Title: COMS W4156: Advanced Software Engineering
1COMS W4156 Advanced Software Engineering
- Prof. Gail Kaiser
- Kaiser4156_at_cs.columbia.edu
- http//bank.cs.columbia.edu/classes/cs4156/
2Topics covered in this lecture
- UML Overview
- Use cases
- Sequence diagrams
- Statecharts
- Activity diagrams
3Introduction toUnified Modeling Language
4What is UML?
- UML Unified Modeling Language
- A standard language for specifying, visualizing,
constructing and documenting software artifacts - Standardized by Object Management Group (OMG)
- Uses mostly graphical notations
- Helps project teams communicate, explore
potential designs, and validate the requirements
and architectural design of the software system
5History of UML
- Unified Modeling Language
- In 1994, Grady Booch and Jim Rumbaugh of Rational
Software Corporation began unifying the Booch and
OMT (Object Modeling Technique) methods developed
in the late 1980s - In 1995, Ivar Jacobson and his Objectory company
joined Rational, merging in the OOSE
(Object-Oriented Software Engineering) method - The three amigos released UML 0.9 in 1996
6History of UML
- The 3 methods were already evolving toward each
other independently - it made sense to continue
that evolution together rather than apart - By unifying semantics and notation, they could
bring some stability to the tool marketplace,
allowing projects to settle on one mature
modeling language and letting tool builders focus
on delivering more useful features - They expected that their collaboration would
yield improvements in all 3 earlier methods,
helping to address problems that none previously
handled well
7History of UML
8History of UML
- In June 1996, OMG issued a Request for Proposals
(RFP) for an industry-standard modeling language - Rational established the UML Partners consortium,
seeking organizations willing to dedicate
resources to work toward a strong UML 1.0
definition - UML 1.0 was submitted to OMG in January 1997 as
an initial RFP response - UML 1.1 was adopted by OMG in November 1997
- Various later 1.x versions, with 1.4.2 adopted
by International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) - UML 2.0 adopted by OMG in October 2000, with
2.1.2 adopted by ISO - Most recent UML 2.2 released in February 2009
9Goals of UML
- Provide users with a ready-to-use, expressive
visual modeling language so they can develop and
exchange meaningful models - Provide extensibility and specialization
mechanisms to augment the core concepts - Be independent of particular programming
languages, design methodologies and development
processes - Encourage the growth of the tools market
- Support higher-level development concepts such as
frameworks, components and patterns - Integrate best practices
10Why do we model?
- Unified Modeling Language
- Provide structure for problem solving
- Furnish abstractions to manage complexity
- Experiment to explore multiple solutions
Why do we model graphically?
- Graphics reveal content, structure,
- 1 bitmap 1 megaword
11The Challenge
12The Vision
13Our Focus the Language
- Unified Modeling Language
- Language syntax semantics
- Syntax rules by which language elements (e.g.,
words) are assembled into expressions (e.g.,
phrases, clauses) - Semantics rules by which syntactic expressions
are assigned meanings
14Building Blocks
- The basic building blocks (syntax) of UML are
- Model elements (classes, interfaces, components,
use cases) - Relationships (associations, generalization,
dependencies) - Diagrams (class diagrams, use case diagrams,
interaction diagrams) - Simple building blocks are used to create large,
complex structures
15Types of UML Diagrams
- Each UML diagram is designed to let developers
and customers view a software system from a
different perspective and in varying degrees of
abstraction - Use Case
- Behavioral
- Structural
- Implementation
16Use Cases
17Use Case Modeling
- Aka User Interaction or Requirements Model
- View of a system that emphasizes high-level
behavior as it appears to outside users - Describes the boundary and interaction between
the system and users (or external systems) - Partitions system functionality into interactions
or units of work (use cases) that are
meaningful to particular user roles or external
systems (actors)
18Use Case Diagram
- Displays the relationships among actors and use
cases - To show a use case, draw an oval in the middle of
the diagram and put the name of the use case in
the center of, or next to, the oval - To draw an actor on a use case diagram, draw a
stick person to the left or right of your
diagram, labeled with the user role - Use simple lines (sometimes lines with arrows) to
depict relationships between actors and use cases
19Use Cases and Actors
20Use Case Diagram Example
21Use Case Diagram
- A use case illustrates a single unit of
meaningful work provided by the system, as a
dialog - NOT necessarily related to software modules
- The main purpose is to help development teams
visualize the functional requirements of a system - relationship of actors to essential processes
- relationships among different use cases
22Example with Multiple User Roles
Use Cases
23Use Case Diagram
- Use case diagrams generally show groups of use
cases - either all use cases for the complete system
- or a breakout of a particular collection of use
cases with related functionality (e.g., all use
cases related to security administration) - By looking at a use case diagram, you can easily
tell the functions that the system provides
- This system lets the band manager view a sales
statistics report and the Billboard 200 report
for the band's CDs - It lets the record manager view a sales
statistics report and the Billboard 200 report
for a particular CD - The diagram also tells us that our system
delivers Billboard reports from an external
system Billboard Reporting Service
25Use Case Diagram
- The absence of use cases in the diagram shows
what the system doesn't do - With clear and simple use case descriptions
