Communication and Prices in Economic Mechanisms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Communication and Prices in Economic Mechanisms


Communication and Prices in Economic Mechanisms Ilya Segal Four lectures Communication costs in economics Communication and prices in social choice Market design ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Communication and Prices in Economic Mechanisms

Communication and Prices in Economic Mechanisms
  • Ilya Segal

Four lectures
  1. Communication costs in economics
  2. Communication and prices in social choice
  3. Market design applications
  4. Communication cost of incentives

Communication costs in economics
Market Design Problems
  • Find allocations satisfying social goals when
    agents have private knowledge (e.g. of own
  • Combinatorial auctions FCC spectrum, landing
  • Matching candidates to jobs, internships,
  • Kidney exchange
  • Incentives?
  • can be verified with a Direct Revelation
    Mechanism (e.g., Vickrey-Clarke-Groves)
  • But full revelation is costly and is avoided in
    most real-life mechanisms
  • Instead sequential mechanisms e.g., iterative
    auctions, interviews, - to grope for equilibrium

Hayeks (1945) Critique of Lange-Lerner socialism
  • Knowledge of particular circumstances of time
    and place too enormous to transmit to a central
  • Ultimate decisions must be left to the people
    familiar with these circumstances
  • Information needed to coordinate individual
    actions can be summarized in prices
  • Nobody has yet succeeded in designing an
    alternative system

Costs of Revelation
  • Communication costs
  • E.g., combinatorial auctions 2L bundle values
  • Measured in bits (communication complexity) or
    real numbers (message space dimension)
  • Cost of agents evaluating own preferences
  • E.g., job interviews, flyouts,
  • More deviations when commitment is imperfect
    (short-term contracts, cheap talk)
  • E.g., revealed info may be exploited by
    auctioneer or competitors in the future

  • N set of agents, X set of outcomes
  • Agent i privately observes his type Ri 2 Ri
  • State R (R1, , RN) 2 R1 RN R
  • Want to implement choice rule F R ? X
  • F(R) optimal outcomes in state R
  • Sequential communication may save over
  • Communication Protocol
  • 1. Extensive-form message game
  • 2. Outcomes assigned to terminal nodes
  • 3. Agents strategies (type-contingent)
  • Do not require incentive-compatibility (e.g.,
    agents could be computers)

Agent 2s type
Agent 1s type
  • State space partitioned into product sets
  • In every state R must implement an outcome in
  • Characterizing such protocols is hard

Verification (Nondeterminism)
  • Omniscient oracle knows state R but must prove to
    an outsider that x 2 F(R)

  • Announces message m 2 M
  • Each agent accepts or rejects m based on his own
  • Acceptance by all agents verifies x 2 F(R)
  • Verification in each state R

Agent 2s type
Agent 1s type

Verification Formalism
  • Protocol ? ?M, µ, h ?
  • M is a message space
  • µ R ? M is a message correspondence s.t.
    Privacy Preservation
  • µ(R) \i µi(Ri) ?R
  • h M ? X is outcome function
  • ? verifies F if ? ? h(µ(R)) ½ F(R) ?R
  • ? fully verifies F if h(µ(R)) F(R) ?R

Why Verification?
  • Any deterministic protocol can be verified by
    oracle sending messages in agents stead (i.e., M
    terminal nodes of the protocol)
  • ? verification costs communication costs
  • Economic example Walrasian equilibrium message
    (allocation, prices)
  • Steady state of a communication process (e.g.,
    tatonnement, auctions, deferred acceptance

Measuring communication costs
  • Discrete number of bits (communication
  • E.g., oracle needs log2M bits to encode message
  • Continuous number of real numbers
  • How many reals are needed to encode a message
    from M dimension of M?
  • Agents costs of evaluating own types
  • E.g., number of job interviews, dates, sorting
  • Privacy reducing revelation of agents types
    E.g., revealed info may be exploited in the future

Measuring Dimension Problem
  • Intuition dimension of M number of real
    numbers needed to describe points in M
  • Problem - Peano space-filling curve 0,1 ?
  • Inverse Peano function describes 0,1n with one
  • Note Peano function is continuous (its inverse
    is not)

  • How to define the dimension of a space?
  • Which transformations preserve this dimension?
  • Two classes of approaches
  • Topological dimensions
  • Metric dimensions

