Title: Quantitative Underwater 3Dimensional Imaging and Mapping
1Quantitative Underwater 3-Dimensional Imaging and
Jeff OtaMechanical Engineering PhD Qualifying
ExamThesis Project PresentationXX March 2000
2The Presentation
- What Id like to accomplish
- Why the contribution is important
- What makes this problem difficult
- How Ive set out to tackle the problem
- What work Ive done so far
- Refining the contribution to knowledge
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
3What am I out to accomplish?
- Generate a 3D map from a moving (6
degree-of-freedom) robotic platform without
precise knowledge of the camera positions - Quantify the errors for both intra-mesh and
inter-mesh distance measurements - Investigate the potential of error reduction of
the inter-mesh stitching through a combination of
yet-to-be-developed system-level calibration
techniques and oversampling of a region.
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
4Why is this important?
- Marine Archaeology
- Shipwreck 3D image reconstruction
- Analysis of shipwreck by multiple scientists
after the mission - Feature identification and confirmation
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
5Why is this important?
- Marine Arachaeology
- Quantitative information
- Arctic Ocean shipwreck
- Which ship among the thousands that were known to
be lost is this one? - In this environment, 2D capture washed out some
of the ridge features - Shipwreck still unidentified
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
6Why is this important?
- Hydrothermal Vent Research
- Scientific Exploration
- Analysis of vent features and surrounding
biological life is integral to understanding the
development of life on extra-terrestrial oceans
(Jovian moons and Mars) - Vent research in extreme environments on Earth
Image courtesy of Hanu Singh, Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institute
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
7Why is this important?
- Hydrothermal Vent Research
- How does vision-based quantitative 3D help?
- Measure height and overall size of vent and track
growth over time - Measure size of biological creatures surrounding
the vent - Why not sonar or laser line scanning?
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
8Why is this important?
Other mapping venues Airships Airplanes Land
Rovers Hand-held digital cameras
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
9What makes this problem difficult?
- Visibility Mars Pathfinder comparison
- Mars Pathfinder generated its map from a
stationary position - Vision environment was excellent
- Imaging platform was tripod-based
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
10What makes this problem difficult?
- Visibility Underwater differences
- Tripod-style imaging platform not optimal
- Difficulty in establishing a stable imaging
platform - Poor lighting and visibility (practically limited
to about 10 feet) - 6 DOF environment with inertial positioning
system makes precision camera position knowledge
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
11How Ive set out to tackle the problem
- Define the appropriate underwater 3D mapping
methodology - Prove feasibility of underwater 3D mesh
generation - Confirm that underwater cameras could generate
proper inputs to a 3D mesh generation system - Research and apply as much in air computer
vision knowledge as possible while ensuring that
my research goes beyond just a conversion of
known techniques to underwater - Continuously refine and update the specific
contribution that this research will generate for
both underwater mapping and computer vision in
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
123D Mapping Methodology
3D Stitching
Image Capture System
3D Processing
Stitching algorithm
3D Mesh
Position Knowledge
VRML/Open Inventor Map Viewer with measuring
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
133D Mapping Methodology
Image Capture System
Left camera
Distortion-free image
Radially distorted image
Distortion correction algoritm
Right camera
Distortion-free image
Radially distorted image
(Pinhole Camera Model)
L/R Lens properties
Imaging geometry
3D Processing
- 3D Mesh
- Known mesh vs. camera position
- Quantifiable object measurements with known error
Distortion-free image/L
Distortion-free image/R
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
143D Mapping Methodology
3D Stitching
Image Capture System
3D Processing
Stitching algorithm
3D Mesh
Position Knowledge
VRML/Open Inventor Map Viewer with measuring
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
153D Mapping Methodology
3D Stitching
Jeffs Proposed Contribution
- 3D Mesh
- Known mesh vs. camera position
- Quantifiable object measurements with known error
Error Quantification Algorithm
multiple mesh/positioninputs
3D map Known error in everypossible
measurementquantified and optimized
Error Reduction Algorithm
Vehicle/Camera position readings from inertial
positioning system
Feature-based mesh stitching algorithm
Camera position based mesh stitching algorithm
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
163D Mapping Methodology
Image Capture System
Left camera
Distortion-free image
Radially distorted image
Distortion correction algoritm
Right camera
Distortion-free image
Radially distorted image
(Pinhole Camera Model)
L/R Lens properties
Imaging geometry
3D Processing
- 3D Mesh
- Known mesh vs. camera position
- Quantifiable object measurements with known error
Distortion-free image/L
Distortion-free image/R
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
17Feasibility of Underwater3D Mesh Generation
Image Capture System
Left camera
Distortion-free image
Radially distorted image
Distortion correction algoritm
Right camera
Distortion-free image
Radially distorted image
(Pinhole Camera Model)
L/R Lens properties
Imaging geometry
Can the Mars Pathfinder stereo pipeline
algorithm work with underwater images?
