Title: What is
1Housing For All Calvert
July 8, 2006
2Why Are We Here?
- To explain the language of affordable housing
- To inform citizens about a serious problem the
lack of affordable housing in Calvert County - To inform citizens about HFACs positions
concerning the housing crisis - To inspire, persuade, and motivate citizens to
take an active role in solving the crisis
3What is Affordable?
- Includes both renting and purchasing
- Compares local housing costs vs. local incomes
- Includes multiple income categories
4Quantifying Affordability
- Need a measure that considers a full range of
incomes - Standard tool Area Median Income (AMI)
- Calvert County 2006 AMI 86,300
Source Maryland Department of Housing
Community Development
5Applying the HUD categories to Calvert County
HUD Category Annual Salary Hourly wage
Low Income (LI) a.k.a. Workforce gt50 to 80 AMI 44,650 - 71,440 21.47 to 34.35
Very Low Income (VLI) gt30 to 50 AMI 26,790 - 44,649 12.88 to 21.47
Extremely Low Income (ELI) Less than 30 AMI Less than 26,790 less than 12.88
All three of these groups need Affordable Housing
6Some Basic Mortgage MathWhat You Can Buy Based
on Income
- Lenders mortgage other debts 1/3
- Other 2/3 everything else
- Food
- Utilities
- Transportation
7Affordable Housing Purchase by Occupation
Occupation Annual Income of Median Income HUD Category Max. Affordable
Cashier Clerk 17,185 23 ELI 46,000
Bank Teller 21,290 24 ELI 62,000
Lab Tech 25,905 29 ELI 80,000
Mechanic 36,512 41 VLI 121,000
Teacher (Elem.) 39,500 44 VLI 132,000
Nurse RN 50,681 57 LI 176,000
Source http//www.mortgage-calc.com/mortgage/h
owmuchborrow.html Based on 30 yr. fixed rate
mortgage at 6 with 0 down, 1000 property tax
and 500 hazard insurance annually. Source
www.homesdatabase.com (searched on July 6, 2006)
8Housing Prices in Calvert
House Prices House Prices Min. Annual Income To Afford of Area Median Income
2005 2006 Min. Annual Income To Afford of Area Median Income
Average 368,764 415,913
Median 310,000 350,000 98,300 114
Source http//www.mdrealtor.org/consumer_housing
stats_May_06.asp Source http//www.mortgage-c
alc.com/mortgage/howmuchafford.html 30 yr fixed
rate mortgage at 7 with 10 down, 2400 for
property taxes, and 600 for insurance. Assumes
no mortgage insurance (requires subsidy instead),
and no other monthly payments (e.g. credit cards).
9- Clearly, not everyone can afford to buy.
- How about renting?
10Making the Rent is Tough, Too
- Maryland is now ranked 45th among all states
- that is, 6th from Worst
- in terms of affordable rents according to the
- National Low Income Housing Coalitions
- 2005 Out of Reach Report
Source www.nlihc.org
11 Full-time workers in MD must earn 19.62 per
hour in order to afford a 2-bedroom unit at
the states fair market rent Source National
Low Income Housing Coalitions 2005 Out of
Reach Report (www.nlihc.org) Assumes only 1/3
of income can go to housing costs
12Fair Market Rents for Calvert
Size Fair Mkt Rent Approx. Annual Income Needed
0 BR (efficiency) 948 34,000
1 BR 1080 39,000
2BR 1225 44,000
3BR 1580 57,000
4BR 2068 74,500
Source Department of Housing and Urban
Development (www.huduser.gov) Based on 1/3 of
GROSS income
13So Who in Calvert Can Afford A Two-bedroom
Apartment at Fair Market Rent?
Occupation Hourly Wage Annual Income of Median HUD Category Can Pay Fair Market Rent?
