variables
- Sharing of algorithms and implementations from
different fields of computer science - AI, theory, CAD, OR, CADE, CAV,
- Competitions - Germany 91 / China 96 /
DIMACS-93/97/98 - JAR Special Issues SAT 2000
- Can compile control knowledge into encodings
- 1. Planning ? Model Checking
- 2. Planning as Satisfiability
- 3. SAT Petri Nets Randomization Blackbox
- 4. State of the Art
- 5. Using Domain-Specific Control Knowledge
- 6. Learning Domain-Specific Control Knowledge
- GOAL Overview of recent advances in planning
that may (or may not!) be relevant to the CADE
61. Planning ? Model Checking
7The AI Planning Problem
- Given a world description, set of primitive
actions, and goal description (utility function),
synthesize a control program to achieve those
goals (maximize utility) - most general case covers huge area of computer
science, OR, economics - program synthesis, control theory, decision
theory, optimization
8STRIPS Style Planning
- Classic work in AI has concentrated on STRIPS
style planning (state space) - Open loop no sensing
- Deterministic actions
- Sequential (straight line) plans
- SHAKEY THE ROBOT (Fikes Nilsson 1971)
- Terminology
- Fluent a time varying proposition, e.g.
on(A,B) - State complete truth assignment to a set of
fluents - Goal partial truth assignment (set of states)
- Action a partial function State State
- specified by Operator schemas
9Operator Schemas
- Each yields set of primitive actions, when
instantiated over a given finite set of objects
(constants) - Pickup(x, y)
- precondition on(x,y), clear(x), handempty
- delete on(x,y), clear(x), handempty
- add holding(x), clear(y)
- Plan A (shortest) sequence of actions that
transforms the initial state into a goal state - E.g. Pickup(A,B) Putdown(A,C)
- Useful extension parallel composition of
primitive actions - Only allowed when all orderings are well defined
and equivalent no shared pre / effects - (act1 act2)(s) act2(act1(s))
act1(act2(s)) - Can dramatically reduce size of search space
- Easy to serialize
- Distinguish
- number of actions in a plan sequential length
- number of sequentially composition operators in a
plan parallel length, horizon - (a1 a2) (a3 a4 a5) a6
- - sequential length 6, parallel length 3
11Some Applications of STRIPS-Style Planning
- Autonomous systems
- Deep Space One Remote Agent (Williams Nayak
1997) - Natural language understanding
- TRAINS (Allen 1998)
- Internet agents
- Rodney (Etzioni 1994)
- Manufacturing
- Supply chain management (Crawford 1998)
12Abdundance of Negative Complexity Results
- Unbounded STRIPS planning PSPACE-complete
- Exponentially long solutions
- (Bylander 1991 Backstrom 1993)
- Bounded STRIPS planning NP-complete
- Is there a solution of (sequential/parallel)
length N? - (Chenoweth 1991 Gupta and Nau 1992)
- Domain-specific planning may depend on whether
solutions must be the shortest such plan - Blocks world
- Shortest plan NP-hard
- Approximately shortest plan NP-hard
- (Selman 1994)
- Plan of length 2 x number blocks Linear time
13Approaches to AI Planning
- Three main paradigms
- Forward-chaining heuristic search over state
space - original STRIPS system
- recent resurgence TLPlan, FF,
- Causal link Planning
- search in plan space
- Much work in 1990s (UCPOP, NONLIN, ), little
now - Constraint based planning
- view planning as solving a large set of
constraints - constraints specify relationships between actions
and their preconditions / effects - SATPLAN (Kautz Selman), Graphplan (Blum
14Relationship to Model Checking
- Model checking determine whether a formula in
temporal logic evaluates to true in a Kripke
structure described by a finite state machine - FSM may be represented explicitly or symbolically
- STRIPS planning special case where
- Finite state matchine (transition relation)
specified by STRIPS operators - Very compact
- Expressive can translate many other
representations of FSMs into STRIPS with little
or no blowup
15Relationship, continued
- Formula to be checked is of the form
- exists path . eventually . GOAL
- Reachability
- Distinctions between linear / branching temporal
logics not important - Difference
- Concentration on finding shortest plans
- Emphasis on efficiently finding single witness
(plan) as opposed to verifying a property holds
in all states - NP vs co-NP
16Why Not Use OBDDs?
