The Haberman Foundation: A Decade of Growth - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Haberman Foundation: A Decade of Growth


... (NC) implemented the ... Retain effective K-12 ... and political issues related to assessment Engage with the complexities of diversity and multiculturalism in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Haberman Foundation: A Decade of Growth


The Haberman Educational Foundation Fourteen
Years of Growth1994-2008
Our Simple Vision Selecting Teachers and
Principals of Excellence for Children in
Poverty . . . Martin Haberman
HEF Advisory Board
Anthony Catanese, President Florida Institute of
Technology Charles E.M. Kolb, PresidentCommittee
for Economic DevelopmentJimmy Kilpatrick,
Editor ChiefEducationNews.orgLeo Klagholz,
Former Commissioner of Education New Jersey G.
Reid Lyon, Distinguished Professor, SMU
President and CEO, Synergistic Education
Solutions Mike McKibbinCalifornia Teacher
CredentialingCarl Patton, PresidentGeorgia
State UniversityGeorge E. Uhlig,
DeanUniversity of South AlabamaMichael Wolfe,
Executive DirectorKappa Delta Pi
New Initiatives
  • Star Teacher Coaches Interview
  • Haberman Foundation Alliance
  • NLU Partnership
  • Research and Programs
  • Progress on the Haberman/Simiosys classroom
    management series
  • Haberman International Policy Institute in
    Education (
  • Looking Ahead 2008-2012

Star Teacher Coaches Interview by Dr. Martin
Haberman, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, UWM
Why Do We Need Teacher Coaches?
  • Turnover is a critical national problem
  • Principals Need to Identify Teachers who can
    Coach Others
  • Teacher Coaches Enliven Coaching Models
  • HEF Teacher Coaches Interview Identifies the Core
    Beliefs and Effective Models to Enhance Teacher
    Practice and Diminish Turnover

RISE Haberman Foundation Partnership The
Haberman Educational Foundation Board Mtg 800AM
Central, October 31, 2008
Temp Keller, RISE Founder and President
A Common Mission
RISE Mission Retain effective K-12 public school
teachers to elevate student performance in
low-income communities. Haberman Educational
Foundation Mission The unified and single goal
of the Haberman Educational Foundation is to
teach and implement research-based models for
identifying teachers and principals, particularly
educators who serve students at risk and in
poverty. Good teachers could give the 15 million
children in America who live in poverty at least
an opportunity to pursue the American dream.
RISE Model Overview
Step 4 Attract Job Seeking Teachers to RISE
Partner Schools
Step 1 Administer Teaching Conditions Survey at
Partner Schools
Schools attract retain talent INCREASE STUDENT
Step 3 Teaching Conditions Survey Data Posted
on RISE Network for Job Seekers
Step 2 Partner Schools Reflect, Assess and Act
Sustainability Retention Gain
RISE Teacher Selection Problem
The problem
Can teach effectively
Right fit
RISE process screens candidates for
effectiveness, but
principals start here with RISE candidates.
RISE Haberman Solution
The solution
Right fit
Can teach effectively
Right fit
2 key ingredients
  • RISE process screens candidates for
    reflectiveness and core beliefs
  • RISEs profile questions
  • Core belief that all kids can learn (Haberman
  • Principals start here
  • Determine via Haberman or their own interview if
    teacher is effective
  • Determine if teacher is the right fit

The Win-Win
  • Research-based and supported
  • Harvard study on pre-screener
  • Well-known
  • Districts Charter Management Organizations
  • Objective
  • Subjective evaluation is done by school
  • Efficient
  • Large volume of candidates reviewed
  • Visibility
  • Every principal and potential principal on RISE
    learns about Haberman
  • Network
  • Groups for Haberman interview training
  • RISE Growth
  • RISE growth Haberman growth

Haberman Foundation Alliances
  • FOR
  • Douglas Blancero
  • Vice President, Development   Operations
  • JP Associates (

The Charter Members
  • JP Associates, Inc. Response to Intervention,
    Academic Intervention, Curriculum Training,
    Responsive Coaching 
  • The Haberman Educational Foundation Identifying
    star teachers, star teacher coaches, star
    principals, and superintendent candidates for
    school reform. 
  • Project ACHIEVE School-wide behavior
    management, social skills, accountability, RtI  

