Title: Surveying the Digital Future: The Impact of the Internet
1Surveying the Digital FutureThe Impact of
the Internet
- Year Three The Emergence of Trends
- Jeffrey Cole, Ph.D.
- Director, UCLA Center for Communication Policy
- November 25, 2003
- Budapest, Hungary
2Television Viewing Affected
- For the first time in the 52-year history of
American television, kids under 14 are watching
less television - They like computers and the Internet as much, if
not more than television
3Television and the Internet
- Television is primarily about leisure and
entertainment - The Internet, like the printing press, affects
all aspects of life work, school and play
4Lost Research Opportunity
- A Longitudinal Study of Television, beginning in
1948 could have found - Where the time for television came from
- How it affected
- consumer behavior, connection to the civic
process, desire to travel, career goals and much
else -
5We are undertaking the study of the
Internet that should have been conducted on
television in the late 1940s
6The UCLA Project
- Annual Survey of 2000 Households
- Random digit-dial sample
- Users and non-users
- Household as point of contact, not
- only household use
7Non Users Study
- Why they are not connected to the Internet
- Perceptions of online life
- Barriers to entry
8Non Users Focus
- Create a baseline of
- Media use
- Communication patterns
- Consumer behavior
- Lifestyle issues
- Political and social attitudes and
9Users Study
- Why and how long on Internet
- Perception of online life
- The issue of broadband
10Users Focus
- Create a baseline of
- online activity
- media use
- communication patterns
- consumer behavior
- lifestyle issues
- political and social attitudes
11Countries and Regions in Current Comparisons
- United States
- Singapore
- Italy
- Sweden
- Japan
- Taiwan
- Great Britain
- India
- Iran
- Mainland China
- Macao
- Korea
- Germany
- Hungary
- Spain
- Chile
- Argentina
- Africa about to join
12The World Internet Project
- Not just usage, but effects
- Non-users as well as users
- Longitudinal for a generation
- International
13Who is online, who is not, and what do people do
on the Internet?
14Hours of Internet Connection from Anywhere per
Hours by EXP (W-37)
15Internet Users by Experience
Stage 2 Catexp (10-14-03)
16Percent of Males and Females Who Use the Internet
Stage 4 Usenet x Gender (10-14-03)
17How would you rate your ability to use the
Q640 (PG-44)
18Media Use and Trust
19During a typical week, about how many hours of
your leisure time, if any, do you spend with the
following activities NOT online?
Q690 (K-51)
20Average Hours per Week Spent Reading Books
Users vs. Non-Users
Hbooks x Usenet 7 extra questions (10-22-03)
21Average Hours per Week Spent Watching
TelevisionUsers vs. Non-Users
HTV x Usenet 7 extra questions (10-22-03)
22Is the following a very/extremely important
source of information/entertainment to you?
Q530 (M-1)
23Information on the Internet Is it Reliable and
Accurate? (Users Age 18 and above)
Stage 5 RELIA x Usenet (10-14-03)
24Communication Patterns
25Percent of respondents who have used e-mail to
contact members of the following professions
Telephone Modem vs. Broadband Users
Q267 x Broadband (PG-63)
26In your opinion, do those under 18 in your
household watch too much time, too little time,
or just the right amount of time watching TV?
Q1120 (DRF-40)
27In your opinion, do those under 18 in your
household spend too much time, too little time,
or just the right amount of time online? (age 18
or above with children in the household)
Q1120 (DRF-41)
28In your opinion, have the grades of those under
18 in your household improved or declined since
your household has started using the Internet?
Q1080 (M-2)
29Does anyone under 18 in your household get
punished by being denied access to the Internet
or television? (age 18 or above with children in
the household)
Q1100 (M-2)
30The Internet has increased the number of people I
regularly stay in contact with (Users)
Q970C-(DEF43) Revision
31I have multiple screen names and each screen
name has its own personality.
Q970E (DEF-53)
32Weekly contactEmail vs. Telephone vs. Face to
Q310 (DEF-27)
33Because of your Internet access at work, do you
feel that you are much less, somewhat less,
neither more nor less, somewhat more, or much
more productive at your jobs?
Q490 (DRF-7)
34Social and Psychological Effects
35Since those under 18 in your household gained
access to the Internet, would you say they spend
more, less, or about the same amount of time with
friends? (age 18 or above with children in the
Q1090 (K-57)
36How has the use of the Internet changed the
amount of time you spend face-to-face with close
Q990 (DRF-10)
37How has the use of the Internet changed the
amount of time you spend face-to-face with
friends? Family?
Q990 (DRF-20)
38Has the use of Internet increased or decreased
your contact with people who share your
GCPRO Stage 3 (10-14-03)
39Do you think by using the Internet, people like
you can have more say about what the government
does? (all respondents 18 and above)
Stage 3 PSAY (10-14-03)
40Do you think by using the Internet, people like
you can better understand politics? (all
respondents 18 and above)
Stage 3 PUNDERS (10-14-03)
42Satisfaction with the InternetThe Internet
Q670G (K-8)
43Has communication technology made the world a
better place? (Non-users)
Q180Revisions (M-2)
44Has communication technology made the world a
better place? (Users)
Q180Revisions (M-1)
45Broadband Changes Everything
- Bigger gap between dial-up and broadband than
between non-user and dial-up - Dial-up is disruptive broadband integrative
- Broadband determines how often people log on, how
long they stay on, what they do online and where
they log on from - Broadband predicts purchasing behavior and
overall relationship to Internet
- Advantages of experience on the Internet are
diminishing rapidly - The Digital Divide is narrowing in industrialized
nations - Korea with its heavy broadband and reliable
wireless becoming most advanced nation in
- Despite fears about security and privacy, users
are buying earlier on the Internet - Always on role of Broadband much more important
than speed - Resistance to paying for digital content seems
strongnew efforts (I-Tunes) and threats may
finally be having some effect
- Greater demand for ever present Internet at
all places, rooms and through WiFi, PDAs, Mobile
phones and other wireless - Information role will always be more important
than entertainment role - Commerce moving rapidly to shopping and buying
49The Future
- The Kitchen will be the Internet center of the
home - Several countries will be at 90 penetration in
10 years - Internet becomes ever-present and transparent
- Convergence is real
- Web Http/ccp.ucla.edu
- E-mail cole_at_ucla.edu or
Internet_at_ucla.edu - Phone (310) 825-3711