3D Processing
- 3D Mesh
- Known mesh vs. camera position
- Quantifiable object measurements with known error
Distortion-free image/L
Distortion-free image/R
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
183D Mesh Processing
Will the Mars Pathfinder correlationalgorithm
work underwater?
- Resources
- Access to Mars Pathfinder 3D mesh generation
source code (also known as the NASA Ames Stereo
Pipeline) - Already had a working relationship with MP 3D
imaging team - As a NASA Ames civil servant, I was assigned to
work with 2001 Mars Rover technology development
team - Arctic Ocean research opportunity provided
impetus to test MP 3D imaging technology for
underwater mapping - Concerns
- Author of Stereo Pipeline code and MP scientist
doubtful that captured underwater images would
produce a 3D mesh but wanted to perform a
feasibility test in a real research environment - Used off-the-shelf, inexpensive black-and-white
cameras (Sony XC-75s) for image capture compared
to near-perfect IMP camera
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
193D Mesh Processing
Will the Mars Pathfinder correlationalgorithm
work underwater?
System Block Diagram Three month development
time June 1998 - August 1998
Mars Pathfinder 3D image processing software
Sent on Red and Green channels
ftp captured images to SGI O2
process raw images and send them through stereo
analog signal up the tether
Matrox RGB Digitizing Board
Stereo Cameras (Sony XC75) mounted on the
front of the vehicle
Display 3D Mesh
- Known error sources ignorded due to time
constraints - No camera calibration
- Images not dewarped (attempt came up short)
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
20It worked!!!
Image from left camera
Image from right camera
3D mesh of starfish
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
213D Mesh Processing
Arctic Mission Results
- Findings
- Mars Pathfinder correlation algorithm did work
underwater - Images from inexpensive black and white cameras
and flaky video system were satisfactory as
inputs to the pipeline
- Poor camera geometry resulted in distorted 3D
images - Limited knowledge of camera geometry and lack of
calibration prevented quantitative analysis of
Image from left camera
Image from right camera
3D mesh of starfish
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
223D Mapping Methodology
Image Capture System
Left camera
Distortion-free image
Radially distorted image
Distortion correction algoritm
Right camera
Distortion-free image
Radially distorted image
(Pinhole Camera Model)
L/R Lens properties
Imaging geometry
3D Processing
- 3D Mesh
- Known mesh vs. camera position
- Quantifiable object measurements with known error
Distortion-free image/L
Distortion-free image/R
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
233D Mapping Methodology
Image Capture System
Left camera
Distortion-free image
Radially distorted image
Distortion correction algoritm
Right camera
Distortion-free image
Radially distorted image
(Pinhole Camera Model)
L/R Lens properties
Imaging geometry
3D Processing
- 3D Mesh
- Known mesh vs. camera position
- Quantifiable object measurements with known error
Distortion-free image/L
Distortion-free image/R
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
24Single Camera Calibration
Pinhole camera model
Image plane
Calibration goalQuantify error in modeling a
complex lens system as a pinhole camera
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
25Single Camera Calibration
- Pinhole camera model
- Calibration requirement find distance f and
h for this simplification
Image plane
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
26Single Camera Calibration
- Thin lens example
- Ray tracing technique a bit complex
Image plane
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
27Single Camera Calibration
Real world problem Underwater structural
Image plane
Underwater camera housing
Spherical glass port
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
