Title: Introduction to Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGAs
1Introduction toField Programmable Gate Arrays
- John Coughlan
- Technology Department
- Q. What does FPGA stand for?
- FPGA Architecture
- Common characteristics
- Specialised blocks
- FPGA Design Flow
- Hardware Description Languages
- Design Tools
- FPGAs Applications
- Particle Physics
- Computing
- Trends and Future of FPGAs
3What does FPGA stand for?
- Field Programmable Gate Array
- Field in the field
- Programmable Re-Configurable Change Logic
Functions - Gate Array reference to ASIC internal
4What is an FPGA?
- Field Programmable Gate Array
- (Very) Large Scale Integrated Circuit
- Digital Logic
- Programmed after manufacture rather than
unchangeable Application Specific Integrated
Circuit ASIC - First appeared in 1980s. Took off in last
decade. - Standard IC manufacturing process
- Following Moores Law
5Why are they of Interest?
- Essential Components in modern HEP Electronics (
Industry!) - Data Acquisition (Millions Channels)
- Triggers
- Computer Interfaces VME
6What is an FPGA?
- Field Programmable Gate Array
- Configurable (Programmable) General Logic Blocks
- Configurable Interconnects
- Plus Special Purpose Blocks (Embedded Processors)
- Configured (multiple times) to perform variety of
tasks (HEP) - Simple Logic Block Islands in a Sea of
Interconnects - 10,000 100,000 (Massively Parallel HEP)
7Little bit of History
- FPGAs appeared in the 1980s. Took off in last
decade. - Bridge gap between simple Programmable Logic and
semi custom ASICs (Application Specific
Integration Circuits).
8Previous Generations Logic Devices
- Simple Logic (used to glue other ICs together)
- Reprogrammable (UV light, electrically eraseable)
- Cheap
- Easy to Program
- Many different variations
- Eg. Implement Logic as Sum of Products Terms
9Little bit of History
- Large Complex Functions
- Customised for Extremes of Speed, Low Power,
Radiation Hard (HEP) - (Very) Expensive (in small quantities) _at_ 90 nm
1M mask set - (Very) Hard to Design.
- Long Design cycles.
- Not Reprogrammable. High Risk
- Semi Custom Gate Arrays.
11FPGAs best of both worlds
- Large Complex Functions
- Programmability, Flexibility.
- Massively Parallel Architecture
- Fast Turnaround Designs
- Mass produced. Cheap
- Prototype ASICs
- Power Hungry
12Common FPGA Characteristics
- Logic Elements
- Lookup Table
- Flip Flops
- Multiplexers
- Memory Resources
- SRAM blocks
- Routing Resources
- Hierarchy Programmable Channels between Logic
Elements - Configurable I/O
- Interfaces to the real world. Logic Levels. Fast
Serial I/O - Massively Parallel Architecture (HEP)
- Clocked Logic Design
- CMOS based using SRAM cells for configuration
13Logic Elements
- Lookup Table LUTs (Combinatorial Logic)
- Multiplexers
- Flip-Flops (Clocked Registered Logic)
- Options configured by SRAM cells
- SRAM blocks
- Data Buffers (HEP)
- Code
15System on a Chip
- Recently Embedded Micro-Processors in Fabric
- Hard Cores e.g. RISC PowerPC
- Soft Cores
- Peripherals Timers, GPIO
- Run Operating System e.g. Linux
- Combine Micro-Processor
- Massively Parallel Logic
- Dual Design Flows
- Firmware HDL
- Software C
16Input and Output
- Several hundred of I/O pins
- All flavours of Logic Levels e.g. LVDS, TTL
- High Speed Serial Transceivers (up to 10? Gbps)
(HEP) - Ethernet MAC Cores
17Ethernet FPGA and PC Networks
- Ethernet MAC COREs inside FPGA
- Drive Data via Serialiser I/O and Optical
Transceiver chip - Direct to Network Card in PC.
- 2 IP Nodes on Network.
- Small DAQ systems
Dev Board
V2 Pro FPGA Rocket IO MGTs
Prog Data Generator
Gigabit Ethernet
SFP Gb Opto Transceiver
Quixtream UDP core
Prog Data Generator
18Programming an FPGA
- Field Programmable Gate Array
- Configurable (Programmable) General Logic Blocks
- Configurable Interconnects
- Bit File contains the Configuration Information
19Programming (Configuring) an FPGA
- SRAM cells holding configuration are Volatile
Memory - Lose configuration when board power is turned
off. - Keep Bit Pattern describes the Logic Functions in
non-Volatile Memory e.g. ROM or Compact Flash
card - Reprogramming takes secs
- Uses JTAG Boundary Scan
20Design Flows
- High level Description of Logic Design
- Schematic
- Hardware Description Language
- Compile into Netlist. Low (Logic Gates) level
description. - Target Netlist to FPGA Fabric
- Mapping and Packing
- Placing and Routing
- Tools Generate the Bit File
- Simulation
- Timing Analysis
21Design Flows
- Schematic Capture of Logic Design.
- Useful at Top level.