Cashier/Clerk 8.26 17,185 24 ELI No
Bank Teller 10.24 21,290 24 ELI No
Lab Technician 12.45 25,905 30 VLI No
Mechanic 17.55 36,512 42 VLI No
Teacher (Elem.) 18.83 39,500 45 LI No
Nurse RN 24.37 50,681 58 LI Yes
14Rental Properties Listed for Calvert County as
of 7/6/06
Rent of Properties
1000-1200 6
900-999 0
800-899 5
700- 799 0
Source www.homesdatabase.com
15Numbers from the Calvert County Housing Authority
Waiting Lists
- Public Family Housing 341
- Section 8 Voucher Program 537 (no new vouchers
being issued or names being accepted) - Senior Buildings 355
16The Bottom Line
- The farther below AMI, the greater the struggle
will be to find affordable housing - We need affordable housing for all
- If the market isnt providing affordable housing,
we must advocate for it
- Our program is for the people who live and/or
work in Calvert County - Not in conflict with objectives of limited growth
- We want to work with Countys elected leaders and
18Recommendations (Continued)
- Our proposals address the current situation in
Calvert County - Current market, land costs, and County policies
combine to eliminate private development of new
affordable housing - Minimal government initiatives to build
affordable housing
19Recommendations (Continued)
- To get new affordable housing built as soon as
possible (the crisis is NOW) - To have the County live up to its stated goals
and actions for new housing in the Comprehensive
Plan - encourage the availability of a variety of
housing types to serve different income groups of
Calvert County residents (and different age
groups and family sizes) - encourage a mix of family income ranges and a
variety of housing types within new communities
20Short Term Actions to Date
- Call to eliminate excise tax on accessory
apartments (Letter sent December 2005) - Call to encourage the construction of accessory
apartments (Testimony given) - Call to reduce zoning barriers and punitive
covenants (Testimony given)
21Short Term Actions to Date (Continued)
- Urge adoption of an Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance
requiring affordable units in all new
developments (Draft submitted November, 2005
BOCC directed to study 2006) - Call to establish single point of contact for
housing and housing assistance (BOCC established
Jan 2006)
22Short Term Actions to Date (Continued)
- Call to reinvigorate Affordable Housing Committee
in Calvert County (Jan 06 BOCC directed) - Proposal for new uses for Countys Affordable
Housing Fund (Proposal for land acquisition to be
made proposals for Fund also contained in IZ
23Summary of Proposed Draft Inclusionary Zoning
- Developers of 10 or more dwelling units required
to set aside 15 of units for affordable housing
or, alternatively, contribute 100,000 per unit
to Affordable Housing (Housing Opportunities)
Trust Fund - Household income below 80 of Area Median Income
eligible for affordable unit. Availability for a
whole range of incomes - Cost offsets for builders for each affordable
24Longer Term Goals
- Establish Charitable Housing Trust
- Provide Checklists/how-to resource
- Expand expedited permit process
- Push zoning reviews of Town Centers
- Encourage creative partnerships among government,
builders, and civic and religious organizations - Continue meeting with county leaders
- Provide information, education, and communication
- Expand HFAC base of allies
25Encouraging the Possible
Accessory Apartment
26Encouraging the Possible
Apartments over Businesses (Mixed Use)
27Encouraging the Possible
Inclusionary Zoning Multi-unit Structures
Promote Mixed-Income
28Expanding HFAC Base Join Us!
- Get on the HFAC Mailing List
- Attend HFAC Meetings
- Disseminate info to congregation/organizations
- Support HFAC initiatives
- Participate in HFAC public events actions and
invite others to attend - Speak out on behalf of those who need housing
- Check our website www.housingforallcalvert.org
29Standing Committees of HFAC(Where Do You Fit In?)
- Education Committee
- Communication/Publicity
- Political Action Task Force
- R D
30Action Steps
- Become an Organizational Liaison between HFAC and
your congregation, club, etc. - Write letters to the editor
- Invite others to join in our effort
31Action Steps
- Remember it is an election year
- HFAC Report card on all candidates
- Make Affordable Housing the critical issue
- Vote your values
32Picture a County
- Where development is based on need
- Where all new communities are mixed-income,
mixed-use, mixed opportunity - Where growth is planned as a natural outgrowth
and in-fill of town centers, a place where people
can walk to work and services - Where open space can remain open space
33- The reason we fail to make America better is
that we aim too low