Title: Coordinating Mechanisms
1- Coordinating Mechanisms
- (concepts, roles responsibilities)
- Eligibility in Round 6
- 29 May 2006
2Presentation outline
- Rationale guidelines for Coordinating
Mechanisms - Eligibility in Round 6
- Country eligibility
- Very Strong Bias towards "Coordinating
Mechanisms" - CCM functioning 6 minimum requirements
- 3. Overview of Eligibility Screening process
- 4. Revisiting the TRP review criteria
- Soundness of approach
- Feasibility
- Potential for sustainability
- Some lessons learned sources of information
31(a). Rationale for moving towards a
'Coordination Mechanism' model
- The Global Fund
- a multi-sectoral representation model
- Why ?
- Global recognition (donor and recipient
constituencies) that providing additional
resources required knowledge as to what all
sectors were already providing - A "Coordinating Mechanism" is a mechanism whereby
all national stakeholders can work together,
provide input and participate in key decisions
41(b). Guidelines for Coordinating Mechanisms
- Broader Representation
- minimum 40 non-government representation
- geographical gender representation
- people living with the diseases
- Participation and transparency
- Own constituency member selection
- Transparent, inclusive proposal development
process - Transparent, inclusive PR selection process
- Process for oversight of implementation (not day
to day management) - Governance
- Chair Vice chair from different constituencies
- Conflict of Interest policy for all potential
conflicts - Details found within?
- "Revised Guidelines on the Purpose, Structure
Composition of Country Coordinating Mechanisms
and Requirements for Grant Eligibility" _at_ Global
Fund website
52. Eligibility in Round 6
Determining an Applicant's Eligibility is a
important process for Round 6 proposals
- "Technical Eligibility" income level (section
2.1) - Lower Upper-middle income countries must meet
additional requirements - (b) Very strong bias towards Coordinating
Mechanisms (section 3A) - Functioning of Coordinating Mechanism (section
62(a). Technical eligibility Income Level
See Attachment 1 to the Round 6 Guidelines for
Proposals for Country Income Levels
72(b). Very strong bias to Coordinating Mechanism
- The Global Fund fully supports countries in
their ownership of, and planning for, the
effective response to the 3 diseases - Achieved through Coordinating Mechanisms
- ? Country (national level) "CCM"
- In-country, but sub-national "Sub-CCM"
- Multi-country "RCM, or Regional Coordinating
Mechanism - Important for "RCM" other Regional
Organizations (RO) - Talking of situations of multi-country proposals
(ie. Cross-border) - Requirements - set out in s.3A.4.2. and 3A.5.2 of
the Proposal Form - i.e. How will the proposal achieve
cross-boarder or multi-country outcomes that
would not have been possible with only national
IMPORTANTLY To be eligible for funding all
Sub-CCM, RCM and ROs must also obtain the written
approval of the National CCM for each country
which is included in the proposal
82(b). Applying outside a 'Coordinating
Mechanism' ?
Q When are non-CCM applicants eligible?
- Only in one of three VERY EXCEPTIONAL
circumstances - Listed in section 3A.6, and relevant to
Countries - Without legitimate governments or
- In conflict, facing disaster or complex emergency
situations or - That suppress or have not established
partnerships with Civil Society - ? On 3, it is very important to read the
Guidelines for Proposals - NB. Global Fund assesses reasons provided by
the applicant makes decision on whether reasons
fit within the exceptions - Thus, very few low or middle income countries are
affected - Relevance to Round 6 ? ensure that you submit
your proposal to the Coordinating Mechanism (CCM,
Sub-CCM or RCM) for possible inclusion in the
Mechanism's one combined proposal to the Global
92(b). Round 5 Impact of not following the
eligibility criteria
- Why is this important ?
- Only eligible proposals are reviewed by the TRP
- For example, looking back to Round 5
- 70 ineligible proposals, thus no TRP review at
all - 61 of these were non-CCM, single applicant NGO
proposals - 23 from India 17 from Kenya
- 3 each from Bangladesh, Cameroon, South Africa
Uganda - The effort outcome are frustrating for all
102(c). Coordinating Mechanisms 6 minimum
- There are 6 minimum requirements that CCMs must
meet for the proposal to be eligible for funding
- Again, why are these important?