- Create Netlist. Text file with signal
22Hardware Description Languages
- Behavioural / Register Transfer Level Description
- Program Statements. Loops. If Statements etc
- Describing Mixture of Combinatorial and
Sequential Logic and Signals between. - Engineers call it Firmware
- VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language)
- Very High Speed Integrated Circuit
- Synthesis (Compilation)
- Generate Netlist
23VHDL Firmware Hardware Description
architecture Behavioral of dpmbufctrl is
signal acount std_logic_vector(31 downto
0) signal dcount std_logic_vector(31
downto 0) signal bram_addr_i
std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
begin bram_en lt'1' bram_rst lt '0' --bit
order reverse address and data buses to match EDK
scheme bram_addr(0 to 31) lt bram_addr_i(31
downto 0) --N.B. EDK DOCM addresses are byte
orientated count in 4s for whole words g1
process(clk, rst) variable state
integer range 0 to 3 variable buf_zone
integer range 0 to 1 begin if clk'event
and clk '1' then if rst '1' then
buf_zone0 acount lt (others gt '0')
dcount lt (others gt '0') bram_wen lt
(others gt '0') bram_addr_i lt X"00001FFC"
-- bram_dout_i lt (others gt '0')
state0 elsif state 0 then --wait for
din(0) at address 1FFC to be set to zero
--what about pipeline of BRAM - need to wait
before polling? bram_wen lt (others gt
'0') acount lt (others gt '0')
bram_addr_i lt X"00001FFC" bram_dout_i lt
(others gt '0') dcount lt dcount if
bram_din_i X"00000000" then state 1
else state 0 end if
24Hardware Description Languages
- View Logic as collection of Processes operating
in Parallel - Language Constructs for Multiplexers, FlipFlops
etc - Restrictive set of RTL for Synthesis
- Synthesis Tools recognise certain code constructs
and generate appropriate logic
25FPGA Design Synchronous Logic
- Pipelined. Clocked Logic.
- Combinational and Sequential Logic.
- Register Transfer Level Logic.
26VHDL Firmware is Not a Computer Program
/ C/C / a 6 / C/C init / b 2 /
C/C init / a b b a / a 2 and b 2
sequential /
27VHDL Firmware is Not a Computer Program
/ C/C / a 6 / C/C init / b 2 /
C/C init / a b b a / a 2 and b 2
sequential /
/ HDL / a 6 / HDL register init / b 2 /
HDL register init / a b b a / a 2
but b 6 concurrent /
28Hardware Description Languages
- Synthesis (Compilation)
- Generate Netlist
29Software Languages?
- Can Logic be expressed at a higher level of
Abstraction? - Familiar to Software Programmer?
- System C
- C/C Representation of Algorithms
- Class based
- Faster simulation
- Auto translation to HDL
- Lacks support by Tools
- Augmented C
- Special Statements to support
- Concurrency, clocks, pins ..etc
- Digital Signal Processing Functions
30Firmware Libraries
- Libraries of Firmware aka IP (Intellectual
Property), Cores - Buy from FPGA Vendor
- Buy from Third Parties
- Open Source
- Libraries
- VHDL code
- Black Box NetList
- Hardwired in Silicon
- Large User Community
31Debugging Designs
- Logic Simulation Tools
- Create Computer model of Logic
- Feed Test Vector signals in and compare output
with expected pattern - Virtual Logic Analysers
- Capture signals in real time whilst FPGA is
running logic
3215 Years Evolution
- SRAM based FPGA devices following Moores Law
- 200 x Logic
- 40 x Faster
- Logic Element cost 1 in 1990 0.002 in 2004
- State of Art is 65nm on 300 mm wafers
- Top of range 100,000 Logic Elements
- 1,000 pins (Ball Grid Arrays)
- Same cost
- 1995 500 Logic Elements
- 2000 10,000 Logic Elements
- 2005 50,000 Logic Elements
- Challenges
- Power. Leakage currents.
- Signal Integrity
- Design complexity
34FPGA Manufactures Market Share
Market Share ()
Calendar year 1998
All Others
35Radiation Hardness
- FPGAs in Standard CMOS Process
- Not Designed for Very Rad Hard environments
- Not used in Front End Electronics (inside
Detectors) - Single Event Upsets
- SRAM Reconfigure
- Design Logic Triple Redundancy
- Are used in low level Rad environments (outside
Detectors) - In satellites
- On Mars
36FPGA Research Developments
- High Performance Computing
37FPGA Research Developments
- Reconfigurable Computing
- Virtual Hardware
- Q. What does FPGA stand for?
- Overview of Field Programmable Gate Arrays
- Architecture
- Programming
- Design Flows
- Trends
- Why they are of interest (in HEP)
- Thanks for your attention
- Please come along and visit our electronics lab
40Spare Slides
41Choosing an FPGA
- Vendor
- Resources Logic
- Memory
- I/O pins
- Packaging
- Device Families
- Vendor Tools, IP Cores
- Special Purpose blocks e.g. CPUs
- Speed Grade
- Cost
42FPGA Packaging
- FPGA Package is a little PCB
- Ball Grid Arrays
- Assembly is a critical Manufacturing Step
- Signal Integrity Issues
43Special Purpose Blocks
- Digital Signal Processing Functions
- FIR Filters
- Digital Radio
- Advantage over DSP chips Massively Parallel