28Single Camera Calibration
Real world problem Water adds another factor
Index of refraction for water 1.33
Index of refraction for air 1.00
Image plane
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
29Single Camera Calibration
Calibration fix 1
Dewarp knocks out lens distortion
Index of refraction for water 1.33
Index of refraction for air 1.00
Image plane
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
30Single Camera Calibration
Calibration fix 1
Dewarp compensates out lens distortion
Index of refraction for water 1.33
Index of refraction for air 1.00
Image plane
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
31Single Camera Calibration
Calibration fix 2
Underwater data collection compensates out index
of refraction differences
Index of refraction for water 1.33
Image plane
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
32Single Camera Calibration
Calibration research currently in progress
- Calibration rig designed and built
- Calibrated MBARI HDTV camera
- Calibrated MBARI Tiburon camera
- Parameters f and h calculated using least-
squares curve fit
- Upcoming improvements
- Spherical distortion correction (dewarp)
- Center pixel determination
- Stereo camera setup
- Optimal target image (grid?)
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
33Single Camera Calibration
- Other problems that need to be accounted for
- Frame grabbing problems
- Mapping of CCD array to actual grabbed image
- Example Sony XC-75 has a CCD of 752(H) by 582(V)
pixels which have dimensions of 8.4µm(H) by
9.8µm(V) while the frame grab is 640 by 480 with
has a square pixel display.
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
34Single Camera Calibration
- Summary of one camera calibration
- Removal of spherical distortion (dewarp)
- Center pixel determination
- Thin lens model for underwater multi-lens system
- Logistical
- Platform construction
- Gather data from cameras to test equations
- Analysis
- Focal point calculation (f and h)
- Focal point calculation with spherical distortion
removed (will complete the pinhole approximation)
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
353D Mesh ProcessingInitial Error Analysis
- Stereo Correlation
- How do you know which pixels match?
- Correlation options
- Brightness comparisons
- Pixel
- Window
- Glob
- Edge detection
- Combination edge enhancement and brightness
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
36Stereo Vision
Geometry behind the process
p (unknown depth and position)
(xR, yR)
(xL, yL)
(xC, yC)
C xR- xC
Baseline (B) separation between center of two
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
37Stereo Vision
Geometry behind the process
Problem 1 CCD placement error
p (unknown depth and position)
(xR, yR)
(xL, yL)
(xC, yC)
C xR- xC
Baseline (B) separation between center of two
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
38Stereo Vision
Geometry behind the process
Problem 1 CCD placement error
p (unknown depth and position)
(xR, yR)
(xL, yL)
(xC, yC)
C xR- xC
Baseline (B) separation between center of two
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
39Stereo Vision
Geometry behind the process
Problem 2 Depth accuracy sensitivity
p (unknown depth and position)
(xR, yR)
(xL, yL)
(xC, yC)
C xR- xC
Baseline (B) separation between center of two
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
40Stereo Vision
Geometry behind the process
Problem 2 Depth accuracy sensitivity
p (unknown depth and position)
Depth vs. disparity sensitivity
(xR, yR)
(xL, yL)
(xC, yC)
C xR- xC
Baseline (B) separation between center of two
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
41Stereo Vision
Geometry behind the process
Problem 2 Depth accuracy sensitivity
p (unknown depth and position)
Depth vs. disparity sensitivity
Example Z 1m 1000mm (varies) f 3cm
30mm B 10cm 100mm
In Sony XC-75 approx 100 pixels/mm deltaZ
deltaD 333 for 1 pixel deltaD 1 pixel
(1mm/100pixels) deltaZ .01333
3.33mm/pixel for Z 1m only!