- Additionality through multi-stakeholder
participation - Leveraging experience across multiple
social-economic sectors - Requirements apply to CCMs, Sub-CCMs RCMs
- Even if a proposal is strongly written, it will
not be reviewed for technical merit unless the
"Coordinating Mechanism" meets the minimum
112(c). 6 Minimum CCM Requirements
- CCM Requirement 1
- Show Membership of people living with and/or
affected by the diseases. - ? Representative of people living with and/or
affected by the disease(s) - ? Person is a sector-wide representative must
document (e.g. sign), but does not have to
disclose status, especially when SD prevents or
makes self-identifying dangerous. - Membership list
- Minutes of CCM meeting noting representation
- One CCM for 3 diseases one representative for
all three diseases. -
122(c). 6 Minimum CCM Requirements
- CCM Requirement 2
- Show There must be a transparent selection
process for CCM membership of Non-governmental
representatives. -
- CCM members representing the non-government
sectors must be selected by their own sector(s)
(e.g. academic, private business, CBOs) based on
a documented, transparent process, developed
within each sector. - Why - Key idea is to expand the breadth and
reach of potential non-governmental contributors.
Avoid dominance by usual large groups. - ? No single way. Provide written material from
the organizations themselves - CCM Constitution, By-laws, TOR
- Web posting of members and description of
selection process - Letter from Organization explaining process with
signatures - Advertisement in newspaper, local NGO newsletter
- What doesnt work
- NGO sector met, person X selected (How?).
- Chairperson chose person X to represent
constituency Y
132(c). 6 Minimum CCM Requirements
- CCM Requirement 3
- Show Transparent and documented process to
solicit and review proposal submissions -
- Why to capture a broad range of submissions
for possible integration into the proposal. - ? Practically, this means proposal development
differs from Rounds 1 4 - ? Pre-proposal documented processes are critical
- This is not something a CP will fix. Either
there was a process for submitting and reviewing
proposals or there wasnt. - ? Documentation No single way. Options include
attaching copies of announcements to the public
and signed minutes from CCM meetings at which
submissions were reviewed. - Minutes of CCM Meetings minutes of Technical
review panels/subcommittees - Newspaper or emails announcing call for
proposals - Archives, tracking sheets decision awards
- What doesnt work beautiful proposal written
by consultant with no documented input from
multiple stakeholders (e.g. C.S., academia, MOH,
MOT, Private companies, etc.)
142(c). 6 Minimum CCM Requirements
- CCM Requirement 4
- Show Documented and transparent processes to
nominate the PR and oversee program
implementation - Why lays the foundation for developing an
interactive, workable, and transparent
relationship between the grants
administrator/implementer (the Primary Recipient
(PR)) and its custodian/owner (the CCM) - Criteria-based
- Public announcement for candidates
- ? No single way. Options include attaching
- CCM accepted rules of procedure for the CCM and
the signed minutes from CCM meetings at which
these were accepted. - Oversight. Think Terms of Reference/CCM
MOUs/etc. - Work plan describing oversight process and
152(c). 6 Minimum CCM Requirements
- CCM Requirement 5
- Show Ensure the input of a broad range of
stakeholders into proposal development and
grant-oversight. - Why - This is intended to ensure that program
ideas and experience are actively sought from CCM
members as well as non-members. - ? No single way. Options include attaching CCM
accepted rules of procedure for the CCM and the
signed minutes from CCM meetings at which these
were accepted. - Email and/or newspaper announcements.
162(c). 6 Minimum CCM Requirements
- CCM Requirement 6
- Show Written conflict of interest plan when the
Chair and/or Vice chair of CCM are from same
entity as PR). - Why To mitigate the inherent conflicts of
interests. - To avoid accusations of impropriety.
- This is in the PR and Chair/Vice Chairs own
best interest! - No single preferred version of acceptable policy
- ? But must be real, transparent and CCM approved
- Thus, applicants should attach CCM accepted
rules of procedure for the CCM and the signed
minutes from CCM meetings at which these were
accepted. - ? Rationale preferable that PR and CCM
leadership are from different entities for
everyone concerned