Topological dimension - inductive
  • We say that space is 3-dimensional because the
    walls of a prison are 2-dimensional
  • M is topological space (defined open sets)
  • ind(?) - 1
  • ind M ? k if every point in M lies in an open
    set whose boundary has ind ? k 1
  • ind M min. integer k s.t.ind M ? k

Preservation of topological dimension
  • Proposition If f X ? Y is a continuous 1-to-1
    function then ind Y ? ind X
  • Proof idea f(X) has fewer open sets than X
    harder to imprison points
  • Could have ind Y gt ind X if f -1 is not
    continuous (e.g., Peano function)

Metric dimension (ball covering)
  • M is a metric space (has distances)
  • NM(?) min. number of ?-balls needed to cover M
  • E.g. N 0,1n (?) A ? (1/?)n
  • In general, dim M limsup??0 ln NM(?)/ln (1/?)
  • To cover unbounded S could allow to vary ball
    size (Hausdorff dimension)
  • dim M ? ind M
  • M irrational numbers in 0,1 ? dim M 1, ind
    M 0
  • dim M may be fractal
  • e.g., dim (Chinas coastline) 1.16

Interpretation of metric dimension Approximation
with bits
  • NM (?) min. number of messages needed to
    approximate points from M within ? (discretize)
  • log2NM (?) min. number of bits needed to encode
    such messages
  • Thus can approximate points from M within ? using
    dim M ? log2(1/?) bits as ??0
  • Thus dim M relates to communication complexity of
    approximating M with bits
  • But dim M may not represent the hardness of
    approximation for a fixed ? gt 0, or for ??0
    slowly as other parameters grow (will have

Preservation of metric dimension
  • Proposition If f X ? M is a 1-to-1 function and
    f -1 is Lipschitz
  • (i.e., ?A gt0 dist(x, x?) ? A?dist(f (x), f
    (x?)) ?x,x?)
  • then dim M ? dim X
  • Proof f does not shrink distances except by a
  • Continuity of f -1 not enough (e.g. let f be
    inverse Peano)

Fooling set dimension bounds
  • Rf ? R is a fooling set if ?R,R? ? Rf, R?R? ?
    ?(R)? ?(R?) ?
  • Proposition Suppose Rf is a fooling set.
  • (a) If ? has a (local) continuous selection, ind
    M ? ind Rf.
  • (b) If ? has a (local) selection whose inverse is
    Lipschitz continuous, then dim M ? dim Rf.

So, which dimension is better?
  • Use topological dimension, restrict ? to have a
    continuous selection?
  • Mount-Reiter, Walker, etc.
  • Rules out discrete messages (e.g., indivisible
  • Use metric dimension, restrict ? to have a
    selection whose inverse is Lipschitz continuous?
  • Hurwicz 1977, Nisan-Segal
  • Interpretation small errors in message
    transmission should not yield large mistakes
  • Need not rule out any mechanisms - can define a
    right metric on any M to have Lipschitz
  • Allows fast discrete approximations

Lecture 2 Communication and Prices in Social
Hayeks (1945) Critique of socialism
  • Knowledge of particular circumstances of time
    and place too enormous to transmit to a central
  • Ultimate decisions must be left to the people
    familiar with these circumstances
  • Information needed to coordinate individual
    actions can be summarized in prices
  • Nobody has yet succeeded in designing an
    alternative system

Is it necessary to use prices?
  • Fundamental Welfare Thms Supporting prices (1)
    are sufficient for efficiency and (2) can be
    constructed with full information about the
  • But then can compute efficient allocation
  • Hurwicz, Mount-Reiter In a convex economy with
    distributed preference information, Walrasian
    equilibrium is dimensionally minimal among
    regular mechanisms verifying efficiency
  • Did not rule out mechanisms that dont use prices
  • Inapplicable to market design
  • Nonconvexities, discrete decisions
  • Other goals approximation, group stability,
  • Other communication costs bits, evaluations,

Informativeness Partial Order
  • Message m is less informative than message m' if
    m' accepted ? m accepted.
  • m is a minimally informative message verifying
    outcome x if any less informative message
    verifying x is equivalent to m.
  • Such messages minimize communication costs
  • Size of M - number of bits or reals to encode a
  • Preference evaluation costs, privacy loss, etc.