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
42Stereo Vision
Error Summary
- Two-camera problems
- Inconsistent CCD placement
- Baseline error
- Matched focal points
- Calibration fixes
- Find center pixel through spherical distortion
calibration - Dewarp image from calculated center pixel
- Account for potential baseline and focal point
error in sensitivity calculation
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
43Stereo Vision
- So now what do we have?
- A left and right image
- Dewarped
- Known center pixel
- Known focal point
- Known geometry between the two images
- Ready for the pipeline!
- Whats next?
- 3D Mesh building
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
443D Mapping Methodology
Image Capture System
Left camera
Distortion-free image
Radially distorted image
Distortion correction algoritm
Right camera
Distortion-free image
Radially distorted image
(Pinhole Camera Model)
L/R Lens properties
Imaging geometry
3D Processing
- 3D Mesh
- Known mesh vs. camera position
- Quantifiable object measurements with known error
Distortion-free image/L
Distortion-free image/R
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
453D Mapping Methodology
3D Stitching
Jeffs Proposed Contribution
- 3D Mesh
- Known mesh vs. camera position
- Quantifiable object measurements with known error
Error Quantification Algorithm
multiple mesh/positioninputs
3D map Known error in everypossible
measurementquantified and optimized
Error Reduction Algorithm
Vehicle/Camera position readings from inertial
positioning system
Feature-based mesh stitching algorithm
Camera position based mesh stitching algorithm
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
46Proposed Research Contributionsand Corresponding
- Develop error quantification algorithm for a 3D
map generated from a 6 degree-of-freedom moving
platform with rough camera position knowledge - Account for intra-mesh (camera and image
geometry) and inter-mesh (rough camera position
knowledge) errors and incorporate in final map
parameters for input into analysis packages - Develop mesh capturing methodology to reduce
inter-mesh errors - Current hypothesis suggests the incorporation of
multiple overlapping meshes and cross-over
(Fleischer 00) paths will reduce the known error
for the inter-mesh stitching. - Utilize a combination of camera position
knowledge and computer vision mesh zipping
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
473D Mesh Stitching (contd)
- Camera Position Knowledge
- Relative positions from a defined initial frame
- Inertial navigation package will output data that
will allow the calculation of positioning
information for the vehicle and camera - New Doppler-based navigation (1cm precision for
X-Y) - Feature-based zippering algorithm for computer
vision will be used to stitch meshes and provide
another opinion of camera position. - Investigate and characterize the error reducing
potential of a system level calibration - Would characterizing the camera and vehicle as
one system instead of quantifying error in
separate instruments reduce the error
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
48Tentative Schedule
- Single Camera Calibration
- Winter - Spring 2000
- Stereo Camera Pair Calibration
- Spring - Fall 2000
- 3D Mesh Processing Calibration
- Fall 2000 - Winter 2001
- 3D Mesh Stitching
- Winter 2001 - Fall 2001
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
Stanford Prof. Larry Leifer Prof. Steve
Rock Prof. Tom Kenny Prof. Ed Carryer Prof. Carlo
Tomasi Prof. Marc Levoy Jason Rife Chris
Kitts The ARL Kids
NASA Ames Carol Stoker Larry Lemke Eric
Zbinden Ted Blackmon Kurt Schwehr Alex
Derbes Hans Thomas Laurent Nguyen Dan Christian
Santa Clara University Jeremy Bates Aaron
Weast Chad Bulich Technology Steering Committee
WCPRURC (NOAA) Geoff Wheat Ray Highsmith
US Coast Guard Phil McGillivary
MBARI Dan Davis George Matsumoto Bill Kirkwood
WHOI Hanumant Singh
Deep Ocean Engineering Phil Ballou Dirk Rosen
U Miami Shahriar Negahdaripour
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000
50Referenced Work
Mention all referenced work here? (Papers, etc.)
Stanford University School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XX February 2000