The Challenges
Schools today face a multitude of challenges as
they assume more and more accountability for the
achievement of their students. In order to more
efficiently and effectively address the needs of
schools committed to the change needed to ensure
the success of students, the members of S.A.F.E.
have joined together to offer schools a one
stop resource center addressing areas of
instruction, behavior, school improvement,
recruitment, selection, and professional
  The Strategic Alliance for Education SAFE 4
SCHOOLSA true comprehensive solution for
The Strategic Alliance for Education is a network
of quality service providers with the mission of
providing America's schools with a comprehensive
evidence-based framework for school improvement
through collaborative strategic planning and
systematic implementation of staff recruitment
and selection, professional development, and
classroom coaching.
Strategic Staffing Identification, recruitment,
selection, and retention of quality staff
(Superintendents, Principals, Teachers,
others)Instruction Effective instructional
strategies across the curriculumProactive
Behavioral Systems School-wide positive support
and social skills developmentEarly, strategic,
and intensive academic and behavioral
intervention services (RtI)
SAFE Comprehensive Staff Development for the
21st Century
  • S.A.F.E. is uniquely qualified to assist schools
    in developing a plan of action that is
    comprehensive, individualized, evidenced based
    and implemented with integrity and

The Strategic Alliance for Education (SAFE) was
awarded an RFP for Alhambra school district in
Alhambra (AZ).
This is an inaugural activity for SAFE! Staff
development will begin in 2008-2009.
Haberman Educational Foundation
Partnership National-Louis University
Delia Stafford, President The Haberman
Educational Foundation, Inc Houston, Texas 77025
  January 30, 2008   Dear
Delia,   On behalf of National College of
Education (NCE) at National-Louis University, I
am pleased to acknowledge our partnership with
the Haberman Educational Foundation, Inc. Our
work together begins with our collaboration on
the development of an Interdisciplinary Masters
Degree program and the presentation of three
Haberman Star Selection Interview training
sessions during the next calendar year on our
campuses.   We see many rich opportunities for
future collaborations and look forward to
expanding and deepening this relationship over
time.   Sincerely, Mark Larson Director of
Partnerships National College of Education
National-Louis University/ Haberman Masters
  • NCATE-Accredited Online Masters Degree
  • A collaborative effort of the HEF with
  • Dean of Education, Alison Hilsabeck,
  • Associate Dean, Jerry Ligon
  • Faculty Sue Hanson, Eleanor Binstock, Tom Fox

Online Masters Design
  • Designed for star teachers who want to stay in
    the classroom and deepen their practice
  • Teachers describe how they helped their students
    achieve higher scores and learn more
  • Develop a compendium of best practices to be
  • Closely monitored by NLU staff

Masters of Education Interdisciplinary
Studies/Action Research and Assessment
National Louis University And The Haberman
Overview of Program
  • Who Certified teachers in schools
  • How Taught online Focus on student growth and
  • When Seven NLU quarters Qu1 Introduction to
    Action Research and Assessment Qus2-6 Action
    Research studies on student growth Qu7Reflection
    and synthesis of own AR studies, sharingFirst
    group Begins (ideally) January 2009, completes
    August 2010

Outcomes for demonstrated student growth a work
in progress
Masters candidates in the IDS-ARA program will
demonstrate the growth and development of the
students in their classrooms, using the
following Knowledge documented learning in
student acquisition of specific content
knowledge Skills documented learning
in specific student academic skills student
critical thinking student performance in
specific problem-solving areas student
developing life skills student communication of
understandings written, verbal and/or visual
Dispositions documented growth in student
engagement in their own learning. student
self-directed learning connecting current
learning to life goals student collaborative
Program Outcomes Through their action research
studies, candidates will achieve the following
  • Learn a variety of strategies for assessing
    student growth
  • Engage in action research to better understand
    student learning and ones own practice
  • Strive to be critically reflective about student
    learning and schooling and ones own learning,
    teaching and schooling
  • Examine social, economic, and political issues
    related to assessment
  • Engage with the complexities of diversity and
    multiculturalism in our culture and our
  • Work with technology as an information/communicat
    ions system for teaching, research and
    professional conversation
  • Advocate for all learners through professional
    conversation on learning, teaching, research and

(No Transcript)
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Programs and Research
Institute for Urban Education at the University
of Missouri at Kansas City (UMKC)? Gus Jacob,
Ed.D. UMKC School of Education
Institute for Urban Education at UMKC
Incoming Freshmen Experience the Star
Teacher Interview
Leadership Institute for Perspective Principals
Partnership between UMKC and Kansas City,
Missouri School District Star Principal
Interview an admission requirement
Kansas Public Schools Leadership Academy
Star Principal Interview as the Primary
Identifier for the Leadership Academy 50 of
principals currently in KCKPS were selected using
the principal interview
A Kansas City (KS) Story
The Power of Star Teachers
Washington High School Principal,
Greg Netzer, Ph.D. It only takes
one teacher one teacher with the right
stuff --Martin Haberman
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A Memphis (TN) Story
The Power of Selection Beverly Cross,
Ph.D. Moss Chair of Excellence in Urban
Education University of Memphis Memphis
(TN)? With the Memphis City Schools
Haberman Informs Practice in Memphis
  • Urban Education Principals Academy Program
  • New Program to Select and Train New Secondary
  • New Superintendents Initiative
  • Johnson Scholars Selection Process
  • Endowment to Prepare Urban Teachers
  • Masters Degree Program

