Title: Service Discovery in Ubiquitous and Pervasive Environments
1Service Discovery in Ubiquitous and Pervasive
- Presented by Knarig Arabshian
- PhD candidacy exam
- October 26, 2004
- Introduction
- History of service discovery, challenges
- Components
- Description, distribution, query
- Existing systems
- Mainstream, ad-hoc, location aware, semantic,
3What is service discovery?
Service vs resource discovery
4History of resource discovery
6 A comparison of internet resource discovery
approaches, 1992 7 Resource location protocol,
5Motivationfor new service discovery protocols
Static resource information (whois, RLP, X.500)
Automatic discovery of LAN network services (SLP,
Jini, UPnP)
- Automatic
- Automatically announce or register service
instead of manually entering information. - LAN services
- Printer, FAX machine,
8 Protocols for service discovery in dynamic
and mobile networks, IJCR (Journal), 2002
6Motivationfor new service discovery protocols
Static resource information (whois, RLP, X.500)
Automatic discovery of LAN network services (SLP,
Jini, UPnP)
Internet scale discovery (INS/Twine, Ninja)
- Wide-area service discovery
- Multiple attributes
- Auto configured and rapid availability
- Automated discovery without user input
- Policy support by agent
- Scalable
7Motivationfor new service discovery protocols
- Pervasive computing
- User intent
- Client thickness
- Cyber foraging (living off the land)
- Context awareness
- Proactive vs transparent
- Ad hoc networks
Static resource information (whois, RLP, X.500)
- Me-services
- Personal and pervasive
- Semantic service discovery
- Dynamic service composition
- Distributed trust management
- Profile driven management
Automatic discovery of LAN network services (SLP,
Jini, UPnP)
Internet scale discovery (INS/Twine, Ninja,
- Semantic web
- Express meaning
- Knowledge representation using ontologies
- Improving accuracy of web search
- Agents exchange ontology information to perform
service discovery
Ad hoc discovery without infrastructure (Konark,
Location aware discovery (Agents2Go, Splendor)
Semantic service discovery (Ronin, DReggie)
1 The semantic web, Scientific American,
2001 2 Pervasive computing vision and
challenges, IEEE personal communications,
2001 4 Me-services a framework for secure and
personalized discovery, 2002
- Directory repository
- Centralized
- Distributed
- Hierarchical
- Structured P2P
- Ad hoc
- Service description
- Attribute/value
- Tree-like
- Ontologies (DAML)
- Announcement
- Register
- Multicast/broadcast
- Query/Service Access
- Syntax
- Ontology
- Programming language dependency
References for mainstream protocols 9 The
Service Location Protocol, IEEE Internet
Computing, 1999 11 Jini architecture
specification, Sun Microsystems, 2003 12
Understanding Universal Plug and Play white
paper, Microsoft, 2000 13 Specification of the
Bluetooth system, Bluetooth 14 Salutation
architecture specification version 2.1, The
Salutation Consortium, 1999
10Mainstream protocols
11Mainstream protocols
12More protocolsmSLP mesh-enhanced SLP
- Fully-meshed peering DA architecture with one or
more scopes in common - Reliability
- Scalability
- Backward Compatibility- extends DA Advertisement
with a mesh-enhanced attribute
10 mSLP mesh enhanced SLP, ICCCN, 2000
13More protocolsUDDI Universal Description,
Discovery and Integration
- UDDI specifications and schemas used to build
discovery services on Internet - Provide consistent publishing interface
- Allow programmatic discovery of services
- Who Sun, IBM, Microsoft partnership
15 UDDI technical white paper, 2000
14More ProtocolsUDDI Universal Description,
Discovery and Integration
Consumers access services by using the
Programmers API built on SOAP
Services described in XML and published using
Publishers API
Business registry contains yellow, white, green
15Design for ad hoc networks
- No central directory service
- Limited use of network/device resources
- Reliability
- Pervasive
- Distributed
Konark DeapSpace GSD Allia
16Design for ad hoc networks
- Main entities
- Node acts as clientserver
- Service announcement
- Flooding
- On device join
- Periodically, delta announcement (Konark)
- Slotted (DEAPSpace uses slottedperiodic)
- Cache advertisements
17Design for ad hoc networks
- Service description
- What is described?
- service name, type, attribute, keywords,
properties and functions - Service hierarchy - tree like structure (Konark,
GSD) - Interface format, e.g., function prototype.
- How is it described and stored?
- WSDL file (Konark)
- Data structures similar to ASN.1 (DEAPSpace)
- Encoder/decoder
- Ontology DAMLOIL (GSD)
18Design for ad hoc networks
- Access to the service
- SOAP/HTTP (Konark)
- Specific Interface, e.g., function prototype
- Encoder/decoder (DEAPSpace)
- Query formation
- Path based or syntax based
- Request routing
- Policy based (Allia)
- Group based (GSD)
17 Konark a service discovery and delivery
protocol for ad hoc networks, WCNC, 2003 18
DEAPspace transient ad hoc networking of
pervasive devices, Computer Networks, 2001 19
GSD a novel group-based service discovery for
MANETS, MWCN, 2002 20 Allia alliance-based
service discovery for ad-hoc environments, WMC,
20Design for semantic ontologies
Find me the best cab service
- Use of semantic ontologies
- Inexact/exact querying
- More powerful reasoning engines and AI tools
- Enhancing current service location protocols
Ronin Agent Framework DReggie
- Ronin Agent Framework
- Built on top of Jini
- Jini Prolog engine
- Agent-oriented development
- Java classes and interfaces
- printing service, restaurant service
- Communicate with other agents using Agent
Communication Language - Agent deputy
- Mediates agent communication
- Represents owner agent in the network
- Located in the Jini Lookup Service
- Dreggie for M-commerce
- Enhance Jini
- Matching mechanism of Jinis LookupService
- Prolog reasoning engine used for matching
- Service registration along with interface
registration - Services register with DAML description and
interface - DAML gives hierarchical description of services
21 Dynamic service discovery for mobile
computing, BSJCC (Journal), 2001 22 Dreggie
semantic service discovery for M-commerce
applications, 2001
22Location-aware service discovery
- Where is the closest Italian restaurant
- to me?