provided on such a diagram, a project sponsor can
easily see if needed functionality is present or
not present in the system (system scope)
- This use case diagram does not provide a way for
a band manager to listen to songs from the
different albums on the Billboard 200 i.e., we
see no reference to a use case called anything
like Listen to Songs
27Core Elements
28Core Relationships
- Applies to both user roles and to use cases
- Optional arrowhead shows direction of control
31Association Multiplicity
- Optional multiplicity values at each end
32Including Use Cases
- Use cases may contain the functionality of
another use case as part of their normal
processing - In general it is assumed that any included use
case will be called every time the basic path is
33Extending Use Cases
- One use case may be used to extend the behavior
of another, typically in exceptional
34Extension Points
- The point at which an extending use case is added
35Sequence Diagrams
36Behavioral Modeling
- Captures the varieties of interaction and
instantaneous states within a model as it
executes over time - Tracks how the system will act in a real-world
environment - Observes the effects of an operation or event,
including its results
37Interaction Model
- Describes how objects in the system will interact
with each other to get work done - in time
sequence - Sequence diagrams show a detailed flow for a
specific use case or just part of a specific use
case - They show the calls or messages between the
different objects in their sequence, using a
vertical timeline - A sequence diagram has two dimensions
- The vertical dimension shows the sequence of
messages/calls in the time order that they occur - The horizontal dimension shows the object
instances to which the messages are sent
38Sequence Example
Object instances to which the messages are sent
Sequence of messages/calls in time order
39Sequence Diagram
- Across the top of your diagram, identify the
class instances (objects) by putting each class
instance inside a box - If a class instance sends a message to another
class instance, draw a line with an open
arrowhead pointing to the receiving class
instance, labeled with message name and,
optionally, parameters - Return value may also be indicated by annotating
the calling arrow - Or draw a dotted line with an arrowhead pointing
back to the originating class instance, label the
return value above the dotted line
Identify the objects as class instance name
class name
Draw a line for each message, with an arrowhead
pointing to the receiving class instance
Draw a dotted line for each return value, with an
arrowhead pointing back to the originating class
41Reading a Sequence Diagram
- Start at the top left corner with the "driver"
class instance that starts the sequence - Then follow each message down the diagram
- Shows objects as lifelines running down the page,
with their interactions over time represented as
messages drawn as arrows from the source lifeline
to the target lifeline - Not intended for showing complex procedural logic
42Example Reading
- aServlet sends a message to the ReportGenerator
class instance named gen - The message is labeled generateCDSalesReport,
which means that the ReportGenerator object
implements this message handler - The generateCDSalesReport message label has cdId
in parentheses, which means that aServlet is
passing a variable named cdId with the message
43Example Reading
- When gen instance receives a generateCDSalesReport
message, it then makes subsequent calls to the
CDSalesReport class, and an actual instance of a
CDSalesReport called aCDReport gets returned - The gen instance then makes calls to the returned
aCDReport instance, passing it parameters on each
message call - At the end of the sequence, the gen instance
returns aCDReport to its caller aServlet
- A lifeline represents an individual participant
in a sequence diagram - A lifeline will usually have a rectangle
containing its object name - If its name is "self", that indicates the
lifeline represents the classifier that owns the
sequence diagram
- Messages are displayed as arrows
- Messages can be synchronous (calls) or
asynchronous - The first message is a synchronous message
(denoted by the solid arrowhead) complete with an
implicit return message the second is
asynchronous (line arrowhead) and the third is
the asynchronous return message (dashed line)
46Execution Occurrence
- A thin rectangle running down the lifeline
denotes the execution occurrence, or activation
of a focus of control - The first execution occurrence is the source
object sending two messages and receiving two
replies the second is the target object
receiving a synchronous message and returning a
reply the third is the target object receiving
an asynchronous message and returning a reply
47Self Messages
- Can represent a recursive call of an operation,
or one method calling another method belonging to
the same object - Shown as creating a nested focus of control in
the lifelines execution occurrence
48Lost and Found Messages
- Lost messages are those that are either sent but
do not arrive at the intended recipient, or which
go to a recipient not shown on the current
diagram - Found messages are those that arrive from an
unknown sender, or from a sender not shown on the
current diagram - Denoted going to or coming from an endpoint
49Lifeline Start and End
- A lifeline may be created and/or destroyed during
the timescale represented by a sequence diagram - The symbol at the head of the lifeline is shown
at a lower level down the page than the symbol of
the object that caused the creation - The lifeline is terminated by a stop symbol,
represented as a cross
50Duration and Time Constraints
- When modeling a real-time system or a
time-bounded business process, it can be
important to consider the length of time it takes
to perform actions - When setting a duration constraint for a message,
the message will be shown as a sloping line
51Other Sequence Diagram Notation
- Combined fragments depict a degree of procedural