Haberman Informs Research Nationwide
  • American Educational Research Association
    Symposium, April 2009
  • Panel of Young Scholars How Dr. Habermans Work
    Informs their Research and Teaching
  • AERA Papers Published
  • Book that includes AERA Papers
  • Ideas for additional chapters

The Knowledge is Power Program Dr. Richard
Streedain, (NLU) Presenter
  • KIPP Founders Mike Feinberg and David Levin
  • KIPP/Haberman Educational Foundation Contextual
  • Relationship with Teach for America         
  • NLU/KIPP Educational Leadership ProgramStar
    Teachers The Ideology and Best Practice of
    Effective Teachers of Diverse Children and Youth
    in Poverty

KIPP Academy Programs Using Haberman Selection
KIPP Truth Academy Dallas, TX  (Steve
Colmus)         KIPP Polaris Academy Houston,
TX  (Shawn Hardnett) KIPP Leadership
Conversation with Dr. Haberman and Delia
Stafford  (2004-05), (2005-06)(2007-08) and
(2008-09) Star Teacher Interview Training 
(2006-07), (2007-08) and (2008-09) Internalizati
on of the Teacher Selection Process KIPP Aspire 
Academy (Joyce Boubel) KIPP Academy Nashville
Nashville, TN  (Jennifer Hill)
Next Steps KIPP/Haberman
  • Where do we go from here?
  • Regional Partnerships?
  • The Haberman Star Administrator Selection
  • Integration with Skillful Teacher Research for
    Better Teaching (Jon Saphier) and Tripod Project
    (Ronald Ferguson)

A Clarksville (TN) Story
Fulfilling Aspirations Mike Harris,
Ph.D. Director of Schools Clarksville
(TN)? Reflecting on Past and Future Successes
Strategies for Reform
Guilford County (NC) implemented the Haberman
Star Teacher and Principal interview as a major
part of our hiring process. Both the interview
and on-line screener information were used in all
hiring decisions. We trained 100 of our
principals on teacher selection.
Results in Guilford County
"It is not enough to attract teachers to low
performing schools. You must attract the right
teachers to those schools--teachers who get
academic results. Working with Dr. Martin
Haberman and his staff has helped us take the
guess work out of teacher selection." Dr. Terry
Grier,Superintendent, Guilford County Schools,
Greensboro, North Carolina.(2007)?
Awards to an Effective District
  • In 2007, Guildford County School District was the
    highest scoring school district in the state
  • In 2007, Dr. Terry Grier was selected
    Superintendent of the Year for North Carolina
  • Alan Hooker, Recruitment Specialist, speaker

Spreading Success to Clarksville,TN
In Clarksville Montgomery County School System,
we use the Haberman Star Principal interview as a
required interview for all assistant principal
and principal candidates. Also, we use the Star
Principal interview with our candidates for the
Aspiring Leaders Academy, using that information
for coaching aspiring leaders to improved
performance. We have started to develop modules
of training around the leadership functions
expected of star principals and found in Dr.
Habermans work.
Star Teacher Development Series

Heather Bilton, Ph.D.
Staff Development

Savannah-Chatham, GA
Putting Theory into Practice
Star Teacher Development
Star Teacher Development Series Advances
Introducing Haberman/Simiosys
Star Classroom Simulator
A perfect amalgamation of two organizations to
create a product that will change our future
Dr. Herman Shuster, Chief Education Specialist,
U.S. Education Service Chris Stapleton, Ph.D.,
presenter University of Central Florida (UCF) and
Helping Teachers Create a New Climate in the
  • Product is an effective and compelling training
  • Used as a research-based screening tool to
    evaluate the appropriateness of teacher
  • Includes off-the-shelf technology in a novel and
    innovative way.

