Title: Multiculturalism in Corporate America
1Multiculturalism in Corporate America
- A New General Education Experience
2What We AreFrom Managing Cultural Differences,
Elsevier Publishers, 6e
The American Way The Americans and the Japanese
decided to engage in a competitive boat race.
Both teams practiced hard and long to reach their
peak performance. On the big day they both felt
ready. The Japanese won by a mile. Afterward,
the American team was discouraged by the loss.
Morale sagged. Corporate management decided that
the reason for the crushing defeat had to be
found, so a consulting firm was hired to
investigate the problem and recommend corrective
3The Consultant's Findings
- The Japanese team
- 8 people rowing
- 1 person steering
- The American team
- 1 person rowing
- 8 people steering.
- Conclusion
- Too many people were steering and not enough were
rowing on the American team.
- So, as the race day neared again the following
year, the American team's management structure
was completely - reorganized. The new structure
- 4 steering managers
- 3 area steering managers
- 1 staff steering manager
- a new performance review system for the person
rowing the boat to provide work incentive. - Result
- The next year the Japanese won by two miles!
5In the End. . . .
Humiliated, the American corporation laid off the
rower for poor performance and gave the
managers a bonus for discovering the problem.
6Times Are Changing
- Global forces have created a need for change.
- Approaches/strengths that made us successful in
the past may not be the approaches/strengths that
will make us successful in the future. - One cannot change the winds, but one can adjust
the sails and learn to be a more skillful sailor.
7Project Creation
- Advisory Committee Brainstorming Session
- Business/Industry Statewide Collaborative in
Business and Computer Information Systems - Need to increase interest in international
business programs through marketing, short
courses, curriculum infusion - Bay Area Consortium Mini-grant
- Developed a general education course that
addresses the issues of diversity in business
8Multiculturalism in Corporate America
- Understanding culture in the context of business
operations - Focus on American cultures to meet the GE
requirements of the college and University of
California and California State University
transfer requirements - Primary focus to understand self and develop a
sensitivity and appreciation of others from
diverse backgrounds.
9Others Are UsDemographic Realities in the US
10Multiculturalism A peaceful place for cultural
beliefs and values
- A basic framework through which one views the
world as a community of people. - A healthy environment where people respect each
other regardless of differences and everyone is
valued for their contribution. - The means of collaborative participation among
multiple cultures in one social system toward a
meaningful achievement for all. - Parhizger, 2002
11The Bicultural Village
- We have become a bicultural society where our
employees live in two cultures and operate in two
cultures. - The challenge?
- Creating an environment that appreciates and
capitalizes on the advantages derived from
diversity. -
12Low Context/High Context CulturesIn US
- Low High
- North Americans Latin
- Germans African
- Swiss Native American Japanese
13Systems of Information
- Low Context High Context
- Narrow Expertise Well informed beyond
expertise - Compartmentalized Extensive networks
- Information overload Accustomed to
interruptions - Rigid adherence to schedules Relationships over
14Why This Makes Good Sense
- We have no choice
- Competition for talent
- Productivity
- Market demands
- Changing Environment
- Good management
15Unity and Development
- The union of differences is the basic foundation
to generate new ideas. - Unity is a source of
- development.
16Power of Differences
- Understanding, appreciating, and incorporating
differences will generate creativity and wisdom
17Self Exploration
"When you work with another culture, it
is important to first learn about yourself."
18Multiculturalism in Corporate AmericaNew Course
to Address the New Business Environment
- Identify common traits, practices, traditions,
beliefs, values, and orientations of own culture
and that of two other American cultures. - Appreciate the issues associated with cultural in
human social and commercial interactions. - Define ethical dimensions of communicating within
and among other cultures.
19Multiculturalism in Corporate AmericaNew Course
to Address the New Business Environment
- Explain how bias and prejudice can impede
productive work. - Demonstrate verbal and nonverbal communication
methods that show an understanding of cultural
orientation. - Recognize, understand, and acknowledge the
identity, experience, and position of a
culturally different person in the work
environment. - Demonstrate effective work strategies that
embrace the power of diversity in corporate
20Instructional Strategies
- Lecture
- Videos
- Case studies
- Cultural research
- Guest speakers
- Role-playing
- Team projects
21Summary www.calbusinessed.org