Allocate an Object between 2 Agents
  • Messages verifying 2
  • Minimally informative messages verifying 2

  • Equivalent to announcing supporting equilibrium
    price p
  • Each p must be used (in a diagonal state) ? need
    infinitely many messages (continuum)

General Results
  • Characterize social choice problems (social goals
    and preference domains) for which it is necessary
    to find supporting prices
  • Algorithm deriving the form of prices (budget
    sets) that verify solutions to a given problem
    with minimal information
  • Price space yields communication cost
  • Selected applications
  • Pareto efficiency in convex economies
  • Exact or approximate surplus-maximization
  • Stable many-to-one matchings
  • Extra communication cost of incentives

Social Choice Problem
  • N set of agents, X set of outcomes
  • Agent is type is a preference relation Ri over
  • State R (R1, , RN) 2 R1 RN R
  • Choice rule F R ? X
  • F(R) optimal outcomes in state R
  • Protocol verifies F if ?R 2 R ?x 2 F(R)
    ?m 2 M that is acceptable in state R and
    verifies x

Verification by budget equilibria
  • Oracles message
  • Proposed outcome x ? X
  • Budget set Bi ? X for each agent i
  • Agent i accepts iff x is his optimal choice from
  • i.e., Bi ? L(x, Ri) ?y 2 X x Ri y
  • Acceptance by all agents (equilibrium) must
    verify x

Verification by budget equilibria
  • Full verification ?R 2 R ?x 2 F(R)
  • ? budget equilibrium (B,x) verifying x in state
  • E.g., Fundamental Welfare Theorems Any Pareto
    efficient allocation in a convex economy can be
    verified with a Walrasian equilibrium
  • Extend to other social choice problems?

Verification by budget equilibria
  • Larger budget sets ? more informative equilibrium
  • Definition F is monotonic if ?R?R ?x?F(R)
  • ?R'?R, L(x, Ri) ? L(x, Ri') ?i ? x?F(R').
  • Theorem F is fully verified with a budget
    equilibrium protocol ? F is monotonic.
  • Williams (1986), Greenberg (1990), Miyagawa

Necessity of budget equilibria?
  • Knowing R, could compute an optimal outcome
    directly, without using supporting budget sets
  • Can we construct budget equilibrium not just with
    full info, but from any verifying communication?

Necessity of budget equilibria?
ÅR2m L( x, R2)
ÅR2m L( x, R1)
Definition F has the Budget Revelation Property
if for any message verifying x there exists a
less informative budget equilibrium (B,x)
verifying x. Theorem F satisfies BRP ? F is
Intersection-Monotonic (stronger than
Some choice rules satisfying BRP
  • Pareto efficiency
  • Approximate Pareto efficiency
  • The core
  • Stable matching
  • Envy-free
  • More generally Any CU rule described by
    coalitions blocking sets ?(x,S) ? X outcomes
    coalition S ? N can use to block candidate
    outcome x 2 X
  • x ? F(R) ? no coalition S ? N has a strict Pareto
    improvement over x within ?(x,S)

Venn Diagram
M verified with budget protocol
Approx. Pareto  
Social Choice Rules Boolean Representation
  • x ? F(R) can be written as a boolean formula
    with R atoms z Ri yy,z ? X, i ? N describing R
  • Using conjunctions (? AND), disjunctions (?
    OR), negations (? NOT)
  • F is monotonic ? need only use atoms
    x Ri yy ? X, i ? N , no negations
  • ? can be written in Monotone Disjunctive Normal
    Form ?? ? ? (? (i,y)?? (x Ri y))
  • ? ?R? F-1(x), MDNF can be verified with one of
    its clauses ? - a budget equilibrium (cf.
    Theorem 1)

Restrictions imposed by IM
  • Equivalently, for monotonic rules, x ? F(R) can
    also be written in Monotone Conjunctive Normal
    Form ?? ? ? (?(i,y)?? (x Ri y))
  • F is Intersection Monotonic ? can be written as
    MCNF whose disjunctive clauses ? dont contain
    (x Ri y) ? (x Ri z) with y ? z
  • Intuition if x ? F(R) is preserved by taking y
    or z individually out of L(x,Ri), should be
    preserved by taking out y and z together

