Title: ObjectOriented Software Engineering
1Object-Oriented Software Engineering
- Anton Eliëns
- Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
- http//www.cs.vu.nl/eliens/online/courses/oo
- Basic OO technology
- Application Framework(s)
- Universal Modeling Language
- Design Patterns
- Project Management
- Current developments and trends
- If
- OO
- is the Answer,
- What is
- the Question?
4Keywords and phrases
- the OO lifecycle -- modelling
- encapsulation, inheritance, delegation,
polymorphism - specification and implementation inheritance
- design by contract
- interfaces, components and frameworks
- idioms, patterns, software architecture
5Themes and Variations
- abstraction -- the object metaphor
- modeling -- understanding structure and
behavior - software architecture -- mastering complexity
- frameworks -- patterns for problem solving
- components -- scalable software
6Object Terminology
- objects -- packet containing data and procedures
- methods -- deliver service
- message -- request to execute a method
- class -- template for creating objects
- instance -- an object that belongs to a class
- encapsulation -- information hiding by objects
- inheritance -- allowing the reuse of class spec.s
class - hierarchy -- tree structure inheritance
relations - polymorphism -- to hide different implementations
7Features of OOP
- information hiding state, autonomous behavior
- data abstraction emphasis on what rather
than how - dynamic binding binding at runtime,
polymorphism , virtual functions - inheritance incremental changes
(specialization), reusability
8Benefits of OOP
- OO encapsulation inheritance
- modularity -- autonomous entities, cooperation
through exchanges of messages - deferred commitment -- the internal workings of
an object can be redefined without changing
other parts of the system - reusability -- refining classes through
inheritance - naturalness -- object-oriented analysis/design,
9The San Francisco Framework
- How useful is an OO framework?
10- Example - San Francisco Framework
11A framework is ...
- a collection of components
- a generic solution for a class of problems
- a frame of mind for solving problems
- a set of architectural constraints
12The San Francisco Framework
- is meant to develop business applications
- is based on Java technology
- may solve 70 of your problem
- leaves 30 (minimum) to solve for you
- may set a standard
- or may fail to do so ...
13San Francisco - motivation
- The project was started when several software
vendors asked IBM to help modernizing their
application products - However, there were several barriers preventing
them from being able to update their applications
14Barriers to modernizing
- (1) The problem of how to retrain their
development staff to effectively use OO
technology. - (2) The risk involved in moving to a new
technology. - (3) moving -gt the cost of the change
- The software developers realized they needed some
basic infrastructure. - Many companies could not develop this
infrastructure themselves.
15San Francisco - the press
- The San Francisco project helps to solve these
problems by offering developers Business Process
Components, - designed as frameworks that provides an object
oriented infrastructure, - a consistent application programming model, and
- some default business logic
- The frameworks make it easier to move to OO
technology because developers use well-tested
services instead of building their own.
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17San Francisco Framework - layers
- Core Business Process Layer - the highest
- Common Business Objects Layer - middle
- Foundation Layer - lowest
18Core Business Processes
- The objective for this layer is to create a sound
architecture and highly extensible OO
implementation for the basic structure and
behavior which any application provider
delivering a solution in the application doamin
would require - Accounts Receivable/Payable Ledger
- General Ledger Framework
- Sales Order Management Framework
- Purchase Order Management
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20Common Business Objects
- Business Objects common to multiple domains
- Common Application level Services
- Business Partner
- Address
- Number - decimal structure
- Currency - how many euros in a dollar?
21Foundation Layer
- Foundation Object Model Classes
- Utilities
- in other words it provides the infrastructure
- comment reinventing the wheel is not a big
problem, because the wheel is a terrific invention
22Foundation Object Model Classes
- Command
- Entity
- Dependent
- Collection/Iterator
- Factory
- you need to study Design Patterns to appreciate
these ...
23Using the San Francisco Framework
- The San Francisco Frameworks are designed to
make many types of extensions easy for
application developers - overriding the default business logic in supplied
methods - adding additional attributes to existing classes
- adding additional methods to existing classes
- from the report Complete documentation will be
- Two classes Receipt and Purchase order Line
- default attributes, methods
- default business logic inspect Quality on
receipt - Extension enhance this logic
- subclass Receipt
- override inspection method
- change logic to include checks against supplier
tables, and hazardous or high value products
25(No Transcript)
26San Francisco - issues
- Standards OMG/CORBA Business Issues
- Technology Integration
- Compound Documents Lotus Notes, JavaBeans,
Active X - Business process Modeling and Control workflow
engines may be used as glue - Internet/Intranet and Java applications may be
designed . - Conclusions a bit premature ...
27Beyond Object-Orientation?
