Saskatchewan Field Hockey Association (SFHA)
2What is Field Hockey?
- Its an Olympic Sport for both Men and Women. -
Its a non contact sport that is similar to
Hockey and Soccer. - It is played both indoors
and outdoors. - It only requires Shin Pads, Mouth
Guard, Stick, Ball to play.
- Played on grass or turf
- Traditionally 11 vs. 11 including a Goalie.
- Traditionally played on a gym floor surface.
- 6 vs. 6 including a Goalie
Visit www.saskfieldhockey.ca to learn more!!
Contact SFHA
Set up dates / times you wish to have someone
come out to teach
Pay a School Membership fee of 80.00
If in need of equipment apply for our MAP GRANT
Instructor will attend your school and leave all
equipment received from the grant
Participate in the organized elementary school
league starting in April as well as an invite to
compete in the annual Taylor Field Day.
Contact the Association EARLY!!
Technical Director/Prov. Head Coach
E-mail sfha_at_sasktel.net
- SFHA will work with you to set up the best time
frame to run a clinic between the months of Jan
2007- until the middle of March 2007. - Most
schools will book a full day, and have teachers
sign up their classes according to class blocks
(Minimum of 45 minutes) assigned for the
clinic. - SFHA would like to target grades 4 to
6. - Ideally SFHA likes to see each class twice,
one class to introduce the basics and one class
to play a game.
5What does your School Membership offer?
- - Allows an expert in Field Hockey to come to
your school. - Allows you to apply for our Map Grant which will
give you a class set of equipment to keep at your
school. - Allows you to re-apply for replacement of current
equipment received from the MAP grant. - Allows your school to participate in the
elementary School league for boys and girls as
well as Taylor Field Day. - Allows your coaches to receive coaching
information on the sport. - Allows you to follow your school states on the
SFHA web site.
6What is the MAP GRANT?
- Provides financial assistance to assist in the
growth of the school Field Hockey programs across
Saskatchewan. - Assistance is given by providing
your school with around 500 dollars of
equipment to continue on in your Phys-Ed
programs. - Each year you can apply for the grant
and increase the type of equipment such as two
sets of goalie equipment, or if your equipment
needs replacing. - Schools applying for the grant
require a yearly participation in a SFHA program
such as the school league or Taylor Field
Day. -Funding period is April 1 to March 31st and
the deadline for applications is February 28th.
7What is the process of receiving a MAP GRANT at
my school?
Spending Plan form for equipment is filled out.
Grant can be used for Sticks,Balls, GK Equipment,
Mouth Guards!
Equipment is delivered to your school for use
during the clinic and left there afterwards .
Participation in the school league or Taylor
Field day
Follow-up report completed at the end of the year.
SFHA approves the continued use of the equipment.
8How does the league and Taylor Field Day work?
Taylor Field Day
School League
Your School organizes a boys girls team to play
in the 6 week league.
A small fee is paid to SFHA, the date/schedule is
then given to your school for the one day event.
Decide if you want to participate in the
competitive or recreational league.
Everything for the event is organized by SFHA.
SFHA organizes all games and officials, boys and
girls play on separate nights during the week.
Your school provides transportation to and from
the event.
Prizes, medals, trophies are provided by SFHA.
All participants involved have an enjoyable Field
Hockey experience!!
9Current schools involved in the 2006
season Braun, Albert, Ready, Pawson, Milliken,
McDonald, McVeety, Massey, MacNeil, Janzen,
Imperial, Hanna, Ford, Davin, Coronation Park
Connaught, Coldwell.
We hope to hear from you soon!