- Size of OBDD explodes for typical AI benchmark
domains - Overkill need not / cannot check all states,
even if they are represented symbolically!
O(2n2) states
(But see recent work by M. Velosa on using OBDDs
for non-deterministic variant of STRIPS)
17Verification using SAT
- Similar phenomena occur in some verification
domains - Hardware multipliers
- Has led to interest in using SAT techniques for
verification and bug finding - Bounded fixed horizon
- Under certain conditions can prove that only
considering a fixed horizon is adequate - Empirically, most bugs found with small bounds
- E. Clarke Bounded Model Checking
- LTL specifications, FSM in SMV language
- D. Jackson Nitpick
- Debugging relational specifications in Z
182. Planning as Satisfiability
19Planning as Satisfiability
- SAT encodings are designed so that plans
correspond to satisfying assignments - Use recent efficient satisfiability procedures
(systematic and stochastic) to solve - Evaluation performance on benchmark instances
instantiated propositional clauses
axiom schemas
problem description
SAT engine(s)
satisfying model
21SAT Encodings
- Target Propositional conjunctive normal form
- Sets of clauses specified by axiom schemas
- Create model by hand
- Compile STRIPS operators
- Discrete time, modeled by integers
- upper bound on number of time steps
- predicates indexed by time at which fluent holds
/ action begins - each action takes 1 time step
- many actions may occur at the same step
- fly(Plane, City1, City2, i) É at(Plane, City2, i
22Solution to a Planning Problem
- A solution is specified by any model (satisfying
truth assignment) of the conjunction of the
axioms describing the initial state, goal state,
and operators - Easy to convert back to a STRIPS-style plan
23Complete SAT Algorithms
- Davis-Putnam-Loveland-Logeman (DPLL)
- Depth-first backtrack search on partial truth
assignments - Basis of nearly all practical complete SAT
algorithms - Exception Stahlmarks method
- Key to efficiency good variable choice at branch
points - 1961 unit propagation, pure literal rule
- 1993 - explosion of improved heuristics and
implementations - MOMs heuristic
- satz (Chu Min Li) lookhead to maximize rate of
creation of binary clauses - Dependency directed backtracking derive new
clauses during search rel_sat (Bayardo), GRASP
(di Silva) - See SATLIB 1998 / Hoos Stutzle
24Incomplete SAT Algorithms
- GSAT and Walksat (Kautz, Selman Cohen 1993)
- Randomized local search over space of complete
truth assignments - Heuristic function flip variables to minimize
number of unsatisfied clauses - Noisy random walk moves to escape local minima
- Provably solves 2CNF, empirically successful on a
broad class of problems - random CNF, graph coloring, circuit synthesis
encodings (DIMACS 1993, 1997)
25Planning Benchmark Test Set
- Extension of Graphplan benchmark set
- logistics - transportation domain, ranging up to
- 14 time slots, unlimited parallelism
- 2,165 possible actions per time slot
- optimal solutions containing 74 primitive actions
- 22000 legal states (60,000 Boolean variables)
- Problems of this size not previously handled by
any domain-independent planning system
26Initial SATPLAN Results
problem horizon / actions Graphplan naïve SAT encoding hand SAT encoding
rocket-b 7 / 30 9 min 16 min 41 sec
log-a 11 / 47 13 min 58 min 1.2 min
log-b 13 / 54 32 min 1.3 min
log-c 13 / 63 1.7 min
log-d 14 / 74 3.5 min
SAT solver Walksat (local search) indicates no
solution found after 24 hours
27How SATPLAN Spent its Time
problem instantiation walksat DPLL satz
rocket-b 41 sec 0.04 sec 1.8 sec 0.3 sec
log-a 1.2 min 2.2 sec 1.7 min
log-b 1.3 min 3.4 sec 0.6 sec
log-c 1.7 min 2.1 sec 4.3 sec
log-d 3.5 min 7.2 sec 1.8 hours
Hand created SAT encodings indicates no
solution found after 24 hours
283. SAT Petri Nets Randomization Blackbox
29Automating Encodings
- While SATPLAN proved the feasibility of planning
using satisfiability, modeling the transition
function was problematic - Direct naïve encoding of STRIPS operators as
axiom schemas gave poor performance - Handcrafted encodings gave good performance, but
were labor intensive to create - similar issues arise in work in verification
division of labor between user and model checker! - GOAL fully automatic generation and solution of
planning problems from STRIPS specifications
- Graphplan (Blum Furst 1995)
- Set new paradigm for planning
- Like SATPLAN...