logic - Gates act as off-page references
- Part decomposition for multiple lifelines from
same object
53Statechart Diagram
- A statechart (or state transition or state
machine) diagram models the different states that
an object can be in and how that object
transitions from state to state - Describes the states or conditions that an
instance of a class assumes over time, its life
history - Shows the events that transition from one state
to another, and the actions that result from a
state change - It can be argued that every class has a state,
but not every class should have a statechart
diagram - Only classes with "interesting" states e.g.,
classes with three or more potential states
during system activity should be modeled
54Example Statechart
55Another Example Statechart
56Statechart Diagram Notation Set
- The initial starting point, where flow of control
starts, is drawn using a solid circle - A transition between states is drawn using a line
with an open arrowhead - A state is drawn using a rounded rectangle, may
have entrance/exit conditions - A decision point is drawn as an open circle
- One or more termination points are drawn using a
circle with a solid circle inside it (bulls eye)
57Notation Example
- Initial starting point - solid circle
- Transition between states - line with arrowhead
- State rounded rectangle
- Decision point - open circle
- Termination points - circle with solid inner
58Drawing a Statechart
- Begin with a starting point and a transition line
pointing to the initial state of the class, end
with a termination point - Draw the states themselves anywhere on the
diagram, and then simply connect them using the
state transition lines
59Notation Example
- Begins in the Loan Application state
- When the pre-approval process is done, depending
on the outcome, you move to either the Loan
Pre-approved state or the Loan Rejected state - This decision, made during the transition
process, is shown with a decision point the
empty circle in the transition line
60Notation Example
- By looking at the diagram, one can tell that a
loan cannot go from the Loan Pre-Approved state
to the Loan in Maintenance state without going
through the Loan Closing state - One can also tell that all loans will end in
either the Loan Rejected state or the Loan in
Maintenance state
61State Transitions
- May optionally have any subset of triggers,
guards, effects, denoted Trigger Guard / Effect
on the transition line - Trigger is the cause of the transition, which
could be a signal, an event, a change in some
condition, the passage of time, or automatic - Guard is a condition which must be true in order
for the trigger to cause the transition - Effect is an action which will be invoked
directly on the object that owns the state
machine as a result of the transition
62State Actions
- Effects can be associated with states rather than
individual transitions - Defined On Entry and/or On Exit
63Other Statechart Notation
- Self-Transitions return to same state
- Compound shows sub-statecharts within a state
- Composite allows internal state machines to be
shown in separate diagram - Named alternative entry and exit points
- Choice (dynamic) and junction (static)
pseudo-states for conditional branches - History states remember previous states
- Various concurrency capabilities
64That was all very complicated
- How about something simpler?
65Activity Diagrams
66Activity Diagram
- Aka dynamic model
- Shows the procedural flow of control between two
or more class objects while processing an
activity - Can be used to model higher-level business
process at the business work unit level - Or to model low-level internal class actions
- Activity diagrams are often "less technical" in
appearance, compared to sequence and statechart
diagrams, and business-minded people tend to
understand them more quickly
67(No Transcript)
68Activity Diagram Notation Set
- An activity diagram starts with a solid circle
connected to the initial activity - The activity is modeled by drawing a rounded
rectangle, enclosing the activity's name - Activities connected to other activities through
transition lines - Activities that terminate the modeled process are
connected to a termination point (bulls eye) - Typically activities are grouped into swimlanes,
which indicate the object that actually performs
the activity
Initial activity
Transition lines
Activity rounded rectangle
Termination point
70Example Discussion
- Two swimlanes show two objects that control
separate activities - The process starts with the band manager electing
to view the sales report for one of his bands - The reporting tool then retrieves and displays
all the bands that person manages and asks him to
choose one - After the band manager selects a band, the
reporting tool retrieves the sales information
and displays the sales report - Displaying the report is the last step in the
Initial activity
Activity rounded rectangle
Transition lines
Termination point
71Additional Activity Diagram Notation
- May include decision points that connect to
different activities guarded by conditions - Synchronization bars can show how activities
happen in parallel - Optionally use full statechart notation in a
sequence diagram style, but then no longer so
- http//www.uml.org/ The official UML Web site
- http//argouml.tigris.org/ Information on Argo
UML, an open source UML modeling tool built in
Java - http//uml.sourceforge.net/index.php
Information on Umbrello UML Modeller, an open
source UML modeling tool for KDE - http//www-306.ibm.com/software/rational/uml/ -
IBMs UML resource center (IBM bought Rational in
73Final Notes
74Next Assignment
75Upcoming Deadlines
- Demos November 4th-12th
- First Iteration Final Report due November 13th
- Midterm Individual Assessment available by
November 13th, due November 20th - Second Iteration Plan due November 24th
76COMS W4156 Advanced Software Engineering
- Prof. Gail Kaiser
- Kaiser4156_at_cs.columbia.edu
- http//bank.cs.columbia.edu/classes/cs4156/