Institutionalized Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment and Selection in Tampa Dr.
James Goode Manager Application
Services Hillsborough County Public Schools (FL)
Star Classroom Management Protocol Game
Will this individual be able to manage a
classroom? This question can now be answered,
to some extent, by data gathered from the Star
Classroom Management Protocol Game. In
addition, veteran teachers as well as beginners
will be able to assess themselves in complete
confidence and privacy in order to learn whether
or not they have what it takes. If veteran
teachers, novice teachers and teachers-to-be can
manage the classroom, then they have a chance of
sharing their knowledge with children and youth.
If they cant relate to the students and keep
them on-task then what they know will never be
received or learned.
The Game is Based on Research
  • Dreikurs showed that children respond to their
    needs based on four categories of behaviors
  • Attention
  • Power
  • Revenge
  • Avoidance of Failure

Dreikurs was a well known child psychologist and
educator who lived and worked in the Chicago
area. His works are numerous and his success
with childrens behaviors was legendary.
(No Transcript)
Choosing Strategies
  • Knowing which strategies will work and being able
    to expeditiously apply them in situations with
    multiple overlapping applications is one of the
    keys to good classroom management.
  • The gamer can improve by learning more about
    students motivations and by seeing through
    repetition how the game works.

How to Play the Game
Web 2.0 initiatives
  • Second Life- an opportunity to create
    awareness- a free 3d platform for online
    collaboration and teaching- trainers can create
    environment - participants can have an
    unprecidented sense of presence and
  • Facebook- a free tool to raise awareness and
    track popularity- potentially more inclusive
    than any other web portal - over 100,000,000
    users currently, 1 in 3 people on the web are on
  • Wikipedia- free to maintain and further promote
    the foundation- we have a responsibility to keep
    it accurate
  • Linked in- business version of facebook
  • LearningTown- Hosted by Elliot Masie's company-
    merges public and private sector online
    learning specific

The Haberman Foundation in Second Life
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Developing Opportunities for Teacher Selection
The Texas Homeless Education Office (THEO)
Vicky Dill, Ph.D. Senior Director, Charles A.
Dana Center Austin (TX)? Supporting Front-Line
Personnel Who Can Sensitively Deal with Children
in Homeless Situations
A Growing and Alarming Need
  • There are 52,000 homeless children in Texas on
    any given night
  • 2 million children in September 2008 became
    homeless through foreclosures

Effects of Homelessness on Children and Youth in
  • Greater need for sensitive and caring teachers
  • Increased need for all personnel in every school
    to greet students in homeless situations in a way
    that is encouraging
  • Overcoming stereotypes, reaching beyond
    caricatures, and understanding the role of
    poverty in the classroom are effects that can be
    overcome by using the Haberman Star Teacher

A Holistic Approach
We All Owe it to our Local School Districts to be
Addressing Homeless and Poor Childrens Needs
Through Sensitive Personnel Selection.
Improving Teacher Preparation
Grant-Funded Candidate Selection Linda
Post, Ph.D. Professor, College of
Education University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee)?
Program Features
  • Employs Haberman Star teacher online prescreener
  • Employs Haberman live Star teacher interview
  • Selected teachers complete certification program.

Dissemination "A Partner in Insight and
Commentary"The Internets Leading Source of
EducationNewsDaily EducationNews   Free On-Line
Subscription           Ranked 1 on the Internet
of 123,000,000 for Education News Jimmy
KilpatrickBulletin Board Editor
Chief EducationNews.orgSenior Fellow, Alexis de
Tocqueville Institution  
Haberman International Policy Institute in
Education (HIPIE)?
Jimmy Kilpatrick, Editor and Chief at, is pictured with Acting Consul
General Abdullah Jassim Al-Maadadi of the State
of Qatar in Houston, Texas. Acting Consul
Al-Maadadi hosted a wonderful and well attended
event at the cities OMNI Hotel to celebrate The
National Day of the State of Qatar. Former United
States Ambassador to the State of Qatar, Chase
Untermeyer attended along with many friends from
the area. Delia Stafford-Johnson, President of
the Haberman International Policy Institute in
Education, and husband Don Johnson of Fluor
Corporation were present at the event. Mr.
Al-Maadadi gave a brief history of the National
Day for the attendees. 2007
Foundation Headquarters
  • For 15 years, HEF has continued to strive to
  • Fluidly respond to the needs of schools for
    increased services and efficiencies
  • Remain technologically relevant while focusing on
    its core mission finding effective personnel
    for at-risk students
  • Continue to build capacity by adding new trainers
    and sharing responsibility for garnering new
  • Keep the cost of services to schools affordable
  • Continue to search for expanded funding to
    sustain the work of the Foundation for

Delia Stafford and Martin Haberman
Three Dreamers
Five-Year Plan
Thank you for your Support of The Haberman
Educational FoundationOctober 31, 2008
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