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... is to reach a clear conclusion about the attractiveness of one's industry ... performing and poorer performing firms in the industry one proposes to enter ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture Outline

Lecture Outline
MAN 6721 Strategic Management
Class 4
The New Business Road TestChapters
1-4 Thursday, February 8, 2007
Chapter 1 My Opportunity Why Will or Wont This
Work? The New Business Road Test John W. Mullins
The Seven Domains of Attractive
OpportunitiesSlide 1 of 3
Market Domain
Industry Domain
Market attractiveness
Industry attractiveness
Mission, aspirations, propensity for risk
Ability to execute on CFSs
Team Domain
Connectedness up, down, across value chain
Sustained advantage
Target segment benefits and attractiveness
The Seven Domains of Attractive
OpportunitiesSlide 2 of 3
  • Insights Provided by The Model
  • Markets and industries are not the same
  • Both macro- and micro-level considerations are
    necessary markets and industries must be
    examined at both levels
  • The keys to assessing entrepreneurs and
    entrepreneurial teams arent simply found on
    their resumes or in assessments of their
    entrepreneurial character

The Seven Domains of Attractive
OpportunitiesSlide 3 of 3
  • Addresses The Central Elements in the Assessment
    of Any Market Opportunity
  • Are the market and the industry attractive?
  • Does the opportunity offer compelling customer
    benefits as well as a sustainable advantage over
    other solutions to the customers needs?
  • Can the team deliver the results they seek and
    promise to others?

Differences Between Markets and IndustriesSlide
1 of 2
  • Markets
  • Consists of a group of current and/or potential
    customers having the willingness and ability to
    buy productsgoods or servicesto satisfy a
    particular class of wants or needs.
  • Thus, markets consist of buyerspeople or
    organizations and their needsnot products.
  • One such market, for example, consists of
    businesspeople who get hungry between meals
    during their workday. Well call this the market
    for workplace snacks.

Differences Between Markets and IndustriesSlide
2 of 2
  • Industries
  • An industry consists of sellerstypically
    organizationsthat offer products or classes of
    products that are similar and close substitutes
    for one another.
  • What industries serve the market for workplace
  • At the producer level, there is the salty snack
    industry, the candy industry and the fresh
    produce industry, to name but three.
  • There are also industries providing the
    distribution of these products to workplaces,
    including the supermarket industry, the
    restaurant industry, the coin vending machine
    industry, the coffee bar industry and so on.

Is the Market Attractive? Macro- and Micro-
ConsiderationsSlide 1 of 3
  • Macro-level
  • Market size
  • Number of customers in the market, say for
    workplace snacks
  • The aggregate money spent by these customers on
    the relevant class of goods or services, in this
    case workplace snacks
  • The number of units of relevant products or usage
    occasions, such as workplace snacks, bought
  • Market growth rate
  • Environmental trends
  • Do the trends favor the opportunity, or will the
    entrepreneur be swimming against a powerful tide?

Is the Market Attractive? Macro- and Micro-
ConsiderationsSlide 2 of 3
  • Micro-level analysis is based on four key
  • Is there a target market segment where we might
    enter the market in which we offer the customer
    clear and compelling benefits at a price they are
    willing to pay?
  • Are these benefits, in the customers minds,
    different from and superior in some way--better,
    faster, cheaper or whateverthat whats currently
    offered by other solutions? Differentiation is
    crucial. The vast majority of me-too products
  • How large is this segment, and how fast is it
  • Is it likely our entry into this segment will
    provide us entry to other segments we may wish to
    target in the future?

Is the Market Attractive? Macro- and Micro-
ConsiderationsSlide 3 of 3
  • Takeaways from analysis
  • Many aspiring entrepreneurs make the mistake of
    examining only the macro-level
  • Through failing to identify the first customers
    who will buyalmost by nameand why they would
    benefit, and in ignoring how entry into this
    segment might create one or more options for
    growth into other market segments, they risk
    pursuing a deal-end path on two counts
  • Without differentiated benefits, most customers
    wont buy
  • Without a pathway to growth, most investors wont

Is the Industry Attractive? Macro- and Micro-
ConsiderationsSlide 1 of 4
  • Macro-level
  • Industry attractivenessPorters five forces
  • Threat of entry, buyer power, supplier power,
    threat of substitutes, competitive rivalry
  • The more forces that are favorable, the more
    attractive the industry
  • Once all the five forces have been assessed, the
    key outcome is to reach a clear conclusion about
    the attractiveness of ones industry

Is the Industry Attractive? Macro- and Micro-
ConsiderationsSlide 2 of 4
  • Micro-level
  • A new venture is not likely to grow over the long
    term if the initial advantage it brings to its
    customers cannot be sustained in the face of
    subsequent competitors entry of if its business
    model lacks economic viability
  • Thus identifying and assessing the sustainability
    of the proposed new firms competitive advantage
    is necessary to fill in the micro-level industry
    piece of the opportunity assessment puzzle

Is the Industry Attractive? Macro- and Micro-
ConsiderationsSlide 3 of 4
  • Micro-level
  • Factors that help a firm sustain its competitive
  • The presence of proprietary elementspatents,
    trade secrets and s onthat other firms are
    unable to duplicate or imitate
  • The likely presence of superior organizational
    processes, capabilities or resources that others
    would have difficulty duplicating or imitating
  • The presence of an economically viable business
    modelone that wont quickly run out of cash.
    This factor, in turn, involves a careful look at
    some more detailed issues

