Title: A Semantic Peer-to-Peer Overlay for Web Services Discovery
1A Semantic Peer-to-Peer Overlay for Web Services
- Introduction
- Thoughtway of our method
- Semantic overlay node architecture
- Routing Table Neighborhood Table
- Message Semantic Matching Routing
- Example
- Experimental Evaluation
- Conclusion
- service discovery mechanisms
- centralized registry
- UDDI or DAML-S matchmaker
- decentralized approach
- centralized registry
- single point failure
- performance bottleneck
- based on P2P technology
- unstructured P2P network
- limitation on the scalability
- structured P2P networks based on DHT
- logn routing hops network of size n nodes
- exact match
- Introduction
- Thoughtway of our method
- Semantic overlay node architecture
- Routing Table Neighborhood Table
- Message Semantic Matching Routing
- Example
- Experimental Evaluation
- Conclusion
6Thoughtway of our method
- structured P2P semantic method
- different matching degree
- extends the Plaxton mesh
- dynamic semantic overlay network
- keyword prefix routing to semantic prefix routing
7Characteristic Vector - 1
- semantic service description
- characteristic vector
- a series of numeric string
- extract services information
- input, output, Pre-conditions and Effects
- ontological concept
8Characteristic Vector - 2
service description Advertisement1
C7, C6, C5, C4 CV10, 11, 0000,
- Introduction
- Thoughtway of our method
- Semantic overlay node architecture
- Routing Table Neighborhood Table
- Message Semantic Matching Routing
- Example
- Experimental Evaluation
- Conclusion
10Semantic overlay node architecture -1
11Semantic overlay node architecture -2
- Introduction
- Thoughtway of our method
- Semantic overlay node architecture
- Routing Table Neighborhood Table
- Message Semantic Matching Routing
- Example
- Experimental Evaluation
- Conclusion
13Routing Table
- multiple rows
- each rows holds a number of entries
- semantic matching of the prefix up to an element
in the CV
14Neighborhood Table
- Contains the nodeID and IP address of the peers
- Set of peers that are closest to the local peer
- Based on semantic similarity
- Introduction
- Thoughtway of our method
- Semantic overlay node architecture
- Routing Table Neighborhood Table
- Message Semantic Matching Routing
- Example
- Experimental Evaluation
- Conclusion
16Semantic Matching Degree
- Exact
- If advertisement S and request Q are equivalent
- S Q
- PlugIn
- If S could always be used for Q
- S is a plug-in match for Q, Q?S.
- Subsume
- If S is more general than Q
- S is a Subsume match for Q, S?Q
17Message Routing and Locating
- Introduction
- Thoughtway of our method
- Semantic overlay node architecture
- Routing Table Neighborhood Table
- Message Semantic Matching Routing
- Example
- Experimental Evaluation
- Conclusion
Message ID C3C7CAC0
- Introduction
- Thoughtway of our method
- Semantic overlay node architecture
- Routing Table Neighborhood Table
- Message Semantic Matching Routing
- Example
- Experimental Evaluation
- Conclusion
21Experimental Evaluation - 1
22Experimental Evaluation - 2
- Introduction
- Thoughtway of our method
- Semantic overlay node architecture
- Routing Table Neighborhood Table
- Message Semantic Matching Routing
- Example
- Experimental Evaluation
- Conclusion
- Our System
- support semantic matching
- ontological concept encoding scheme
- based on the structured overlay network
- dynamic Plaxton mesh-like network
- Future work
- improve the usability of this system
25Thank you!