Restrictions imposed by CU
  • F if CU ? x ? F(R) can be written as MCNF
    ?? ? ? (?(i,y)?? (x Ri y)) s.t. each clause ? has
    a single y
  • i.e., ? takes the form ?i?S (x Ri y)
  • Interpretation coalition S does not want to
    block x with y
  • i.e., does not contain (x Ri y)?(x Rj z) with y ?
  • Characterizes monotonic choice rule that are
    binary, which means
  • calculate social relation S between ?x,y from
    agents preferences x Ri y (e.g., S not
    blocked by) IIA
  • Choose maximal elements in S from X
  • Note if we required S to be rational we would
    hit Arrows Impossibility Theorem

Lecture 3 Market Design Applications
Necessity of budget equilibria
  • Definition F has the Budget Revelation Property
    if for any message verifying x there exists a
    less informative budget equilibrium (B,x)
    verifying x.
  • Theorem F satisfies BRP ? F is
  • Stronger than monotonicity, but satisfied by many
    choice rules e.g. Pareto, approx. Pareto, core,
    stability, envy-free all CU rules.

  • Social goals congruent with private preferences
    ? minimize communication by asking agents to act
    on their knowledge selfishly within budget sets
    (cf. Hayek)
  • Design budget sets to coordinate choices and
    attain social goals with minimal communication

Minimally Informative Verifying Messages
  • Budget Revelation Property ? use budget
  • Minimize informativeness shrink budget sets
  • ? critical states R
  • Bi L(x, Ri) \ R'i ?Ri x?F(R'i, R-i) L(x,
    R'i) ?i
  • In such R, (B1,, BN, x) is a unique budget
    equilibrium verifying x (up to equivalence)

Market Design Roadmap
  • Use budget-shrinking algorithm to construct min.
    informative budget equilibria (B,x) verifying x
  • If Bi L(x, Ri) ?i for some R 2 R (critical
    state) ? minimal message space for full
    verification of F
  • To bound below simple verification cost - use
    tricks, e.g.,
  • Restrict to states R in which F(R) is a singleton
  • Construct a fooling set whose states cant share
    a verifying budget equilibrium
  • Verification cost very high ? problem is hopeless
  • Verification cost low ? Can it be achieved in a
    deterministic, incentive-compatible protocol?

Application Pareto Efficiency in Smooth Convex
Exchange Economies
  • L goods Ri over xi 2 RL convex, smooth, with a
    positive utility gradient

  • Proposition. m is a minimally informative message
    verifying the Pareto efficiency of an interior
    allocation in a smooth convex economy ? m is
    equivalent to a Walrasian equilibrium.
  • Any such equilibrium (B, x) is a unique Walrasian
    equilibrium supporting x
  • ? Number of variables for full verification
    (N-1)L quantities (L 1) prices

Verification Cost
  • Fix endowments ? (N-1)(L-1) quantities (L 1)
    prices N(L-1) numbers
  • Can we verify Pareto efficiency with fewer
  • Fooling set of Cobb-Douglas economies (Hurwicz)
  • Utilities ui (xi) ?l xilail with Sl ail 1
    for all i
  • Described with N(L -1) parameters
  • FOC for (p, x) being a Walrasian eqm
  • ail/aik (pl xil ) /(pk xik) for all l,k,I
  • No two distinct Cobb-Douglas economies share a
    Walrasian eqm ? give a fooling set for Pareto
  • What about deterministic communication?
  • Tatonnement converges fast in some but not all

Pareto Efficiency with Numeraire
  • x (k, t1,,tN ) feasibility Si ti 0
  • Ri 2 Ri given by quasilinear utility ui(k)ti
  • Efficiency maxk2K Si ui(k) (total surplus)

  • Proposition. m is a minimally informative message
    verifying efficiency with numeraire ? m is
    equivalent to a price equilibrium with
    personalized nonlinear prices p 2 ? NK s.t.
    ?i pi (k) const on k 2 K.
  • Each such price must be used in the critical
    state where Si ui(k) const on k 2 K
  • ? Cost (N 1)(K 1) real numbers full
    revelation of N 1 agents valuations
  • Combinatorial auctions N 2, K 2L ?
    communication cost 2L 1 numbers

Stable Many-to-one Matching
  • N consists of firms (F) and workers (W)
  • Matching x binary relation from F to W in which
    a worker matches with at most one firm
  • Ri 2 Ri depends only on is partners