- Two phases instantiation of propositional
structure, followed by search - Unlike SATPLAN...
- Efficient instantiation algorithm based on
Petri-net type reachability analysis - Employs specialized search engine
- Neither approach best for all domains
- Can we combine advantages of both?
Plan Graph
Petri Net Analysis
General SAT engines
32Component 1 Petri-Net Analysis
- Graphplan instantiates a plan graph in a
forward direction, pruning (some) unreachable
nodes - plan graph ? unfolded Petri net (McMillian 1992)
- Polynomial-time propagation of mutual-exclusion
relationships between nodes - Incomplete must be followed by search to
determine if all goals can be simultaneously
33Growing the Plan Graph
34Growing the Plan Graph
35Growing the Plan Graph
36Growing the Plan Graph
37Growing the Plan Graph
38Growing the Plan Graph
39Component 2 Translation
Action implies preconditions A1 ? P0 , B1 ?
P0 Mutual exclusion ? A1 ? ?B1 , ? P2 ? ?
Q2 Initial facts hold at time 0 Goals holds at
time n
40Component 3 Simplification
- Generated wff can be further simplified by more
general consistency propagation techniques - unit propagation is Wff inconsistant by
resolution against unit clauses? - O(n)
- failed literal rule is Wff P inconsistant
by unit propagation? - O(n2)
- binary failed literal rule is Wff P V Q
inconsistant by unit propagation? - O(n3)
- General simplification techniques complement
Petri net analysis
41Effective of Simplification
42Component 3 Randomized Systematic Solvers
- Combinatorial search methods often exhibit
- a remarkable variability in performance. It is
- common to observe significant differences
- between
- different heuristics
- same heuristic on different instances
- different runs of same heuristic with different
random seeds
44How SATPLAN Spent its Time
problem instantiation walksat DPLL satz
rocket-b 41 sec 0.04 sec 1.8 sec 0.3 sec
log-a 1.2 min 2.2 sec 1.7 min
log-b 1.3 min 3.4 sec 0.6 sec
log-c 1.7 min 2.1 sec 4.3 sec
log-d 3.5 min 7.2 sec 1.8 hours
Hand created SAT encodings indicates no
solution found after 24 hours
45Preview of Strategy
- Well put variability / unpredictability to our
advantage via randomization / averaging.