- Location sensing
- Nomadic users
- Handy devices
CoolTown, Splendor, Agents2Go
- Every service (e.g., printer) has a web server,
and a tag. - Users walk in and receive URL from tag beacons
- Connect to the URL which describes the service
and can invokes it - Place manager maintains resources in a place,
with web interface (HTML and XML) - Resources can be grouped.
- Also acts as a resolver for some places
- Tag-based location aware
- Tag label location and people
- Proxies
- Enhanced security
- Service management (registration, security)
Trusted servers managing services
Bootstrapping using multicast
PalmApp (with CDPD modem)
Cell tower
Location identified by cell tower id
Restaurant agent or other services
Initial query form
User query
Area 2
User query
Area 3
Maps geographic area to broker
Agents2Go Server
- Attach web URL to services and periodically
broadcast (CoolTown) - Intermediate trusted proxy for security and
service management (Splendor) - Localized brokers store services in the location
and are mapped to based on the user location
23 Agents2Go an infrastructure for
location-dependent service discovery, 2001 24
Splendor a secure, private, location-aware
service discovery protocol, 2003 25 A web-based
nomadic computing system, Computer Networks, 2001
27Internet-scale discovery
- Construct scalable, robust services
- Huge throughput demands and availability
- Interoperability
- Efficiency
- Fault tolerance
INS/Twine, Ninja/SDS, WSPDS
- Uses Chord
- structured peer to peer system
- Lookup in Log(N)
- Service Propagation
- Resource state changes, update is propagated
- Periodic refreshing of resource information
- edge resolvers attached to clients update
frequently - Internal resolvers infrequently
Resource is a camera, manufactured by ACompany
and filming traffic.
StrandMapper Hash(strand)
Distributed hash table (Chord). KeyRouter maps to
30 INS/Twine a scalable p2p architecture for
intentional resource discovery, 2002
- Secure Service Discovery Service (SDS)
- Uses XML to encode service descriptions
- Certificate Authority and Capability Managers for
security - Servers dynamically organize themselves into
hierarchies for scalability - Filters query upwards to avoid overloading one
node (Bloom filter)
Services running on clusters of workstations
Distributed data structures
A chain across proxies and bases to find better
Stateless and soft-state proxy
Heterogeneous devices and sensors
28 The ninja architecture for robust
Internet-scale systems and services, JCN,
2001 27 An architecture for a secure service
discovery service, MobiCom, 1999
30Multi-tier ubiquitous service discovery protocol
Global Services Registry-gateway to global network
- Context attributes provided by services
- Distance to server
- Server load
- Service channel
- Attribute-value pair service description
- Localized Service Propagation
- propagate upward with attenuation factor of
service attributes - Query Routing
- Overlay hierarchy
Brokering Agent-recommends appropriate service
Global Services
26 A multi-tier ubiquitous service discovery
protocol, Mobisys, 2003
Domain Hierarchy
31WSPDS Web Services P2P Discovery Service
- Servent Server/Client
- DAML ontology for service description
- Querical data network
- Probabilistic flooding
- Each node defined by content
- Node links to other nodes of smiliar content
- Semantic matching algorithm used to choose
29 WSPDS web services p2p discovery service,
ISWS, 2004
- INS/Twine structured P2P lookup on strands
- Ninja/SDS query filtering and service
aggregation - Multi-tier Ubiquitous SDP context attributes,
hierarchical, localized service propagation - WSPDS QDN, DAML for service description
- Service discovery for different scenarios in
ubiquitous and pervasive environments ad-hoc,
location-aware, semantic and Internet-scale, and
combinations of these - Tackle problems in service distribution, query
and description - Not much work done in semantic service discovery
- T. Berners-Lee, J. Hendler, and O. Lassila, The
Semantic Web, Scientific American , May 2001 - M. Satyanarayanan, Pervasive Computing Vision
and Challenges, IEEE Personal Communications ,
August 2001. - M. Weiser, The computer for the twenty-first
century Scientific American, pp 94-103, September
1992 - Anupam Joshi, Tim Finin, and Yelena Yesha,
Me-Services A Framework for Secure and
Personalized Discovery, Composition and
Management of Services in Pervasive Environments,
in Web Services, E-Business, and the Semantic
Web, C. Bussler, R. Hull, S. McIlraith, M.E.
Orlowska, B. Pernici, J. Yang (Eds.), LNCS 2512,
p. 248 ff., Springer, ISBN3540001980, December
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Internet Draft, Internet Engineering Task Force,
Feb. 1998. Work in progress. - Michael F. Schwartz, Alan Emtage, Brewster Kahle,
and B. Clifford Newman. A comparison of internet
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Paper, Microsoft Corporation, June 2000. - Specification of the Bluetooth System, Bluetooth
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2.1, The Salutation Consortium, 1999 - UDDI Technical White Paper, UDDI (Universal
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