Stable Matching
  • Matching is stable if these coalitional
    deviations are not strictly Pareto improving
  • Firm hires some new workers (and fires some)
  • Worker quits to become unemployed
  • This describes an IM choice rule

Minimally Informative Equilibria
  • A workers budget set described by available
  • A firms budget set available groups of workers
  • In a minimally informative equilibrium verifying
    stability, the groups consist of
  • The firms current workers
  • Workers who dont have the firm in their budget
  • ? firms budget sets, non-combinatorial

  • Lemma. m is a minimally informative message
    verifying the stability of matching x ? m is
    equivalent to a partitional equilibrium, in which
    each off-equilibrium match is in either partners
    budget set, but not both.
  • Any such equilibrium (B, x) is a unique
    partitional equilibrium supporting x in state R
    in which Bi L(x, Ri) ?i.
  • Cost of full verification 2FW bits
  • Cf. cost of describing a match x FW bits
  • Cf. describing firms preferences over 2W groups
    log2(2W)! W ?2W bits
  • Two questions
  • Is the cost of verification any lower?
  • Is the deterministic communication cost higher?

Verification cost is the same
  • Take any partitional equilibrium (B, x), and
    critical state R s.t. Bi L(x, Ri) ?i
  • Further restrict R to ensure that x is unique
    stable match
  • Each i strictly prefers his current match within
  • Each i strictly prefers quitting to getting a new
    partner from Bi
  • Cant have a stable match x? ? x
  • i gets a new partner from Bi ? i would quit
  • i gets a new partner j ? Bi ? i 2 Bj ? j would
  • x? ? x ? x? is in all budget sets ? a coalition
    would block x? by x
  • ? (B, x) must be used for verification in state R
  • ? Communication cost 2FW bits
  • Same logic works for 1-to-1 matching (cost FW
  • This bounds below deterministic communication

Deterministic Communication
  • This lower bound is almost achieved for
    substitutable preferences by Gale-Shapley
    deferred acceptance algorithm
  • ( 2FW steps matches offered, rejected)
  • Exponentially less than full revelation of firms
    combinatorial preferences
  • The algorithm also minimizes evaluation costs of
    the responding side (whose budget sets are
  • With uniformly drawn preferences, on average only
    1/3 of potential partners evaluated

Determinism vs. Nondeterminism
  • Recall Deterministic CC in bits
    nondeterministic CC in bits
  • Gap is at most exponential e.g., try each of
    the M oracles messages for acceptance instead of
    encoding with log2M bits
  • Gap is small in some cases e.g., matching or
    auctions with substitute preferences - monotonic
    tatonnement converges quickly
  • But there are IM rules with exponential gap

Example of Exponential Gap
  • 2 agents hire 2 out of 3m workers
  • Agent 1 is happy if the hired workers share a
  • Agent 1 knows privately each workers language
  • Public knowledge all workers are monolingual, m
    languages spoken by a pair of workers, and m
    languages spoken by a single worker.
  • Agent 2 knows privately 2m1 capable workers
  • Agent 2 is happy 1 if both hired workers are
  • Social goal make both agents happy. - CU, IM.
  • Such pair always exists and can be verified by
    its announcement - 2 log2 (3m) bits
  • But deterministic CC is asymptotically
    proportional to m
  • Equivalent to the Pair-Disjointness.problem

Average-Case Goals
  • E.g., approximate expected surplus, given a
    probability distribution over states
  • Example discrete public good, N agents i.i.d.
    values vi 20,1, Prvi 1 ?, Cost c lt ?N.
  • N large ? building is efficient with prob.? 1
  • Verifying efficiency requires finding c agents to
    charge Lindahl price 1, takes c logN bits
  • for ? -approximation guarantee, (k-?) log2N bits
  • Government solution approximates expected
    efficiency without any communication, prices
    (cf. Groves-Hart)
  • Another Example with many decisions, authority
    may approximate expected efficiency when finding
    prices would take exponentially longer (cf.
    Coase, Simon)
  • Examples known in which expected-surplus
    approximation is hard to attain e.g.,
    combinatorial auctions

Economics without Incentives?
  • Thought experiment people are honest. Would
    basic economics institutions (markets, firms)
  • Minimize communication by asking people to pursue
    self-interest guided by prices
  • ? Scope of market design
  • ? Required price space
  • Lower bounds on communication and evaluation
  • Average-case goals may yield non-market
    institutions (governments, firms)

