Title: Department of Geomatics 451209 Imaging in the Geosciences
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25Department of Geomatics Remote Sensing
26Department of Geomatics Remote Sensing
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34Department of GeomaticsImaging in the Geosciences
- Environmental Airphoto Interpretation
35Department of GeomaticsImaging in the
Geosciences Environmental Airphoto Interpretation
- Environmental mapping is often called
- Terrain Unit Mapping
- Land system mapping
- Area - not feature - based
- Area deliniated by changes in colour, tone, and
36Department of GeomaticsImaging in the
Geosciences Environmental Airphoto Interpretation
- Environmental mapping is often called
- Terrain Unit Mapping
- Land system mapping
- Area - not feature - based
- Area deliniated by changes in colour, tone, and
texture. - Features are used to describe areas
37Department of Geomatics Imaging in the
Geosciences Environmental Airphoto
Interpretation Hierarchial Classification
- Terrain Unit Mapping
- Unit
- Component
- Element
- Land System Mapping
- System
- Unit
- Landform
38Department of GeomaticsImaging in the
Geosciences Environmental Airphoto Interpretation
- Procedure
- Mark in drainage
- Define areas
- Group areas
- Consider topography/land use/vegetation
- Describe the features in each area
- Ground truth
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