28Trends -- modeling patterns -- examples of
design UML -- Unified Modeling Language
Technologies -- components Web -- global
infrastructure CORBA/DCOM - the software bus
Java -- the platform? Challenges
Applications -gt Frameworks lt- Patterns
29Challenges in O-O
- vertical framework development -- finance,
medical care, insurance - separation of 'logic' from 'control' -- business
rules - distributed object technology -- heterogeneous
systems - visualisation -- structure and processes
- knowledge intensive applications -- declarative
- heterogeneous systems - fragmented applications
30Universal Modeling Language
- why you need models?
- Models are necessary to communicate,
- to stabilize abstractions
- as a reference for the implementation
- and maintenance
- and you need an agreement on the notation and
formalisms in which you express your models
31Unified Modeling Language
Introduction Class diagrams Use
cases Interaction diagrams Package and
deployment diagrams State and activity
diagrams Discussion
32The Unified Modeling Language (UML) resulted from
a joint effort of leading experts in
object-oriented analysis and design, Grady
Booch, Jim Rumbaugh and Ivar Jacobson, also known
as the three amigos, all currently employees of
33Unified Modeling Language
- class diagrams -- conceptual structure
- use cases -- functional requirements
- interaction diagrams -- operational
characteristics - package and deployment diagrams -- implementation
- state and activity diagrams -- dynamic behavior
See http//www.rational.com/uml and UML
Distilled, Fowler97.
34Class diagrams
35Use cases
36Interaction diagrams
37Package and component diagrams
38State and activity diagrams
39 Event annotations
- event(arguments)conditions/action
41The UML toolbox is very rich. It allows you to
model every conceivable aspect of the
system. Nevertheless, to my mind,
graphical models are not always appropriate. But,
on the other hand, most people like them and they
often make a good impression, suggesting
clarity ...
- - interactive drawing tool
- - the reactor pattern (events)
- - business process modeling
- - the observer pattern
43Interactive drawing tool
44Reactor (event-handling) pattern
45Reactor - Interaction diagram (events)
46Business process modeling
47(simulation) event state transition diagram
48Observer Pattern
49Basic OO Technology
- Technology determines the effectiveness of the
- Encapsulation
- Data hiding
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- An object contains data and methods
- It provides a boundary
- to the world outside
- to its children
52Information hiding
- Reduces complexity
- Allows you to defer implementations
- Remember Ignorance is bliss
- Helps in decoupling components
- A mechanism for code-sharing
- Supports incremental development
- Organize by classification
- Allows for abstract interfaces
- An object may have multiple types
- An abstract type when it is used
- A concrete type when it is created
- An objects type is determined by its behavior
- An objects type is determined by the messages it
56Design by Contract
- formal basis -- pre and post conditions
- refinement -- by inheritance or polymorphism
- runtime checks -- division of responsibility
- see Ch. 3, Contracts
57Design by Contract
Abstract Data Types ADT state
behavior Object-Oriented Modeling
data oriented
what rather than how to specify
behavior Client
client/server model makes request to
perform a service Server provides
service upon request
59 object information
responsibilities Contracts
a set of services Behavioral
improving contracts
60Conformance -- behavioral refinement
if B refines A then B may be
used wherever A is allowed
more information Services better
services Contracts more and better
services A better service fewer
restrictions for the client more
obligations for the server
62Object-Oriented Modeling prototyping,
specification, refinement, interactions
OOP Contracts
63Idioms and Patterns
- polymorphism -- inheritance and delegation
- idioms -- realizing concrete types
- patterns -- a catalogue of design patterns
- events -- the reactor pattern
Additional keywords and phrases generic types,
assertions, canonical classes, event-driven
64A catalogue of design patterns
Subsections Creational Patterns
Structural Patterns Behavioral Patterns
65A Catalogue of Design Patterns
- a common design vocabulary
- documentation and learning aid
- an adjunct to existing methods
- a target for redesign
66 The Pattern Schema Name
- handle increases design
vocabulary Problem - when to apply explains
the problem and the conflict Solution - general
arrangement design, responsibilities,
collaborations Consequences - tradeoffs to
understand the costs and benefits
67Causes for Redesign
design for change
- creating an object by specifying a class
explicitly -- Abstract Factory, Factory Method,
Prototype - dependence on specific operations -- Chain of
Responsibilty, Command - dependence on hardware software platforms --
Abstract Factory, Bridge - dependence on object implementation or
representation --Abstract Factory, Bridge,
Memento, Proxy
68- algorithm dependence -- Iterator, Strategy,
Template Method, Visitor - extending functionality by subclassing --
Bridge, Composite, Decorator, Observer - tight coupling -- Abstract Factory, Bridge, Chain
of Responsibilities, Command, Facade, Mediator,
Observer - inability to alter classes conveniently --
Adaptor, Decorator,