Lecture 4Communication Cost of Incentives
So far
  • Can calculate communication costs of many
    economic problems
  • E.g., use the Budget Revelation Property,
    construct min. informative verifying budget
  • In some cases, cost is prohibitive, ? cost of
    full revelation of preferences
  • E.g., combinatorial auctions with general
    valuations need whole combinatorial price space
  • In other cases, cost is manageable
  • E.g., auctions or matching with substitute
    preferences enough to use individual
    prices/budget sets
  • Can we then construct an incentive-compatible

Incentives and Prices
  • Budget set in mechanism design set of agents
    attainable outcomes
  • E.g. Menus Taxation Principle
  • Incentives agent maximizes utility within his
    budget set
  • Remarkable even with no incentives (truthful
    agents), must still describe budget sets, ask
    agents to maximize own utility within them
  • For social goals that are congruent with

Nash implementation
  • Agents preferences commonly known (but not to
  • Mechanism g M1? ? MN ? X
  • (Full) implementation Set of Nash Equilibria
    F(R) ?R 2 R
  • m is NE of g ? (B, x) is a budget equilibrium,
    where xg(m), Bi g(mi?,m-i) mi? 2 Mi ?i
  • ? A Nash protocol is a budget protocol
  • Theorem 1 ? Any Nash implementable F is monotonic
  • Even with symmetric info, selfishness ? reveal
    budget sets
  • Proposition Communication cost of Nash
    implementation ? communication cost of full
  • May not hold for extensive-form mechanisms (in
    which strategies m are not revealed)

Communication Cost of (1-stage) Nash
  • Monotonicity ? Nash implementability
    (not every budget equilibrium protocol is a Nash
  • But is almost sufficient
  • Definition F has No Veto Power (NVP) if i
    xRiy ?y 2 Y ? N 1 ? x 2 F(R).
  • Trivial in economic applications with N ? 3
  • Maskin (1977) Any monotonic NVP choice rule is
    Nash implementable
  • Proposition If F is IM and NVP,
    communication cost of Nash implementation ? N
    ? (communication cost of full realization)

Proof Mechanism
  • Let ? minimal space of budget equilibria fully
    verifying F
  • Each agent i announces (Ei, li), where Ei
    (B1i,, BNi, xi) 2 ?, li 2 1,, N
  • E1 EN (B1,, BN, x) ? implement x
  • Ej (B1,, BN, x) ?j?i and xi ? Bi ? implement x
  • Ej (B1,, BN, x) ?j?i and xi 2 Bi ? implement
  • Otherwise implement xi for i (?j lj ) modN 1
  • x 2 F(R) ? all agents announcing the same
    equilibrium (B1,, BN, x) 2 ? in state R is a NE
  • Case-1 NE (B1,, BN, x) verifies x, is a budget
    eqm in state R ? x 2 F(R)
  • Other cases all but (perhaps) one agent could
    deviate to Case 4 to get his best outcome ? by
    NVP, x 2 F(R)

  • May further reduce cost e.g. by letting Bi be
    announced only by agent i modN1
  • McKelvey, Reiter-Reichelstein
  • Key each agents budget set must be determined
    by others messages prevent price
  • With private information, incentives require
    constructing Bi without using is info ? extra
    communication cost

Communication Cost of Selfishness (with Ron Fadel)
  • Incentive-Compatibility with private information
  • Ex Post IC Each agents strategy is optimal
    given others even if he knew other agents types
  • Weaker than Dominant-Strategy IC in an extensive
    form, dont consider others unused strategies
  • Bayesian IC Each agents strategy is optimal
    given others on expectation over their types

Communication Cost of Selfishness
  • CCS (Minimal Communication Cost of an
    Incentive-Compatible mechanism) - Communication
  • Related work Reichelstein 1984, Green and
    Laffont 1987, Lahaie and Parkes 2004, Feigenbaum
    el al. 2004, Johari 2004

  • Quasilinear payoffs ui(y)ti, with y 2 Y
  • ui 2 Ui ½ ?Y - private type of agent i
  • Types drawn independently (basic model)
  • Decision function f U1 UI ! Y
  • Dont care about transfers

