Title: 2004 Survey Results
12004 Survey Results
- Summary and comparison of student and parent
surveys from 2003 and 2004.
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2Physical SafetyQuestion My student feels (I
feel) physically safe at LOHS.
- Parents feel their children are slightly less
safe this year than last year. - (2003 - 97 agree/2004 - 90 agree)
- But more parents felt the school was addressing
construction safety better this year. - (2003 94 agree/2004 96 agree)
- While a majority of students still agree they
feel safe, their percentage dropped slightly. - (2003 - 91 agree/2004 90 agree)
3HarassmentQuestion My student is (I feel) safe
from harassment at LOHS.
- Similar to physical safety, positive responses
from parents dropped in the area of harassment. - (2003 88 agree/2004 84 agree)
- Students also felt slightly less safe from
harassment. - (2003 66 agree/2004 65 agree)
4PressureQuestion Do you put too much pressure
on your self to achieve?Question Do your
friends put too much pressure on themselves to
- Students feel they are putting slightly less
pressure on themselves to achieve. - (2003 49 said yes/2004 48 said yes)
- Students, however, feel their friends are putting
more pressure on themselves to achieve. - (2003 52 said yes/2004 54 said yes)
5FoodQuestion How could food service be improved?
- Overwhelmingly, improvement of the food service
was the 1 issue brought up by students. With a
majority of students wanting more outside
vendors foods brought in, this is consistent
with the responses from last year as well. The
return of a cafeteria will be welcome by all when
Phase II of the construction is completed.
6Teaching StrategiesQuestion Which teaching
strategy do you find most effective?
- Consistent with last year over a third of the
students prefer class discussions as the most
effective teaching strategy. - (2003 35/2004 37)
- In second and third place in both 2003 and 2004
were Small Group/Partner Activities followed by
Lectures. - Individualized Activities and Interactive
Technologies continue to be the last two
strategies chosen by the students. -
7CIMQuestion I am adequately informed about my
(my students) progress towards earning their
CIM.Question I need more information regarding
my students progress toward the CIM.Question
What I am learning helps me complete the CIM
- Parents feel less confident that they are
receiving CIM information. - (2003 46 agree/2004 42 agree)
- More parents this year reported a desire to get
more information regarding CIM. - (2003 68/2004 79)
- While students are feeling better that they are
being kept informed. - (2003 42 agree/2004 46 agree)
- Students report that their learning is helping
them complete the CIM at a much higher rate this
year. - (2003 51 agree/2004 61 agree)
8Success of LearningQuestion My students
learning needs are being met at LOHS.Question
The environment at LOHS helps me be a successful
learner.Question LOHS is meeting my educational
- Parents reported feeling about the same on the
success of their childs learning as they did
last year. - (2003 82/2004 80)
- Students percentages have gone up since last
year, with 78 students more agreeing with this
statement. - (2003 75/2004 79)
- Slightly more students feel their educational
needs are being met. - (2003 84 agree/2004 85 agree)
9The WebQuestion I have accessed the school web
page or a teachers web page.Question Would you
appreciate more information on the schools
- Both parents and teachers are using the schools
website and teacher websites more than ever! - (2003 parents 74/2004 parents 86)
- (2003 students 91/2004 students 95)
- Parents responded in the majority, both last year
and this year, that no new information needs to
be added to the schools homepage.
10TeachersQuestion My teachers are generally
available to help me outside of class.Question
My teachers have high expectations for my
- Slight improvements in both teacher availability
and expectations were reported this year. - (Availability 2003 85 agree/2004 86
agree) - (Expectations 2003 88 agree/2004 89
agree) - The 1 response in the free response area to the
question What do you appreciate most about LOHS?
The teachers and staff!
11CounselingQuestion School personnel give me
adequate counseling and advice when I make
academic decisions about courses at LOHS.
- Consistent with the rest of the survey, only a
slight difference was reported, but 1 more
students felt the counseling they received was
adequate. (2003 65 agree/2004 66 agree)
12College or Non-College BoundQuestion The school
provides an adequate amount of information about
the steps for college application.Question The
school provides adequate information regarding
options for non-college bound students.
- Parents feel the school is doing a better job
this year with helping students with the college
application process. - (2003 71 agree/2004 78 agree)
- However, less parents feel information for
non-college bound students is adequate. (2003-
43 agree/2004 36)
13Feeling Valued RespectedQuestion I feel
valued as an individual at LOHS by
students/staff.Question Our school environment
respects individual differences.
- Students continue to feel as valued by the staff
at LOHS as they did last year. - (2003 78/2004 78)
- Students feel only slightly less valued by other
students than last year. - (2003 79/2004 78)
- Also showing a slight decrease was the feeling of
being respected as an individual. (2003 66
agree.2004 62 agree)
14Summary of results
- 954 students participated in the student survey
- 55 boys, 45 girls