46Cost Distributions
- Consider distribution of running times of
backtrack search on a large set of equivalent
problem instances - renumber variables
- change random seed used to break ties
- Observation (Gomes 1996) distributions often
have heavy tails - infinite variance
- mean increases without limit
- probability of long runs decays by power law
(Pareto-Levy), rather than exponentially (Normal)
47(No Transcript)
48Heavy Tails
- Bad scaling of systematic solvers can be caused
by heavy tailed distributions - Deterministic algorithms get stuck on particular
instances - but that same instance might be easy for a
different deterministic algorithm! - Expected (mean) solution time increases without
limit over large distributions - Log-log plot of distribution of running times
approximately linear
49(No Transcript)
50Heavy-Tailed Distributions
- infinite variance infinite mean
- Introduced by Pareto in the 1920s
- probabilistic curiosity
- Mandelbrot established the use of heavy-tailed
distributions to model real-world fractal
phenomena - stock-market, Internet traffic delays, weather
- New discovery good model for backtrack search
algorithms - formal statement of folk wisdom of theorem
proving community
51Randomized Restarts
- Solution randomize the systematic solver
- Add noise to the heuristic branching (variable
choice) function - Cutoff and restart search after a fixed number of
backtracks - Provably Eliminates heavy tails
- In practice rapid restarts with low cutoff can
dramatically improve performance - (Gomes, Kautz, and Selman 1997, 1998)
- Related analysis Luby Zuckerman 1993 Alt
Karp 1996
52Rapid Restart on LOG.D
Note Log Scale Exponential speedup!
53 - Overall insight
- Randomized tie-breaking with
- rapid restarts can boost
- systematic search algorithms
- Speed-up demonstrated in many versions of
Davis-Putnam - basic DPLL, satz, rel_sat,
- Related analysis Luby Zuckerman 1993 Alt
Karp 1996
54Blackbox Results
problem naïve SAT encoding hand SAT encoding blackbox walksat blackbox satz-rand
rocket-b 16 min 41 sec 2.5 sec 4.9 sec
log-a 58 min 1.2 min 7.4 sec 5.2 sec
log-b 1.3 min 1.7 min 7.1 sec
log-c 1.7 min 15 min 9.3 sec
log-d 3.5 min 52 sec
Naïve/Hand SAT solver Walksat (local search)
indicates no solution found after 24 hours
554. State of the Art
56Which Strategies Work Best?
- Causal-link planning
- lt5 primitive actions in solutions
- Works best if few interactions between goals
- Constraint-based planning
- Graphplan, SATPLAN, descendents
- 100 primitive actions in solutions
- Moderate time horizon lt30 time steps
- Handles interacting goals well
- 1995 1999 Constraint-based approaches dominate
- AIPS 1996, AIPS 1998
57Graph Search vs. SAT
Blackbox with solver schedule
Problem size / complexity
Caveat on some domains SAT approach can exhaust
memory even though direct graph search is easy
58Resurgence of A Search
- In most of 1980 1990s forward chaining A
search was considered a non-starter for planning - Voices in the wilderness
- TLPlan (Bacchus) hand-tuned heuristic function
could make approach feasible - LRTA (Geffner) can automatically derive good
heuristic functions - Surprise AIPS-2000 planning competition
dominated by A planners! - What happened?
59Solution Length vs Hardness
- Key issue relationship between solution length
and problem hardness - RECALL In many domains, finding solutions that
minimize the number of time steps is NP-hard,
while finding an arbitrary solution is in P - Put all the blocks on the table first
- Deliver packages one at a time
- Long solutions minimize goal interactions, so
little or no backtracking required by
forward-chaining search - AIPS-2000 Planning Competition did not consider
plan length criteria!
60Non-Optimal Planning
61Optimal-Length Planning
62Which Works Best, Continued
- Constraint-based planning
- Short parallel solutions desired
- Many interactions between goals
- SAT translation a win for larger problems where
time is dominated by search (as opposed to
instantiation and Petri net analysis) - Forward-chaining search
- Long sequential solutions okay
- Few interactions between goals
- Much recent progress in domain-independent
planning - but further scaling to large real-world problems
requires domain-dependent techniques!