Is the Industry Attractive? Macro- and Micro-
ConsiderationsSlide 4 of 4
  • Micro-level
  • Factors that help a firm sustain its competitive
  • The presence of an economically viable business
    modelone that wont quickly run out of cash.
    This factor, in turn, involves a careful look at
    some more detailed issues
  • Revenue, in relation to the capital investment
    required and margins obtainable
  • Customer acquisition and retention costs, and the
    time it will take to obtain customers
  • Gross margins and their adequacy to cover the
    necessary costs structure to operate the business
  • Operating cash cycle characteristics, i.e. how
    much cash must be tied up in working capital such
    as inventory, how quickly will customers pay, and
    how slowly may suppliers and employees be paid,
    in relation to the margins the business generates

Can The Team Deliver?
  • Questions of Interest Beyond Examining Resumes
  • Does the opportunity fit the teams business
    mission, personal aspirations and risk
  • Does the team have what it takes, in a human
    sensein experience and industry know-howto
    deliver superior performance for this particular
    opportunity, given its critical success factors,
  • Those factors that tend to distinguish between
    the better performing and poorer performing firms
    in the industry one proposes to enter
  • Is the team well connected up, down and across
    the value chain so it will be quick to notice any
    opportunity or need to change its approach if
    conditions warrant?

Chapter 2 Will the Fish Bite? The New Business
Road Test John W. Mullins
Do Customers Matter?
Its not about you. Its not about your
revolutionary products or services. Successful
entrepreneurial ventures are about serving
customers and their needs. Not just any
customers. Target customers. Its about providing
differentiated benefits that are so compelling
that customers abandon their allegiance to former
providers and give their business to you.
The Seven Domains of Attractive Opportunities
Market Domain
Industry Domain
Market attractiveness
Industry attractiveness
Mission, aspirations, propensity for risk
Ability to execute on CFSs
Team Domain
Examined in Chapter 2
Connectedness up, down, across value chain
Sustained advantage
Target segment benefits and attractiveness
Four Critical Micro-level Questions About Target
  • Four Crucial Questions (for Micro-level analysis)
  • Is there a target market segment where we might
    enter the market in which we offer the customer
    clear and compelling benefits, at a price he or
    she is willing to pay?
  • Are these benefits, in the customers minds,
    different from and superior in some waybetter,
    faster, cheaper or whateverto whats currently
    offered by other solutions?
  • How large is this segment, and how fast is it
  • Is it likely that our entry into this segment
    will provide us entry into other segments that we
    may wish to target in the future?
  • Talk about lifestyle issues

The New Business Road Test Stage OneThe
Micro-Market TestSlide 1 of 2
  • What customer pain will your offering resolve?
    How strong an incentive do customers have to give
    you their money? Will the fish bite?
  • Who, precisely, are the customers that have the
    pain? Do you have detailed, accurate and current
    information about who they are, where they live
    or do business, or what they do?
  • What benefits does your offering provide that
    other solutions dont?
  • What evidence do you have the customers will buy
    what you propose to offer?

The New Business Road Test Stage OneThe
Micro-Market TestSlide 2 of 2
  • What evidence can you provide to show that your
    target market has the potential to grow?
  • What other segments exist that could benefit from
    a related offering?
  • Can you develop capabilities that are
    transferable from one segment to another?

Chapter 3 Is This a Good Market? The New
Business Road Test John W. Mullins
The Seven Domains of Attractive Opportunities
Market Domain
Industry Domain
Market attractiveness
Industry attractiveness
Examined in Chapter 3
Mission, aspirations, propensity for risk
Ability to execute on CFSs
Team Domain
Connectedness up, down, across value chain
Sustained advantage
Target segment benefits and attractiveness
Three Crucial Questions About Markets
  • Three Crucial Questions
  • Is my market large enough today to allow
    different competitors the opportunity to serve
    different segments without getting in others
  • What are the predictions for your markets
    short-term growth rate? (In the absence of other
    information to the contrary, the recent rate of
    growth in your market may be the best available
    predictor of growth in the near future)
  • What are the predictions for your markets
    long-term growth rate?
  • (This is likely to be influence heavily by
    macro-trends economic, demographic,
    sociocultural, technological, regulatory and/or

The New Business Road Test Stage TwoThe
Macro-Market Test
  • What sort of business do you want? One with
    potential to become a huge business, or a small
    lifestyle operation servicing a niche market?
    Without answering this question first, you cannot
    assess for your particular opportunity the means
    of the others below.
  • How large is the market you are seeking to serve?
    In how many ways have you measured it?
  • How fast has it grown over the last on/three/five
  • What economic, demographic, sociocultural,
    technological, regulatory or natural trends can
    you identify that will affect your market, and
    what effect, favorable or otherwise, will these
    trends have on your business

Chapter 4 Is This a Good Industry? The New
Business Road Test John W. Mullins
The Seven Domains of Attractive Opportunities
Market Domain
Industry Domain
Market attractiveness
Industry attractiveness
Examined in Chapter 4
Mission, aspirations, propensity for risk
Ability to execute on CFSs
Team Domain
Connectedness up, down, across value chain
Sustained advantage
Target segment benefits and attractiveness
Industry Attractiveness
Higher Threat
Lower Average Profits
The New Business Road Test Stage ThreeThe
Macro-Industry Test
  • Based on all five forces, what is your overall
    assessment of this industry? Just how attractive
    or unattractive is it?
  • If your industry is a poor performer overall, are
    there persuasive reasons why youll fare
    differently? If not, move on.
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