Title: Inferential Statistics
1Inferential Statistics Use sample information to
make estimates of (infer) something about a
population -sample must be a probability sample
(i.e., representative) Sample information is
called a statistic (e.g., sample mean) Population
information is called a parameter (e.g.,
population mean) Use value of sample mean to
estimate (or make inferences about) the
population mean Example Have a sample of those
who received job training and and their mean
earnings is 10,000--use this, along with other
sample information (standard deviation and sample
size) to make inferences about mean earnings for
the population of all trainees
2How are the sample mean and population mean
related? Repeated samples of a given size will
give different values of the mean. Thus the
sample mean is a random variable that has some
distribution of its own (i.e., the sampling
distribution of the sample mean). With a simple
random sample, the sample mean is distributed as
a normal random variable with a mean equal to the
population mean and a standard deviation equal to
the population standard deviation divided by the
square root of the sample size A normal random
variable has a known distribution, so it is
possible to make statements about the value of
the population mean given the value of the sample
mean (and s.d. and size).