635. Using Domain-Specific Control Knowledge
64Kinds of Domain-Specific Knowledge
- Invariants true in every state
- A truck is only in one location
- Implicit constraints on optimal plans
- Do not remove a package from its destination
location - Simplifying assumptions
- Do not unload a package from an airplane, if the
airplane is not at the packages destination city - eliminates connecting flights
65Expressing Knowledge
- Such information is traditionally incorporated in
the planning algorithm itself - Instead use additional declarative axioms
- (Bacchus 1995 Kautz 1998 Huang, Kautz, Selman
1999) - Problem instance operator axioms initial and
goal axioms control axioms - Control knowledge constraints on search and
solution spaces - Independent of any search engine strategy
66Axiomatic Form
- State Invariant
- at(truck,loc1,i) loc1 ¹ loc2 É Ø
at(truck,loc2,i) - Optimality
- at(pkg,loc,i) Ø at(pkg,loc,i1) iltj É Ø
at(pkg,loc,j) - Simplifying Assumption
- incity(airport,city) at(pkg,loc,goal) Ø
incity(airport,city) É Ø unload(pkg,plane,airp
67Adding Control Knowledge
Problem Specification Axioms
Domain-specific Control Axioms
Instantiated Clauses
As control knowledge increases, Core shrinks!
SAT Simplifier
SAT Core
SAT Engine
68Effect of Domain Knowledge
problem walksat walksat Kx DPLL DPLL Kx
rocket-b 0.04 sec 0.04 sec 1.8 sec 0.13 sec
log-a 2.2 sec 0.11 sec 1.8 min
log-b 3.4 sec 0.08 sec 11 sec
log-c 2.1 sec 0.12 sec 7.8 min
log-d 7.2 sec 1.1 sec
Hand created SAT encodings indicates no
solution found after 24 hours
696. Learning Domain-Specific Control Knowledge
70Learning Control Rules
- Axiomatizing domain-specific control knowledge by
hand is a time consuming art - Certain kinds of knowledge can be efficiently
deduced - simple classes of invariants (Fox Long
Gerevini Schubert) - Can more powerful control knowledge be
automatically learned, by watching planner solve
small instances?
71Form of Rules
- We will learn two kinds of control rules,
specified as temporal logic programs - (Huang, Selman, Kautz 2000)
- Select rule conditions under which an action
must be performed at the current time instance - Reject rule conditions under which an action
must not be performed at the current time
instance - incity(airport,city) GOAL(at(pkg,loc)) Ø
incity(airport,city) É Ø unload(pkg,plane,airpo
72Training Examples
- Blackbox initially solves a few small problem
instances - Each instance yields
- POSITIVE training examples states at which
actions occur in the solution - NEGATIVE training examples states at which an
action does NOT occur, even though its
preconditions hold in that state - Note that this data is very noisy!
73Rule Induction
- Rules are induced using a version of Quinlans
FOIL inductive logic programming algorithm - Generates rules one literal at time
- Select rules maximize coverage of positive
examples, but do not cover negative examples - Reject rules maximize coverage of negative
examples, but do not cover positive examples - Prune rules that are inconsistent with any of the
problem instances - For details, see Learning Declarative Control
Rules for Constraint-Based Planning, Huang,
Selman, Kautz, ICML 2000
74Logical Status of Induced Rules
- Some of the learned rules could in principle be
deduced from the domain operators together with a
bound on the length on the plan - Reject rules for unnecessary actions
- But in general rules are not deductive
consequences - Could rule out some feasible solutions
- In worst case could rule out all solutions to
some instances - not a problem in practice such rules are usually
quickly pruned in the training phase
75Effect of Learning
problem horizon blackbox learning blackbox
grid-a 13 21 4.8
grid-b 18 74 16.6
gripper-3 15 gt7200 7.2
gripper-4 19 gt7200 260
log-d 14 15.8 5.7
log-e 15 3522 291
mystery-10 8 gt7200 47.2
mystery-13 8 161 12.2
AIPS-98 competition benchmarks
- Close connections between much work in AI
Planning and CADE/CAV work on model checking - Remarkable recent success of general
satisfiability testing programs on hard benchmark
problems - Success of Blackbox and Graphplan in combining
ideas from planning and verification suggest many
more synergies exist - Techniques for learning and applying domain
specific control knowledge dramatically boost
performance for planning could ideas also be
applied to verification?