Communication Protocols
Communication cost
3 bits (worst-case)
  • Binary extensive-form message game (tree)
  • Agents (type-contingent) strategies
  • Outcomes assigned to leaves

Incentivizing a Protocol
, t11, t21
, t12 , t22
, t13, t23
, t14, t24
, t15, t25
  • Assign incentivizing payments to the leaves
  • Hide history (create Information Sets) to prevent
    contingent deviations
  • A given protocol may not be incentivizable may
    need more communication

Sources of CCS
  • EPIC No need to hide info CCS comes from the
    need to compute payments
  • BIC CCS comes from need to hide info (computing
    payments does not require extra bits)
  • Restrict to f that is implementable in some IC
    mechanism (e.g. full revelation)
  • for others, CCS 1

A Protocol that cant be EPIC incentivized
  • Allocate one object between two agents
  • efficiently values v1 2 1,2,3,4, v2 2 0,5.
  • Protocol
  • Agent 1 announces v1 (2 bits)
  • Agent 2 takes iff v2 v1 (1 bit)
  • Intuition for EPIC, agent 1 must be charged a
    price within 1 of v2, but it is not revealed
  • Can show that any EPIC protocol must take 3
    bits ? EPIC CCS 1
  • A similar example for BIC

An Upper Bound on CCS(both BIC and EPIC)
  • Take a protocol P computing f (which is
  • Can incentivize agents if observe their
    strategies in P
  • Transfers need only depend on the strategies
  • Punish strategies that are not consistent with
    any type
  • Protocol in which all agents simultaneously
    announce their strategies in P is incentivizable

An Upper Bound on CCS(both BIC and EPIC)
  • A d-bit protocol P has 2d decision nodes ?
    agents strategies can be described with 2d
  • ? Comm. Complexity with IC 2Comm. Complexity
  • Is the bound tight? For EPIC, open question

Example Low CCS for Efficiency
  • f(u) solves maxy ?i ui(y)
  • Let agents announce final utilities wi ui(y),
    pay each agent ti ?j?i wj
  • ? Agents become a team
  • ? Efficient protocol is EPIC
  • ? Even if cant reach full efficiency, strategies
    maximizing expected surplus form a BNE
  • Also, any EPIC implementable f (e.g., efficiency)
    has BIC CCS 0

Exponential Bound reached for BIC
  • Expert privately knows 1-to-1 mapping between K
    decisions and K consequences
  • Also has a private utility over decisions
  • Boss privately knows desired consequence

Bound is reached for BIC
  • A simple protocol
  • Boss announces desired consequence (logK bits),
  • Expert decides (logK bits)
  • Not BIC Expert will maximize own utility

Bound is reached for BIC
  • A BIC protocol
  • Expert reveals mapping
  • ( log(K!)KlogK bits exponentially longer)
  • Boss decides
  • We show that any BIC protocol takes K/2 bits
    - exponentially longer than the simple protocol

Extensions CCS is unbounded for
  • Average-case communication complexity
  • Example allocate object efficiently between 2
    agents with values uniformly drawn from 0,1
  • Bisection takes on expectation 4 bits (Arrow et
  • EPIC for Agent 1 requires essentially charging
    him agent 2s value, which has unbounded entropy
  • BIC CCS with Correlated Types
  • Example Agent 1 has large type that determines
    binary outcome and correlates with Agent 2s type
  • BIC must punish Agent 1 when caught lying by
    Agent 2
  • EPIC CCS with Interdependent Valuations
    vi(x,si,s-i), where si is agent is type
  • Example Agent 1 knows whether he should get the
    object but his value for it is known only to
    Agent 2
  • EPIC requires charging Agent 1 this value

Open Questions
  • EPIC CCS how high can it be?
  • In what practical problems is CCS low?
  • Can CCS be reduced substantially if ICs only need
    to be satisfied approximately (equivalently,
    utilities given with finite precision)?

Ideas for understanding firms
  • Coase (1937), Simon (1951) firms are islands of
    authority where discovering what the relevant
    prices are is too costly
  • Have example where authority achieves efficiency
    with probability ? 1, but verifying it (finding
    prices) takes exponentially more bits
  • Communication may be distributed to economize on
    individual costs
  • Individual costs may be reduced by hiring extra
    agents (managers) to relay prices (cf.
    computational models of Radner - van Zandt)
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