Title: Creating and running Forms
1Creating and running Forms
- VBA in Excel and many other Windows applications
can be used to create Forms - Forms are Windows objects which can contain
controls (buttons, edit objects, comboboxes,
etc.) - These objects can be used to allow user
interaction with a macro program - Three primary types of forms
- MsgBox
- Pre-defined form with a button(s)
- Generally has an OK/Cancel button
- InputBox
- Pre-defined form with a button(s) and one string
input field - UserForm
- General purpose with user defined controls
3Creating a Message or Input Box
- Insert the following line in a macro for a
message box - result MsgBox("The prompt", vbOKCancel, "The
title") - Creates a message Box at that point in the
program and waits for user to press button - The prompt will be printed in the box
- The window title will be The title
- Result will be returned on exit from the line
- result is 1 if user presses OK
- result is 2 if user presses Cancel
- Other results and button types are available
(Yes, NO, etc.) - Insert the following line in a macro for an Input
box - r InputBox(" The prompt ", " The title ",
"Default string") - Exactly like MsgBox except result and Default
string - r is a string returned and is
- What the user typed into the input box
- If the user typed nothing, r is the default
string - If the user pressed cancel, r is an Empty string
4Creating a user defined form
- Create a macro to run the form
- Create a user defined form by choosing
- INSERT/UserForm from the VBA menu
- Place controls on the form
- Drag controls from the Toolbox onto the form
- Set the properties of the controls
- Double click on objects that are to respond to
user actions (events) and insert appropriate
code for the action - Put the following statement in the macro to open
the form - UserForm1.Show
- Put the following statement in the appropriate
code to close the form (Usually the response to
the OK or Cancel buttons) - UserForm1.Hide
Sub Macro1() ' ' Macro1 Macro ' Macro recorded
10/23/00 by Marvin Stone ' Example MsgBox and
InputBox functions ' Keyboard Shortcut Ctrlw '
Result MsgBox("Do you wish to enter data",
vbOKCancel, "Data Entry Query") If Result
1 Then st InputBox("Enter a string",
"The Enter a string box", "Nothing") Else
st "Nothing" End If If st "" Then
Result MsgBox("You Canceled! ", vbOKCancel,
"What?") Else Result MsgBox("You
entered " st, vbOKCancel, "Great!") End If
End Sub
6Setting-up a UserForm
Macro to run the user form
Sub Macro2() ' ' Macro2 Macro ' Macro recorded
10/23/00 by Marvin Stone ' ' Keyboard Shortcut
Ctrlq ' UserForm1.Show (Must create
UserForm1) End Sub
Macro to close the user form
This subroutine is called by the event of the
user pressing CommandButton1 After UserForm1 is
created insert a button and double click on it.
This will insert the following routine. Add
the Hide method. Private Sub CommandButton1_Clic
k() UserForm1.Hide End Sub
7UserForm Example
Module1 Code
Sub Macro2() UserForm1.Show End Sub
UserForm Code
Private Sub OKButton_Click() ActiveSheet.Range(R
efEdit1.Value).Select With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex xlNone If RedButton
Then .ColorIndex 3 If BlueButton Then
.ColorIndex 5 If GreenButton Then
.ColorIndex 10 .Pattern xlSolid End
With UserForm1.Hide End Sub Private Sub
CancelButton_Click() UserForm1.Hide End Sub