69Creational Patterns
70Creational Patterns
- Factory -- hide concrete classes
- Factory Method -- virtual constructors
- Prototype -- dynamic creation by cloning
- Singleton -- one instance only
71Structural Patterns
object and class composition
Pattern Alias
Remarks Composite
collections of components Flyweight
part/whole extrinsic
state, many objects
resolves inconsistencies Bridge
handle/body abstraction to
implementation Decorator
wrapper to introduce
functionality Facade
wrapper provides unified
interface Proxy
surrogate to defer ... remote,
72Behavioral Patterns
cooperation algorithms and the assignment of
responsibilities between objects class
Template Method -- the skeleton of an algorithm
Interpreter -- to evaluate expressions
composition Mediator -- provides indirection
Chain of Responsibility -- connect objects
to interact Observer -- to handle
73Encapsulating behavior
- Command -- action undo
- Strategy -- choice of algorithms
- Visitor -- decouple traversal and operations
- Iterator -- access and traversal
- State -- object state -gt behavioral change
74The Observer Pattern
Observer one-to-many dependencies and
notification Consequences abstract coupling
between subject and observer constraint
propagation deals with unexpected updates
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76Component Technology
- objects versus components -- definitions
- interoperability
- requirements for distribution
- a simple workgroup application
- extending hush with CORBA
Additional keywords and phrases (D)COM, Java,
CORBA, OLE, persistent objects, ODMG, workgroup
77Objects versus components
Subsections Definitions The technology
matrix Component myths
substitutability unit of
independent deployment unit of third party
composition no persistent state Object
identity unit of
instantiation (persistent) state
encapsulation of state and behavior
79A software component is a unit of composition
with contractually specified interfaces and
explicit context dependencies only. A software
component can be deployed independently and
is subject to composition by third parties.
80The technology matrix
distribution mobility
language platform reflection COM
- -
- /- DCOM
/- /- CORBA
/- Java/Beans -
classes Java
classes Java
Voyager objects
81Components Myths and
Reality component-ware allows for combining
if semantical issues can be
resolved component-ware simplifies software
distribution and maintenance
becomes more complex component-ware support
mega applications
it affects
performance significantly component-ware is a
wrong, it is an evolution from OO and C/S
unknown source
82Component Questions
- How to describe the interaction between
components? - How to manage variety and flexibility?
- How to guarantee critical system-wide properties?
83Software architecture
- architecture -- components and boundaries
- case study -- a framework for multimedia feature
detection - native objects -- the language boundary
- embedded logic -- the paradigm boundary
- architectural styles -- distributed object
technology - cross-platform development -- Unix versus Windows
Additional keywords and phrases components,
information architecture, multimedia information
retrieval, feature detection, portability
84Elements of Architecture
- processing elements -- transformation on data
- data elements -- contain information
- connections -- glue that holds elements together
85Models and Views
- logical -- functional requirements
- process -- performance, availability,
distribution - physical -- scalability, configuration
- development -- organization of software modules
- scenarios -- instances of use cases
Definitions http//www.sei.cmu.edu/architect
86The software architecture of a program or
computing system is the structure of the system,
which comprises software components,
the externally visible properties of
those components, and their interrelationships.
Bass et al.
87Technological infrastructure
- client-platform -- hardware, OS
- presentation services -- windows, multimedia
- application software -- code, business logic
- network -- communication support
- middleware -- distribution, (object) brokers
- server platform -- hardware, OS
- database -- data management system
88Distributed Object Patterns
(class hierarchies)
(wrappers) System
(horizontal, vertical, metadata) Enterprise
(reference models,
infrastructure, policies) Intra/Internet
- OO offers
- a valid metaphor for SE
- powerful technology
- maturing design methods and notations
- a rich set of patterns
90Yet beware of
- the learning curve
- simplified hype
- cutting edge technology
- (over) ambitious projects
- Write a paper about one of the following topics.
The paper may discuss concepts or focus on a case
study. - The Unified Modelling Language -- UML
- Frameworks -- for example San Francisco
- Write a comparative study of object-oriented
analysis and design methods, focussing on aspects
of project management. - Describe a case study concerning the deployment
of design patterns.
92Course material
- Chapter 1
- Additional material
- Ch 3 Design by Contract
- Ch 11 Methods and Tools
- Object Tutorials
- Resources
- http//www.rational.com -- Rational Rose, UML
- http//www.ibm.com/java/sanfrancisco -- IBM Java
San Francisco Framework - Papers and Reports
- http//www.rational.com/uml/html/summary -- UML
Summary - http//www.ibm.com/Java/Sanfrancisco/prd_summary.h
tml -- San Francisco Technical Summary